Behind the doors (pt. 1: Dib)

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Dibs POV:

After closing the door, I felt like my innocence left & made me a hallow cocoon, but at least not much can be worst right? WRONG... After just closing the door, events just go to complete & utter embarrassment...

"How was your day at school, my boy child!?" My Dad said while sitting on the couch. After he designed clone to take his place at his company, my Dad's been more close to me & Gaz since he has a TON of free time. "School was... interesting today." I answered & walked to the kitchen, getting my dinner from our robot chef Foodio 3000. While eating my baked potato topped with cheese, bacon bits, butter, & chives, Dad walked in & sat by me.

"Did they mention 'The Talk' in school, son?" I looked at him, nearly choking on some potato "*ack* DAD!" "Whaaat, It has to be mentioned at some point, better a teacher or parent telling you than you finding it on the internet..." My Dad tried calming me down & gave me a glass of water. Slightly chugging the water, I cough a bit less & steadied my breath "Y-yeah Dad, they talked about it today..."

"Well, as long as I don't smell Vaseline & any kind of what you children call 'funk' from your room, then I'll be fine if you do your homework there." After feeling like my face is on fire, my dad patted me on the back of my shoulder & went back to the living room. *God dad whyyyy* I thought going into my room & looking through the book, seeing every detailed description of 'male parts' & near the last few pages different positions.

I know this is perverted, but I thought about (Y/n) with me doing each position. Biting my lip, I try not to have anything rise from between my legs, but it failed. So instead I used a pillow to cover myself over my lap, still looking over at how deep an averaged sized penis can go in & how tight it'd be inside a women's walls. "Son, If you want I can take you to buy your first pocket pussy as they're called..." My Dad announced from outside my room, making my face go completely red again. "DAD NOT THE TIME!" I yelped slightly, accidentally dropping the book on the floor between the wall & the bed.

Quickly picking up the book, I put it back on my lap, see more about the difference between guys & girls pleasuring themselves. Man, I couldn't stop imagining (Y/n) having her fingers inside her, her moans, her cumming all over the sheets & the room only smelling like her scent. I get out & see my Dad there, just pretending to clean a toy pig on a coffee table. "Dad..." I looked at him & He almost drops the pig onto the floor. "Y-Yeah son?" "Could we go Saturday?" He placed his hand on my shoulder & I can tell he was smiling "Of course son, just give me a moment...". He then walked into his room & I swear, all you could hear is 'YES YES YEEEEES, BONDING WITH MY SOOOOOOOOOON!!!"

I gotta admit, he's been wanting to do more bonding with us but we're usually busy (y'kown, school & such). "Ok, we'll do it on Saturday!" afterwards, I went to bed & dad told me goodnight. Laying my head on the pillow, no matter what I do I think about (Y/n) & me doing some of the positions in the book. Dreaming all night of every second & every single detailed look of her face then body. In the morning, apparently I had my mouth open with tongue out, legs were wrapped around a pillow & I was moving against it, leaving bite marks on the pillow's top right corner.

Then I remember I had a meeting with The Swollen Eye Network, sitting up I didn't notice I had my first 'morning wood' today. I opened my private computer & logged in as my usual code name 'Agent MothMan', The cameras go on & I see the usual people (some I shouldn't mention 'cause code names are in code for a reason), then hearing one of them snicker & say "Well, you aren't the same 12 year old from so long ago." I then looked down & blushed again, pulling a pillow over to cover it, hearing them laugh more as I sit completely awkwardly. "Y-yeah, I guess I've matured a little..." I rubbed the back of my head slightly, trying to seem less embarrassed in front of my colleagues. "Well MothMan is an actual Moth'Man' now, right my fellow Swollen Eye's?" snickered another & they laughed again.

"Anyway, in new news, we think that an alien mating season is upon us! Usual signs are flustered faces, slight scratching behind their heads, slightly clingy attitudes towards a female, flirtation towards the female, & most dangerous to a certain extent... They'd cling to any creature as long as it's female & mark them as their eternal MATING TOY!!" said Agent DarthBooty (oops - sorry Darth, at least I didn't reveal your location -3- ), that message made me have shivers down my spine. I mean, Zim would never try anything like that with (Y/n) & he knows that we both care for her safety... right?!?

"Anyway, MothMan, how is the 'more tame' alien doing?" States a different member, scratching what I assume is his beard. "Well, he has been more docile & is becoming more reasonable. Also an old friend of me & his came back today...." I blushed again, looking away from the camera. I hear them 'oooooo'ing & DarthBooty asked "Is it that one girl you introduced us to last May?" "Why yes DarthBooty-" I continued "(Y/n)'s back in town!". Their smiles turn to frowns of worry "Well, did your alien friend act unusual around her?" said one who'd rather not have a code name & jut put 'Cat's rule 100' as a name on his screen. "He kinda did I guess, I think he blushed when she called him a nickname he hated, he was always right behind her about 8 inched or more away, then I caught him just staring at (Y/n) doodling something in his book, he wiped crumbs off the corner of her lip with his thumb, & all he said he saw in the clouds were hearts..." as I finished my sentence, all of them started chattering quietly.

"MothMan, whatever you do, Don't.Leave.Him.Alone.With.(Y/n)!" Before I could ask why, they closed off their computers & I closed off mine. 'Why shouldn't Zim be alone with (Y/n)? Sure it's always gonna be the 3 of us hanging out anyway, so why worry about him doing things like that now?!' Again my thoughts were interrupted by a loud noise, not a bell, but the slamming of my door against the wall as my sis puffs angerly looking at me. "I've called your name 49 TIMES TO GET READY & GET TO THE BUS STOP!!!" Gaz yelled so loud, she'd get a noise complaint from Russia.

After quickly getting dressed, packing my backpack, stuffing my face with breakfast, & of course hugging Dad goodbye, I got to the bus stop in time & sat in the back in the big seat with (Y/n) & Zim, I sat between them this time just in case Zim tries anything. He looked at me confused but shrugged it off, he loves looking out the window now & we play our usual car/bus ride game 'Banana'.

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