St. Gloriana

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter was about the guys helping out with the girls' tankery training for the practice match with St. Gloriana.

Sorry for all the time skips that will be in this book. The anime does it a lot.


POV: You

Part 1.

It was Sunday morning, the day of the St. Gloriana match. After me and the guys got up and got read. We started walking to school as we wore our schoo uniform. It's 5 am right now and the orange glow of the sun hasn't pierced the dark sky yet. The 5 of us were wide awake, well 4 of us, Cif had yawned a couple of times.

"Remind me why we've been up since 4 am" Red says.

"We need to make sure all the tanks are in working order for the girls' match today" I tell him.

"Do you guys think that St. Gloriana's going to have guys on their tankery team?" Jonny asks.

"I wouldn't put it past them if they do. With the new rules that allow guy crews on girl tankery teams and vice versa, a lot of teams could be jumping at the opportunity" Clay says.

"Like they'd stand a chance against us anyway" Cif states.

"Oh Cif is speaking the words of god" Jonny says and we laugh a bit.

"Do you guys think their going to be able to win against St. Gloriana?" I ask.

"Depends on what tanks they bring out exactly. We know roughly what they have but not what they'll bring out" Clay says.

"None of that matters if they can't hit their target" Red says.

"That may be true but let's just be positive" I state.

We soon arrive at the tank garage and went inside. I turned the lights on to the garage, revealing the 6 tanks. Jonny closes the door before the 5 of us stood next to each other looking at the tanks.

"I'm just going state the obvious, so what are we going to do with some of the crews' camouflage choices?" Red questions.

He was specifically talking about the 4 'unique' camouflage paints that some of the girls painted their tanks. A pink M3 Lee, a gold Panzer 38t, a not so historically painted StuG 3 F with 4 tall flags, and a Type 89 with writing on it painted in white.

"Leave it be" I state.

"Are you crazy?" Jonny questions "If we don't do something about those paints then it will look like their just asking to be shot and taken out"

"Then they'll have to learn from it. It's how it is with everything, you learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others" I tell them.

Clay sighs "He's right, if we want them to learn more about tankery then they need to know that the right camouflage is crucial"

"Then let's get to checking the tanks to make sure they work properly and is ready for the girls. Do Marie as well" I say "Clay, guns and armor. Red, ammunition, storage organization and safety. Cif, electrical devices and interior mechanics. And Jonny, running and drive mechanics. I'm doing everything under the hood. We've done this how many times so let's get to it"

{Time Skip}

The suns been up for some time as it shined through the windows of the garage. Clay was checking the gun breach on the StuG 3, Jonny was looking through the treads on the M3 Lee. Cif was going through the Type 89. I was finishing up with the Panzer 38 t's engine and Red was doing his part in the Panzer 4 D. I thought the Panzer 4 D was more of a Panzer 4 F1 but I would have to have Clay look through the whole thing see which type it is.

"Guys!" Red shouts from inside the Panzer 4.

"What is it?" I say as I tightened the last of the bolts.

"What am I supposed to do with all the crap in here?!" He questions.

"Leave it" I tell him.

"Leave it!!, there are pillows in one of the ammo racks!, Pillows for christ's sake! Not ammunition!, and there's loose items all over the place!" Red yells then we hear something hitting metal "God damn it!!!"

"You okay there buddy?" Clay questions.

"Does it sound like I'm okay!" Red yells.

"Glad your not hurt" Clay replies while chuckling a bit.

"Fuck you Clay!"

"Love you too Red" Clay says and we all laughed a bit except Red.

I finished up with the Panzer 38 t's engine and closed the hatch for it. Red climbs out of Panzer 4 while rubbing the top of his head. The door to the garage opens and all of the girls. They notice us inside the garage, most of them wondering what we were doing.

"How long have you guys been up?" Miho asks us.

Cif then replies "Since 4"

"What?!, why have you guys been up since 4?!" Saori exclaims.

"We had to make sure the tanks were in proper order for you girls today" I say "Nothing good happens when your tank breaks down"

"That's true" Miho replies.

"Good work guys" Anzu says with a thumbs up "Now we can head out without any problem"

"We'll be right behind you girls with Marie, just in case St. Gloriana wants to bring us some company as well" I state.

Part 2.

We were riding to our designated destination before the match to meet with the team of St. Gloriana. We drove in the back of the line with the 38 t in front. Jonny and Cif were riding with their seats up and heads outside the tank, I also sat on my seat with my head outside my commander cupola. As we arrived at the destination we saw the tanks St. Gloriana was using. There was one Churchill Mk 7, 4 Matilda Mk 2s, 2 Cromwell Mk 5s and a AC Mk 4. We lined up and we parked to the left of the Panzer 4. I got out of the tank along with the other commanders to see the tank commanders of St. Gloriana. In front of the Cromwells and AC were three guys that seemed familiar to me. The very familiar tank commander of the AC had blond hair and blue eyes while one commander of the Cromwell's had black hair while the other had red hair.

"Well if it isn't the guys from St. George" I say.

"Uhh, It you. Well get you this time (L/n) with your up armored M4" The AC commander says.

"So you thought bringing a 17 pounder would help you defeat my tank this time Gil" I state.

"Of course it will" He exclaims.

"Yeah,If your within at least a hundred meters " I hear Red say.

"At least we will be able to reload faster while you're not stick in a small turret" The loader of the AC says.

"My, I didn't know that the boys could be so rowdy" I hear the commander of St. Gloriana say. Her name is Darjeeling if I remember correctly.

All the guys turn our heads to the girls who were looking at us. They looked at us like they haven't seen a argument between two guys.

"Is arguing normal in the guys side of tankery?" Saori asks.

"Yes, very normal" Clay states.

"I just came up with a splendid idea, how about the guys have a match after our match?" Darjeeling says "Sound good?"

Before Me or Gil could reply Momo replies "We accept"

"Great" Darjeeling says with a smile.

"We will win this time (Y/n)" Gil says.

"Just because it's a 3 on 1 doesn't mean that you'll win" I state as I walked back to Marie.

{Time Skip}

Me and the guys watched the girls' match from a tv as we sat under a tent. Ops Rai was where the match is taking place, so they had open land as well as urban city to be able to fight in. At the moment, they were fighting inside the city. The way they decorated their tanks didn't help how under skilled they were. They got lucky a few times but that won't help all the time. The last ones standing were Miho and Darjeeling, a battle between a Panzer 4 D and a Churchill Mk 7. That bad thing about this battle is that the Panzer 4 has no a very slim chance of getting through the armor anywhere on that at tank. Highest penetration shell they have is 100mm and the armor all around the Churchill is about 100mm so it will be a bit tough unless they can trap shot it at the turret ring or disable the gun. They drove past the Churchill and slid to the side, trying to hit the Churchill from the side. Hana shot the gun soon before the Churchill did the same. When the smoke cleared, it revealed a Panzer 4 with a blown gun and a white flag And a almost unscathed Churchill.

"Ooarai Academy, all tanks non-operational" The announcer says.

"Well then, they put up a fight at least" I say.

"They could only do so much with the guns they had against the armor they had to shoot" Clay says.

"True, but they need to be trained more as well" Red says.

"And they need to learn more about the tanks them selves and their aspects, not just their own but the ones they can face as well" Cif adds.

"This match was for us to see what they needed to work on" Jonny says.

"And the answer is alot" Red states.

"Boys of Ooari Academy and St. Gloriana Academy. Meet at the plaza in 5 minutes" the anounncer says.

"Looks it's our time" I say.

We start loading up into Marie and and the girls of the Panzer 4 walked up to us.

"You girls did good out there for your first tanker match together" I say as I sat at the capola "And Miho, you had some tricks up your sleeve out there. That's good when your commander"

"Thanks" She says.

"We came to wish you luck for your match" Hana says.

"Thanks" I reply.

"I will end it with only three shots" Clay states.

"Can you actually do that?" Saori questions with suprise.

"Sure he can, he's destroyed a target 1500 meters away during a thunderstorm" Jonny exclaims " 3 one shot kills is a piece of cake for him"

"That's pretty impressive" Hana says then looks at Clay"Would you mind if you helped me with my gunnery skills sometime Clay?"

"I don't mind at all" Clay says with a smile.

"Let's go before we're late" Red says before getting inside the tank.

"Right. We will see you girls after the match" I say before I got in the tank.

Jonny starts the engine and we get on our way to the plaza. We passed citizens as they looked in awe at our tank. There were children on their parents backs and shoulders, allowing them to see Marie. Soon we arrived at the plaza, the three judges stood in front of the fountain inside the plaza while Gil and his comrades parked their tanks on their right. Jonny parks Marie on the judges' left, Facing the AC Mk 4 and Cromwells. I get out of the tank to face Gil and the other 2 tank commanders.

"This is a match between the boys of Ooarai Academy and the boys of St. Gloriana Academy. Which ever team loses all their tanks win. All participants bow" One of the judges says. Me, Gil, and the other 2 commanders bow with our crews doing the same "Commanders, Drive to your designated starting positions"

"May the best crew win" I say as I extend my hand out to Gil.

He shakes my hand "May the best crew win"

I walk back to Marie and get in "Let's go, hatches down guys"

Jonny, Cif, Red, And I close our hatches, there's not gunners hatch so Clay had no hatch he needed to close. Jonny drove us over to our designated starting position which was a exit to one of the bridges on the east side of Ooarai going into the city. To my guess, Gil and his guys are on the west side of town. We sat there, waiting for the match to start.

"Got a plan (Y/n)?" Jonny asks me.

"Take them out as quick as possible of course, the Cromwells can reload fast and are quick as well so we can't have them flank us at all cost" I tell them.

"The AC is quite speedy as well, not as fast as the Cromwells but up there. With its 17 pounder we either want to stay as far as we can from it or stay on the move as much as possible" Clay says.

"This is urban warfare so staying as far away as possible isn't a option" Red says.

"So staying on the move is our only option then, it's that or ambush" I say.

"An ambush could work once, bur when they hear the first shot they'll come running to our position" Cif states.

"Agreed, we will have to move right after that" Jonny says.

"Okay then, that's how we will do it. Ambush the first tank and kill the others while on the move" I say.

We then hear the announcer over out radio "The match between the boys Ooarai Academy and the boys of St. Gloriana Academy will now begin" Jonny starts the engine started going forward.

"Go to the Main Street that runs through the city north-south" Cif tells Jonny while lookin at a map.

"Alright. Tell me the directions" Jonny says.

Clay looked through his periscope at our surroundings just in case they got to us faster than we expected. I looked through the small cupola windows at our surroundings. I then see a hill with some trees that looked over what looked like the Main Street, though our small problem is that it was on the north side did town while we were near the middle of town.

"Jonny, go to the hill on our right, we can use that spot for our ambush" I tell him.

"Roger that" He says and turns left at the next street.

We passed houses and businesses on the street as we made our way to the hill. Once we got to the hill, Jonny started to drive up it. Jonny drove up the hill as fast as Marie could go. I was wondering as we drove up the hill why the Cromwells haven't gotten to the Main Street yet. The only thing I could think of is that they were being cautious,really cautious. I wouldn't blame them when we got a high velocity gun with a high penetration value. We got to the top of the small hill and Jonny parked us facing the street hidden in a few bushes.

"Got a clear view Clay?" I ask.

"Yeah. Waiting for a target" He replies.

"Fire when ready" I say.

Not even 2 seconds later he pulls his trigger and the gun goes off, the branches of the bushes around the tank motioned backwards as the force of the blast comes out from the muzzle break and hits them.

"One Cromwell down" Clay states.

Red reloaded the gun with a new shell and out the exerted shell that was in the catch basket in a empty shell slot in the ready rack. I look through my scope that was linked with Clay's gun sight and see a downed Cromwell at the other end of the Main Street.

"Lets get going, they'll be in our tail at any moment"I say.

Jonny floors the gas and he starts driving straight down the hill. Clay had his finger on the trigger, ready to fire. Clay starts moving the turret to the right as we moved forward but through the scope and I saw nothing. And had zero clue at what he was moving the turret for. Then I forgot that he had a sixth sense when it came to this. I hear a sound of a engine coming towards us. Clay then pulls the trigger as Jonny continued to drive.

"Last Cromwell down" Clay says.

I look out the ports on the cupola and I see a shut down Cromwell with a shell hole at the center in the front.

"Good work Clay" I say and he only nods then looked towards Jonny "How's it looking Jonny? Any move movement up front?"

"None at the moment" He replies.

Red grabs the next shell and then something hits the tank and we hear a ding before hearing it fly off into the sky, rocking the tank a bit. Red dropped the shell after hitting his elbow against the turret. I looked out the cupola and see the AC driving out in front of us at the end of the Main Street.

"Don't stop Jonny, keep driving" I tell him.

"Do you want us to get hit with that gun at a closer range?!" Red shouts "I haven't put a shell in yet"

"Of course I don't want us to get shot" I tell him. The AC starts driving at us at a fast pace "Thats why we're going to evade the shot"

"Jonny, right before you thing he's going to shoot, pull the right brake. Clay, shoot when ready" I tell them.

Red slams the the shell into the gun breach and holds onto the turret with his left hand. Jonny yanks on the brake for the right track and we hear the sound of the AC's 17 pounder going off. Marie starts turning to the right and we hear the shell from the 17 pounder ricochet off the front slope of Marie. Clay then pulls the trigger and the gun goes off. We hear the shell hit the AC and heard the flag go up on it.
"All of St. Gloriana's tanks non operational. Ooarai Academy is the winner" The announcer says.

I looked through the scope and saw that Clay shot dead center of the AC "Great shot as always Clay" I say "Great driving as well Jonny"

"I'm always killing it" Clay says as he lays back a bit.

"Driving have always been an expert at driving" Jonny says proudly as he looked towards us.

"Except the time you drove us into a ditch" Cif states.

"Hey, the track got shot and came off" Jonny says in defense.

"Then there was that time you drove us straight into a building during a match back in middle school" Red says.

"The transmission was acting up that day, that's why I was up all night that day trying to fix it" Jonny says.

"And when you almost tipped Marie over when we were the side of a mountain" Clay says.

"I take full responsibility for that, if I didn't do that we wouldn't of got the mountain without being injured"

"Hey guys, don't gang up on Jonny, everyone makes mistakes" I say.

"Right, let's get back to everyone" Red says.

"Today turned out pretty well. Still got half of the day to go"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Until next time, bye.

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