Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Time passed relatively quickly since the major Association victory outside the city. However, even with the majority of Akari's forces apprehended, Akari herself got away with a several of her best crews. Scouts were immediately sent out by order of Colonel Abernathy, with orders to sight Akari and relay her position, and if possible, her destination. While the Association men got to work of rebuilding and fixing their damaged M60's the High Schoolers were mending more social problems. The Edison boys came around and many of them apologized for their behavior. In fact their negative behavior happened to be related to the jealousy they felt towards their fellow American Schools. The Edison boys had been scraping by out here in Glendale that to them the other schools were acting more solemnly and passive. Relaxing and flacking while the defenders of Glendale fought tooth and nail. There were no fair assumptions made by either side. But that was now all in the past. Every High School now sat around the cafeteria openly talking and conversing or even reminiscing.

Miho was not one of them. she was at the cafeteria, but she wasn't mingling. In fact this was the first time in some hours that she got to think. She mostly thought back at her interaction with Johnathon at the park. She had slapped him. Granted he was insulting Hana and threatening Christian, but he had just sulked and stayed seated on the ground during the attack. Many of the boys said it was odd behavior. Johnathon has never acted like this before. It was peculiar.

"Miho, do you have a moment?" Miho's thoughts were interrupted as Hana and Christian came walking forward, worry plastered on their faces.

"Hana, what do you need?" Miho asked. Hana shared a look with Christian before returning her attention.

"Its Commander Johnathon, no one has seen him since the park. I know we aren't on best terms with him but Christian and I are worried." Hana said with worry. Miho frowned. Not in anger but thought. Wondering where of all places Johnathon would go to.

"I'll go see If I can find him." Miho said. Christian let out a sigh of relieve and Hana smiled. Miho left the cafeteria and walked around the town. Most of the inner town was undamaged from any fighting, showing off its beauty. Miho took a moment to gander at the town. Its style could be placed to that of Italian or Spanish design. The town would probably be very lively when the inhabitants came back.

As time went by Miho passed through the town square, where the nearby high school was acting as a prison for the women of the Federation. Miho thought that it would maybe to small to fit all the captives they had, but she was proven wrong. The school could hold several thousand students and around a hundred teachers.

Passing the gates that showed the insides of the schools campus Colonel Abernathy was making good on his promise. The Federation women were up and about talking or eating the food provided. In fact they seemed rather content to stay there. Miho was a little skeptical, but her thoughts turned to confusion at seeing one of the Association men, apparently flirting with one of the Federation women. The women leaned against a wall, fiddling with her hands as she shyly smiled. The man had placed his hand against the wall to hold himself up, he smiled more confidently and the two seemed to really enjoy each other's company. In fact many of the Federation women were casting glances or straight up staring at some of the Association men with flustered or infatuated looks.

Miho did a double take. She hadn't expected this. But then again, she hadn't expected many things to happen on this island. Austin and Nonna's misadventure, Mishima, Hoja City, or even now. She hadn't considered any of this a possibility. Miho smiled at the scene in front of her. she was ashamed to admit, but she had forgotten that the Federation women were just like her. tired and probably wanting some normalcy in their lives. So she walked away smiling and content with this.

After some more time Miho found herself in the south of the town. A small rock formation bordered the southern part of the town mainly due to an old iron mine. Stripped clean decades ago and refurbished for storage. There on the rocks she spotted a lone figure. Sitting and staring at the ocean several miles away. Miho had only one guess as to it might be and walked over to him. When she got there she sat down next to him and followed his gaze. There they sat for several minutes. Until he spoke.

"What do you need Miho Nishizumi?" Johnathon asked. His voice cold and void of emotion.

"No one had seen you since the escapade in the park. So I came looking for you. What are you doing here, everyone else is having a great time?" Miho asked. Johnathon sighed and placed his head in his arm.

"I made a fanatical mistake. I shouldn't have said what I said and now I've probably lost a lot of respect from my team. I'm just excusing myself so they can enjoy themselves." Johnathon said.

"But your team told us why you were all hostile. You have nothing to be sorry for." Miho said.

"Yes I do! I insulted your friend, I yelled at you, and I threatened to take away Christians rank because I'm a selfish jerk. I wont be surprised if my team decided to promote Christian to Commander instead." Johnathon said. Miho sighed and stayed silent. She watched the ocean rise and fall for another minute before speaking again.

"Why were you so jealous of us? What do we have?" Miho asked.

"Each other." Johnathon said immediately. Miho was confused with that answer so Johnathon, seeing this, reiterated. "I'm jealous of that you all found each other, grew the feelings you have and had the adventures you had with each other. I know I chose to stay up in the north, but I feel like I missed out on so much. I'm jealous of Ed because he always seems to have this type of luck. A luck that gives him the things I could never achieve." Johnathon said. Miho, as inquisitive as ever, pressed further.

"What things?" She asked.

"A girl for one. I'm not saying I'm not happy for Ed, I am despite what I said in the cafeteria the other day but, I cant help but feel like even though I have better grades or tactical skills, or more accommodations or universities scouting me, I feel like he has the best. And I envy that." Johnathon said. Miho's face grew somber. As with all her thoughts about the Edison boys she misinterpreted this one as well. It wasn't Johnathon's fault, none of this was. Just an emotional barrier that needed to be passed over.

"Well I can say for certain that even thought you had that argument with Christian that he will need you in the fights ahead. He's the one that sent me after all." Miho said. Johnathon rose his head from his arm and stared into the ocean now coated with an orange hue from the west. The sun was setting and soon the night, and its nightly chill, would arrive. Johnathon took this moment to stand surprising Miho as he did so. He looked back at her and held his arm out indicating he would help her stand. She took it.

"In that case, better head back to the others and tell them I'm fine." Johnathon said. Miho smiled a light smile and nodded. The two began their walk back not saying nothing. Just walking in peaceful bliss. "Thank you Miho." Was all that was said on the way back.

Back at the cafeteria Yukari was sitting by her lonesome. Her friends were all off talking or eating with others and she felt as if she would intrude. Saori was with Chubbs cooking in the kitchen, Hana was with Christian, and even Mako was talking to with a guy. Yukari's face saddened. Again the feelings of obligation to have a relationship with someone arose. She hadn't a chance to deny these feelings, but yet she wasn't completely at fault. She never knew how any of these things worked and with that in mind she hadn't a clue on any of the meaning behind it.

Yukari noticed movement in her peripheral vision and glanced to her left to see William taking a seat next to her. he dropped a glass juice in front of her and she nodded her thanks. The two sat there for a minute or two in silence not daring to speak with what was on their minds. Like how Yukari thought about her growing dilemma with her feelings, William thought about what he needed to in order to clear what happened in that old wardrobe. Or to be more precise what almost happened in the wardrobe.

"Yukari, could I talk with you?" William asked. Yukari quickly turned her head to him, nervous on what he was going to say.

"O-ok." Yukari said. William glanced at her and then at his hands. He knew what he wanted to say just not how to say it.

"What we talked about in the wardrobe back in the alleyway. You don't need to feel any sort of obligation to feel the way you do. Its not a bad thing, it's just something new. Something your not prepared for." William said. Yukari looked at him with shock. This was not the conversation she expected.

"No its not. But that doesn't mean it's not real right? I know it's real, that's why I tried to, you know, back in the alleyway." Yukari explained.

"I'm not saying its not real, but you don't have to force yourself. No one here has, and you shouldn't have to think that just because everyone else is getting that way so do you." William tried to explain. Yukari grabbed his arm and shook her head.

"I don't think that. I genially do feel this way, I just don't have the experience needed to, to be good at it." Yukari desperately tried to explain.

"You think I have any more experience than you do? I've skipped two grades to be where I am now. I'm your age and I'm almost a senior in high school. No girl has ever thought that way with me." William stated. True to his word, no one had ever felt that way with him, expect the perky brunette next to him.

"But I don't want to drag you down with me." Yukari said. She was on the verge of tears again, something William wouldn't have.

"That's a part of the learning isn't it? If you fall, take me with you. If you stand again I'll follow. That's how we can work it, but we both have to be ready for it and again, I don't think you're ready." William said. Yukari's tears threatened even harder as the desperation in her voice rose.

"B-but I-." She began when William cut her off.

"So I'll make you a deal. We wait until this whole game is over. We wait until Akari has lost, we finished with the educational politics, and then we can go on a date. Does that work?" William asked with a shy smile. Yukari blushed deeply at his words. He didn't say no in anyway. He just curved the time and place to a more favorable one. Yukari nodded slowly as tears appeared from her eyes again. This time ones of happiness and not sadness.

"O-ok. I-it's a d-date." She said. William smiled and closed his chair to hers. He clasped his hand with hers and they just sat there.

Saori, busy with cooking, took a glance from the kitchen and saw the two young ones sitting there, hands intertwined. She nudged Chubbs and pointed to the two, receiving a smile from the boy. With that the door to the cafeteria opened and in came Miho and Johnathon. The whole cafeteria went silent. Johnathon scanned the room before locking eyes with Christian and walked over to him. When he reached him Johnathon saw Hana clinging to Christians arm, desperately holding him as it Johnathon would tear them apart.

"Christian, what I said earlier today was not only wrong but blatantly childish. I acted out of selfish emotions and that's no way for a Tankery Commander to lead. I'm sorry to you as well Ms. Hana, I did mean what I said at the time and have come to regret saying it. I hope you two can forgive me and I hope you can still think of me as your Commander Christian." Johnathon said. The silence was eerie, and everyone was still looking in anticipation as Christian moved forward and clasped his friend into a tight hug.

"Of course I forgive you, you are and will be always my best friend. Besides being Commander of a Tankery team takes up to much time. Time I could spend with Hana instead." Christian said. Johnathon smiled and returned the hug. After they split apart Miho took the chance to chip in.

"Well, now that that's cleared up, lets continue eating." Miho said. The cafeteria cheered and the loud noise played throughout the cafeteria once again. 

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