Chapter 10

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"Dad, you can stop singing now," Princess pleaded, walking alongside her dad. Usually she didn't mind hearing him sing. She was just asking for the sake of the other kids. However, Leonard was still belting his heart out for the world to hear.

"I'm gonna go deaf by the end of today," Tiberius muttered, his ears pinned against his head. Skipping beside the griffin, Gidget was the only one in the group singing her own song to the melody of Leonard's offkey singing. Noticing a butterfly fluttering past her face, the Pomeranian was about to follow it when Tiberius grabbed her scruff and murmured through her fur, "No wandering off, remember?"

"Oh, whoops," Gidget commented with a nervous smile. Setting her down, Tiberius ruffled the fur on her head reassuringly before the both of them hurried after the class. Fortunately, they didn't have to go far for they had arrived at their destination. "Kids, welcome to the Great Deer Migration!" Leonard announced, tossing his head towards an empty open field across the river. Frowning, Little Blue hissed, "There's nothing here!"

"Wait for it..." Leonard murmured, letting his words hang in the air for a moment. His ears perked up a second later, like he heard something. The white deer turned his head to the left, towards the south. Gidget and the class followed suit just as a herd of white tailed deer leapt through the undergrowth and bounded across the meadow. Gasping in delight, the kids cheered as they watched the magnificent beasts run by. Climbing up on his dad's head to get a better view, Norman purred, "It's amazing..."

"Let's get a closer look guys!" Little Blue shouted, her earlier grumpiness gone. A chorus of cheers broke out amongst the class before they all started running up to the riverbank. Quickly outrunning them, Leonard stood his ground and blocked their path. "Kids, no. This is close enough," the white deer instructed, gesturing towards the river as he explained, "The current is too strong, it'll take you down towards the rapids and you could get hurt real bad... or worse."

With a few kids muttering complaints, the class and Leonard backed away from the raging river to watch the migration from a safe distance. However, Gidget remained. She had gone with the children to try getting a closer look at the deer. However, the fluffy white Pomeranian was now staring at the fast moving water. Her head hurt, she was seeing pictures in her mind. What was going on? Was this perhaps... a memory? She dared to get closer...

"Gidget," Tiberius called out softly. Snapping out of her thoughts, the dog raised her head and looked over her shoulder. Seated with Norman still perched atop his head, Tiberius flicked his striped tail and murmured, "Come away from the water, it's unsafe like Leonard said." Nodding her head as she backed away, Gidget stuttered, "Oh, yeah... right. Good call! I'm coming."

A butterfly flew by her face.

Completely forgetting what she was originally doing, Gidget whirled around in a desperate attempt to catch the butterfly. The beautiful winged insect flew higher, staying out of her reach. At the same time, the ground gave out from underneath her paws. The next thing the fluffy white Pomeranian knew, she was tumbling right into the river. Everything was happening so fast. As the water swept her away, she caught glimpses of the other animals racing after her, shouting and screaming her name. But then the small dog had the image of two humans calling out for her in a similar manner as the distance between them grew.

Then Gidget knocked her head against a rock and everything went black...

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