Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

It took only three days for the officials of the Japanese Shensha Do Federation and the American Tankery Association to reach the port town of Mishima. With them came technical analysts, Urban Architecture specialists, Medical Professionals, Boards of Education, the Japanese Self Defense Force attaché, the Americans Department of Defense, and the Families.

Nearly nine months had gone by and in that absence was nine months of frantic mothers and worried fathers. The mass gathering of parents reuniting with their children was astronomical. The city square of Mishima was the location for the meet up and not one family went unchecked.

Miho wondered around the city square watching with a smile on her face as her friends reunited with their loved ones. She spotted many of the American families not just exchanging much belated love, but the American students introduced their new friends to their parents.

Miho saw her team easily. Mako had not let go of her grandmother since they reunited. Despite all the uneasiness from the two they were constantly crying while embraced with each other. Saori had introduced Chubbs to her parents, Hana introduced Christian to her mother, and even Yukari introduced William to her parents. However her father was very apprehensive on the young man.

Austin and Mark walked through the giant mess of people scouring for their parents. It was Mark who found them first. He hit Austin's shoulder and pointed them out, to which the two smiled eagerly and moved towards them.

"Ma, Pa!" Austin yelled as he moved into their arms. The first thing his parents noticed was the limp he had in his left leg.

"Austin! Oh my sweet boy what happened to your leg?" His mother asked.

"Long story." Austin said. His father frowned and crossed his arms.

"Synopsis. Now." He said sternly. Austin gulped and responded.

"Fell down a steep cliff while protecting one of the girls, landed on my back hard, fought off a seven-hundred-pound grizzly bear even after it scratched my back, got whipped fifty times for punching a woman, jumped off a twenty-foot drop and sprained my left foot, got my left foot enclosed inside the same bears mouth, and got it semi crushed by the weight of a High Impact Carbon tank round." Austin finished with the biggest fakest smile on his face.

"You got whipped!?" His mother shouted in surprise.

"You fought a grizzly bear!" His father yelled in as much surprise. "Did you win?"

"Derek!" his mother yelled in disbelief.

"What? He obviously won, look at him Jada. He's a Mayes and we win our fights." Derek said. Jada simply groaned before realizing one of her sons sentences.

"You said you saved a girl. who is she?" She asked. Austin gulped again and turned to find Nonna. He saw her and Katyusha both currently in the arms of their parents as well, smiling and talking their own.

"That's her. her names Nonna." Austin said watching her. his father looked at him managed to smile at his son.

"Good catch son. I'm proud of you." He said. Austin turned his head back to his father red faced at his remark. In turn his mother was aweing and cooing him about finally getting a girlfriend.

After meeting Yukari's parents William saw his own coming towards him. He spent the next few minutes talking to them about how he was ok and how Austin and Mark looked after him. But then he motioned for Yukari to come over.

"Mom, Dad. This is Yukari. I met her after I got captured during one of our battles." William introduced.

"A pleasure to meet you Ms. Yukari, I'm Edna. Edna Cooper, and this is my husband Larry Cooper." Williams mother introduced.

"H-hi. I-it's a pleasure to m-meet you as well M-Ms Cooper." Yukari stuttered.

"Mom, Dad. After this whole debacle is over Yukari and I agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I hope you can support our decision?" William asked. his parents simply smiled.

"Of course. I'm happy for you son." Larry said.

On the other side of the square Rivers had the fortunate luck of being In a dreaded head lock by his older brother.

"I cant believe 'you' of all people got a girlfriend while on this stupid island. How did you do it Rivers? Huh?" His brother asked.

"Can you piss off and let go of me Garret!" Rivers demanded as he squeezed his head loose from the headlock. "As I was saying, This is my brother Garret. Garret this is Naomi, my girlfriend."

"A pleasure to meet you miss." Garret said.

"You as well." Naomi said.

"Where's mom and dad?" Rivers asked.

"Lawyering up. They heard of how you got tased a while back are wanted to press charges." Garret said.

"That will all be handled tomorrow. All Commanders of the teams are going to that meeting." Rivers said.

"Then I hope you find who's responsible." Garret said.

Davis Brown was pretty eccentric on meeting the family that created St. Gloriana Woman's College. Yet here he was meeting them.

"It's quite an honor to meet you young man. thank you for caring for our daughter." Said the older gentleman shacking Davis's hand.

"The honor is mine sir. I cant say how much of a good friend your daughter has been." Davis said.

"Asami has told us your just as skilled if not more so in tanks. Is that so?" The man asked. Darjeeling covered her blushing face at the mention of her real name.

"Father, I told you not to call me that." Darjeeling said.

"But it's your name sweety. I know you have the whole thing with the school but Asami is a wonderful name." Her mother said.

"I'm not saying its not, it's just embarrassing that Davis knows now." Darjeeling said. Davis chuckled at his friends shyness, however his joyful presence was interrupted by the sound of a new voice.

"Davis Brown!" he heard. Davis groaned and turned to see his father, dressed in his suit and tie like always, walking towards him angerly.

"Dad. What a surprise. I didn't know that you would show up." Davis said. His father reached him and huffed at the remark.

"Of course I would show up. Any parent would show up to revel the chance to tell their child I told them so. I told you this tank business was Ludacris yet here we are now. Look what happened to you. Dirty and repugnant. You should have just done what I told you and gone to school for business studies. You could have then married lovely Elizabeth, and everything would be fine." Davis's father ranted.

"I don't want to study Business I want to work on vehicles. I love getting my hands dirty with oil and the smell of steel is intoxicating. Its what I want to do in life and that's why I do this 'Tank business'." Davis said.

"This attitude is exactly why your mother wanted to ship you off to boarding school. So you could learn to be a grateful son." Davis's father said.

"Well That's not happening now is it. Now if you'll excuse me I have some people to check up on and make my case ready for tomorrow." Davis said walking away.

"Davis Brown you ungrateful rat!" His father yelled. Davis, choosing to not listen anymore, continued walking.

Miho continued her search, hoping to see if her mother did, in fact, so up to see her and Maho and not just for the proceedings tomorrow. Miho really wanted to talk with her mother. Not just to ease over everything that happened during the game, but also about Maho. She worried for her sister, with what happened to her and Edward things have not been totally glorifying.

Out of her peripheral vision Miho saw her. her mother was walking around just like her searching. Strangely, to Miho, she looked worried. Her mother was looking around frantically. This made Miho happy. Not in the sense that her mother was in such worry but because she was worrying about her and Maho.

Miho moved towards her passing by a steady amount of people until she was meters away. that's when she saw him. Her Father. He came right up to Shiho and placed a hand on her shoulder. The two locked eyes for a moment before continuing their survey. Miho's eyes teared up and she lunged forward to her parents so much happier then she was.

"Mom! Dad!" She yelled. Shiho and Tsuneo turned at her voice and smiled wildly when they saw her. they to ran towards her and the three collided in a huge heartwarming hug.

"Miho! Oh I'm so glad your alright." Shiho stated as she squeezed her daughter. Shiho started crying herself as she felt Miho in her arms. It had been so long, and she didn't want to let go for any moment of time.

"Dad. What are you doing here?" Miho asked. Tsuneo looked down at her smiling.

"What? A father cant come and see his own daughters on such an occasion?" He rhetorically asked.

"Speaking of, where's Maho? We have so much to tell you two." Shiho said. Miho frowned a little at the mention.

"I have things I need to tell you to. lets go somewhere else and I'll bring you two up to speed." Miho said. Shiho and Tsuneo looked confused but followed anyway.

Shiho and Tsuneo sat wide eyed at this new found revelation. It was stunning. Maho having a boyfriend, they could handle. But this stuff of a baby and losing it? That was heart breaking news. The two parents immediately asked Miho to take them to see Maho, they wanted to talk to her and get her account on the situation. Especially this Edward person. So Miho took them to the hospital and directed them towards Maho's room. She was on the second floor, close to any and all medical treatment machines and things. The only other occupants were the American boys who got to injured to leave themselves unattended. Simply passing by the wounded American children made Shiho's heart clench. This was her fault.

Upon finding the door to Maho's room the parents were hesitant. How would Maho react to seeing them. She hadn't seen her father in nearly three years now, and she was unaware of the chance of heart her mother has had. Things could go either way right now.

Maho sat on the bed heartbroken. Edward had gotten his head checked earlier by one of the professional doctors and stayed with her for the remainder of the time. Now he had gone to get Maho something to eat as they waited for her to be cleared. She solemnly looked out of the window watching the families of her friends laugh and rejoice in reuniting with their children. Maho herself could only glance in heartache. Even with her happiness that everyone was reuniting with their family she was pained that she couldn't. Even the families of the boys who were still in this hospital came to visit. How she wanted Edward to return so she could have some company.

The door to her room opened and Maho turned to greet the expected Edward, returning with what food he managed to scrounge up, but her eyes grew as she spotted the two people she hadn't expected, yet wanted, to see so much. Her parents.

"Mother? Father? You're here?" She asked tears in her eyes. Shiho, with her own tears, lunged forward and enveloped her eldest in her arms which was reciprocated. The two women cried their eyes out, enjoyed to be seeing each other again.

Tsuneo smiled at the scene and walked forward placed his hand on Maho's shoulder. She looked up at him and her smile brightened. Her Father as well began seeping with tears as he joined the two in the hug. To which Maho eagerly accepted.

Miho looked at the scene with as bright a smile. She wiped away her own tears only for more to fall. Maho looked at her reached her hand out towards her, asking her to join them. Miho moved forward and enveloped herself into the family hug. The four said nothing, did nothing. They just sat there in the pure silence enjoying this moment. For the first time in years, the four of them were together again.

"I love you all so much." Maho said between her cries. Shiho snugged closer.

"I love you all to. I'm so sorry for all that's happened. Its all my fault for orchestrating this insane provocation." Shiho said.

"Its not your fault Mother. We still love you." Miho said.

"I'm just happy all my girls are safe and together again." Tsuneo said. The hug got even tighter as he said this. Their family has dealt with so much in their lives, and even with this it seems that this family could survive anything.

A noise came from the door to the room. it opened and in walked a new person. Shiho and Tsuneo didn't know who he was but their daughters did. The young man had a tray of food in his hands as he stopped when he noticed the family.

"Oh, uh. Maho, I brought some stuff from the cafeteria. I didn't know what you would have chosen so I got a variety." He said. Maho smiled.

"Thanks Edward." She said. Shiho and Tsuneo stood from the hug and looked at the boy. They were curious as to who he was and went to introduce.

"Hello, I'm Tsuneo. Nice to meet you kid." He said offering his hand. Edward took the mans hand and shook it.

"A pleasure sir." He responded. Shiho then took her chance to introduce herself.

"I'm Shiho Nishizumi. I thank you for caring for my daughter." She said. Edwards eyes widened a bit from the revelation but shook her hand as well.

"A pleasure ma'am." He said. Tsuneo and Shiho still looked at him quizzically before asking their next question.

"How'd you meet our daughters?" Tsuneo asked. Edward gulped at this question. After learning Shiho's name he immediately figured who this man was. It was Maho's Father.

"You two might want to get comfortable. Remember we have things to tell you." Miho said. Tsuneo and Shiho nodded and sat down.

"We also have some news so lets just take turns." Shiho said. The girls nodded and they told their parents everything.

Both Shiho and Tsuneo would have been stunned had Miho not mentioned it earlier. The news of Maho being in a relationship with this young man, who they just met, was a wonderful surprise. Shiho thought of this as Maho developing into more of an adult involving her freeing him and his friends all that time ago. Tsuneo was, confused yet conservative. He wasn't the biggest fan of Maho being with a boy, but that's just Fatherly instincts. Plus he hadn't been around for a long time so he felt he had no right to object in any way to Maho's relationship.

Shiho's and Tsueno's news of them getting back together was a very welcoming set of news. the girls were so happy to have their family whole again. In fact that piece of news was what made discussing this next bit all the more mortifying. The news of Maho and Edwards baby tore her parents hearts. In fact Shiho began sobbing again, while Tsuneo just sat downtrodden with unyielding rage for the person who orchestrated that monstrosity to be present on that battlefield.

Shiho had, again, enveloped Maho into her embrace softly holding her and rubbing her back. The five were silent. Tsuneo was the one who broke the silence with a question for Edward.

"Edward, what are you planning to do now? Not in life but with this whole business with the sports, the Ministry of Education, everything. What are your intentions?" He asked. Edward gave a stalwart look at the man with his response.

"I intend to find who gave Akari and the Federation all the illegal instruments they used, I intend to layout the situation as a whole, and I intend to do away with any old animosity between the Federation and the Association." He explained.

"So you're ready to go to war with the Ministry of Education of Japan, and the Board of Education of America?" Tsuneo asked. Edward nodded.

"Yes. I must. If any of us are to get any closure from this then my friends and I will cease all of this blatant means of baseless accusations and prods of greed. America's Board of Education wants to dismantle Japanese Sensha Do as a means to, not just stick one to Japan, but to get a monopoly on a very popular piece of culture to both our countries. This I must stop, and If necessary I'm ready to do what needs to be done." Edward explained. Tsuneo thought about the young man's words and looked up at him with a smile and a nod.

"Then I wish you luck." He said. Edward nodded and changed his glance to Maho. She sat there listening to him and smiled at his determination to right the wrongs done by others. Her heart continued to grow more and more in need of him, with every ounce of love and affection.

"I got to go now, there are still things that need to be prepared. I hope to see you girls at the meeting tomorrow." Edward directed to the girls. They nodded and left the room. Maho once again stared at the door, knowing he just left but wanting him to return. Hoping he would return, yet she knew it wouldn't be so. He was preparing for the next stage of things. The real end game of any conflict. Politics. Dreaded Politics.

The meeting commenced the next day. Those present were the Japanese Sensha Do Federation, the Japanese Ministry of Education, the JSDF itself, the American Board of Education, the American Tankery Association, and the Department of Defense. Also present were the high school team commanders. The four American commanders sat on one side of the table, by their fellow Americans, yet across from them were their friends. The five commanders of the Japanese high schools.

Edward took a look at all the men gathered in the room. on the American side he saw Colonel Abernathy representing the American Tankery Association. He had already proven himself an ally in this struggle. For the Department of Defense was John C Rogers, the Deputy Assistant Secretary. His involvement here was more or less to see the crimes done to the American boys answered for. He would be an easy man to gain support from. Finally for the Board of Education was Kennedy Morrison, the chairman of the whole of the Board of Education, a sleazy and wormy man if any there was one. He was Edwards main adversary here.

For the Japanese, representing the Japanese Sensha Do Federation was Ami Chono, a friend to the Nishizumi family and one of the opposers original yearlong match. Edward had a friend in her and the man next to her, Shichiro Kodama. Another opposer of the match. Next was Chiyo Shimada, a staunch supporter of the match and a Sensha Do Veteran. Edward had no idea if she could be swayed to support him. Lastly was Shiho Nishizumi herself. After the spiel of information shared yesterday he was mildly sure she would support him.

For the JSDF was a Major Nagisa Toyotomi. He fought in the Iraq war and was a staunch believer in honest justice. Edward was sure of his support. Finally, for the Ministry of Education was a man named Renta Tsuji. Edward new not a lot about him except what Maho had told him. He tried to shut down Ooarai down last year and went so far as how to do it. Edward was unaware of any means to get his support.

Finally the talks started. The beginning was mostly to present pleasantries and talk of the match statistics. Mostly about the provisions, materials, and things put into the match as well as an overall cost of repairs that both the Federation and Association were obligated to pay to repair the islands infrastructure. This lasted nearly half an hour.

The next set of talks were about the need to submit the high schoolers back to school to continue their education and progression in school. Now the most logical choice that the two sides were agreeing on was the just send the students back to their respective schools back in their home countries. Now was the time for Edward to start his rebuttal. The third party for these negotiations, the High Schoolers, were ready.

"If I may intervene here good sirs." Edward spoke and stood from his seat. "I understand the need to send all of us back to school and finish the means of our studies, however we high schoolers have a suggestion we would be fortunate to present." Edward said.

"Sit down kid. There's likely going to be no more talk on the subject." Said Mr. Kennedy Morrison. Edward expected him to oppose him and planned accordingly.

"Sirs, in the recent events of the match between the Federation and the Association we students have suffered the whole of nature and that of the elements itself. Frankly, we don't believe it would be easy for us to just reassess ourselves back into society so easily. What we are proposing is to allow us to stay on the island so that we can, not just stay connected, but give the aid and assistance to each other that we most definitely will need." Edward explained. Abernathy grinned with a smile, Mr. John Rogers eyes widened in shock and assessment, and Mr. Morison glared livid at the proposal.

"Preposterous. What aid you would need can be provided by a councilor back at school. There's no need for you all to remain here." Morrison said.

"Any councilor back at school would not have experienced what we have gone through! Any person could see that. I know for a fact that my friends and I have come to grow a need for each other, so that we may approach any and all situations cautiously and considerately. Not that any councilor wouldn't do just that, but I feel more inclined to trust my friends, who have experienced the same pain and things, then I would a stranger." Edward said. He made a decent point. From the perspective of everyone else Edward was talking though a Humanitarian perspective. However Edward knew that everyone was mentally and emotionally fine. He just didn't want anyone of his new friends to separate from each other. Himself and Maho specifically.

"I think it's a decent Idea. Besides the islanders don't have the largest of student bodies at their schools. I'm sure they can accommodate these students in their schools." Mr. Rogers said.

"Agreed. In all the turmoil that the kids received from the fighting and survival needs of this island I'd say having those who know it close by will help with their uneasiness." Abernathy said. Mr. Morison groaned in displeasure but ultimately agreed.

"Fine. However you boys will still be graded under the American curriculum. Understand?" Morison asked.

"Crystal sir. Thank you very much." Edward said.

"Now if we may move onto a more specific topic. The crimes committed by one Akari Adachi." Said Mr. Rogers. "From accounts given it's been said that she is the one who tortured the young American Students, on top of abuse, neglect of basic human rights, even endangerment of the students in the regulated combat of the sports of Sensha Do and Tankery."

"I believe it is prudent to say that the American Department of Defense as well as the whole of our country want this Ms. Adachi tried and placed under arrest." Stated Mr. Morrison.

"We have come to that conclusion as well and have taken the liberty of consolidating her trial in a Japanese court." Major Toyotomi said.

"I'm afraid that cannot be Major. The crime was done on American citizens and we would heavily incline you to hand her over to us for trial." Mr. Morrison said.

"Morrison, you have not the authority to ask that of the Japanese. That's my job." Mr. Rogers said. It made sense, he was the secretary of the DOD and had the authority that outranked Colonel Abernathy in sense of military proceedings.

"Colonel Abernathy, what say you?" Asked Ami Chono.

"I say that, while Akari Adachi was hurting the American students it's also precedent to find whoever supplied her with he means to do so. She didn't get all those tanks and weapons on her own." Abernathy said. "Plus it was Commander Edward and his men who captured her. Her trial sentence should really be his decision." That last statement shocked everyone at the table.

"No! You cannot let these teenagers decide that. They have no right to." Mr. Morrison stated.

"Oh? And you do Morrison? Your position as Chairman of the Board of Education grants you some leeway but you also have no right to dictate that judgment. Besides these kids have been through more then most of us here, least we forget that." Abernathy said.

"Then what would you say Commander Edward?" Mr. Rogers asked. Edward looked at his friends. They had similar faces of uncertainty. Akari being tried by American Justice would lead to nothing good. If anything, letting the Japanese try her for the crimes would show that there is still a modicum of trust between the two countries. That would be the better decision.

"I say let the Japanese handle their own. Besides, I agree with Colonel Abernathy on the one fact. I, as well as my friends, want to learn who was responsible for the hardships we suffered. The 'real' culprit to our pain." Edward said. The adults gave a questioning glance at the young man.

"What would you have in mind of finding them then Commander Edward?" Asked Shichiro Kodama.

"That's simple Director. Miho if you would please." Edward said. Miho stood from her seat and held out a folder. Inside the folder were papers, files, and documented research that the high schoolers managed to scrounge up.

"These are the files that we have managed to document. We know that Akari said that Madam Nishizumi was the one who gave them permission to act the way they did. However that is a lie. We have a written and vocal statement from Akari Adachi that says otherwise. In terms of the weapons ascertained by Akari we also know that my mother had nothing to do with that. The weapons used were either of JSDF origin or weapons sold on black markets. My mother works as, not just the head of our home, but as the coordinator for the Kuromorimine Sensha Do team. Her work alone would have kept her to busy with that. Plus she knows that my sister and I would never forgive her if that was the case." Miho said. Everyone who knew Shiho would nod and agree with that. Despite her outward demeanor Shiho loved her girls more than anything.

"So where does that lead us to with finding the person responsible?" Mr. Morrison asked. Miho then looked at Edward and he stood up presenting the satellite phone Akari had in her possession.

"We have this Satellite Phone that was surrendered to us by Akari herself. The only number recorded on this phone is the number belonging to the one who would be our assailant." Edward said.

"Then why not use the phone to call them?" asked Renta Tsuji.

"Because whoever orchestrated this was not an idiot. The phone is set only to receive calls and delete the number after its used as to not be retraced." Edward said.

"Then that's a dead end. Without the number of the number on the phone we have no lead." Morrison said.

"Not true Chairman. A good friend of ours named Sodoko managed to workout how to get the number. She played with the satellite coverage of the phone and managed to find a trace. A trail that lead us off the satellites signal and find the perps phone number. I said whoever it was is not an idiot, but they're not full proof." Edward said.

"So you have a guess as to who this is?" Asked Chiyo Shimada.

"Yes. Its someone in this room." Edward said.

The room went silent as everyone started looking at each other. Even Abernathy was confused at this.

"What proof do you have Commander Edward?" Ami asked.

"Simple. Whoever sent those military weapons obviously had connections inside the JSDF. Not to mention that the ships that would dock at the ports every month were ships chosen by the two Education groups. Plus, with the dismantlement of American Tankery one could monopolize the sport and charge whatever price they wanted to have foreigners take any part in the sport. A price similar to say, what one would save from shutting down one of the Japanese school ships." Edward said. Now everyone, even Edwards fellow commanders, were shocked.

"Then, that means." Ami realized. Edward took out his phone and punched In a number.

"Yes ma'am. Its all simple." He sent the call to the number and a heavy silence was born, yet it lasted for only a few seconds. Everyone looked at the source of the noise. Renta Tsuji reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out his phone, and declined to answer the call that just came in. The faces of the adults, especially the Japanese, still had some shock. But the American Commanders faces were filled with unyielding rage.

"Renta? You did all this?" Ami asked. Renta Tsuji fixed his glasses and answered.

"Yes Ami I did. Think of the profits that both MEXT and the Federation could have had by monopolizing the sport and charging foreign athletes to play the game. The money would be more then sufficient to balance out the books." Renta said.

"And at no time did you ever consider what would happen to the children!" Shiho yelled.

"The children get hurt all the time in Sensha Do. American Tankery has a worse track of that then we have. No one would have noticed a few extra bruises." Renta said.

"And that's all the reason to do that? Money?" Shiho asked.

"It always is." Renta said coldly standing from his seat. "Now I'm sure your going to arrest me Ami so I won't trouble you with a struggle. I will go quietly." Renta said moving towards the door.

"Wait." Edward said. Renta stopped and looked at the young man. "Your actions caused serious damage to not just my friends, but the one I love. I will not let you get away with that."

"And pray tell, what insignificant event are you referring to?" Renta asked. Edwards eyes widened with anger.

"Insignificant!" Edward yelled as he reached his arm back and pounded his fist directly on Renta's nose.

"Edward!" Rivers, Davis, and Johnathon ran to their friend holding him back.

"My unborn child was killed because of you, you bastard!!" Edward yelled yet again shocking almost every adult in the room.

"If so then this should remind you that you kids should not have been fornicating like horny rabbits!" Renta yelled back.

"Enough!" Ami Chono intervened. "You three! Get your friend out of here! And you Renta, Are under arrest for the theft of JSDF military surplus, abuse of minors, attempted murder, and third-degree murder." Ami said cuffing the man.

The whole room went silent as Ami escorted Renta out of the room and the high schoolers dragged Edward out the other side of the room leaving only the adults inside to continue the conference and finalize the proceedings between both countries.

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