To dear devil ji 😈👻!!

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Ragini was sitting in a coach on her balcony with tears in her eyes. She was just looking at the moon longingly. She wanted to pour her emotions to someone. But she didn't find them. All she had was that moon. Not only for today, for almost 1 year. Her thoughts were disturbed when her phone chimed indicating that she received message from someone. She opened it and found herself smiling seeing the name 'DEVIL' sending the message



Are you ok?

Ragini's eyes blurred seeing it. She wanted to say so many things. She just wanted to pour everything and cry her heart out to her devil. She was lost in her thoughts that didn't realize that devil had sent her some new messages.

Tell me what happened!

You there!?


Yeah, I am there.

And I am fine!


I was worried that you messaged me "hi"

Aww devil, I am saying naa I am fine.

Here goes again!


What did I do DEVIL?

I just called you by your name!


My dear dad and mom had named me as AVNI.

And being your elder sister, I named you as DEVIL!

My lovely cutie DEVIL!


Hehehe ;p


Now you tell me, what's jiju doing?

That wiped off the smile from Ragini's face. She looked at the room where she have been staying for the past 1 year, and found her name sake husband typing furiously on his laptop. She sighed sadly and replied to her little sister.


At this hour?!


Can't he complete his work at office and spend some quality time with his lovely wife?

Ragini sighed sadly and thought 'He works at home to avoid spending time with me, Avni'. But instead she messaged,

He usually won't bring work to home.

But on rare occasions he does it.

And I am not complaining.

Work is important naa?

Wife is also important di!

I forgive him this time, but if he repeats it again, I will take you away and show him what it feels to not having a beautiful wife like you beside him.

Ragini smiled sadly seeing the message and thought 'He won't be feeling anything, Avni. Instead, he will be happy that I am away from him and he can live his life happily without me.' But she diverted the topic messaging,

OMG! From when have you started to speak like a mature old lady?


I am just using my smart brain to give solution for the problems in your life.

That's a good joke! ;p

What? I am a born intelligent!

And don't you dare try to deny it.

*surrender* as you say my devil!

Ok now, go to sleep!

It's already late.

Ok then, good night di!

Good night devil!

Oh wait!


You are still awake while jiju is working.

So are you guys going to do naughty things after the work?




Oh di, come on! Don't be shy!

It's common between married couple!


I am not scared! ;p

Oh di, don't forget to tell jiju that I want a girl baby!

Ragini immediately pressed the power button and locked the phone. 'That stupid devil' she muttered to herself.

"Ragini" She heard her husband calling her from behind. She turned to look at him, her husband, Laksh Maheshwari. He was standing behind the coach looking at her with frown. She stood infront of him and looked at his handsome face. He is the man who can make her knees go weak just by his sight. She always wanted to look into his intense eyes and find some love and care for her. But all she gets was icy cold stare. She wanted to hug him and keep her head on his chest to listen to his heart beat to find whether her closeness makes his heart go crazy. But all she gets was a formal hug that too when they were in public. She wanted to tell something stupid and make him laugh or atleast smile. But all she gets was "Leave me alone" or "Can't you keep your jokes with yourself?" or "Excuse me, I have some work to do." She wanted to go around the world with him or atleast to their garden by holding hands. But all she gets was a cold hand on her waist that too when they were in public. She wanted him to love her and respect her decisions. But all she gets was his ignorance.

She knows that theirs was an arranged marriage. But still she loves him whole heartedly. She sees him as her lifeline but for him she was just a roommate who shares his bed. And she knows that, also the reason behind it too; his ex-lover. She left him for another rich man. He loved her truly and her action broke his heart. So he didn't allow another woman to come near him. But his mother blackmailed him emotionally and got him married to Ragini. Ragini tried her level best to impress him and spend some quality time with him. But he always ignores her or goes to office and does work at home too to avoid Ragini. She was hurt by his actions. She was hurt that he still clung to his past and didn't notice his wife. She felt unloved and alone. But still she didn't tell about her weak relation to her family. Because she knows that they will be worried for her also her father would sue Laksh for making his daughter cry.

Her thoughts were broken when she felt him shaking her a bit. "Are you alright?" He asked with concern in his eyes. She was surprised to see it. "I-I am fine. Why? What happened?" She asked hiding her surprise. "You were giggling and smiling seeing your phone for past 1 hour. And when I came here your face was flushed. So I asked you. But you sure, you are fine? Do you feel feverish? Shall I call the doctor?" "Was I doing them?" She asked surprisingly and just shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know that she was doing them until he said so. His words made her realize that he was watching her while she was messaging Avni. She was amazed to find that he was actually noticing her and caring for her too. That thought made her smile. Then she said "Good night" and went to sleep with that smile on her face.

Laksh just stood there and looked at her. He hasn't seen her smile like this when she was near him. Yeah she had smiled a lot near him, mostly a fake one, sometimes a welcoming one, and sometimes sad ones but not this one, a happy smile. She was smiling and giggling when she was messaging. He wanted to know whom she was messaging. So he came behind her and was about to peep on her phone, she pressed the power button and locked the phone. He frowned seeing her flushed face. The Ragini sitting on his coach, in his balcony was very much different from the Ragini, his wife. This new side of her makes his heart go crazy and at the same time feel a bit jealous that she wasn't like this when she was near him. He wanted to know that special person who can make Ragini lively and charming.

So he waited till he was sure that she had slept. He was on his side and tried to take Ragini's mobile from the nightstand on her side. He was above her and checked now and then, if she was awake. He had never been in this situation before. She was making him to do things that he had never done before. Finally he reached the mobile and tried to unlock it but he found that she had kept password for it. He was irritated that he didn't know her password. So he just kept the mobile on his side nightstand and lay on the bed. He looked towards Ragini. She was sleeping peacefully. Her beautiful vibrant eyes being closed and her long eyelashes resting on her soft cheeks, her pouty lips and button nose pulls him towards her. She always has this aura of attracting his heart towards him. He tried to deny it first. But the more he denies, the more his attraction becomes strong. 'It's enough! Enough of running away! I am ready to give in to this relationship!' He thought and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Good night!" He muttered softly and closed his eyes. His lips had a small smile that was very unusual of him.

Next day morning,

Laksh was on a call and climbing down from stairs. His eyes fall on Ragini who was busily cooking while murmuring some song. The way her lips moved, eyes shined, nose wrinkled while tasting, her hair dancing to her tune, her every activity made Laksh to stand like a statue and admire her. He came back to reality when he heard someone repeatedly calling his name. He glanced at his phone to find that the call was still going and he didn't even respond. He cleared his throat and said that he will call later and cut the call without letting that other person to say something.


Someone made the sound behind his back. He rolled his eyes knowing that his mischievous brother had seen everything. He turned towards him and raised his eyebrow at him, Raj. "What?" He asked to which Raj grinned at him mischievously and said "I can smell something." "What?" Laksh asked with a frown. "Romance... after a long time I can smell this." He said while sniffing. Laksh slapped his head and signed him to go. Raj sticks out his tongue at him and ran to Ragini. "Good morning bhabhi!" He said with usual enthusiasm. "Good morning, Raj!" She said with a pleasant smile. "Good morning Ragini!" She heard a voice saying behind her. She turned her neck in shock to find her husband staring at her with a soft smile on his face. His small smile took her breath away. This was very unusual of him. He never wishes her or says any pleasantries. It was always her. And now when he says it; she feels like her husband had severely affected by some disease or maybe he was suffering from amnesia. But still she smiled at him and repeated the same and continued cooking.

Adding to her shock, he sat with her in dining table during breakfast also tried to make some conversations with her. She badly wanted pinch herself or pull Laksh by his collar and shake him repeatedly while asking "What the hell had happened to you?" But she didn't do the both. Instead she just acted along with him. She didn't know what made him to do these things but she was sure there was something behind his all actions, so she decided to go with the flow. Laksh got ready to leave to his work. He moved towards Ragini and kissed her cheek and said "Bye!" His action made her feel dizzy while Raj looked at them with big eyes. He was also staying in this house and he had never witnessed such scene before. His condition was same like Ragini, CONFUSION!

That's when the door bell rang. Ragini took this as a chance and ran towards the door to escape from Laksh and his weird activities though it felt good to her. She opened the door and stood frozen on seeing the person infront of her. On the other hand, that person was grinning widely and hugged her tightly. "Ragini di!!" said that person in a thick voice. Ragini's eyes widen on hearing the voice. She broke the hug and was about to ask something but got interrupted as Laksh came outside to see who had came. He saw boy more like a tomboy with big harry potter glasses wearing a thick sweat shirt and pants. For a second he doubted whether that person is a boy or a tomboy. He asked Ragini "Who is this?" Ragini didn't know what to answer, so that person introduced himself.

"Yo! I am Chulbul, Ragini's best friend!" He said in a thick voice that made Laksh convince himself that it's a guy. "Oh! Glad to meet you! I am Laksh, Ragini's husband." Laksh said and was about to hug him but to his surprise Chulbul shrieked and moved away saying "I am not into hugging!" Laksh raised his eyebrow but still nodded at him. He then looked at Ragini who was still in shock. He lightly tapped her shoulder and signed her 'what happened' to which she smiled widely and shook her head signing 'nothing'. "Ok! Invite him inside." Laksh nudged Ragini who just nodded and looked at Chulbul with narrowed eyes and said "Come in!" Chulbul grinned at her and entered the house like he own it.

The trio entered the house and saw Raj standing at the same place while thinking something seriously. When he looked up, he saw a new member coming inside their house. His eyes narrowed at Chulbul and was about to say something but Laksh beat him by saying. "Chulbul, this is my brother Raj and Raj, this is Chulbul, Ragini's best friend." Raj raised his eyebrow at Chulbul to which he narrowed his eyes at him. "Oh! But you know what bro?" Raj started saying and looked at Chulbul with knowing eyes. "I have a feel like I have met Chulbul before." Ragini gasped while Chulbul glared at Raj and said "No way! I don't have any feelings like that. Maybe you were confused." Raj just shrugged his shoulder but still his eyes didn't move away from Chulbul. Finally Laksh broke the silence by saying "Ok Ragini, I am leaving to office. Have some bestie time with your best friend. And Chulbul see you soon!" He said and went along with Raj.

Ragini sent them away and breathed a sigh in relief. She felt hands on her waist from behind and she knows whose it was. She quickly turned around and pulled the person's ear. "OUCH!" A girly shriek was heard. "You are Chulbul?" Ragini asked while narrowing her eyes at that person. "Di, please leave my poor ear. It's hurting!" said that person in a completely different voice from Chulbul. "How dare you to fool my husband, Avni?" Ragini asked angrily while leaving her ear. Avni just giggled while rubbing her ear and said "I just wanted to surprise you in this Chulbul costume and I thought jiju will find me. But he didn't. So I thought why not to play with him!" She said while winking at Ragini. "But Raj had found you. He might tell Laksh and you know Laksh hates pranks and lies. When he knows that you played with him, he will definitely get angry on you. I am worried now!" Ragini said and sat on the coach with a sad face. "Oh come one di! I don't know that that stupid monkey will find me! But still, I am sure he won't say the truth to jiju!" Avni said and removed her wig and glasses. "How are you sure about it?" Ragini asked while raising her eyebrow.

"Di, if he wanted to expose me, he would have done when he saw me. But he didn't. He just tried to scare you and me. And he was half succeeded. He scared you but not me! So I know that he won't say anything to jiju. And di, enough of this Chulbul topic! I am so hungry! Give me food!" Avni said and pouted cutely. "Aww mera devil, come I will feed you!" Ragini said and took Avni in her arms and goes to dining table. Ragini feeds Avni who was sitting on dining table and happily telling her crazy stories to Ragini. They then started to gossip, pull each other's legs and tease each other, played video games, and cooked for a while. Avni explained how her life is going while Ragini listened and cooked simultaneously. "Now di, tell me how's your life going? And how's my jiju treating you?" Avni asked while eating the cashew nuts that she found from fridge.

Ragini froze for a second and remembered Laksh's doings from morning. A small smile formed on her lips. She can feel some changes on Laksh and she hoped it remains forever. She was brought back to reality when Avni screamed in her ear "DI!!!" She found Avni turning off the gas and the food was like almost brunt. Ragini immediately started to make another dish while Avni looked at her with disbelief. "Di, I just asked you 'how's your life going on' that's it, you have started to daydream about jiju." She said and rolled her eyes. Ragini's face heat up in embarrassment. "Haan, I was dreaming about my husband! So what!?" Ragini said coolly to which Avni raised her eyebrow and said "There is nothing wrong in daydreaming, but it's wrong to daydream while your food is on stove and letting it burnt that too infront of a foodie like me!" She said and throws her hands in air dramatically. Ragini had enough of her drama so she started to chase her out of the kitchen. When they reached a bedroom, Ragini stopped chasing her and asked her to change into Chulbul because Laksh may come at any time.

That's when they heard Laksh calling "RAGINI!" Ragini and Avni looked at each other's face with horrified look. Avni then started to pick up Chulbul's dress and ran inside bathroom while Ragini sighed in relief and was about to go out, Avni called her and said "Di! I forgot that wig! Please find it naa!" Ragini slapped her forehead and started to search for that wig. She heard footsteps near the door. "Ragini" Once again Laksh called her but Ragini didn't respond him. Instead searched the wig and finally found it under the bed. She immediately took it and ran towards the bathroom and knocked the door lightly. Avni opened it quickly and took the wig from Ragini's hand in a fraction of a second and closed the door. That's when the bedroom door opened revealing Laksh.

"There you are!" Laksh said in relief and came near Ragini. Ragini gave him a weird wide smile. Laksh smiled softly and said "I have been searching for you, since I reached home, but you didn't respond. So I thought you might have gone out with Chulbul but then when I went to kitchen I found the stove is on. So I guessed you might be in our bedroom and you couldn't hear me. But I didn't expect you here, in guestroom. "Laksh said and raised his eyebrow to which Ragini gave him a tight lipped smile and said "I gave this room for the devil...I mean Chulbul! While I was cooking, Chulbul called me for towel. So I came here to help her!" "Her?" Laksh asked with a frown. Ragini immediately slapped her forehead and bit her tongue. "Him... I meant him but my tongue twisted and I said the other." She said convincingly and smiled widely at him. Laksh just looked at her and then at bathroom door. He shook his head and went out of the room while Ragini sighed in relief. She looked at the bathroom door and said "Come out, everything is all clear now!" Then she went away while Avni who was now in the Chulbul's form came out of the bathroom and sighed in relief.

At night,

Ragini was serving the dinner while Laksh, Chulbul, Raj were having it. Raj was sitting next to Chulbul while Laksh sat opposite to them. After having the first bite, Chulbul moaned in appreciation and said in the thick voice "Oh my Ragu, you are the best!" Laksh looked up at Chulbul and then at Ragini who was smiling at Chulbul adoringly. He unknowingly made a fist under the table. Raj looked at Chulbul and smirked thinking a naughty idea. He puts his hand around his shoulder and said "My bhabhi is always best." Ragini looked at his hand and at Chulbul who was trying to push off his hand. So Ragini goes between them like serving them making Raj to take away his hand. Chulbul smiled at her gratefully which she returned back with a wink. Laksh saw Chulbul's smile and Ragini's wink. He huffed and stood up catching everyone's attention. "I need to make an important call." With that he went away while Ragini looked at his back with sad face. "He didn't even complete his dinner." She said worriedly. Raj smiled and said "Bhabhi, don't worry. Take his plate to your room, he will eat." Suddenly Chulbul smiled brightly and said "And you haven't eaten yet naa, so you take a plate for yourself too. That way you guys can also spend some time naa?" He said and winked at her making Ragini grin. She nodded and took Laksh's plate and another one for herself and went to their room.

Chulbul looked at Raj and said in her own voice "How dare you to put your hands on me?" Raj smirked at her and said "What's wrong in it? I was just touching a guy. It will be wrong only if I touch a girl like that." Chulbul slapped his head and said "But you know that I am a girl naa, then why did you do it?" Raj looked at her in disbelief and said "Hey, you are a guy! How can claim yourself as girl when you are in this Chulbul costume?" Chulbul huffed in anger and took the glass filled with water and poured it on him. "I am girl in guy's form!" She said and went away while Raj narrowed his eyes at her. He then took the jug full of water and chased her. Chulbul noticed it and immediately escaped from him. Like they both started to play rounding the whole house.

Ragini entered the room to find Laksh in balcony with a frown in his face. She kept the food on a table and went near him. "Laksh" She called him softly. He slowly turned around and looked at her face. He was mesmerized just by looking at her face. His eyes stared at her chocolate brown eyes which stared back at his'. All his tension, worry, anger seems to be evaporated in the air. "Laksh" She once again called him. Laksh came out of his trance and blinked his eyes at her saying "Huh?" "I took your plate here. Please eat the food." Ragini said cutely while shaking her head in pleading manner. Laksh was once again mesmerized by her actions. He just nodded in trance making Ragini smile widely. She immediately took his and her plate. She takes them to balcony and made Laksh to sit near her in the coach and asked him to eat. They started to eat silently. Moonlight with chill breeze and stealing glances made the scene look eye catching.

Next day,

Laksh wake up late because his alarm didn't work properly. He had an early morning meeting. So he started to get ready quickly. He was already running out of time. Adding to his tension, he couldn't find any of his stuff. He shouted Ragini's name for so long. But she didn't respond him or came to him in hurry like she usually does. It frustrates him more. Finally, he was ready, but he couldn't find an important file. He searched for it at many places making the room a mess. At last, he lost his patience and started to search for Ragini. He looked for her at every room in the house, but couldn't find her. And at last he found her at garden laughing and playing with Chulbul. By seeing her laughing with Chulbul made him reach his anger to its peak. "RAGINI" He shouted in anger startling both Chulbul and Ragini. 

Looking at his angry face, Ragini and Chulbul looked at each other in worry. Laksh marched towards Ragini while she took slow steps towards him. Chulbul stood on her spot and watched them. "What happened, Laksh?" Ragini asked softly. Laksh grabbed her shoulders in a tight grip making her gasp in surprise. "You are asking what happened so coolly!? There I was shouting your name for more than a 1000 times, you didn't answer and now you are asking what happened huh?" He shouted angrily and pulled her closer. Ragini looked at him with wide eyes. She had never seen him with so much anger. This is the first time she was facing this side of his'. To say she was bit scared. "Laksh, I came to garden to water the plants. Chulbul came and we both..." Ragini said and was interrupted by Laksh who pushed her in anger and said "Chulbul! Chulbul! Chulbul! If you are so happy with him, why don't you leave me and go with him?" His words were like dagger to her heart. She looked at him stunned while Chulbul looked at Laksh in shock. Tears formed in Ragini's eyes. She said "Why are you thinking like this Laksh? I am happy with you too!" But she was interrupted by Laksh who said "But you are enjoying your life with him! Your eyes shine when you are with him. You smile and laugh more when you are with him. You even play with like a kid. But you didn't do these things with me. Why? It's because you love him not me! So why don't you leave me?" Ragini didn't know if she should laugh at Laksh or cry at his words. She looked at him with mixed emotions. Chulbul came forward and was about to say something but Laksh put his hand forwards signing stop. He looked at Ragini for one last time and went away.

Chulbul immediately came to Ragini and said "I am so sorry di; if I didn't play this prank jiju wouldn't have fight with you naa? I-I will go and tell him the truth now." He said and was about to go but Ragini grabbed her wrist and said "No need!" Chulbul didn't know what to do, so he immediately hugged her. Ragini hugged him back and cried. At last she poured her pain, loneliness, unloved feeling through the tears. Chulbul just stood there hugging her and trying to sooth her.

Laksh reached his office and cancelled all his meetings. He remembered how he hurt Ragini. Ragini's teary eyes and hurt look came infront of his eyes. He groaned in frustration and ran his fingers through his hair. 'What have I done?' He thought and closed his eyes. That's when Raj entered his cabin and looked at his brother's messed state. "What happened bhai?" He asked to which Laksh sighed and told him what happened. He thought Raj may get angry for making Ragini cry. But to his surprise, he laughed out loud and said "Are you jealous of Chulbul?" He again laughed thinking his brother is jealous of a girl. Laksh couldn't deny it so he just nodded at Raj. Raj couldn't control his laughter. He fell on the ground and rolled on the floor laughing loudly. "Seriously bhai, you are jealous of Chulbul?" Raj asked and continued to laugh. Laksh was irritated now. "Haan I am! I don't know what that Chulbul has that I don't have!" Laksh exclaimed dramatically. Raj controlled his laughter and stood up. He went to Laksh and touched his shoulder saying "Trust me bhai, you don't have anything that Chulbul has!" He once again laughed. Laksh took the water that was on table and poured on Raj. Raj immediately stopped laughing and looked at Laksh with narrowed eyes. "Good that you stopped laughing! Now go to home and take Ragini to shopping or some small tour so that when I reach home, she will be atleast have a mood of listening to me. I will apologize to her then." Raj raised his eyebrow at him and said "You will make her cry, but I have to go and pacify her? And you will come and ask for forgiveness, and she should forgive you! What logic is this?" Laksh glared at him and pushed Raj out of his room and signed him to go. Raj rolled his eyes and went to home.   

At home,

Raj arrived to find Chulbul and Ragini about to go out of house. He asked where they were going. Chulbul answered him that it's none of his business and took Ragini's arm and went away. Raj then thought of staying at home itself. But he remembered that Laksh would punish him for not with them. So he decided to follow them while rolling his eyes.

Chulbul and Ragini entered a cafe and ordered for themselves. Raj followed them and sat on the farthest table and informed it to Laksh. Laksh became upset on hearing that Chulbul was with Ragini. So he decided to go there and check on them. Chulbul tried to make an upset Ragini to smile. But she didn't. At last Chulbul remembered something and asked "Di, do you remember the first time I became Chulbul?" Ragini looked at Chulbul and smiled softly. She nods her head and said "Haan, how can I forget it?" Chulbul grinned happily that he made Ragini smile. "That Rocky is too stupid to believe that I am a guy that too your boyfriend!" Chulbul said and laughed loudly remembering how she posed as Chulbul and saved Ragini from Rocky, the bad guy of their college, as her boyfriend. Ragini laughed remembering the horrified face of Rocky also the punch he got at last from Chulbul.

That's when Laksh arrived. He saw them laughing and became irritated. 'I thought I hurt her and feeling guilty. But here she was enjoying her time with this Chulbul again!' He thought and went to Raj and sat beside him. He kept on looking at them with angry eyes while Raj had a tough time in controlling his laughter on seeing his big brother feeling jealous on a girl in the form of a boy.

While Chulbul and Ragini were talking, Chulbul mistakenly rubbed some sauce in Ragini's eyes. Ragini's eyes became watered due to irritation. So Chulbul move towards her and blows air on her eyes. Laksh looked up to find Chulbul's back towards him and Ragini was too close to him. It was like they were kissing on lips. His breathe got struck on his throat watching that scene. He immediately stood up and marched towards them. "Are you ok now, di?" Chulbul asked to which Ragini nod. "Ok. I need to use restroom. I will be back soon." Chulbul said and went to restroom.

Ragini sighed and closed her eyes. Suddenly she was pulled up from her seat by strong arms. She was scared at first but then became shocked on seeing Laksh. "Laksh... you... here?" She asked shockingly. Laksh without thinking twice crushed his lips on hers'. Ragini's eyes became wide and tried to push him away but Laksh trapped her by placing his arms around his waist and pulled her towards him. "Don't fight me Ragini!" He said huskily and kissed her once again. This time she gave in. She poured her love for him through that kiss. Laksh poured all his anger and jealous feeling making the kiss even more passionate. Ragini broke the kiss to breathe. Laksh looked at her dark eyes and then her lips while breathing heavily. He pulled her closer and whispered "You are mine!" His words sent shivers inside her body. His intense eyes make her to feel goosebumps on her skin. She literally shivered inside his arms and Laksh too felt it. He smirked seeing his effect on her. He felt proud that not only Chulbul but also no other man can make Ragini feel like how he makes her feel now. Their eyes were locked and they stood in the same position.

Their romantic scene was broken when they heard someone saying "Di help me in putting this wig naa?" They looked up to see Avni with Chulbul's wig standing there with a pout. Laksh's jaw falls on ground on seeing Avni in Chulbul's dress. He pulled away from Ragini and asked shockingly "You are Chulbul?" Raj jumped from nowhere and said "Haan bhai. This is the real form of Chulbul and you were jealous on this Chulbul only!" He said and started to laugh. Ragini and Avni looked at each other and then at Laksh. Avni tried to stop herself from bursting out into laughter while Ragini looked at Laksh with surprised eyes. "You were jealous?" Ragini asked amusingly. Laksh groaned and said "Of course I am. How can I not when I see my wife happily laughing around with some other male that too infront of me." He then looked at her and said "I am jealous because you are mine! You are my wife! And..." He pulled her closely tucking some hair behind her ear making her toes curl. "I love you!"

Avni and Raj jumped happily hearing Laksh saying 'I love you' and hugged each other unknowingly. Ragini was stunned to hear those words from Laksh. Her eyes brimmed with tears. She didn't know if she should hug him tightly and reply 'I love you too' or cry loudly sitting on the ground or slap him for making her wait for almost 1 year to hear it or faint in his arms in happiness. Avni broke the hug and went to Ragini and shook her to pull her back from her thoughts. Ragini looked at Avni, who signed her to tell her love, then at Laksh who was looking at her patiently for her answer. Ragini pulled Laksh closer by his collar and whispered "You took so long to say it." Laksh smiled softly and said "At least I said it as soon as I realized it!" She smiled with tears in her eyes. She pulled his face towards hers' and lightly touched his lips with hers'. "I love you hubby!" She whispered and pressed her lips tightly taking him for another passionate kiss.

Avni looked at them in aww while Raj looked at her with admiring eyes. He moved close to her and asked "So when are you going to say yes to me?" Avni looked at him and raised her eyebrow. "When are you going to give up on me?" Raj smirked and said "Never!" Avni frowned and asked "Never?" Raj nodded and said "I am not going to give up till you say yes to marry me!" Avni narrowed her eyes at him and asked "And if I say yes you will give up on me?" Raj chuckled and said "No. I will love you till my last breath!" His eyes shined with the love he has for her. Avni looked at his eyes and smiled secretly. She moved away from him and hugged Ragini who just broke the kiss and looking at Laksh with love filled eyes. Raj too hugged Laksh and looked Avni in the corner of his eyes. Avni looked up at him still hugging Ragini and slowly nodded her head while intensely looking at him. He grinned at her and hugged Laksh tightly. Avni giggled softly and hugged Ragini tightly. She looked down to find Laksh and Ragini are holding their hands tightly while their other hand is around their respective siblings.

Happy ending!❤️

YAY!! For the first time, I completed an OS in one day!😆 And for the first time I have attempted to write about your favorite couple Avni-Raj; I hope you like it, devil!😅 

First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEVIL!🎂🍫🍭🎉🎇🎆🎈🎊🎁 I wish you happiness, health and loads of love!😘 You are one of my favorite sisters😍 and I love you to infinite💖! You were there for me when I wanted to share something, it maybe happy moments or sad things, you were always ready to hear them. Love you so much💓 for that, and I tried my best to be with you too. But if I am not there when you needed me, I am really sorry. *Haan, I know you don't like me telling that word to you.🙄 But still I wanted to tell it.* And yeah, in future, if I get a chance to meet you, then that will be one of the happiest day in my life.😍😎 *Don't forget to ask your mother to make Chapati on that day 😜* 

Keep smiling!

Stay Happy!

Take care!

With love,

your honey di!

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