The Planning Starts

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Hey guys

Hope you guys liked the last chapter

Here's a cute Rucas edit for you guys to enjoy

Riley and Lucas are really the perfect two, aren't they?



Zay starts his wedding project recording with Lucas and Riley.


The next week at college was uneventful because most of the activities had ended for the year, so the gang had more free time than usual.

Lucas and Riley got some pictures of the ranch from Pappy Joe to decide the exact location where they wanted to set up the altar.

The gang sat down together in the evening to make more plans about the wedding.

Lucas and Riley showed their friends the different pictures to finalize the location first.

Zay was recording as usual claiming that he needs some Behind the Scenes or BTS content as well.

After sometime, Smackle says, "I can't figure out which location is the best for the Rucas wedding."

Lucas looks at her confused and asks, "Rucas?"

Farkle replies, "Riley and Lucas makes Rucas. Just like Smackle and Farkle makes Smarkle."

Zay asks, "How did you not get that?"

Before Lucas could say anything, Riley interrupts, "Please don't start arguing now"

Maya says, "I really don't understand why you want to get married on the ranch in Texas."

Riley replies, "Because Texas is a part of Lucas. We'll have the reception in New York, but I want to get married there."

Lucas adds, "Riley wanted to ride on a horse after getting married so that's another reason why she wants the wedding on the ranch"

Maya says, "Honey, we can get you a horse to ride here in New York as well. I'm sure if Farkle can arrange for a cow then a horse will be no problem at all."

Riley replies, "I know that Farkle can get a horse for us, but I really want to get married on the ranch. Peaches, please try to understand and help me to choose a location."

Maya sighs defeated and looks at the pictures again before pointing to one of them.

Riley sees the picture and squeals before hugging her best friend.

Lucas also looks at the picture and says, "Thanks Maya"

Maya replies, "What are friends for"

Farkle asks, "So what kind of a decoration do you two want? Like is there a theme or something?"

Riley replies, "The theme is 'Happily Ever After' and I want an arch at the end of the aisle which-"

Lucas cuts her off, "Which should be decorated using summer flowers like sunflowers or bougainvillea or marigolds, right?"

Riley nods before kissing Lucas on his cheek and says, "I love you"

Lucas smiles and replies, "I love you too"

Smackle asks, "Have you two had this conversation before? If not, then how does Lucas know exactly the kind of flowers that you want?"

Riley smiles and replies, "Lucas knows me really well so he figured it out himself. The only thing we talked about was that we wanted the wedding to be during summer."

Farkle says, "You both are too much. The same flowers go in your bouquet?"

Riley replies, "No because the flowers in the bouquet will be red and white roses"

Maya asks, "Why those specifically?"

Lucas replies, "Because Red Roses convey deep emotions whereas White Roses are generally associated with new beginnings. And if I'm not wrong, then Riley will want 12 roses in her bouquet because a dozen roses means 'I love you'."

Riley hugs her fiancé and exclaims, "Best fiancé ever"

The others look at Lucas with a stunned expression for a few moments before Zay asks, "How on earth do you know this stuff?"

Lucas shrugs and replies, "I read it in a book called 'The Language of Flowers' a few years back"

Farkle asks, "Why would anyone read such a book?"

Lucas replies, "I was planning a valentine's day gift for Riley during our early dating years and I really wanted my gift to be meaningful"

Just then Josh comes by and says, "Hey there kiddies"

Maya exclaims, "Boing"

Josh nods to her in acknowledgement and asks, "What are you guys up to?"

Riley replies, "Hey there Uncle Josh. We were just going over some wedding plans."

Josh nods and says, "Oh right, you and Lucas decided to get married this summer. Congratulations"

Riley replies, "Thank you, Uncle Josh"

Lucas says, "I had a question for you, Josh"

Josh replies, "Shoot"

Lucas asks, "Should I continue to call you Josh or do I need to start calling you Uncle Josh like Riley and Auggie do?"

Josh chuckles and replies, "Just continue to call me Josh. I know that technically I'll be your uncle once you get married to my niece, but it'll be too awkward for us. We're friends and we'll stay friends even after you two love birds get married."

Maya says, "So, what are you doing here Boing?"

Josh replies, "Well, I was coming here to complete some formalities when Topanga gave me the wedding update, so I decided to come here and help you kids out."

Riley says, "That's so nice of you"

Josh replies, "Yeah, I know I'm a nice guy. Now what were you guys discussing before I came?"

Riley says, "We were discussing the decorations we need to do at the ranch and also my wedding bouquet."

Zay adds, "Yeah and we also found out that Lucas has read a book called 'The Language of Flowers' for some weird reason."

Riley defends Lucas saying, "Hey, I think that it's really sweet of him for putting so much effort when he's giving me any gifts or surprises."

Maya replies, in an uninterested tone, "Alright Honey, whatever you say"

Lucas interjects, "Okay guys, that's enough. Now can we please concentrate on the task at hand instead of debating over my gifting ideas for Riley?"

Josh adds, "Yeah, I'm with the cowboy on this one. Now what else is left for you guys to look at today?"

Riley looks in the binder that she had made for her wedding and says, "Well, we could discuss when we want to go shopping for the dresses? For the groomsmen, I just want you all to match your tie to the bridesmaid dress colour."

Farkle replies, "Alright then you guys finalise the colour for the dresses and then let us know"

Zay interjects, "Hey Sugar, you said that the groomsmen are supposed to match the tie to the colour of the dress so what's your future husband gonna be wearing?"

Lucas replies, "I'll be wearing a traditional tuxedo without a tie."

Smackle asks, "What do you mean by traditional tuxedo?"

Riley replies, "Well since Lucas is my cowboy, I wanted him to look like one at our wedding"

Josh jokingly says, "I think you mean insecure western hero"

Lucas replies in a warning tone, "Josh"

(If you didn't get the reference to the 'Insecure Western Hero' comment, then watch this clip. It is from the episode 'Girl Meets Ski Lodge Part 2')

Maya interjects in an excited tone, "Yes more stuff"

Riley shakes her head and says, "Maya, I would prefer it if you didn't tease my future husband"

Maya ignores her best friend's words and asks, "Hey Sundance, are you going to be wearing a hat too?"

Lucas smirks and replies, "Yes of course, Short stack. In fact, I will also be wearing my cowboy boots."

Maya says, in a dangerous tone, "Don't call me Short stack"

Lucas replies, in a similar tone, "You don't call me by any of your special nicknames and I won't call you Short stack"

Maya turns to Riley and says, "Riles, tell your stupid fiancé to stop teasing me"

Riley replies, "I'm with Lucas on this one, Maya. You always tease him even when I repeatedly ask you not to. Now you know how it feels."

Maya says, "Riley, we're best friends. You're supposed to be on my side not his"

Riley replies, "Peaches, I know that we're best friends, but you also have to understand that I really don't like it when you constantly tease Lucas."

Maya whines, "But Riley"

Riley firmly says, "No Maya. I am not going to take your side this time."

Lucas replies, "Riley, let it go. I'm used to her nicknames. I was just teasing her. Maya, I promise I won't call you Short stack again."

Riley argues, "But Lucas-"

Lucas cuts her off and says, "Riley, Maya is your best friend. I never want to be the cause for your argument. Now come on, let's see if there's anything else we can do today."

Riley nods quietly and looks in her wedding binder, not wanting to start an argument with Lucas.

Maya feels slightly hurt by the fact that Riley argued with her for Lucas.

Zay asks, "Riley if Lucas isn't going to wear a tie, then why do we have to?"

Riley replies, "Because you guys are going to wear tuxedos whereas Lucas is going to dress up in a formal cowboy attire."

Farkle says, "Alright then, we'll get our tuxedos this weekend when you girls go dress shopping and after your dresses are finalised, we'll go tie shopping together. Agreed"

Everyone nods in agreement.


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