Chapter 17- Bang

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"Pouah!" I scoffed, rolling over in my slovenly sheets as the sunlight hissed at my face. My disheveled, brown wavey curls were scattered across my pillow, and every breath I exhaled smelled faintly of ammonia and eviscerated, decomposing corpses. Thankfully, I had nobody to share this putrid moment with.

Reluctantly, I drag my feet towards the bathroom and brush my teeth. As I take a long look at myself in the mirror I sigh, I looked like I had been dragged through a hedge at least three times.

Mirrors don't talk. Lucky for me they don't laugh either.

After getting dressed and applying a generous layer of makeup I begin to attack my hair. I'm not quite sure what happened during the night to make yesterday's coiffured up-do turn into more of a bird's nest.

I dragged my brush through the knots trying to fight them off, with each stroke my hair started looking more and more like my hair.

My hair was a soft brown, like the bark of an oak tree, not dark but simply gentle in any light.

"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!" One of the guys shouts from the kitchen, I roll my eyes and start walking towards them.

I frown as I stare at the empty counters, there was no eggs or bakey. Pouting, I scoot over next to Enzo eating cereal on the sofa.

"Can I help you princess?" I scrunch up my nose as the milk spills down his chin.

For once I ignore his name calling, "where are the eggs and bakey?" I motion looking around with my head, he laughs and sets down his bowl.

"They're probably being shitted out by Phoenix around now." Enzo shrugs and presses the on button of the remote. When the tv doesn't turn on he presses down harder, nothing.

"TMI!" I cover my face and make a mental note not to use the bathroom in the house for at least two hours. Gross.

"Oh my god this stupid tv!" Enzo moans with frustration as he chucks a pillow at the screen, I roll my eyes.

I bend down to grab the pillow, "throwing an innocent pillow at the tv won't get it to work idiot." I comment, when he doesn't reply with a witty comeback I turn to look at him.

But he wasn't looking at me, or well not my face...

His eyes were doubled in size, "holy mother of God." Slowly but surely, he pushed himself off the couch to take a closer look, "that ass though."

"You perv!" I smack him on the chest but he grabs my wrists before I have the chance to smack him again.

Enzo pulls me in closer by the writs until we're face to face, "you're cute when you're mad."

I blush but cover it up by holding the pillow over his face. "Finally peace and quiet," I sigh with a grin on my face.

He rolls his eyes and pushes me off, I land on my butt with a dwmph. "I've got to head to practice but later if you need any ass-istance, I'm your guy." Enzo gives me his hand and pulls me up off the ground.

Smirking, "but seriously Andy I'm your guy." He winks at me and walks out the door.

I place my hand on my forehead, staring deeply into the floor and beyond, trying to comprehend Enzo's words.

"I'm your guy."

What was that supposed to mean? Did he just say he liked me or was he just joking, it was hard to tell.

Ugh and girls were apparently the confusing ones.

I shrug it off as the sound of the chain flushes from the upstairs bathroom, I grimace as Phoenix appears rubbing his hands on his jeans.

"Uh hey." His cheeks flush as he steps closer, his aftershave filling my nostrils.

"Hi," I reply before sitting down on the couch in the spot Enzo had previously been, it was still warm.

Hesitantly, he slides next to me. "Want to know what I did today?" Phoenix asks me. I turn to face him, he wasn't a male model but he should have been. With those looks he should be on the cover of vogue.

"Go on," I mimicked his British accent and scooted closer so I could hear him better. Wink wink.

Phoenix laughs, "we'll work on that accent later." His grin fades, "I broke up with Emma."

I turn towards Phoenix and my heart drops. "Oh," I reply sheepishly not being able to think of anything better to say.

What was I supposed to say? Emma was my friend, my first friend I'd made here and of course I'd found a way to ruin it.

"So I guess that makes me a single Pringle." He whispered, he leans forward with a stupid grin on his face,"and I'm definitely ready to mingle." Phoenix raises his eyebrows up and down.

I roll my eyes, "you're a dumbass." Giggling, I shove him hard. Phoenix laughs and pulls me on top of him.

"Knock knock," he says with a smirk.

I chuckle, "what?"

He rolls his eyes, "You're supposed to say who's there. Have you never heard of a knock knock joke before?" Phoenix gently placed his hands on either side of my hips, my body clenched.

I sigh and purse my lips, "who's there?"


I tap my foot against the couch, "India who?" I sigh.

"What's it going to take to get India pants." Phoenix says in a teasing manner, slowly pulling me closer towards him.

"Shutting up would be a good start," I giggle playfully and cover his mouth with my hand.

As I move my hand away from his face he grabs it and presses it onto his chest, right above his heart.

"You feel that?" He whispered as my hand felt each quick thud of his heartbeat, I nod.

He wraps his hand around mine, "my brain is releasing catecholamines because of you,that's why my heart is beating fast."

Cat-a what now?

"Um hello I'm not a genius please speak in muggle language so that I can understand." I rapidly blink.

He laughs, "it triggers the heart to beat faster that's why you can feel it pumping away... because I'm attracted to you."

I twirl my hair, "you're?"

"Maybe," he shrugs with a cheesy grin spread across his face.

"Then maybe you should stop talking so I can do this." I held him gently, cupping his face with one hand. I leaned down and softly kissed the tender area at the base of his neck.

Phoenix's body went rigid with surprise as trembles shook his body and the euphoric warmth blossomed within him once more.

He was breathless with delight as I showered him with gentle, soft kisses, each with its own flicker of warmth.

My hands lingered down his chest until stopping at his belt. I undid the buckle and gazed up at him, he nodded.

What did I have to lose? I'd already slept with two of my roommates, what's one more to the list anyways?

Two down one to go...

• Knock knock
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you stunning •

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