Part 7

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Thank you guys for your immense love on the story. So here is the next part

Happy Reading❤️

Two Months Later

Swara Sanskar Maheshwari was standing near the dining table with her mouth wide open looking at the scene infront of her. Not only her but every member of the family was in same condition. Swara stumbled due to shock but Parineeta held her.

"Mom am I dreaming?" Swara asked Sujata who herself was standing with support of Ram.

"Swara I think we all are sleeping and seeing one dream" Sujata said looking at her son who was quietly eating his lunch with his own hands without any tantrums and was consuming all the veggies and pulses given to him which was so rare since he doesnt like vegetables much and without making a tantrum no meal of his was completed. But today was quite opposite to that.

"Come on Mini finish your full lunch. See Chachu is also eating everything that is given to him" Parineeta said.

"Chachu not fair. I thought you were in my team. Why are you eating vegetables? Due to you now I have to eat it as well. " Mini whined since Sanskar used to throw tantrums earlier, Mini was his partner in crime at this but now poor Mini's partner has betrayed.

" Eat it Mini. If you won't then how will you grow up and be strong like adults? "Sanskar said. Mini started eating unwillingly.

Swara stared at her husband closely. Something was wrong with him. He has turned serious from this morning. In these two months no doubt there have been tremendous improvements in Sanskar. He is now less dependent on Swara for his works but still was childish. But now like a teenager boy he has started to hide his emotions from her. She needs to find out. Everyone finished their lunch and moved towards their room.

SwaSan Room

Sanskar was standing in the balcony looking into space. Swara came into the room and hugged his from behind.

"Sanskar is something wrong? What are you thinking so deeply." Swara asked keeping her head on his shoulder. Their physical contact was also progressing little by little.

"Nothing." Sanskar said faking a smile.

"From when did my prince started to lie to me about things? Of all the things I taught you this was surely not what I told." Swara said cupping his face and he bursted into tears hugging her.

"Am scared Princess. " he said

"For what?"

"That you will leave me if I wont get fine soon. So I thought to do everything you tell me very nicely so that I get fine soon. " Sanskar said sobbing making her shock.

"Who told you this?" Swara asked.

"Everyone in the party yesterday." He said.

***flashback starts***

Adarsh had cracked a big deal last week and so to celebrate it Durga Prasad Maheshwari threw a huge party yesterday to celebrate it. Almost the entire city was invited and Maheshwari Mansion was decorated like a bride.

Even the Gadodias were invited by Annapurna. Sanskar dressed in a blue tux looked really handsome. He was enjoying himself sipping on the juice. Swara was busy with some ladies ao he was sitting in a corner like obedient child.

Swara got a little emotional seeing her family. No matter what but a girl's heart will forever run after her family members even if they do injustice with her. She thought to give it a last shot and tried talking to Gadodias.

"Maa" She called Sharmishtha who had a cold attitude on her face.

"I am not your maa. I am only Ragini's maa. Stay away from me." Sharmishtha spatted at her breaking her last ray of hope.

"You said your mad husband will be fine soon but I am not seeing him anywhere near fine Swara. What happened treatment is not working?" Dadi taunted.

Slowly slowly everyone started whispering against her, her intentions of marrying Sanskar, etc.

"She takes him for jog every morning in full style wearing shameful clothes. God knows she is treating him or giving treat to the eyes of the other guys outside." Annapurna commented pointing at her character making her shock.

"I feel ashamed to even stand with you." Shekhar said and moved away.

"Enough" Asad roared. "You cannot accuse my sister like that. One more word and you'll see the hell." He threatened everyone.

All got silent but the damage was already done. Swara was broken but she atood strong. For herself, for her Sanskar. Now she was more determined to make him fine by hook or by crook.

Meanwhile on the other side

"Poor Swara, she is so beautiful, still she has to get married to this mad who doesn't matches her standard at all." Commented one of Laksh's friend.

"Oh yes Omi she is just sympathetic towards him that is why she is helping him that's it else who wants to be with a guy like him?" Laksh said smirking clearly playing with his mental health.

"For God's sake you should see how much he makes her run after him. Fucking attention seeker." Laksh sneered.

"You think she will stay with him for long? No ways. No girl has that much patience. If he won't be fine which he wont I know that already, she will leave him for some other man who will be worth her standard." Ragini said.

"Already she is a bitch. She deserves this life for dumping me. Its a treat to watch them both suffer and when she will be bored of him, I will make her mine and exploit her." Laksh said.

(Sanskar is a kid so he doesn't knows the meaning of these talks that's why he will not react to what Laksh said in last)

" My princess wont leave me. "Sanskar said.

" Yeah, we'll see that mad boy. "Ragini chuckled.

***flashback ends***

" Sanskar no need to listen to them you trust me right? "She asked cupping his face. He nodded.

" Then I promise you Sanskar I wont leave you no matter what. "She said and hugged him.

" No need to take so much stress about your treatment for them who dont know your value. You are improving Sanskar and one day you will be fine. You too will lead a normal life like others. "She said caressing his hairs.

Breaking the hug she kissed his forehead then eyes and cheeks.
" I love you. "She said looking into his eyes and placed her lips on his kissing him to which he responded equally sucking her lips. Breaking the kiss she hugged him again.

" I will make you fine soon Sanskar. Dont worry. "She promised to herself.

They both listened to the taunts in that party but Swara was mature enough to not get them to her mind but Sanskar was immature, it hit him hard.

Next day

They both were sitting in Asad's cabin at his hospital. They were there for his monthly scan. Zoya was present their too.

"We have something to tell you." Zoya said blushing.

"What?" Swara asked amused looking at the happy couple infront of her.

"We are pregnant." Asad said happily.

"WHAT! OHHH MYYY GODDDD... AM SOOOO HAPPY. CONGRATULATIONS." Swara said squealing in happiness and quickly hugged both of them.

Sanskar sat their confused.

"What happened friend? And what is pregnant?" He asked.

"Sanskar, Asad and Zoya will be soon getting a baby." Swara said making him happy.

"Really!when?" Sanskar asked.

"In about 8 months." Zoya replied.

"Why not now?" He asked.

"Because right now the baby is in Zoya's tummy. So it will come out after 8 months. She is pregnant. That's what pregnant means. " Swara told him.

Sanskar had 😮😯 expressions.

"Zoya you were so hungry you ate your own baby?" Sanskar yelled.

"WHAT" Asad, Zoya and Swara shouted.

"Yes or else why is the baby is in your tummy?" Sanskar asked curiously. The trio held their heads.

"Sanskar it happens with every mother. They have to keep the baby inside them for 9 months. Mom also kepr you inside her." Swara said making "shocking" revelation to him.

And then came the most feared question
"How did the baby reached there?" he asked making the trio quiet.

There was no way Swara was going to tell him about making love because as curious as he was he would definitely demand for a practical because its entirely a new concept for him. He was not mature enough till now to be given Sex Education. Thankfully the ward boy came informing them that the arrangements for scan were being made.

They moved for the scan and the previous topic was long forgotten.

***to be continued***

Precap- "Swara there are possibilities that Sanskar can gain his memory but there are chances that he might forget his life after the accident." Asad said dropping bomb on Swara. Will he forget her?

So guys hope you liked this update. Comment your views and hit the vote button.

Until next time

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