Dibs Swollen Eye meeting no 🍋/first toy 🍋

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(Dips chapter boiiii. I'm a big ol mess, also it's long so, grab some snacks & a drink. Also (s/c) = skin colored)

Saturday morning, at around 6am:

I was sleeping peacefully, dreaming of what had happened on Friday with Zim & (Y/n), her face was reddish & dazed as of she was day dreaming. Zim of course ran, but I wanted to know why. Before I was gonna head to Zim & confront him about the subject, I was woken up by a gentle shake of a gloved hand.

I groan sleepily & opened one of my eyes to see who it was, then I remembered what today's gonna be all about... I sit up & put on my glasses, seeing my Dad looking all excited. "Son, today's the day when we get you your first Pocket Pussyyyy." My dad said in a sing song voice & my face gets red.

"Dad, I know you're excited, but please let me get dressed first.." I groggily murmured, since I was only wearing shorts & a white tank top as pajamas. "Alrighty then my boy child. I'll be down in the car when you're ready to go." I then see him get out of my room & closing the door behind him. As he did so, I got up & got on a black jacket with a gray collar & the matching shoulder & wrist bands. I put a gray poker face looking sticker on the front like how my old shirt kinda was, then pulled up my black jeans with a gray belt, along with purring on my new sunglasses. I tried to make myself as unnoticeable as I could & headed out into the car with Dad.

"Son, I thought you'd be out of that 'dark phase' in your life..." Dad mentions as we pull out of the driveway & heads straight for the mall. "I am Dad, it's just... It's just a little embarrassing if I do get the 'toy' & someone at school sees me, they'd tell everybody. & Rumors at school always go around like fire in a dry, grassy field in there..."

"Well, then if you have the 'toy' & they don't, it just means you're more mature & are deemed as more responsible then those children..." Dad has a reassuring look on his face & I smiled up at him, telling him thanks as we park into one of the spaces. Dad liked going to the mall with us whenever we had the time to, Gaz usually liked it in the arcades & usually wins prizes, but I myself kinda like the comic book stores. But instead of heading that direction, we head the opposite way to a more, slightly quiet area of the Mall that I've never seen before.

"Dad, where are we going?" I look up at him for answer, but instead he was whispering to a person who was by a door & they opened it up. "Son, most adult things in this world of ours are hidden, so without further ah do, this place is the 'Adults only Mall!" As we head inside, I see amazing colors that I didn't know we're possible, a food court with just about everything that would be expensive for super cheap, & a big fountain with a guy lifting a girl up as the water goes out of their lips.

I was in Awe, seeing all this new stuff was incredible. "Dad, how come you never took me to this before?! This place is Way better than out there..." Dad just puts his hand on my shoulder & looks at me. "That's because you were too young to know this place existing is a possibility, so when you finally were 18, it was a perfect opportunity to ask you if you wanted to get your first 'toy' & let me show you this adulthood wonderland!" Dad opened his other hand & waved it from one side to the other, showing the length of this hidden Mall.

"Well, where is the shop we go to?" As I said that, a woman in a red uniform came up to us & smiled. "Mr. Membrane, welcome back to the Adults only section! Oh, & you brought your son here too, how delightful it is to finally meet you :3" This woman was perky, but she seemed ok I guess. "It's nice to see you too, Jenny, but I have to go to one of the 'toy shops' for my son here. It is his first time getting something more for adults after all!" God, I wanted to hide my now red face, but Jenny nods & gave Dad directions. "Alrighty then Dib my boy child, time to get your pocket pussy!" He said as we head the direction where Jenny had pointed.

It was fun seeing all the different stores as we walked, they even had an adult comic store where they actually don't censored certain characters body's. Dad then stops at a little shop & we head in it, my face goes from amazed to a bit horrified seeing that there were so many different kind of 'toys' in this store. Some were more of sets for first timers & others were so big, that it already made me feel weak compared to them. Dad then takes me down to an isle labeled 'First timers' & I see all the different shades of pocket pussy's in the guys section.

Only one really caught my eye & it was (s/c)'d. Dad saw me looking at it & shrugged "If you want that one son, then by all means take it up to the counter & ask for the container for it." Dad pats my head slightly & I did as he said, then after paying for it & getting a complimentary set of tissues & lotion, we eat at the food court before heading home. Dad brings back some food for Gaz since she didn't really wanna go & I head up to my room quickly. "DON'T BE TOO LOUD SON!" Dad yelled up as I closed the door behind me "I WON'T DAD."I yelled back, locking the door & covering the blinds to make sure no one sees in my room.

I then unboxed the pocket pussy & I couldn't help but blush since it was the same (s/c) color as (Y/n). But before I could try it out, I hear a buzz coming from my computer. Oh no, I FORGOT THE MEETING WAS TODAY! I panicked in my head & quickly changed back into my regular clothes, putting the pussy back in the container & pushing it under the bed. Then I sat in my chair & opened up my computer, logging in, & finally getting onto the meeting. "Agent MothMan here, anything to report my Swollen Eye brethren?" I see their faces & they kinda let out slight chuckles.

"MothMan, you seem to be a little bit 'busy' today.." Darth booty mentioned & I look down. I didn't realize the bag was still out & I had an erection again. "No no no no no, umm my dad took me to the 'Adults section' of the Mall today..." I tried moving the bag off screen & I put a pillow on my lap. "Oh how I love it there, did you guys go to the fondue place in the food court?" Cat's rule 100 asks me & I shake my head no. "Alright alright, no more talk of the Mall! Now MothMan, has anything new happened with the 'tamed alien' lately?!" A person called X-ray glass asked.

I nodded & told them how I heard noises by the unused area of the playground, headed over & seen Zim in front of (Y/n) against the wall, his hands had moved away from her sides & he left a mark on her neck. The Swollen Eyes were in shock "We told you, Neve👏Leave👏Her👏Alone👏With👏Him!" One of them said while slightly clapping their hands before each other word. "I know I know, but once I pulled her away, he ran off & flew away on his dogs back!" Then I see them nodding to one another "If he ran, that must mean he's trying to resist the heat cycle, but that's bad!" Tilting my head slightly, I asked why it was "The pheromones in the mark that he placed on your friend will increase, slowly turning her into a mindless, sexual craving being that only wants to be mated by the alien who bit then!"

Kinda was hard to believe that to be honest, but (Y/n) did act a little different when I was wanting to hurt Zim. Soon after a few minutes of catching up with the latest news, all of them & me signed off. Welp, I started to place the pillow off my lap & reached under the bed to get the pocket pussy out again. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I move the bottom of my pants down enough for my dick to come out, placed the entrance of the pussy near my tip, & slowly moved it down. I had my mouth biting on the corner of my pillow so my moans were muffled & I moved the rest of the pussy down.

I couldn't stop thinking of (Y/n) & I started to move the pussy up & down on my dick, feeling pleasure as I keep moving it more, moaning into my pillow. "Mm-mm~" I then was on my knees on the bed, still biting the pillow & started to hold the pussy in placed as I bucked my hips forward & pulled them back a bit. I keep doing it over & over, getting a bit faster as I thrust & closing my eyes tight from all the pleasure. "Mm-mphmm~" I thrust one last time before I flopped onto the floor head first & came inside the pussy. The pillow was safe from my cum, but apart of my face & my shirt wasn't. I didn't really care about that though & I was panting slightly, cleaning up the pocket pussy & myself before changing again & heading to bed, putting my glasses on the side table & hugging the pillow I was biting before going to sleep.

The next day, I wake up & take a shower before heading to the kitchen for breakfast, Sunday's were Omelette day. Gaz & Dad were kinda looking at me a little weird "What's wrong?" I asked & they just pointed down. Again morning wood has to embarrass me & worst, I forgot I was also only in my bath robe....


Poor Dib, doesn't seem to catch a break... But anyway I hope this was ok & I hope you have a wonderful day my muffins :3

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