For an Awesome Brother...!

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NOTE: It's not the usual couple os.... it's a brother and sister os (Laksh and Uttara's) Fenil Bro I hope you would like it!

'I was supposed to be with my new bride hugging, kissing and cuddling with her...but my fate...I am standing here...with this  Rakshasi 😹...'

His thoughts were broken by a screeching voice of his Rakshasi 😧

"Bandar bhaiyaaaaa😤"

He sighed and asked "What Rakshasi?"😧

"I have been calling you 60 times for last 60 seconds but you are so busy in your own world 😤" She huffed in anger.

"Why were you calling me?" He asked leaving a tired sigh. 😷

She showed two dresses in front of his face and asked "Which one is beautiful?"

'Both are looking like a potato sack' He wanted to say it loudly but he knows what would happen if he says that. He imagines 😴 his hair being pulled out of his head by her and becoming bald as his father. 😌

He shuddered at the thought and smiled very sweetly at his sister 😅 who looks suspiciously at him 😕 "Both are looking good, Uttara!"

She narrowed her eyes at him but asked sweetly "Really Laksh bhaiya?"😒

He nodded his head like a goat 😓. She too nodded knowingly and dropped the dresses and dragged him out of that shop. 😏

"Why you didn't take them, Uttu? I said they are good."😯 He tried to stop her but she kept walking and said "Bhaiya! They were just good. But I want THE BEST."😁

"But this is the 10th shop. Why can't you find your 'THE BEST' at one shop itself?" whined Laksh. 😧

Uttara stopped walking and turned towards him with a smirk.😏 "Actually bhai... A mahan had told me that we should search for 'THE BEST DRESS' at many 'shops'."

Laksh glared at her and remembered what he had told to his family for rejecting each and every girl they choose for him before meeting his wife Ragini. "We should search for 'THE BEST GIRL' at many houses."🙃 

Seeing his grumpy face Uttara let out a muffled laughter 🙊 and dragged him to another shop. He sat on a chair till she finds her 'THE BEST' dress. His phone vibrated notifying there was a message from 'Bacha💕'

Ragini: "How is the shopping going?" 😉

Laksh: "Boring like Hell!" 😫😭😵😬🤕🤒😷

Ragini: "Aww mera bacha😯 enjoyyyyyyyyyyy 😝"

Laksh: 😭😭😭😭

Ragini: 😂😂😂😂

Laksh: I am missing you. 😥

Ragini: Missing you too. 😩 But since you are enjoying the shopping, I am not going to disturb you. 😝😽🙊

Laksh: 😵😵 WHAT 😵😵??

Ragini: Love you Laksh 💖 Come home soon 💋

Before he could reply her his head was smacked by his Rakshasi. 😹 He gritted his teeth😬 and turned towards her who was already glaring at him.😠

"What now Rakshasi?" He asked with irritation.😡

"I was asking you which dress suits me but you are busily chatting with someone." She complained him.😤

"I was just chatting with your bhabhi. Is it wrong?" He glared at her.😠

"But you are with me now so concentrate here not on my bhabhi.😒 Let her be free from your silly whining at least for some time naa.😝" She said and turned around before he could reply her. 😌

'This Rakshasi is getting on my nerves.😤 Urgh! When can I go home😩?' He thought with a pout face. 😟😥

His thoughts were interrupted by someone who taps on his shoulder. He turned around and found a lady with her original face hiding behind a heavy make up giving a flirty look to him.

'Can this day get any better?' He thought to himself🙃

"Yeah?" He asked her.😮

"Is she your girlfriend? I pity you if so she is." She said with a fake sad tone looking towards Uttara.😌

Laksh shook his head in no and said "No. Actually..."

But he was interrupted by that lady with her screeching voice😒 "Oh that's cool! So you are not taken. You see I am also single now. about we both go for a date?"

He groaned internally😦 but outside he puts a small smile so that she won't be feeling uncomfortable. "Actually Ms..."

But again he was interrupted by her.😩 "Oh! You can call me Tanya or Tanu or simply baby." She said and winked at him.🙄

He rolled his eyes🙄 and said "Actually Ms. Tanya I am..."

He was once again interrupted but this time by his phone📱. He said 'excuse me' and looked at his phone. It showed 'Bacha💕 calling'. He attended the call and before he could say 'hello' he was interrupted by Ragini's command. (Poor soul😹)

"Put the phone on speaker."😑

Laksh was confused and asked "What happened bacha?"😶

He heard her yelling him "PUT THE PHONE ON SPEAKER!"😣

She yelled much loudly that he had to put the phone away from his ear and flinch on her tone😥. Without saying another word he did what she said.🤐

"I did it."

"Don't dare to cut the call."😮

Before he could know what she was meaning, he heard a high pitched sound of Ragini yelling "How dare you to flirt with my husband, you dirty pig!"😠😡

"HUSBAND"😱 That lady gasped aloud making Laksh to nod his head and gave her 'I was trying to say this only'😩 look.

"YES! He is MY husband😤. Don't dare to flirt with him Ms. He is MINE!🙍 Stay away from him. If not, I would kill you house wrecker🙅." Ragini yelled in dangerous tone making passers by giving them a weird look😧. Seeing their looks, Laksh and that lady were embarrassed😳. And so that lady ran away from that place making Laksh sigh in relief😌. Now he tried to control the situation.

"Ragini, that's enough! She is gone. Now shall I off the speaker mode?" He said in a polite and calm tone which also contains some fear.😓

"Ragini...?😮 Now I became Ragini from bacha to you?" asked Ragini dramatically making Laksh to wide his eyes and shook his head😱. He cuts the speaker mode and started to beg Ragini.

"Bacha, I am sorry. I didn't mean to call you by name but..."😦

He was interrupted by her sniff noise along with her words "No! Stop it! I thought you were so much bored because of shopping but I never knew that you would keep yourself busy by flirting with some women."😷

Laksh immediately shook his head in no and tried to make his wife understand by saying "No Rag... I mean bacha! She only came to me and tried to flirt with me. I tried to say her that I am married but she never let me to also you too had called me at that time."😟😞

"Whatever! I will teach you a lesson when you reach home😸. For now bye... love you💖!" said Ragini and cut the call without waiting for his reply.

Laksh sighed and muttered "Love you too...💖" while looking at his phone.

'But... How did she know what happened here?' Laksh thought confusedly😮. At the same time Uttara was looking at him from distance and laughing clutching her stomach seeing his reactions.😹 {So you would have guessed how Ragini comes to know...right?}👻

Few hours later...🕓

Laksh and Uttara were sitting on a bench at a park.🎠 They both were looking at the happily playing children who knew only enjoyment and had no worries.😍😻 They remembered their childhood days like how they would play happily😻, fight for no reasons😽, getting punishments for their pranks☠, putting blame on each other👻 also saving the other from getting punishment😇, helping in doing home works🤓, going to school🤒, their happy moments😍 and many😎. They didn't even know that the time had passed that it became dark🕖 and all the children had gone to their home, while they were still remembering everything.😴

Suddenly Uttara heard the ice cream bell sound.🔔 Her eyes lit up in excitement and immediately nudged Laksh to buy it for her. He smiled looking at her excitement and went to get ice creams.🍦 While she was sitting in the same bench and waiting for her ice cream she felt some shadows surrounding her. She frowned and looked back to find some men who seemed to be drunk were looking at her with bad intentions.😠 She gulped and looked for Laksh but he was not anywhere till her eyes could see.😨 She started to panic and looked back at those men who were enjoying the scared face of their prey. She immediately stood from there and tried to go away but they blocked her way. Tears filled her eyes; she tried to be strong and glared at them dangerously.👿 But it was useless in front of those men.  

When one of them tried to touch her, a fisted hand came in contact with his cheek making him fall on the ground with a thud!🤕 Every pair of eyes moved towards the direction of our hero😎 to find him already glaring at those men. Uttara sighed in relief when she found her hero or say brother. Those men looked at the one who was still on the ground groaning in pain and gulped in fear😷. They once again looked at Laksh to find him giving them a chance to run away. So they did the best! They ran away without even caring about the man on the ground😌. He looked up to find Laksh's cold gaze on him. He gulped and ran away for his dear life.😒 Laksh glared at them till they were out of his sight then towards his sister to find her already glaring at him😡. She marched towards him still glaring at him making him look innocently at her.😮

"How dare you to leave me like that?" She shouted him at the top of her voice.😤

His eyes widen in shock and said " are the one who asked for ice cream!"😕

"Yeah I am the one who asked but it doesn't mean you should leave me alone at this time." She accused him while narrowing her eyes at him.😒

"Hey! Don't blame me for everything. You asked for it. I know you are the one who tried to provoke a fight between me and my Ragini." Now he narrowed his eyes at her and continued saying "So to punish you I thought to scare you and hid behind a tree but from nowhere those jerks came and I have to come out."😆

"WHAT? You tried to scare this innocent girl? How could you?!" She asked dramatically. 😅

Laksh looks everywhere but not Uttara and said innocently "I can't see any 'the innocent girl' here." 😄

"Hello Mister! I am that innocent girl. You tried to prank me naa see I will tell bhabhi about what all you have done when you were studying college." She said and placed her hands on her hip smirking evilly at him. 😏

Laksh gulped but still had a cool expression on his face and asked "About what exactly are you going to tell her?" 😮

Uttara chuckled like a witch and said "About how you would flirt with each and every girl, about how many girls tried to propose you, about how you would torture your poor professors, about how you would pose me as your girl friend just to shoo away some creepy girls, about how you would steal my cosmetics and girly things just to please some crushes of yours'." She finished while rolling her eyes. 🙄

This time Laksh really scared of this witch😈 but still he chuckled and said "They were all past... and they were happened before our marriage, so Ragini wouldn't mind them." 😇

But her smirk just widens more; she raised her eyebrows at him while looking mischievously and said "Really? You think nothing will happen. Aww my poor brother, you still didn't understand about bhabhi or about girls. Tchu...tchu...tchu"😝

Laksh raised his eyebrow at her and asked "What are you saying?" 😯

Uttara grinned widely and said "Bhabhi is very possessive on you. Also, no girls can tolerate hearing about their husband's past which has some other girls involved." 😑

Laksh's breath caught on his throat while Uttara grinned at him. "So shall I?" She mocked at him who shook his head but she nodded and started to run away.😓

"You Rakshasi... stop... STOP UTTARA! I will be damned if you create any misunderstandings between us." He shouted and chased her while she stuck out her tongue at him and ran quickly.😸

Next day morning,🌄

At airport,🛫

RP, Laksh and Ragini were standing inside while Sujatha was hugging Uttara. She caressed her face and said "My innocent beti! Take care of yourself bacha... If you have any problem just call us... we would be there at next minute."😻

"Only if we have doraemom's anywhere door!" muttered Laksh sarcastically🙄 earning a punch from Ragini and glare from Uttara but soon she turned her face away while he did the same to her.🙍She then hugged her father and then her bhabhi.

She hugged Ragini and muttered in her ear "Take care of bhai, bhabhi."💕

Ragini smiled while pulling away and said "Of course!" while Laksh was trying to suppress his smile... of course he heard her... eavesdropping!😉

Uttara smiled mischievously and said "Bhabhi! When I visit you guys next year, I should be received by everyone along with a little champ!"😍😆

She winked at Ragini making her blush while Laksh smirked at his wife.😏 That's when his gaze met Uttara's. They gave the meanest glare to each other and turned their heads in opposite direction at a time.🙍🙅😑 Ragini saw between them and tried to put some senses to Laksh but before that Sujatha nudged her and said "They will fight like 'Kid vs Kat' for a minute and next minute they would be joining a team and play prank on us or tease us.😌 So don't take these melodramas seriously.🙄

{How many know this show??💖👼 And I am not asking you devil 🙄}

She finished saying while Ragini just nodded at her. That's when they heard the pre-boarding announcement for Uttara's flight. Laksh and Uttara looked at each other but still they didn't speak or take a step to approach the other. Finally Uttara sighed and turned around to go...💔

"Take care!"😍 Her brother's voice stopped her from taking another step. She didn't turn back but listened what he was saying to her.🙍

"Don't stay outside too late. Don't trust everyone. Don't cry for everything. Don't talk with strangers. Don't bunk the classes. Don't get close to any guys. Don't be nervous. Be honest. Eat properly. Take care of your health. Learn properly. Come out with flying colors. If there is any issues then just call me, I will be right there. {Now where would he get 'anywhere door'?🤔😸 thought Ragini}" His tone was strict but there reflected his protectiveness and love for his little sister.🙍😻 His family gaped at him while his sister's eyes brimmed with tears.😢 She just nodded without even turning to him. And started walking only to be interrupted by him...😳

"Don't do shopping because you bought everything yesterday Rakshasi!"😹 By hearing that, she stomped on the ground and rushed towards him gritting her teeth.😬

"Even now you are calling me Rakshasi! I am going to kill you now!"😹 With that she tried to punch him but he pulled her into a teddy bear hug😻. She tried come out of his hug and punch him but he didn't let her. She sighed and stopped struggling and hugged him letting out her tears.😿 Their family members looked them in awe. Laksh broke the hug and rubbed off her tears.

"You are always my little demon!"🙊 He said while pulling her nose earning a pout from her and giggles from everyone.😄

"I will miss you Bandar bhaiya!"🙊 She said sadly and hugged him again.😆

Laksh sighed and rubbed his own tear before it rolls down his cheek😇 and said "I will miss you too Rakshasi!"😻

She smiled and about to go but he said "I have something for you!" With that he took a bag and gave it to her while asking her to open it. She opened it and jumped happily seeing her little present.😍

He took the Shinchan doll and gave it to her while saying "It's for you💕 and this (taking the Himawari doll) is for me!💖 Just see him whenever you miss me💞, like the Shinchan protecting Himawari💝, this Shinchan will protect you Himawari!💟"

He smiled sweetly at her while she returned the same.😍😊 Final announcement was made, so she quickly kissed everyone's cheeks and ran towards her dream of fashion designing. 👼


💕How much ever they can fight but at the end of the day they would be gossiping and teasing others.🙊 Having a brother is like having a permanent body guard for sisters!😹 They would be protective as well as caring. They can be an irritating bug too!😬 But at the end they are the lovely creatures.💕

Having a brother is a blessing and I am happy to say that I am blessed with a lovely brother in both real and here. You are the first and only brother I got in TU Fenil bro!💞 You are an amazing and awesome brother.😊 You never failed in making me feel special.😍 And I am really sorry for not wishing on your birthday because I didn't know or maybe I would have forgotten.😢 You know am an amnesia patient right? So please forgive this honey sis of yours'.😫 Also I gave you something different as you asked and I hope you liked it! And I hope you are doing fine...💕 And bro... advance Happy Raksha bandhan! 💞

With love,💖

Your honey sis!💝

Take care... Keep smiling...!😍😘

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