Chapter 9

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"Uh, I thought you told her," Leonard commented quietly. Flicking his ear, Tiberius growled at the deer, "I did tell her! Give me a moment before you leave." The white deer nodded his head solemnly and trotted away towards the class with Norman. Walking over to Gidget, Tiberius cleared his throat and murmured, "Gidget, sit down for a sec."

"Okie dokie!" Gidget replied cheerfully, promptly sitting down. Taking a seat beside her, Tiberius rumbled softly, "Gidget, Leonard has a lot of little animals to look after today. I think it would be best for everyone if you didn't accompany the class on the field trip." Tilting her head to the side, Gidget asked, "Why not?"

"Well, you know, you have trouble... remembering things," Tiberius pointed out, rubbing the back of his neck with one taloned hand. Smiling as she nodded her head, Gidget admitted, "That is true. I do suffer from short term memory loss." Wrapping his tail around her, her griffin friend continued, "Yes and we know it's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault. But if I'm being honest, you do tend to wander off. And Leonard doesn't have time for animals who wander, especially on a field trip."


"In other words, he doesn't have enough... help."

"Aw, poor Leonard. He seems overworked."

"Now do you understand?"


"You do?"


"Great! Let's go-"

"He wants me to be the teacher's assistant."

"No no no no, that's not what-"

"Oh my goodness, I've never been a teacher's assistant before!" Gidget yipped, wagging her tail. Staring at the small dog like she had somehow grown two heads, Tiberius sighed in defeat and called out, "Leonard! You got help! We're coming with you." His face lighting up, Norman squeaked, "Really! You're coming with us Dad?!" Sitting down beside his son, the griffin declared, "Yes, I'm coming along."

"Okay, great!" Leonard stammered, "Thank you so much Gidget and your majesty." Leaning his head down towards his daughter Princess, the white deer whispered hoarsely, "I definitely don't get paid enough to do this." Rolling her eyes at her dad, Princess quietly pointed out, "Dad, you don't get paid at all."

"I know!"

"So, where are we going?" Gidget asked, sitting beside the class. Her tail wagged nonstop as she gazed up at Leonard with eyes full of excitement. Clearing his throat, the teacher lifted his head and stood tall. "Class, we're going to witness the Great Deer Migration today! Can anyone tell me what migration is?" Waving his paw in the air, the porcupine Pickles called out, "It's about going home!"

"That is correct Pickles, well done!" Leonard praised the young porcupine. Turning to the rest of the class, the teacher explained, "Animals such as deer and birds migrate south for the winter but then return north come spring. They return north to their homes, to where they are from."

"If you think about it, we'll all be migrating home after this field trip," George the skunk muttered. Shrugging his shoulders, Leonard murmured, "I suppose you could say that..."

"I live on a cliff!" Cotton the mountain goat kid called out.

"Daddy and Mommy and I live in a burrow by the river," Little Blue the badger boasted pridefully.

"Where did you grow up, Gidget?" Princess asked politely, gently head butting the dog in the shoulder. Taken aback by the question, Gidget scratched behind her ear absentmindedly as she stuttered, "Me? I... I don't know. I... don't remember... wait, what were we talking about?" Coming to his friend's rescue, Norman chirped, "Where we all come from."

"Where we all come from, yes! Why are we talking about that- oh no, not that class. Oh god, why me?" Gidget rambled. Tiberius and Leonard shared a concerned look while the children listened closely. Scratching behind her ear even more out of worry, the fluffy white Pomeranian stated, "You guys seem really young but... oh alright. You see kids, some of us come into this world in different ways but it usually starts out when two animals love each other and-"

"Gidget NO!" Tiberius shouted, swiftly tackling the dog before she could say more. Stepping forward, Leonard announced in a high pitched and voice cracking manner, "Okay kids, sorry but that's a topic for a much later date! We better get a move on or else we'll miss the migration! Come on everyone, sing with me! OHHH!!!"

"Are they okay?" George asked, trying to be heard over the offkey note. Covering her ears, Little Blue asked, "What?! I can't hear you!"

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