Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The Combined force of Ooarai and St Gloriana had besieged the last fortified position held by the Americans in Hoja City. For the past five hours the bombardment had not let up. Thousands of shells had devastated the roughly put together defense by the Virginia unit. However rough the fortifications looked the Americans managed to hold out for so long. Along with this prolonged siege came a dreaded boredom. The girls had not done anything one would call productive during this time. With the constant raining of shells, the joy and excitement in a Sensha Do match had was extinct.

Darjeeling was no different. She had not smiled so much in so many days, she slept in on more than one occasion, and she had not even the desire to drink a cup of tea. All her girls felt the same way. There was no drive for the girls of St Gloriana anymore. The beauty and grace of the Sensha Do style that St Gloriana practiced lessened and with Virginia hardly doing anything but wait out the clock the whole battle seemed pointless and menial.

Darjeeling sighed for the umpteenth time as she gazed with a look of boredom through her spyglass at the other side of the river. Virginia had put themselves in the east most side of the eastern district across the river that runs through the city and just planted themselves a nice comfy spot. When she first arrived, Commander Davis held up a good resistance to the advances set by her and Miho. He proved his worth to her on day one and with it her sympathy. Davis was one of a strategic mind. He saw numbers and percentages with every option he did. Darjeeling had not the same skills but had the conviction to throw him off balance and render his skills useless. He however adapted. Setting up regular defensive points where Miho and herself would be forced to charge straight in line Chi Ha tan would have and nearly get annihilated. This was how Davis would fight and if possible, even win and keep his sport. But now came the pause in the storm. The fun and excitement was over. Now was the boring waiting game.

"Ms. Darjeeling, would you like a cup of tea?" Pekoe asked.

Darjeeling sighed again and reentered her Churchill. She nodded at Pekoe and was handed a cup. She took a long sip and downed the whole cup at once. She sighed again and rubbed her temple giving the cup back.

"More please." She said.

"Of course." Pekoe said.

"Seems you're more out of things than anyone else of us Darjeeling." Assam stated.

"I'm more than out of things, I'm bored out of my mind. Why wont Davis launch another offensive? We've been purposely wasting ammunition for the sake of him charging our line, so why doesn't it work?" Darjeeling asked.

"You forget Mr. Davis is patient. He won't move unless he's absolutely sure we wont win." Assam said.

Darjeeling sighed again and slumped in her chair. No one blamed her. Her normal elegant posture and refined demeanor was lost long ago.

"Darjeeling, come in its Miho." Miho's voice said over radio.

"I copy Miho. What is it?" Darjeeling asked.

"Federation reinforcements have arrived. Their unit commander wants to talk to us." Miho said.

The Federation reinforcements? Was it that time already? Oh, how lost in time the whole city must be.

"Roger, I'll meet you by the command tent." Darjeeling said.

"Seems we may get a respite." Pekoe said.

"Lets hope." Darjeeling said

St Gloriana's commander opened the hatch and hoped out of the Churchill. She landed on her feet and walked towards her destination. All around her she saw the many tanks staying stationary firing to the American side of the river. It was very exhausting just watching.

Upon arriving and entering the tent Darjeeling saw Miho was already there. She looked just as depleted as Darjeeling did. With her was a woman. She wore the Federation standard uniform of Olive Green top and skirt. The woman's demeanor was one of aggression. Darjeeling intuitively knew this woman wanted a fight.

"Darjeeling, welcome." Miho said.

"Good, now that you're both here we can begin. The Federation reinforcements have all arrived and have already begun our assist on the various assaults around the island. The other day we successfully aided in the capture of the CP town of Homedale. Now we plan to take over work here in the City. Meaning that your schools will be going to Mishima for some R&R." the woman said.

Darjeeling and Miho looked at each other. They both sighed in relieve. Finally, they would get out of this city. Though Darjeeling thought of something to say.

"How many Tanks did you bring with you?" She asked.

"Enough to squash those pesky Americans." The woman answered.

"I should warn you that the Americans have a strong tactician on their side. He has managed to outwit us several times before." Darjeeling said.

"No need for worry. We'll handle the Americans, you two just get your teams ready for travel." The woman said. And they did.

enduring the constant bombardment was difficult for the Americans. It felt like they would never be given a break from the action. However, when the shelling stopped it seemed like a miracle from god.

Peeking over some rubble was the face of one of the American tank commanders. Vice Commander Donovan Green of Virginia Academy of Arts Tankery team, he was a senior at Virginia Academy of Arts and did Tankery since his freshman year.

Bringing his binoculars to his eyes he saw the St Gloriana Matilda 2's and the various tanks from Ooarai leaving their station. It seemed like the bombardment would be stopped for now. Donovan crouched and started away form his hidden position back to the line of M6 heavy tanks. Reaching the line, he saw some guys out of their tank working on the engine.

"What happened?" Donovan asked.

"Fuse is shot. I asked Liam if he could spare one and he went to get it." The guy said.

"Alright keep it up." Donovan said as he moved along.

Donovan moved forward and gazed at the line. Every one of his boys outside their tank had no spirit left in their eyes. They looked dead in the water. No purpose but standing still waiting for a lucky hit to take them out.

Donovan brought himself over to another tank to see what problems have arose.

"How many shells you boys got left?" Donovan asked.

"Thirteen?" the boy said uncertainly.

"Well, make them count." Donovan said moving along.

"I don't think that makes much of a difference Green." The guy said calling out as Donovan moved along.

Donovan rounded a bend and found a small group of guys watching the other side of the river. He came up to them to assess their situation.

"You guys alright?" He asked.

"Yeah." One guy said tiredly,

Donovan glanced at one of the Freshman who seemed jittery. "Tim, you ok?" Donovan asked.

"Yes sir! I just, I want it to be over already." Tim said nervously.

"Just stay hunkered down, we'll outlast them like we always do." Donovan said.

"Vice Commander, Davis wants you at Command." Another guy said as he approached the group.

"Right. On my way." Donovan moved and headed towards the command tent. He did not need to see Davis in person to feel how exhausted his Commander was. This bunker down strategy was enough to understand the Commanders feelings on the battle. Donovan soon found his way to the tent and entered; however, Davis was already in a fitty mood.

"What do you mean we lost Homedale?" Davis asked.

"Exactly what I said. Ed and Rivers both got captured and their whole combined force is getting taken to Mishima." Andrew said.

"Crud. Get on the horn with Jonathan, see if he knows about the situation and ask if he can spare someone to try to get the tanks back from the town. We'll need them sooner or later." Davis said.

Andrew nodded and left. Donovan then made his presence known.

"You wanted to see me D?" Donovan asked.

"Yeah, whats the status on the line Green?" Davis asked.

"Crappy. We got seventeen tanks left standing, unit twelve bust a fuse again, most of our guys only have about a dozen shells left and moral Is hitting an all time low." Donovan said.

"I heard the bombardment line is moving. Whats up with that?" Davis asked.

"I couldn't tell you. From the looks of it they'd be contempt with us staying here." Donovan said.

"Even though they wont get complete control of the city?" Davis asked.

Donovan shrugged. Who knows what was going on anymore? He whole debacle exhausted everyone participating.

"We got news from the north. Federation reinforcements have arrived on the island. Association reinforcements have arrived as well and are spreading through out the island. Jonathan wants us to hold our position and wait out the storm." Davis said.

"We can barely hold out as it is. Low on ammunition, no scrap, and tools to fix our damaged tanks and least we forget the enemy has most of the city under their control. They can house an army here." Donovan said.

"I know. But we cant do anything else anyway. We just need to hold what we have." Davis said.

"Sir!" one of the guys from the line came in. he seemed frantically needing to say something. "We have Challenger 1s and 2s moving across the bridge! Their attacking us!" He said running back to the line.

"St. Gloriana and Ooarai have no Challenger tanks. It must be Federation reinforcements." Donovan said running to his M6.

Sure enough a few dozen Challenger tanks were approaching the defensive line. They seemed over confident. Donovan would use this.

"This is Vice Commander Green. Open fire but conserve your shots. These Federation girls brought less tanks then needed. They have underestimated us. Lets show them what true Tankery is!" Donovan said hoping to hype up his team.

"yes sir!" a collective yell over the radio responded.

Now with the action starting again things would be going at a much faster pace. The Virginia unit needed to just hold and make sure that the Federation knows that there will be now surrender or mercy from them.

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