Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Maho woke from her sleep upon her alarm going off. It was eight in the morning. Meaning it was time get up and get to work. She took a shower, ate breakfast, and changed into her Sensha Do uniform and exited the room she was staying in. she made her way to the command room on the other side of the town's plaza. That was where she would convene with the other commanders.

It had been three months since this war game started. To be perfectly honest, one whole year was way to long for a game like this. However, more importantly Maho wanted to bring up the behavior of the Federation unit. To put it simply, they were acting barbaric. Not to each other mind you, but to the Americans.

Maho's thought was proven instantly when she saw two Federation women kicking a downed boy from Montana. They weren't relenting. Feeding the boys was no issue as they had plenty of food but Akari wanted to show the boys they had permission to defend themselves from any violent approaches, however the Federation units were the violent ones. The boys had their resting quarters and were taken care of but the physical beatings some of the Federation girls gave them were too much.

Maho entered the building holding the meeting and entered a conference room. Maho noticed she was last to arrive. She took her seat and quickly glanced around. Her sister Miho, who returned with Darjeeling after a major defeat at Hoja City, and Kay were to her right. Her left consisted of Katyusha, and Darjeeling. Akari sat at the far end of the table. Each commander had their seconds with them as well.

"So, first things first, the attack on Glendale. Katyusha, how is the planning coming along?" Maho asked.

"Very well. We have all sections of strategic nature settled. All that's left is a date for the attack." Katyusha said.

Maho nodded towards Darjeeling next. "What about Hoja City? Has Virginia showed any fatigue?"

Darjeeling shook her head. "None. They are very thorough and have a great tactical mind leading them. Davis has proven quite formidable." St. Gloriana's campaign in Hoja City proved Fruitless in the wake of Virginia's Tankery team. Commander Davis had proved his worth in the last month.

"Miho, what status on the rest of the island?" Maho asked.

"The CP in the mountain was taken last week. The only ones left to capture are Hoja City and the last town in the east. We could bypass it all together but the Association forces in the town might attack from behind." Miho said.

"Kay, what is the situation on the American Prisoners?" Maho asked.

"Short Version. Like shit. They work twelve to fourteen hours and hardly get any rest, not to mention the beatings the Federation gals are giving some of them is not helping their work." Kay stated.

"We have the approval to protect ourselves against any hostile advances made by the boys. We are just protecting ourselves." Akari said.

"They aren't even advancing on you; they stay away from you. You and your cronies advance on them and beat them senseless when you feel like you need a quick fix!" Kay yelled.

No one would argue with Kay. They had all seen it though out the month. Akari just glared at Kay not saying a word.

"I think it would be prudent to go over the Boys living situations again." Maho said.

"Why? They have a roof, water, sanitation, food. What could they possibly need?" Akari asked.

"Comfort." Kay said.

"They don't need comfort. Their men. Their tough and can sit through it." Akari stated.

"that backwards attitude is going to make you enemies." Kay said.

"I would hope so." Akari said glaring again.

The conversations went on for a while longer before the commanders all dispersed. However, Maho wanted some knowledge she knew Akari would not share. In fact, Akari had taken over control of the captured men and was responsible for them. She would not let any of the commanders in the holding cells. And Maho was planning to be the first.

"Kay, a word please." Maho said.

Kay walked over to her and nodded.

"I know you want, more than anything, to enter and see the holding cell, correct." Kay nodded in response.

"Then let's go take a look." Maho said walking that way.

"What do you mean? Akari has ordered her girls to not let us in." Kay said.

"And with that in mind I got Akari to 'sign' some permission slips if you catch my meaning." Maho said.

Kay grew some surprise. "So, we show these slips to the women guarding the door and they let us in?" Kay asked.

Maho simply nodded.

Upon reaching the holding cell, or known as the stockade, Maho and Kay approached the two guarding the door. They had police batons on their hips. It was weird to see them with the weapons but Maho would focus on that later.

"Stop. Commander Akari has stated that no high schoolers can enter without explicit permission." One of them stated.

"And permission I have." Maho said handing the two the slips.

They eyed the paper in hand and eyed Maho as well. However, the handwriting was in fact Commander Akari's.

"Alright but don't take too long." The one said.

"Thank you." Maho said.

They opened the doors and the two Commanders walked inside. They passed the entryway and entered the cell area. What they saw horrified them.

Row upon row of cages filled with their previous combatants. They were stuffed, several in the cages hardly having much room. From the smell Maho confirmed Akari had been lying to her. The boys had no sanitation at all. Walking down the rows of cages Maho saw that the boys looked starving and dehydrated.

After walking some more one of the inhabitants of a cage spoke to the two.

"Hey, please can you get what I asked for?" Kay and Maho turned to the voice and were barely able to recognize his face. It was Commander Edward Hill of Uncle Sam.

"Commander Edward?" Kay asked.

"Please I'm begging you to get me medicine. Please, I'll give up my rations if you would please accept my request." Ed begged.

Maho took a look at Edward and grimaced. He was already underfed and was willing to give up more food to eat? What was going on here?

Upon the games beginning Maho had instructed here team to learn some of the English basics, herself included, so she understood some of what he was saying.

"What request? We haven't been informed of any request for medicine." Maho said.

"What? But I've been asking for a week. I think." Ed said.

"Who's sick?" Kay asked.

"Who isn't. I got five guys in these cages sweating bullets, hyperventilating, and dehydrated. There are two more outside working on the tanks to." Ed said.

Maho was shocked. Akari was forcing the sick to work? It made no sense as to why.

"What else do you need?" Maho asked.

"Food, Water, you name it. How do you not know this? You are the Commander from Kuromorimine right? Why did you have us caged like this?" Ed said venomously.

What? Ed thought she told Akari to do this? She would never. Yeah, she wanted to win and stop the Americans blasphemy of Sensha Do, but she would never do something like this to another human being.

"I am not in charge of the captives we bring in. that's up to Commander Akari." Maho said.

"Short black hair, green eyes, a scowl that would not go away on a child's birthday?" Ed asked.

"Yes." Maho said. He described her perfectly.

"That's the witch who keeps coming in here and dragging my guys out to work." Ed said.

If Maho was mad at Akari before today, now she was furious.

"Maho, we need to fix this. These guys look like they're on the possibility of dying." Kay said.

Maho nodded and turned back to Ed. "Get me names of everyone who needs immediate medical attention. I am going to help you." Maho said.

"Thank you." Edward said.

"Kay, get medicine from Darjeeling and gather the rest of your team. We're going to find out what needs to be fixed here." Maho said.

Both walked out of the cells and heading towards the hospital. Maho also called Erika to gather the girls from school and to get food and water. Kay was talking to Alisa about getting work on the tanks halted for a while. Whatever her mother was telling Akari to do, Maho wanted no say in it.

After a while Maho and Kay were heading back to the cells when some commotion took their attention.

"Get back to work!" One of the Federation girls yelled.

"No! you people are going to kill him! He needs to rest, he's sick!" Kay recognized the man yelling as the one who winked at her back at Homedale. One of his friends was wheezing on the floor. He looked like that fat one who drove a panzer 38t.

"I said back to work!" the girl yelled again.

"I said no! I'm not going to work for a bunch of savage people like you, understand!" Mark yelled back before heading back to his friend.

However, the girl he yelled at grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. What she did next shocked the two Commanders. She brought her leg up and thrusted her foot into the guys knee bending it backwards and breaking bones.

"AGH!!" the guy screamed falling to the floor grabbing his leg.

"When I give you an order you listen!" the girl screamed at him.

"Mark!" This time another boy came running up to the girl and when she turned around, he decked her square in the face sending her to the ground. Kay recognized this guy too. He was the one that saved Nonna's life.

The girl was now out cold. Austin rushed to Marks side and tried to do what he could. "Mark hold on man, hold on!" Austin yelled.

"Move!" Kay yelled.

Austin hardly did but Kay found some wiggle room and brought out some bandages and a smooth stick. She then looked back at Austin. "He needs ice. GO NOW!" She yelled at him.

He stood up and ran to the water supply. Kay then grabbed Mark by the shoulders and faced him.

"Listen to me. You're going to be fine. This will hurt like hell, but you Americans are tough SOB's right. Don't chicken out on me." Kay said. Her words seem to have given some confidence to the guy.

Austin ran back with a bag full of ice. Kay grabbed it and pressed it on Marks leg. She then grabbed Austin's arm and pressed it on the ice.

"Fifteen minutes, then start wrapping his leg in this." Kay gave the bandage. "Then we'll work from there." Austin nodded and focused on Mark.

Maho had called Erika to get those qualified in medical care and get them out here on the double. She then noticed Alisa, Naomi, and several Saunders girls showed up with food and water.

"Distribute some of the food and water to the guys here. The rest is going to the boys in the holding cells." Maho said. They all nodded yet not fully knowing what was going on.

An hour after all the food and medicine was handed out and the medical teams had arrived to look after the sick boys, per Maho's orders, and taken Mark to the hospital. When Akari arrived, her face was furious. However, Maho now knew of her actions was in a remarkably similar state.

"You forged my signature to gain access to the stockade!" Akari stated.

"You lied about the treatment of the Americans. They are starving, dehydrated, cramped, and sick. You have no right to treat them that way!" Maho stated back.

"Counselor Nishizumi gave me authority to treat the prisoners however I please. Besides, this way they will be too weak to fight back." Akari said.

"I am disgusted by you." Maho said. Her voice soft and full of malice.

"Now, where is the one who struck one of our girls? He needs come forward now or the whole lot of you will suffer!" Akari said to the boy's present.

"Hold on, your girl struck a man and broke his leg. You have no right punish his actions." Maho said.

"Oh, I have every right. We have the right to protect ourselves against hostile aggression and I will exact authority!" Akari yelled.

"I struck her. She deserved it!" Austin stated coming forward.

Akari glared at him and waved her hand. Two Federation girls began hitting him with their batons. Austin fell to the ground suffering kicks and hits from the batons. After a minute Akari held her hand up. She waved again to another girl.

"Go get the post ready. Give this guy fifty lashes for the crime of striking a woman!" Akari yelled.

"No! I outrank you; I will not allow this!" Maho yelled.

"I Command the Federation here! You are simply our combat Commander! I listen only to myself!" Akari screamed walking away.

Maho didn't know what happened. Firstly, she was yelling with Akari and now she is watching the poor young man who fought a bear for Nonna getting whipped. Yes, he hit a girl, but that girl broke his friends' leg.

Another crack of the whip placed another gash on Austin's back. That was thirty, twenty to go. Maho wanted to end this but she wouldn't for fear of her mother. She had seen the paper stating Akari had full disclosure the treatment of captives. Stopping this would violate her mother's orders. Orders that Maho followed her entire life.

"Austin!" A yell rang. Maho saw Nonna running forward with intent to stop the whipping from happening. Maho stepped in front of her and grabbed her.

"Let me go!" Nonna yelled.

"We can't interfere. Doing so will ship us off the island and we'll never be able to help the boys trapped here." Maho said.

Nonna stopped struggling and just stood there with teary eyes. She watched as the man who saved her life get beaten and bruised. The next slash set the number to forty.

The whipping was going on in front of all the boys to. Akari wanted to show off what she was willing to do to punish those who would defy her word. It was horrendous.

After the fiftieth lash Austin finally fell to his knees. He stood the entire time held himself high. However, the body could only handle so much physical punishment. After the Federation girls began leaving Nonna ran to Austin and embraced him. She was crying into his neck stroking his hair, and just simply didn't know what to do.

Katyusha and Klara arrived to find Nonna in an emotional state they had never seen before. They moved towards them and undid the bindings that held Austin to the post preventing him from leaving it.

Austin now lay chest down, his head on Nonna's lap and her fingers running though his hair, while the other two girls washed and cared for his back.

"Why did they do this to you? You don't deserve this, even for hitting someone." Nonna said.

"I don't know." Austin simply said.

"There. That should do it. You'll be fine in time Austin." Katyusha said.

"Thank you." Austin said weakly.

"Shh. Just rest Austin. You'll be ok." Nonna said.

"Have I ever told you I love the feeling of your fingers running through my hair. It makes me feel at home." Austin said.

Nonna smiled. "I'm glad I can give you some comfort."

After a few minutes, some Federation girls arrived with a stretcher saying Maho wanted them to move Austin to the hospital. Nonna, reluctantly, let them but followed them the whole way.

Maho called the other four Commanders and their seconds, who had all witnessed the whipping, and got them together for a talk. Any resentment of any kind towards the Americans was gone. They felt like they had no reason to continue fighting anymore. Miho had doubts since the beginning. Kay was losing her motivation for a while now and Katyusha had ceased her beliefs entirely. Which was shocking to most considering Pravda's stance on the American Tankery earlier in the year. Though Darjeeling had never really talked with the Americans she was appalled by the handling of them. She was a lady of class and composure. Something that brutality called punishment certainly wasn't.

"So, maybe you all could guess why I want to talk." Maho said.

"About the boy who suffered those Fifty lashes for the defense of his friend?" Darjeeling was on the nose.

"Yes. This whole predicament has opened up many of our eyes. Fighting in this wargame has been straining to the point where I want to take a break from Sensha Do." Maho said. The other nodded with her.

"I was for closing down the American Tankery and I thought that it was a tremendous blasphemy to our beloved Sensha Do. However, we have all seen these boys suffer and I can't bare to watch it anymore." Maho said.

"Talking to them we learned they do their Tankery as early training for military service. Most of them seek to join the army once they graduate high school." Katyusha said.

"They seem to have a fun and bombastic way of playing the game. I want to play against them for real one day and I can't do that if their gone." Kay said.

"It may not be elegant or beautiful, but these lads have given us quite a ride I dare say. Stripping them of their beloved sport seems an evil feat." Darjeeling said.

"Not to mention their situation is exactly like how ours was when we went to fight against the University team. They only seek to save something dear to them. I can't in good heart take that away from them." Miho said.

"Yes, they have given us reasons to understand them. they have showed us they have a cultural connection to Tankery. They have fun doing it and they have their own beauty and style to it. The reason they fight is to save something they love. Hell, one of them literally fought a bear to save one of our own and he suffers the worst right now. These boys will still fight should we give them a reason." Maho said.

she looked around the table and saw anxious faces for her next words. "I am leaving the Federation and will be aiding in the escape of the entire Stockade." She said.

The table was quiet. A student from Kuromorimine was going to go against her teachings and even worse, go against the one who taught them.

"Maho, you know that means going against Mother, right?" Miho asked.

Maho nodded. "I know. But seeing their faces, and hearing Edward say he would starve just to get his friends medicine to help their sickness. It's opened something in my mind I haven't felt before." Maho said.

"Now that. That is the Independence Sensha Do teaches us. Hell I'm in. like I said I want to play against these guys for real one day." Kay said.

"I can't say I want to continue to see such barbarism. We're in as well." Darjeeling said.

"You had my back Maho, now I'll have yours." Miho said.

"We still have to repay Austin for saving Nonna's life. We won't let a dept go unpaid." Katyusha stated, Nonna nodding behind her.

"Then let's begin the construction of our plan to break free every single boy in this town." Maho said.

A unanimous agreement sparked the beginning of a new revolution that would spark the end of modern Sensha Do.

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