Prologue: The Fall Of Gajou

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Thunder crackled the sky as sounds of heavy paws and barking filled the air besides the raging skies above. "Father? Where are you father?!" An Akita/Kishu mix barked as he searched with his blue eyes for his father. "I'm here Weed, but don't worry about me right now, we must get the pups and elderly to higher ground." A silver brindle Akita appeared as he dashed over to his son, the two were about the same height as they stared down Gajou. "GB! Help get the pups and the older dogs to higher level!" Weed yowled as he skipped along the boulders and reached his first friend, a black-and-white English Setter breed. "Yes Leader." GB turned and dashed off as Weed turned and ran towards a rock den. "Weed!" Gin called out for his son, Weed turned his head while running and yowled back. "I'm going to get Koyuki!" He whipped his head back around to an entrance to Gajou. As he entered, his head whipped back and forth, searching for his mate and their pups as water started to flow in. "Koyuki, where are you?!" Weed yowled as he searched the den and kept his blue eyes open for any sign of his mate or their puppies. "I'm here!" A distressed voice sounded from the corner of the cave, his eyes immediately flicked over as horror struck him. Weed sprinted over and saw more of the horror that made him burst into tears. Boulders crushed Koyuki's lower body and none of the pups were to be seen except for one of them which was on her back to keep her away from the rising water. "K-Koyuki..." Weed was speechless, fear struck his heart and emotion was caught in his throat as the Kishu lifted her head to touch noses with her mate before speaking. "Take Eiyuu. She's our only pup." Koyuki's words seemed to knock the wind out of Weed as he flinched back at what she was telling him to do, his fur was spiked and his eyes were full of tears. "No! I can't leave you here to die!" Weed refused to let his mate die, he moved to the boulders and started pushing against them, trying to move them but they didn't budge. He gave a defeated sigh as more tears poured from his eyes as Koyuki licked his cheek and sniffed. "Please, take her and raise her like how Sakura raised you." She said as memories of Weed's mother Sakura flashed back to him. His mother had died of sickness and weakness long ago when he was still a young pup and his father Gin was shocked by her death as well. "For me." Koyuki continued as Weed stared at her, her amber eyes were pleading and tears also ran down her face. "A-alright." Weed finally said as he licked Koyuki for the last time before grabbing their only daughter, he stared at her for a moment and she did the same before the earth started to rumble, Gajou was falling. "Go, I'll always be with you wherever you go." Koyuki told him as he took a step back and water rushed in from outside. "I promise." She promised as more tears fell from Weed's eyes and as she disappeared underneath the rush of water, he turned his back and ran towards the exit, casting a last look at where Koyuki was and saw her white lifeless body. Her amber eyes were closed as he remembered the smile on her face when the pups were born, he kept pushing through the raging waves as he turned his head back and struggled to fight back the water and keep his daughter's head above the water. As he finally exited the cave, he saw that there was water everywhere, some dogs were even struggling to get their footing as they were tossed over by the water and their heads occasionally went below but they popped back up. Weed saw his father Gin and his friends GB, Ken, Kagetora, Tesshin, Kyoushiro and Akame helping dogs get to higher ground as their legs were all submerged. "Weed!" Gin rushed over to his son and noticed his daughter in his jaws, he grabbed her and let Weed get his footing correct as he led the way back to the ground that wasn't touched by the waters yet. "Is this everyone?" Weed asked as he gained his breath and shook out his soaked pelt. "Mel!" The sound of Hiro made Weed turn his head back to Gajou. Fear struck him once more as he recognized the golden-yellow fur of his friend Mel. "Mel!" Weed yowled but it was overcome by lightning as thunder roared and the lightning strike flashed and made Mel's shadow stretch across the black water below as he stood on top of Gajou. "Weed!" Mel yowled back but before any of them could react, the earth started rumbling and the dogs fell to the ground to take cover if anything would happen. But as Weed opened his eyes from blocking them from the rain, terror filled his mind. Mel was struggling to balance on the tumbling boulders of Gajou, he wobbled around for a few moments before he lost his footing and slipped into the wave of black water and crashing boulders, a last cry sounded before he disappeared beneath the waves. Weed stared at where Mel was standing, his mind was blank and he was paralyzed. As the rumbling stopped, the dogs beside him lifted their heads and noticed Weed staring at the empty sky. "Where's Mel?!" GB cried as Weed's blue eyes were wide with horror as the look of terror on Mel's face stained his mind, he was frozen. "MEL!!!" Weed cried out as he collapsed to the ground and burst into tears, Gin lowered his head respectfully along with Akame and a few others as GB and Kyoushiro tried to comfort him. "Weed, we have to get the rest to safety, I know you were friends with Mel but we can't keep waiting." Kyoushiro said as Weed sobbed for a few more seconds before lifting his head and wiping his tears away, emotion was still caught in his eyes but he turned to the Ohu dogs. "Get all the pups and elderly to higher ground! This storm won't last long but we don't know what'll it bring!" Weed commanded as they all nodded and started helping the elderly and carried the pups. "Weed, your daughter." Gin nosed the blue Akita and Kishu mix to her father as the pup whined. "Don't worry. I'll protect you Eiyuu." Weed said as he grabbed Eiyuu and followed the rest of the Ohu soldiers, letting Gin lead them as he stayed in the back and made sure that no dog was left behind. He glanced back where many dogs graves lay, Koyuki and Mel along with the ones from the battle with Hougen, John, Toube, Smith and many more. Weed followed the rest of the Ohu group as he carried Eiyuu, his only surviving daughter of him and Koyuki's pups. He noticed that Eiyuu had almost the same kind of shade of blue like him but more blue and yet he didn't see her eyes yet, he guessed they were like his. He kinda wanted one of the pups that looked like Koyuki to have survived too but he knew that he couldn't choose between his pups, especially since Koyuki and the rest were all crushed under the boulders. He tried to picture the future, of Eiyuu surpassing him and every other dog, including his great grandparents, Shiro, Yamabuki and his father's father, Riki. He knew that that would never happen if Eiyuu would rely on violence to solve things but believed that she would be a great dog one day. But today was a mournful day of both the fallen of fellow comrades and beloved ones and Gajou which Riki, Gin and many other dogs gave their lives to reclaim and protect. Today marked the day of The Fall Of Gajou.

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