Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The entire plan had, for lack of better terms, gone down the drain. For the next month Maho had smuggled food, water, medicine and much more into the stockade. She also ordered her girls to take pictures of the horrendous state of the 'prison'. She had gotten to talk to Commander Edward and told him the plan to escape. To say he was on board would be an understatement. Kay had the job assembling the tanks and getting all them ready for transport. It was going to be a tight fit carrying over four-hundred men, but they had to do it. Katyusha was charged with getting their escape route in order. They would need a clear path to escape east and head towards American territory. Miho chose to focus on supplies. Gas for the tanks, food, water, meds, ammunition, Miho would get it sorted. Darjeeling was tasked with the distraction of the Federation women. It went as well as could be. St. Gloriana's tea was amazingly brewed and many of the Federation women loved it.

When the day came for the breakout to happen, they had their escape route secured, the tanks were ready to go, the supplies would be on trucks and were set, the federation women were being distracted, and Maho and her school were freeing the Americans. However, once they exited the stockade things went sideways. It was apparently the day the Federation girls would 'bathe' the Americans. It wasn't even a proper bath; they would line the boys up and spray them with a hose. When the Federation 'bath' team or whatever entered the stockade, it was pretty hard to not notice the several high school girls freeing the Americans from their cages.

This, in turn, alerted the entire federation force and would have had them sent diving into their tanks. However, the girls weren't the only ones doing work. Ed had tasked all day crews to silently sabotage every Federation Challenger. Ergo, no suspension, or trigger latch. The challengers could neither drive nor shoot. If not for the wonderful aid of the Americans, the breakout would have been a bust. Thought it wasn't all so simple.

After fleeing from Mishima and heading east the lack of comfort the tanks provided was very strenuous for the Americans. They all were malnourished and, to some point, sick. Mark's leg was still in a cast and Austin's back wasn't fully healed either. So now here they were, on the run heading towards American lines hoping to bypass all Federation positions as possible.

Miho lowered her binoculars and gazed back at the column of tanks behind hers. All tanks had at least two Americans on top of the body. Most were gazing into space and others were chatting with the girls of their respective tanks. The more critical ones were inside the more comfortable tanks. Though while Miho gazed at the scene it filled her with a warm feeling. After so long of fighting against these Americans now they were chatting and laughing with the possibility of friendship.

"How Barbaric and crude can one man be. You sir are the least gentleman like man I have ever meet." Miho heard Darjeeling yell.

"Well excuse me if you're the one stuck with a 30's British mind set." The one guy called Peter yelled back.

Miho sighed. This had been going on for a while. Once Darjeeling found out Peter was English, she had bombarded him with questions of England and wanted to know everything. However, she did have a belief that the English were still like their great grandfathers back during the war. Learning that she had been wrong caused her to temporarily lose her cool. And now, even taking in Peters behaver, she would go off on him for practically everything. It, however, was what eased the tension between the two former enemy forces.

"Miporin, what food do you think the boys would like the best? I can't figure out what they would like." Saori asked.

"Why do you want to know?" Miho asked in return.

"Oh, I thought I would cook some of them with a proper healthy meal, considering they lacked it for almost two months." Saori said.

"She's actually trying to seduce some of the guys into liking her. She even has a list of the ones she finds cute." Mako said nonchalantly.

"Mako!" Saori yelled.

The panzer IV crew laughed. However, this also reminded Miho of the two Americans on her tank. She gazed back at them and studied them again. They were both from Uncle Sam, the one to her left was a driver for a panzer 38t and the other one was a loader for the Americans Tiger 1.

"What do you two think? What food would you guys enjoy?" Miho asked.

The two thought about their answer and gave quite different ones then Miho would have thought of.

"I would want my mother's homemade tuna casserole. oh man that stuff is like heaven in your mouth." Chubbs said.

"I would say a good old fashion hotdog. Nothing beats an American hotdog." William said.

"Really? What is an American hotdog like?" Yukari asked popping out of her hatch.

"Oh, it's amazing. Cooked on the grill, semi burnt on the outside but nice, soft, and chewy on the inside. Can't beat it." William said.

"Add ketchup, cilantro, sauerkraut, horseradish, sliced jalapeno, oh man my mouth is watering just thinking about it." Chubbs said.

"Jeez Chubbs, you already want to put all that weight back on?" William asked.

"For your information losing that much weight that way is not healthy." Chubbs said.

Yes, the 'diet' plan the Federation women used on the Americans wasn't what one would say, standard. Because of the lack of food and strenuous work Chubbs had lost considerable weight. He still had some fat on him but even then, his body was still dissolving itself to meet its old intake size. He needed to start a healthy eating chain in the next few days or risk showing late stage signs of Catabolysis.

"Once we get back let's ask Ed if we can have a barbecue. That will lift everyone's spirits for sure." William said.

"What happens at an American Barbecue?" Saori asked pocking out of her hatch now.

"Oh, it's amazing, you guys will love it." William said.

Miho then took her focus off the conversation and thought about the near future. She and Maho had disobeyed their mother. Well, more Maho this time around. She was the one who orchestrated this whole affair. And it scared her to think what their mother might do to them.

Back home in Japan Shiho Nishizumi felt livid. She was just handed a report of the last month on the war game on the island and the resent events shocked her. The American captives had escaped. All of them. however, that wasn't what Shiho was mad about. Maho was the one who had orchestrated the whole ordeal. In fact, Shiho's reaction was the complete thrashing she gave her office space. It was a mess. However, Shiho had no care in the world. Her own daughter had betrayed her. Yes, Miho had done it, but younger children were more prone to doing so. Shiho never thought Maho would be the one to spit in her face so viciously, never mind the fact that every high school team actually switched sides. They all went and freed the Americans and changed their views on American Sensha Do.

"Chairwoman Nishizumi? Chairman Kodama would like to speak to you." A women said through the door.

Shiho took a breath and responded. "Very well. I will be there momentarily.

Shiho composed herself and brought her notorious stoic face back to her posture. She exited her office and headed down the corridor with an idea of Shichiro's questions. She would dwell on that later. Now she needed to gather a plan to get back at the dastardly Americans who swooned her beloved daughter over to their blasphemy.

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