So far so, Oh hell no! (finally)

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(no photo this time, too lazy -w-, also V#= verse number & F/l = favorite lunch)

No one's pov:

The three of you enter the class the next day, but something was a little off with (Y/n). She had the mark still on her neck & was showing a bit more skin than usual (not much tbh, just having a skort on & a V-neck shirt :3). Soon as they got into class, this time both of them were in the same rooms as they were at the beginning of school. "Alrighty you worthless flesh bags, this is the final lesson on this subject & it's more important than the last things. SO PAY ATTENTION TO THE DAMN VIDEO!" Miss. Bitters screeched out & played the video on the screen.

Zim & Dib couldn't help but notice the difference in (Y/n)'s outfit today, but at least it was a skort & the V was short. The video starts at a guy and a girl talking "Heya Jessica!" "Heya Ben!" "Want to have sex with me Jessica, but with no protection whatsoever?" "Sure, sounds like fun!" God every kid was full of cringe... Suddenly a person dressed like a condom jumps in front of the guy and girl, saying "Stop! It's not a good idea to have no protection, otherwise you can get DiSeAsEs!!" Then proceeded to rap the different things.... It went somewhere like this...

(Oooo a rap! Sorry if it's cringe, but that's how it's supposed to be)


HIV, STD, and Blue waffles

Not the kind that you eat, but make ya crotch feel awful

Pull the condom down the tip & girl, swallow that pill

Otherwise you'd better add little feet to your house bill

But if you choose to not have it on after marriage

That's completely appropriate timing for a tiny carriage

But for now, while you all still young

Girls if you're wet & Guys if you're hung


Just get your protection on!

Put protection on! (3 times)

Yeah, it'll increase a more trusting bond!


Sure some fellas may be the 'Pull out' gang

But clearly they get baby momma's on rang

Owing almost millions in child support

But mostly because it's a sin to abort

So, now ya know what's really good

Everyone should use protection around our neighborhood

(Go back to chorus)

Fv (final verses):

Many of you can be a little impatiens and sure getting them on right is a pain

But once you do, you'll be thankful too

That's just the lesson that I'm singing to you!

After all...

(Back to chorus and then finish with a 'uhh' sound & now it's done)

God.... That was something else... But the bell rings & everyone goes to the cafeteria. Zim, Dib, and (Y/n) sit at their usual table & are shivering from the cringe. "Yeesh, I need a memory eraser to get that out of my head.." (Y/n) still had her witty remarks, but the 2 boys nodded & ate.

Soon that one blonde girl (idk or more likely forgot her name), who bullied (Y/n) when she moved to the school for not wanting to be in her group, scoffed at what she was wearing. "Wow (Y/n), are you training to be a little slut or something?" The blonde asked & giggles a bit at her own insult.

"Nah, why would I wanna dress like you?" That made the girl go wide eyed & silent while everyone around them 'Ooooo'd towards the blonde. Her eye twitches a bit & she grabs (Y/n) by the hair, yanking her outside & pushing her onto the pavement, leaving a scrape on the side of her arm. The blonde starts throwing punches & kicking (Y/n) while calling her swears & slurs. Soon, Zim & Dib intervened by blocking (Y/n), who has gotten a little bruised during the process.

"Leave her alone! You didn't have to take her come back that personally!" Dib yelled at the blonde while Zim tried to help (Y/n) up. "But that whore deserved it, she has you 2 simping for her!" The 2 boys just sigh & take (Y/n) to the nurse, but before getting to the door, (Y/n) hand chopped the blonde in the throat, making her fall to the floor gasping and twitching on the pavement. "That's for calling my friends simps, barbie wannabe looking ass..."

As they get to the nurses office, Dib is getting a call on his phone. "I'll be behind you guys ok, I just need a little space for this call." "Alrighty Dib stink." Zim says & keeps a hold on (Y/n), almost close to the door. Both (Y/n) and Zim enter first & Zim sets his bruised friend onto a chair gently. "Fight on the play ground again?" The nurse asks, lots of fights had happened at the school because most of the kids are total shits to the 3 of you. "Yes..." "Ok, I'll just get some of the supplies out."

Outside of the doors, Dib was talking to his dad on the phone. "Dad, I'm at school right now, mind calling me later?" "My boy child, what part of 'no smell of funk' did you not understand?" Dibs face got completely red. "Dad, we can talk about it at home..." "No son, I was cleaning up your room a little & it reeked of sweat & bodily fluids. Also you don't just leave your pocket pussy dirty, you have to clean them & make sure to not have your clothes get affected by your own fluid!" Dibs face gets more bright. "Ok dad, I can do those things when I get home..." "You better, otherwise you don't keep your pocket pussy & your pillow cover gets thrown into my electro-magnetic particle destroyer!" "Ok ok, I'll do it!" "That's all son, love you!" "Love you too dad" "Bye son" "Bye Dad" then Dib hangs up and goes in the office by (Y/n) and Zim.

A few days later, the blonde was sent on some sorta weird trip apparently. Also (Y/n) started to get small heart shaped pupils when she looks at Zim's general direction. Dib noticed & tried to have her turn away, but her head refused. Also (Y/n) decided to bring her (F/l) lunch & gave Zim that one smile dip candy he likes & gave Dib some new issues of paranormal books.

Soon after school, Dib was picked up today to go to a Future minds Con with his Dad, so (Y/n) and Zim were walking each other home. When they got to Zim's place, he was about to say bye but was cut off by a small kiss on the cheek from (Y/n)."Bye Zimmy~" (Y/n) giggled as she walked to her house, leaving a dumb founded blue faced alien.

Author chan:

Sorry, I'm just in school & been writer's block, so if you cringed while reading this I'm sorry my muffins QwQ

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