Preparing for St. Gloriana

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Sorry I haven't updated this book for a while but thanks for waiting. Last chapter the girls of the tankery class got to see your guys' tank which is named Marie Antoinette.


POV: You

Part 1.

It was the next day after having the mock battle with the girls of tankery. School was out and it was time for tankery. Me, Clay, Red, Johnny, and Cliff were walking towards the garages after meeting up. It's convenient when our classes are next to each other. As we walked we saw something shining brightly in the distance. We then realized what it was when we got closer.

"Oh dear lord" Clay says while facepalming.

"Well this is....something" I say.

"Some interesting camouflage choices" Cif says.

"The fuck" I all Red says as he gets blinded with light.

"Noooo the tanks, They're all ruined" Johnny cries out.

The five of us stare at the tanks. The Type 89 had writing all over it, The Stug 3 was red and gold with flags on top of it, The M3 Lee was completely pink, And the 38t was gold which was blinding red with the reflection of the sun. The Panzer IV D was just fine and wasn't painted any different color, but we could only wonder how it looked on the inside. All the girls were hanging around their tanks and Anzu walks up to us with Yuzu by her side.

"So, what's are we going to do?" Anzu asks.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"Our deal for you 5 being here. Apart of it was for you to help us train" Anzu says.

"That was apart of the agreement" Cliff leans over and says to me.

I sigh then say "Start with basic training of course, most of those girls don't know how to work a tank properly"

"Well get to that then" Anzu says.

Momo then walks up to Anzu and says "We set the practice for this coming Sunday"

"Your putting them into a match with only a week of training! Are you nuts!" Red yells.

"Quiet down, they don't need to know about this until after practice" Momo says.

"How many tanks are being used?" Johnny asks.

"Its 5 on 5, so you guys will be sitting out of this match" Momo replies.

"It will be a good way for us to see what you girls need to work on after this week of training" Clay says.

"Agreed" I add then say "So who are you against?"

"St. Gloriana" Momo replies simply.

"That won't end well"

"So what should we do first?" Anzu asks.

I think a bit before saying "Let's get to the shooting range and try out their shots"

"Understood" Anzu says before walking back to the others and telling them the plan.

I turn to Clay, Red, Cliff, and Johnny and I say "Let's get Marie and watch over them for the time being and give them some demonstrations if needed"

They all nod and we head into the garage. We jump into our respective places of the tank and got into our positions. The layout was like it was in a normal sherman tank. Johnny was in the left front with Cliff being in the right front. Red was on my left stand while Clay was on my right sitting on his seat as I sat on my seat on the right behind the gun out of the way of the breach.

Johnny starts the engine and drives out of the garage. I put my mic on and I see the girls are in their tanks prepared for training. I press the button on my mic and say.

"Okay ladies, were going to start practice off with some shooting at the range. We will be watching you over practice for this week while your student council does there thing with you girls"

{Time Skip}

It was after practice and the girls were in lines. We were standing by the student council as we looked at the girls. During the practice all Momo did was order the girls around, not sure how that will turn out when it comes to results on the battlefield.

"Good work during practice today" Momo tells the girls.

"Thank you very much" All the girls say before bowing.

Then Momo decides to tell them "I know it's rather sudden but this coming Sunday we will be having a practice match"

"What?!" Some of the girls shout.

"We are up against St. Gloriana women's academy" Momo adds.

I see Yukari look down and Hana asks her "What's wrong?"

"St. Gloriana women's academy won the national semifinals before, They're quite strong" Yukari explains.

"Don't worry, we believe in you girls" I tell them with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Miho asks.

"Are you guys not joining the match?" Saori adds.

"It's more like we can't due to the match being a 5 vs. 5 match. We will be watching though" Cliff says.

"We need to see what skills you girls need to learn before going into a real match" Red says with his arms crossed.

"I guess that makes sense" Miho says.

"Meet at 6 am at the school on Sunday" Momo tells the girls.

When Mako, the driver for the Panzer IV says "I'm quitting, I'm quitting tankery"

"Mako has trouble waking up" Saiori tells her other crew mates.

Mako then starts walking away and her crew mates follow her to prevent her from quitting. The then begin to argue, if you can call it that. Mako then stops dead in her tracks after Saiori tells her something.

"FIne.....I'll stay.." Mako says in defeat.

"Yay" Saiori says while hugging Mako tightly.

As I watched those girls It reminded me of memories of when we were younger. Back in middle school Johnny was almost the total opposite of how he is now, one major thing is that no one could ever wake him up in the morning. Red had to pull him out of bed and dunk his head in some water for him to wake up. Now Johnny takes these pills that makes sure he gets a good night sleep so he can wake up in the morning.

"Maybe those will work for Mako?" I question in my head.

I was going to tell Johnny to see if he could tell Mako about them but when I turned to see Johnny he wasn't there. He beat me to the punch and was already by Mako holding the bottle of pills in his hand which for some reason he had on him.

"You should take these. These will help you sleep better so you can wake up in the morning" Johnny tells Mako.

"I'm not sure, She's tried many and none of them ever worked" Saori says to Johnny.

"I promise you that these work. I used to never be able to wake up in the morning" Johnny asures.

"I'll try them" Mako says.

"Are you sure Mako?" Saori asks Mako.

"Yes. won't hurt to try" Mako says.

"If you say so" Saiori says.

Johnny handed Saori the bottle and told her "She needs to take it once a day at night, when you run out tell me and I'll give you more"

"Thank you for trying to help Mako" Saori says while bowing a bit.

"It's okay, I'll see you girls tomorrow. Bye" Johnny says before running back to us.

"What was that about?" Red asks.

"Just giving Mako some of my pills that's all" Johnny replies.

"Let's start heading home, We have a lot of training to do this week" I tell them and they nod.

Part 2.

It was Saturday, the day before the match, and Me, Miho, The student council and the other 3 commanders of the other tanks were sitting in the student council room discussing the plan for the St. Gloriana match. I was there for the reason of helping them out since my crew won't be in the match. Momo was writing on a whiteboard talking about St. Gloriana's tactics.

" Listen up, St. Gloriana women's academy is good at deep penetrating tactical strikes using their tough armor and teamwork and our guns won't be effective against the Matilda II"s unless we are within a 100 meters" Momo says "This is where we have one of our tanks become bait, pull the enemy into our killzone where we are the most effective then have our remaining units take them out"

I look over at Miho and she was hanging her head down while listening to Momo.

"What's wrong Miho?" I ask

She looks at me who is sitting across from her on the couch against the wall. I was leaning towards her while sitting down and my hands clasped together. She then looks at the others.

"St. Gloriana is going to anticipate that we will try to bait them using one of our tanks, so they will probably try to counter our plan and try to surround us first" Miho explains.

"That's some good thinking Miho" I say while leaning back into my seat with my arms crossed.

"T-thanks" Miho says while her cheeks became slightly pink.

Momo then starts shouting getting everyone's attention except mine "Don't complain about my plan, If your going to complain then why don't you be the commander"

"Don't get so mad" Anzu says "Miho might become a good commander, you never know. Why don't you become the commander for our team"

"Wha" Miho exclaims.

"You would be a great commander Miho" I state.

"And you should be the sub commander" Anzu says while turning to me.

"Wait what, Why?" I question.

"Your the only other person here who as experience as a commander of a tank" Anzu tells me.

"Fine, but only if Miho accepts to become commander" I say.

"Great" Anzu says then turns to Miho" So what do you say Miho?"

"I-I will do it" Miho says and we start clapping.

After we start clapping Anzu had something else to say " Work hard Miho and get us a win, and if you do I'll give you a awesome prize"

"Huh? What are you planning?' Yuzu asks.

"A 3 day supply of dry potatoes" Anzu says.

"Uhh, what if we lose?" Isobe asks.

"I guess I'll have you dance the Anko dance at the cool evening festival" Anzu says while crossing her arms.

The girls in the room become shocked except Miho and slouch down in horror.

"I guess this dance is really embarrassing or something" I think.

{Time Skip}

I got home after the meeting of the commanders at the school. I walk inside the house and I see Red and Johnny playing Mortal Combat in the living room, Clay was play War Thunder on the computer, and Cliff was reading a book while sitting on the couch.

"Hey guys" I greet as I took my shoes off.

"Hey" They all greeted while not taking their eyes off what they were doing.

I sit down on the recliner and lay back into it.

"Do you guys think their going to win tomorrow?" I ask.

"I'm don't know, but what I do know is that they need a lot more training" Clay says as he turns to me and shuts off his computer.

"It will take time for them to get enough experience in a tank to be able to take on the tank schools they will be up against in the tournament" Cliff says while putting his book down.

"Maybe after this practice match we could do some one on one training with each of the members of each crew to help them out like I would do loaders and Clay will do gunners" Red says while he continued to play with Johnny.

"Makes sense, They don't know a lot about tanks and the sport so well need to do some lessons on that too" I say

"They have a lot to learn" I say in my head.


Hello everyone here is the end. Hope you enjoyed. Note that I'm skipping the entire battle with St. Gloriana for the reason of you not being in the battle so I don't to hassle myself with that but you will be in the matches after the St. Gloriana match. If you guys want me to make the St. Gloriana match work then tell me a idea then.I hope you guys are cool with that. Now until next time bye.

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