Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

One last push. That was all they needed. Akari had little to no experienced tank crew left and with that the necessity of ending this wargame flaunted ever more. Edward stored his gear in his lockbox and exited his Hellcat to glance around the tank filled garage. All around him the Joint High School team were packing up their belongings for the day long trek back to Hoja City.

Rivers and Kay had sent out scouts around the area of the city to watch and observe the retreat of Akari's remaining forces. She had fallen back a lot. Giving up so much ground to fortify her position back at Mishima. One report even stated that the All-Star University team had stayed behind in the Homedale Water and Power Management yards. They had sent word to Colonel Abernathy that they were willing to stop fighting till the end of the game if they were left alone. A skeptical deal, even with Miho speaking on behalf of Alice, but a deal that Colonel Abernathy accepted none the less.

The Joint High School team, which was getting the addition of the Edison team, were packing up their belongings with an evident dedication to tracking down and putting Akari's little reign of terror down for good.

Edwards driver PJ could finish with the rest of the preparations for the Hellcat, Edward himself had something more important to attend to. He made his way through the garage, weaving passed the ever-hardworking people he had come to call family over these last several months, passing the different schools so he could reach the one he wanted. Coming up to a familiar Tiger-1 tank with the numbers 212 on the turret base. He walked towards the tank finding Maho going over the final details with her crew, until they spotted Edward approaching them. Maho's crew hurriedly and politely excused themselves from Maho's presence so she could focus on talking with her Co-Commander.

"Almost done?" Edward asked. Maho turned to face him, smiled, and nodded.

"Just about, getting the last of the munitions in storage and then we'll be all set." Maho said. Edward nodded at her and let out a sigh.

"Its all coming to an end isn't it. Before months end we'll be at the walls of Mishima with our flag rising high in the wind, and then this whole thing will be over." Edward said. Maho sighed as well. The two of them both had the same topic of discussion in their minds. What would happen to them once the game was over? Or more correctly, what would happen to the relationships that had formed once this thing was over? Would the Americans go back home to America? The Japanese back to Japan? Would everyone stay friends? Would Edward and Maho stay together? These questions plagued the commanders minds with uncertainty and a scarce bit of fear. The two loved each other more than anything and wouldn't want to see their love ended by crappy politics.

"We'll see about that when we get to it. For now lets focus on our friends and keeping their fighting spirit high. We both know Akari wont go down without a fight. She'll throw whatever she has at us before we're done." Maho stated. Edward nodded; he knew this to be true. Akari had a hatred for Edward and his fellow Americans, but she reserved a special place in her hatred for Maho. She was the one who tricked Akari and broke all the Americans out of that prison. It wouldn't surprise Edward if Akari made targeting Maho her number one priority. And that was what Edward was scared of the most.

Edward looked back at the whole garage seeing everyone working and finishing up for the trek back to Hoja City. He couldn't believe how hardened these high schoolers had come, many of them still not but children in his eyes. It was both reassuring and aggravating his protective instincts.

"So what now? A rousing speech to get them even more focused?" Edward joked. Maho giggled but thought about that idea again.

"Actually yes." Edward looked at her confused. "Give them a speech. Something they can harbor for the final battle. Something that no one else can give. Something that even you want Edward." Maho said to him. Edward focused on the ground for a moment and exhaled. He nodded and walked into the center of the garage.

"Everyone listen up!" As he spoke the whole garage focused his attention on him. This was his moment. "I want everyone to double check their belongings and tank loadouts. Make sure you have everything you want to take back to Hoja. Colonel Abernathy has said he will have any and all belongings left behind safe and secure for you when we come back but I want everyone to be thoughtful. Understood!?" Edward asked. the whole garage acknowledged his words. Maho, on the other hand, sighed as this wasn't what she thought he would say. But his next words changed and proved her wrong.

"I'm sure I don't need to tell any of you what this offensive means. Its all or nothing. Every, last, ounce of effort needs to be made in the coming fight. We've come far since our little escapade back in Mishima. We've become more then what anyone could probably have hoped. We've become a strong, united, family that I could not be prouder of." As Edward said these words the mood of the garage changed from a focused and serious one to a mood of happiness and warmth. It was clear they all thought the same thing.

"We leave for Hoja tomorrow and make no mistake we won't have much time to rest. Akari's going to make one last attempt to stop us. One last effort of her own to foil our plans and even try to take the fight back to us. We wont let her. this wargame has come too far. We've slogged through the hardships and torment of fighting what some might argue a game that borderlines an actual war. We've suffered too much, some more than others." As Edward spoke of that many eyes glanced towards the various boys of Uncle Sam. Mark and Austin got the most looks since they were the most unfortunate of all the boys on the island. "But that's what can fuel our fire. Look back on those events and harbor not hatred but disappointment. Disappointment that someone can go so low as to hurt another person so much over something that in the end is so trivial. I love Tankery. I love playing this sport, but I've come to love everyone of you more. If I have to, I'll sacrifice everything I've been fighting for to make sure you're all safe.

A heartwarming feeling came over Maho. He said things along those lines all the way back when she confessed to him. She knew he would keep his word. It was one of the many reasons she loved him.

"Push Akari out of the picture of the devil and place her in the spot of a woman misguided by her own hatred and greed. We'll stop her from hurting anyone else and when that's done, we'll take this thing back to the Federation and finally get some answers. Especially from Shiho Nishizumi." Edward said. While others nodded and agreed on this Maho felt something. Something in her stomach. This was nothing emotional or mental, but physical. In fact it was coming up right now. Maho placed her hand over her mouth and rushed towards a nearest trash can and vomited all inside the bin.

The whole garage had gone silent watching Maho rush and alleviate her lunch. Miho, Erika, and Edward rushed over to her and firmly gave her support. Maho's stomach had calmed down over the course of a minute as she now breathed heavily, practically exhausted from regurgitating.

"Maho are you ok?" Miho asked frantically. Maho nodded and exhaled finally calming down.

"Erika can you find Samuel? He should be finishing up at the infirmary." Edward asked.

"Yeah, I'll find him." Erika rushed away as she said this leaving the garage to find the teams resident medic.

"Alright, get back to packing we'll handle this. Don't worry Maho's going to be fine." Hans ordered. The whole garage broke off and went back to finishing up their work for tomorrow.

"Gosh, Maho was this a reaction from when I mentioned your mother? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." Edward said. Maho shook her head as she sat down.

"Don't worry Edward, I'm fine. I guess I'm still not fully healed yet. But I'll be ready for the trip tomorrow, don't worry." Maho said trying to relieve his fears.

"Lets get moving to the infirmary, Samuel will want to check on you and make sure your ready for the trip. He does have the final say." Miho said. Maho nodded and stood up. While this did happen it didn't dampen anyone's spirits. Maho's health problem was widely known to be Akari's fault. Now the whole of the Joint High school team was eager to get rolling. If not for their own sake, then for the Commanders they respected with out a shroud of doubt.

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