So far so, oh no.... (Male Side)

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Dib's POV:

"Why are we going into this 'Mr. Vans' class Dib stink...?" asked Zim, acting kinda like how he did before we started hanging out with (Y/n). "I don't know alien boy, but I guess something that has to do with guy related things..." I didn't honestly know until all the guys from our class sat on the floor since the schools too cheap for every room to have a desk. I was going to ask Mr. Vans why we were here, but he gave out books with a picture of a guy & a girl standing by each other the guy being a bit bigger, the title read 'Body change is normal! Boys addition' in a kinda bold reddish color on the semi-off white book.

I see Zim open to a random page in the book & he screamed, throwing it to a different part of the room. "WHAT IN THE TALLEST NAME WAS THAT?!?!" Zim yelled, pointing at the book laying pages down. I lifted the book & felt my entire head heating up, it was a picture of a position called 'Missionary' & a nude dude being on top a nude girl. I heard screams from Ms. Bitters's room & everyone in this class started screaming too. Then it went dead silent when Mr. Vans puts in a DVD & the projector turned on.

Zim's POV:

Zim has NEVER BEEN SO MORTIFIED IN HIS ENTIRE INCREDIBLE LIFE!! A male hyooman, being on top of a female hyooman like that... I'm just lucky I was formed in a tube with a male & female Irken gene mixture. Sure I do have the necessary male Irken mating part, but that's only for heat & I take special pills to prevent my heat from coming.

I only heard stories, but once an Irken scientist forgot to take his heat prevention pill & was clinging to every female that was near him, forcefully making them mate with him until The Mighty Tallest at the time sent him to a planet where there's nothing but himself & bloodthirsty creatures that hadn't eaten in eons. It always put fear into Irkens to remind them to take their pills, no matter how foul the aftertaste was. I had enough cases to last me a long while so, Zim will be fine.

No one's POV:

The video soon starts & It's a guy dressed like a veiny penis, slightly dancing around with a sign that said 'Welcum' on it. "Hello children, I'm Pete the Penis, a model of your penis!" The guy said still slightly dancing around "& today we'll learn about how we boys become men!" Most of the kids were covering their ears, but then Mr. Vans put some kinda waist wrapper to hold their arms down to their sides. They all sat & watched how a penis worked, that it's normal to grow hair in places you'd rather not look at, & how certain males of any species known on Earth have their specific mating dances/rituals to attract a female.

(Back to the one scene that needed to be continued!)

After the trio made it to their homes/bases, they wave at each other & closed the door.

(short chapter but hey, I'm working on more -3-. See ya in the next chapter muffins!! :3)

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