Part 8

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Swara along with all the family members was sitting in the hall. Asad had called a few hours back informing her that he himself will be visiting Maheshwari Mansion with Sanskar's reports.

After few minutes the door bell rang and the servant brought inside Asad.

"Asad Mamu😀" Mini squealed and ran to him. He took her in his lap and kissed her cheeks.

"How is my baby?" He asked.
"Good. My chocolate?" She asked forwarding her hands. Asad smiled and took out a big chocolate and kept on her hands.

"Now you and Sanskar Chachu go to your room and share this chocolate." Asad said and she nodded.
Holding Sanskar's hand she left for her playroom.

Family understood that there is something serious to talk about that is why Asad removed Sanskar. They congratulated Asad fir Zoya being pregnant.

"Bhai what is the matter? I would have come to hospital myself." Swara said.

"No Swara. I wanted to talk to the full family about Sanskar's health." Asad said.

"What happens Asad beta? Are the reports bad?" Sujata asked in fear.

"No aunty. Infact reports are very good. Due to Swara's therapy his brain in 50% healed and I am sure you too would have noticed it in his behaviour. He is no longer the stubborn kid he was." Asad said smiling making everyone relieved. Sujata and Swara thanked God for his recovery.

" But now I have come to discuss about the next step. We had already performed a surgery on him through which we had stopped his internal bleeding but unfortunately he slipped into come losing 4 years of his life. After that performing any surgery on him was dangerous. "Asad said to which all nodded.

" But now since his brain is healing. I had sent his reports to Chicago. There are also the doctors are saying same which I am thinking. "Asad continued.

" His body is ready for a second surgery. "He said taking a deep breath making Swara gasp.

" Bhai are you sure? I dont want to lose him. I cant. "She said with teary eyes.

" Swara ofcourse I am sure. I have assessed multiple possibilities and all are  telling me that there is no harm. Through this it is possible that he will gain not only his mental balance but also his memory. "He said making everyone happy.

He clutched Swara's hand tightly" But... "he said hesitating.

" But what bhai? "She asked.

" There are chances that he will forget his current life. The life after the accident. "Asad said dropping bomb on Swara.

A lone tear escaped from her eyes on listening him." Will he forget her? "That's all she could thought. Parineeta squeezed her shoulder in supoort bringing her back from her thoughts.

" No matter what, the surgery will be performed. "Swara said wiping her tears.

" But Swara.. "Sujata started.

" No mom. He deserves a normal life. I have done his therapy for this day only. When there are chances that he can remember you all then we should not delay."Swara said with a determined tone.

"And there are only chances that he might forget me. Nothing is confirmed." Swara said more to herself.

"I will ask Dr. Johnson to fly down here for his surgery." Asad said to which Swara nodded.

Suddenly her eyes caught him standing near staircase and the look on his face told her that he heard everything. She gave a fake smile to him but he had a blank look, hard to guess that what he was thinking.

" Okay now I'll take my leave. Zoya is also alone at home." Asad said getting up. Swara walked him to door.

"Are you okay?" Asad asked her.

"Yes bhai. For Sanskar to get justice, we need this. If I'll be fortunate then God will definitely be on my side." She said.

"Take care of yourself." Asad said cupping her face to which she nodded. He left.

Taking a deep breath she left for her room to talk to him.

SwaSan Room

Sanskar was sitting on his bed playing with his fingers not knowing how to react.

"Sanskar" Swara called softly sitting besides him.

He lied down putting his head on her lap. She started caressing his hairs. They sat in silence for a while lost in their own world.

"Friend I dont want to get the surgery." He said making her shock.

"But why Sanskar. Since yesterday you wanted to be all fine. Now what happened?" Swara asked.

"I dont want to forget you." He said.

"Sanskar we have not done any bad to anyone so nothing bad will happen I am sure."Swara said.

"Even if you will forget me then we will start afresh okay?New Life with New hopes." Swara said making him understand. He nodded happily.

But will new sanskar accept her? heck she doesnt even know what kind of a person original Sanskar was. All types of questions were crowding her mind but she brushed them off. Right now it was important to prepare Sanskar for the surgery.

"Listen to me carefully Sanskar, the success of such surgeries is dependent mostly on the will power of the patient. Go inside the operation theater with a strong will that you will come out from there fully fit and fine. you have to answer back Laksh and his friends for all the non sense they spoke right? " Swara asked and he nodded.

"Once you will be all fine, automatically their mouth will be shut." Swara said, pecked his forehead murmuring I Love You to him.

The next month went in a jiffy. Sanskar's medicines and other doses were increased in order to increase the healing rate of his brain so that not even 1% chances of coma are left. Asad was in continuous touch with the doctors in Chicago preparing for the surgery.

One week prior to the surgery

Swara and Sanskar were sitting in Asad's cabin. Today a final brain scan was held. They were anxiously sitting holding each other's hand while Asad looked at the reports.

"Sanskar's brain is now ready for a surgery. Good work Sanskar. It seems like you listened to your princess very obediently." Asad said. Sanskar nodded.

"Next Tuesday, we will be having the surgery. Till then follow your routine as usual." Asad told them. They took their leave and left.

Same Night

Everyone had slept and swara was going towards her room after filling the jug with water. Suddenly someone pulled her making her shout but the man closed her mouth. Swara was breathing heavily but then got angry looking at the person.

"What do you want laksh? she asked"

"Oh come on Swara lighten down a bit. Why are you taking such stress for that mad person? Anyways he will forget you after the surgery then I will make you mine." He said caressing her cheeks disgusting her with his touch.

She kicked him hard on his balls .

"Dream on Laksh Maheshwari. My Sanskar can never forget me. So be in your limits. I will never be yours." she said and ran towards her room while Laksh held his precious thing in pain.

A week later, on the morning of Surgery Swara was feeding Sanskar breakfast lovingly but he was eating very slowly.

"What happened Sanskar? Why are you eating so slowly?"  Swara asked. Every family member looked towards him.

"From tomorrow I will be a big boy. You will no longer feed me. I want to enjoy eating from your hands for the last time." He said slowly bringing tears in her eyes.

" So what if you will be a big boy from tomorrow. Whenever you will ask me, I will surely feed you."Swara said making him smile.

The family adored them with tears in their eyes.

"God I dont want anymore sufferings in my children's life. Please bless them." Sujata prayed.

Everyone except Annapurna and Laksh left for the Hospital. Apparently they were least interested in this.

Reaching the hospital they got Sanskar changed into hospital clothes.

"All set champ?" Asad asked. Sanskar nodded confidentally and looked towards Swara.

"Wait for me." He said

"I will. Come out all fine. For me. For us." Swara said kissing his hands. they took him inside the operation theater and the surgery started.

***to be continued***

PRECAP: He looked at her with confusion. The eyes which were always filled with adoration for him, now held confusion. No God No. She prayed.

"Who are you?" Sanskar asked her making everyone shocked.

 Did her worst nightmare just come true? 

Hey guys hope you liked this update. I wrapped up things in this one because there was no point in dragging it.

So what do you think is going to happen? Will Swara have to woo her husband again?

Please comment your views and hit the vote button.

Until Next TIme


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