Marie Antoinette

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter was all all out introductions. Well this chapter is about the tanks. Hope you guys will enjoy this chapter also.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's the next day after school and everyone was waiting for the instructor that was supposed to come. I looked over at Miho's team and I realized that the Panzer IV requires 5 crew members and her group has 4 crew members, but I guess there won't be a radio operator for now.

"She's late" Red grunts.

"She's probably wanting to make a dramatic entrence" Clay tell him.

"As usual" Cif adds.

Everyone then hears the sound of a large cargo jet. We look into the sky and see a what we heard. The cargo door opened and a modern tank resembling the Leopard 2 but with Japanese modifications dropped out of the cargo plane strapped with metal wire to a metal plate connected to parachutes. After a moment the tank lands in the parking lot near the tank garages. During the landing she hit someone's Ferrari F-40. The metal wire disconnects freeing the tank. The reverses onto the Ferrari crushing it. The student council looked at what happened with shock.

"Ohh lord" I sigh at what happened.

Our instructor got out of the tank from the capola. She walked in front of us as we got in lines by tank crew's. We were next to Miho's tank crew to the far right.

"Hello everyone" she says.

"This is the special instructor for the tankery training unit, Commander Ami Chono" Momo says introducing the familiar tank commander.

"Nice to meet you all, I heard that there were a lot of people here who are doing tankery for the first time but let's do the best we can" Ami looks around then see's Miho and walks over to her "Wait arn't you the daughter of instructor Nishizumi, the instructor has done alot for me" some of the girls gasp "is your sister doing well?" She asks.

"Yes..." Miho simply answers.

"The loss from last year with the blame being put on her must be hard for her" I thought.

"Instructor Nishizumi?" Someone questions.

"The Nishizumi school is the tankery school with the longest history. They are really quite famous" Ami explains.

Saori then raises her hand up excitedly "Instructor are you really popular with the guys" She asks.

Ami thinks for a minute before answering "Not so much popular so much as I always hit the target I am for, I have a kill rate of 120%" Ami then looks over at Me, Clay, Red, Jonny, and Cif "but they have a kill rate of 135%" she adds.

All the girls then look towards us with
questioning faces.

"What does that mean instructor?" Hana asks.

"This year isn't their first time in tankery. They have done tankery all their lives and have been friends their entire lives. Their parents are owners and Co owners of some of the most famous tankery schools and coorperations. Their performance is phenomenal" Ami says.

Some of the girls awed before Anzu spoke up.

"The don't have a tank" she says .

Ami looks at her "They do, she's just not right here at the moment"

Yukari then raises her hand excitedly "Instructor, what will we practice today?" She asks.

"Hmm let's see, how about we throw you guys into things and try a mock battle" Ami says with a smile.

"What?" Most of the girls questioned.

"Are you sure we can do that so soon?" Yuzu asked.

"It will be fine you need to gain experience, you just have to move the tank, point it where you want it to go, and shoot" Ami says while pulling out a map "anyway all of you head to you respective starting points"

"Everything will be fine I hope"

Part 2.

POV: Miho

Me, Hana, Saori, and Yukari stood on the turret of the Panzer IV.

"Could each team figure out what task they are going to handle. 3 person team will have a tank comander, main gun opperator, and a driver. 4 person teams will have a loader, 5 person teams will have a communicator.

"What, I have no clue what's going on I'm already so lost" Saori  shouts out.

"We only have 4 people on our team what are we going to do?" Hana asks.

"Then one person will have to be both communicator and the loader" I reply.

"Ms. Nishizumi you will be the commander won't you?" Yukari says excitedly.

"What,  I cant I can't!" I reply.

"Then how will we choose a commander?" Hana questioned.

"Let's just draw lots" Saori said wile pulling out a hand with strips of paper.

In the end of it Saori became the commander, Yukari became the gunner, I became the loader/radio operator, and Hana became the driver. We ll got in the tank after the desicion.

"It's cramped and hot, we're going to drive it like this" Saori complains

"Let's get started, all tanks Panzer Vor" we all hear Ms. Ami say over the radio.

{Time Skip}

After a while all of the teams were in there respective posistions. The boys were back at the garage since they didn't have their tank. I opened the hatch next to the loaders position and sat up and looked out of it.

"It looks like all of you made it to your starting points, the rules are simple, you just have to make all tanks immobile, in other words, go forth, shoot up a storm, and take out your opponents. Got it" Ms. Ami says over the radio to everyone "tankery starts with a bow and ends with a bow. All  participants bow" She continued.

I was back in the tank with the hatch closed. We all bowed and said.

"Let's have a good match"


"-All participants bow" Ms. Ami says over the radio.

Me, Clay, Red, Jonny, and Cif bowed and said.

"Let's have a good match"

POV: Miho

After we bowed Ms. Ami speaks once more "Let's start the match" 

"Finally, time to start attacking, anyway wanna try firing?" Yukari says.

"We can't just fire randomly" I tell her.

"Want to take out th student council first? The instructor turned out to be a stupid girl" Saori said with her arms crossed.

"Your still going on about that" Hana says from the drivers seat.

"I can make the desicion right I'm the tank comander?" Saori asked.

"Yeah" I says a bit hesitant.

"Then advance towards the student council team" Saori says with her hand out then realizes "Uhh were are they?"

Right after she asked that a shell hits close to us shaking the entire tank and scaring Saori in the process. I open my hatch and look out side. I look down and see the small crater in the ground near us made by the shell. I look upwards and see the Type 89 with its main cannon pointing towards us.

"I'm scared let's get out of here!" Saori shouts

Hana quickly puts the tank in gear and starts driving foward as fast as the tank can go. A shell the  hits the ground right behind us. Saori then looks out of the commanders capola and sees the Stug 3

"They've got us trapped" Saori says as she lowers her self from the capola.

"I can't hear you" Hana shouts.

"Take the right path" Saori sas while kicking Hana in her right shoulder.

Hana turns the tank down the right path. I look out of the hatch again as the Stug 3 and Type 89 shot at us. I look foward and see Mako sleeping against a cut down tree with a book on top of her face.

"Watch out!" I shout out

Mako hears me some how and gets up
She then some how jumps onto the tank and almost slips of but grabs the frontal machine gun. She then stands up.

"Your the girls from this morning" I say to her.

"Ohh it's Mako" Saori says as she popped her head out of the commanders capola.

"Saori" Mako says simply.

"You two friends?" I asked.

"Yeah since we were kids" she replies the turns to Mako "What are you doing here were in the middle of class" Saori says.

"I know" Mako says.

"It's dangerous so please get in the tank" I say while me and Saori get back in the tank.

Mako gets in through my hatch and lays in Yukari's lap

"There's not much oxygen" Mako mumbles.

"Are you okay?" Yukari quickly asks.

"Mako has low blood pressure" Saori tells her.

"She didn't seem to be doing so well this morning" I say.

"Woah you met her" Saori says.

"Yeah" I reply.

"That's why you were late" Saori says

Another shell then almost hits us.

"I've had enough what should we do!" Saori crys out.

I look out side through my hatch and see that that there was a bridge ahead.

"Stop the tank" I tell Hana.

Hana slows the tank down to a stop. I get out of the tank and walked into the bridge to check it's stability.

"Advance slowly" I yell Hana.

She starts to drive foward slowly onto the bridge rocking it. As she drove she drove too much to the left and grinded the front sprocket of track onto one of the side wire cutting it apart making the bridge partially unstable. Then a tank shell then hit near the back of the tank moving it away from the edge. I looked up to see  that Hana was unconcious. I got in the tank and put Hana in the radio operators seat

"I'm bad at driving but I have to do it" I say.

Then the tank starts to move away from the edge and straitened out. I looked over to the drivers seat to see Mako in the seat with the manual in front of her. Mako starting driving foward as we praised her a bit. Then a tank shell lands in front of us from the Stug 3 waking up Hana. Saori tells Yukari to turn the turret towards the Stug 3. When she was prepared to fire Mako stopped.

POV: You

We sat in Marie about a kilometer away from the bridge that the Panzer IV was on. We were on a open ridge by the edge of the canyon on the opposite side that team A came from. The Stug 3 then comes into view behind the team A.

"Clay aim for the Stug 3" I tell him.

"Already on it" he replies.

He aimed the turret towards the Stug 3. He then pulls the trigger on his turret traverse handle. The main gun fires at the Stug 3. As that happend the the gun ejected the spent shell casing from its breach and into the catch basket behind it. The tank shell flew at the Stug 3 and hit it in the side with some force making it prop into the sky on one track before the side of the tank came back down and the white flag popped out of the top. Red then loaded the gun with another tank shell.

"Jonny turn us around and head towards th bridge" I tell Jonny.

"You got it (Y/n)" He replied

POV: Miho

I was about to tell Yukari to fire but a tank shell hits the Stug 3 from the side lifting the side that was hit in the air for a split second. The white flag then pops out the top.

"That sounded like a firefly" Yukari tells me.

I look out into the direction the shell came from through a perescope in the turret and I see the back end of a sherman tank but I couldn't verify if it was a firefly or not.

"Ohh and I almost forgot to tell you, the guys will be in the mock battle also" Ms. Ami says over the radio.

"So does that mean the guys drive a Sherman Firefly?" Yukari asks.

"I can't be sure but it's a high possibility that they are using a Sherman Firefly" I tell her "for now stay focused. Aim and shoot at the Type 89" I tell her.

She turns the turret towards the Type 89 and fires. The shell hits dead center in the front of the tank. The white flag then pops out the top. I look towards the other end of the bridge and I see that the M3 Lee got stuck in mud and their engine was smoking with their white flag out. But the Panzer 38t was heading towards us. Our turret was in the totally opposite direction.

"Yukari start turning the turret towards the front of us" I tell her.

"Got it" she replies as she start turning the turret.

The Panzer 38t shoots at us and misses us. It was able to reload faster then we could get our turret turned all the way. Then a tank shell hits the back of the Panzer 38t and gets to the engine making its white flag pop out.

"There here" Mako says.

Me, Yukari, Saori, Mako, and Hana look through our perescopes and looks at the guys' tank. It was coming towards us, it looked like a Sherman Firefly but it wasn't a Sherman Firefly, the chassis was a M4a4 chassis that was ribbed together as stander ed for the M4a4 chassis. The main thing that you could tell that it wasn't a Firefly was that the main gun was not a 17-pounder anti-tank gun. The muzzle break was rectangular and nor of the spherical like shape of the 17-pounder.

"What tank is that?" Saori asks.

"I'm not completely sure" I answer her.

"May I fire?" Yukari asks.

"Yes" I reply.

Yukari pulls the trigger and fires. The sherman fires at us also. Our shell some how ricochets off its frontal slopped armor. The sherman shell hits us directly in out frontal armor. I then hear our flag pop up.

"D team M3, E team 38t, C team the assult 3, B team Type 89, A team the Panzer IV are all inoperable. Marie team the M4a4 wins. We will dispatch someone to pick up all inoperable tanks, members are to leave them and head back in' Ms. Ami says over the radio

We then look out of our respective hatches at the M4a4 sherman tank. I was wondering what tank that is because I've never seen a tank with that gun before.

"That gun looks so powerful" Hana says in awe.

"Wait, is that SA50 75mm gun used on the AMX 13!?!" Yukari shouts "this must be a M-50 super sherman, I've always wanted to see one of these I real life bit only 50 were converted" she added.

(Y/n) then lifts the top half of his body out of the the commanders capola.

"You a little wrong there little lady" (Y/n) says to Yukari.

"How am I wrong?" She asks.

"I will explain back at the garages" he tells us.

Part 3.

POV: You

All of the teams were in front of the garages. Me, Clay, Red, Jonny, and Cif stood in front of Marie. Most of the girls were in awe a while looking at the tank. There was white horse painted on each side of the turret. Above the horse said 'Marie Antoinette' below the horse said ' Vive La France'. For those who love F/GO

There all the same tank I'm just trying to show all of it.

"Everyone meet Marie Antoinette" I say.

"But we just call her Marie" Jonny adds.

"Marie is a M4a4 SA50, she is a prototype from France for the M-50 super sherman. She has a SA50 75 mm  main cannon from a AMX 13" Cif explains.

"And her armor is good too, more than a regular M4a4 chassis" Jonny says as he hit his hand against the frontal armor "her chassis is one of technique legendary chassis that have more armor then the orginal tank bis supposed to have like the Cromwell tank that had more armor then it was supposed to have. She has about 90 mm of frontal armor, 60 mm of side armor and rear armor. When the engineers converting her found this out they put a better engine in her so that she would look like a regular M4a4 conversion and runnlike one" Jonny explains.

"With the gun and everything wouldn't that mean that this tank is against the rules of high school tankery?" Miho questions.

"No actually, this year they changed the rules and added some new ones allowing more vehicles in and allowing guys on girl teams" Ms. Ami explains.

"Why did the my change then rules?" Yukari asked.

"I'm not fully aware why but I heard someone higher up suggested it and now here it is" Ms. Ami answers.

"Well it's getting late so this is the end of class" Momo says.

The girls then started to walk back home. Before Miho could walk of with her team I walked up to her.

"You handled your self well out there" I say to her.

She blushes a bit and was a little nervous "Uhh you did well out there also" she replied.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine, well me and my friends are going so we will see you guys towmarrow" Miho said.

Miho and her friends then waved at us as they left except one who seamed a bit tired.

"That went more 'smooth' then 'boring'" Jonny says and we all look at him "you know because of smooth bore guns" he chuckles hesitently.

"It wasn't as bad the one you made the first day of school" Red says.

"At least it was one of the times when all Jonny could say was military puns all day" Clay says.

"That was hell" Red grunts.

I look around and I don't see Cif.

"Where's Cif?" I ask.

"Taking a nap inside the tank probably" Clay replied.

"Well Cif isn't Cif without his naps" I joke and we all laughed.

Hello everyone it's the end of the chapter. I hope you guys liked the tank that you are using. If you guys have any suggestions for non canon chapters feel free to tell me. Now until next time goodbye.

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