Chapter 16- Caffeine

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- new chapters soon -

"You don't mean that Sebastian." A nervous giggle escapes my lips and I roll my eyes in hope to lighten the mood.

Sebastian ruffles his hair anxiously, even when he was stressed or embarrassed he still looked like a model. He's got that brown skin adonis look going on, dark eyes that make me weak at the knees.

He sighs, "Andy I mean it." A bead of sweat began to form on his forehead, "ever since the party I can't get you out of my head."

I could feel my heart in my throat as I replayed his words over in my head again and again. He liked me?

Like liked me?!

My heart was pounding as I watched his eyes fill with sadness, he looked like a puppy. How was I supposed to say no to a puppy!

"Uh..." I swallowed trying to find the right thing to say. "You deserve better than me, trust me." I whispered at the thought of me making out with all of my roommates.

I was lucky they turned out to be decent guys and hadn't told one another about my antics with each and everyone of them.

God knows what they'd do if they found out they were playing pass the parcel with me.

Sebastian scoffed, "you can't be serious." He scooted closer to me, I tensed but tried to relax. I was being stupid any girl would be over the moon that a guy like Sebastian actually liked them, like liked them.

"Andy," he began, "you're like the perfect girl." I cringed but tried to keep a straight face, a very attractive guy was here practicing throwing compliments at me and I was mute.

Sebastian tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and whispered, "you're kind" I cursed under my breath.

No I was most definitely not kind.

He smiled faintly, "you're sweet." Sebastian inched closer to me.

Nope sweet wasn't the right word to describe me either.

"You're super hot," he turned my head to face him and I looked deep into his eyes. Often I've heard people call brown eyes boring and how they lack the fun and audacity of colourful eyes. But there was something about Sebastian's brown eyes. His eyes were the colour of hot cocoa, sprinkled with tiny flecks of gold like mini marshmallows.

Ummmm 'super hot' was this guy blind?

His hot cocoa eyes met mine, "but most importantly you're honest." Sebastian smiled which made me feel even worse about the whole situation than I did before.

Honest? I was the opposite of honest, I was a lying whore in all honesty. Ouch brain ouch.

A single tear slid down my cheek, Sebastian caught it with his thumb and pulled me into a hug. "Hey hey don't cry, a girl like you should never cry." A girl like me? Does he mean a pathetic skank who kisses all her roommates.

As I sat in his lap being cradled back and forth like a baby I realised that Sebastian was all those things he had listen as my traits.

He was most definitely kind, indeed very sweet, obviously insanely hot but lastly he was honest unlike me. Sebastian was the perfect guy and I didn't want to ruin him.

I didn't deserve him.

"Seb?" I licked my lips and rubbed my nose with the corner of my sleeve before sitting myself upwards.

He stopped cradling me, "yeah?" Sebastian's eyes were full of hope that maybe just maybe I would say that I liked him back...

Looking down I whispered, "I... I'm flattered you like me in anyway," I laughed awkwardly, his face remained motionless. I gulped,"but I think we're better suited as just...friends."

The hurt was written all over his face I'd just friend-zoned him, the worst kind of rejection possible to mankind.

Slowly I get up and start walking towards the door, the only way to free myself from this immensely awkward situation.

"Wait!" he calls, I stop and turn. He sighs, "I just want to let you know if you change your mind...I'm here Andy." Sebastian forced a smile I could tell was fake, he was sweet. Too sweet for me but I was definitely going to rethink how I felt about him. Who knows maybe we would be good together as a couple?

He was legit Prince Charming and I was the evil queen but opposites attract right?

"Thank you Sebby." I hug him tightly and finally leave the room.


The latte is over-priced and at first I find it bitter. It sits prettily in a white china cup, a leaf pattern in delicate milky foam among the pale brown. I wrap my fingers around it, enjoying the heat that spread through my hands.

Turning my attention away from my latte I looked up at the guys, Phoenix and Enzo. Sebastian had decided to stay home, he claims it was because he was feeling 'homesick' and was going to visit his family. But I had a feeling a little something called rejection may have sent him on his way.

Shaking my head, I tried not to think about it because then came along feelings I wasn't ready to feel.

"It's a nice coffee shop right?" A voice pulled me out of my deep thoughts. I turned to look at Phoenix and plastered a fake smile on my lips.

We hadn't spoken about the 'I've got a girlfriend I didn't tell you about but I still kissed you' incident.

Licking the froth of my lips I nodded, "yeah it's cute." It was really cute in fact, red walls and chestnut brown tables throughout the small area. The sound of small-talk filled the air along with the smell of vanilla.

"You're drinking water in a coffee shop? Really Enzo?" I raise an eyebrow and laugh as Enzo scoffs and strokes his glass of water like a cat.

Enzo's face softens for a second but then he clenches his jaw making it look laser sharp.

He could cut someone with that jaw.

He smirks at Phoenix. "Phoenix, buddy, let's put that beautiful brain of yours to use." Enzo grins at me before licking his lips and turning back to face Phoenix, "tell me one of your many facts about water you know and inform our dear friend."

Phoenix put on his thinking face, staring blankly at the ceiling. A drop of sweat appeared at his temples and although it seemed impossible, his frown got even deeper.

Suddenly his face relaxed and his eyes started twinkling, "I got it," he cried out. "Good hydration can prevent arthritis. With plenty of water in your body, there is less friction in your joints, thus less chance of developing arthritis."

I roll my eyes not wanting to look at Enzo's smug face but I couldn't help it. A grin spread over Enzo's face, wide and open, showing his whitened teeth. In that moment his motives were laid bare; he was a mocker, one who enjoyed whatever torment he could inflict on me. Asshole.

"Oh yes that's right," Enzo strokes his chin mockingly. "Guess I won't be the one with arthritis but you enjoy that latte princess." He smirks wickedly, Phoenix chuckles. I give him a death glare before pointing my bony finger at Enzo.

My normally calm and pleasant demeanour slowly changed and my face contorted in an all consuming anger. "Call me princess one more time and let's see what happens."

Phoenix slaps his hand over his mouth as he yelled "oooooooohhhhh" making me even more irritated at him than I was before.

Not that I was sure that was even possible considering I was going to chop his balls off for cheating on my friend!

"Woooow who knew you could be feisty." Enzo spoke in a teasing tone and I start moving my lips to retaliate but he cut me off.

"Side note about water, it makes you need a pee and well nature calls." He shrugs and with that he leaves.

A heavy silence settled over us, thicker then the uneasy tension in the atmosphere. This took uncomfortable to a whole new level.

"Great coffee," he nods swirling around the contents in his mug, I scowl before turning away from him. "Not awkward at all," he mumbles under his breath.

I will not stab him. I will not stab him.

"Phoenix," I sigh and look at him square in the face, he knows what I want to hear.

"Alright alright, I'm sorry." He apologies, talking a sip of his coffee.

I look at him. "Sorry? That's it? That's all you have to say."

Cocking his head to the side he thinks of what to say next, "I was supposed to break up with Emma." He whispered sheepishly.

I spit my latte over the table and cough," you what!" He grimaces at the mess on the table but continues.

"I'm going to break up with her... I've got my eyes on a different girl."

this was a long ass chapter, I apologise•

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