Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Taking Edward out of the meeting hall was near a chore. The three boys had to practically drag him out. His hellbent intent to strangle the man Renta Tsuji was visible for all to see. The boys couldn't blame him, they wanted to shove that man six feet under just as much as their friend, however they knew better.

"You're an idiot Ed." Davis said. Both Rivers and Johnathon nodded in agreement.

"Tell me you wouldn't have done the same thing?" Edward said sulking.

"Oh I would have, one hundred percent. Then you guys would be calling me an idiot." Davis said. Edward clasped his head into his hands and sighed. Maho, who was seated next to him, laid her head on his shoulder, and grabbed his hand in an attempt to console him.

"Ed. Hey someone's here to see you." Hans voice said as he walked towards them. Edward simply waved him aside.

"I don't really want to see anyone Hans." Edward said. Hans grew a smirk knowing otherwise.

"This one you will want to see." He said. Edward looked up confused at this until he saw who Hans was speaking about. A long haired women with a color similar to his own.

"Mom?" Edward asked. Edwards mother stood not far away smiling with tears in her eyes as she rushed forward to embrace her son. Edward stood letting go of Maho and running towards his mother with similar intent. The two embraced tightly, their hug full of love and warmth.

"Oh Edward, I'm so glad your alright." His mother said. Edward, for lack of his remaining resolve, shed tears of his own and let out stanch cries.

"I-I'm so happy to see you Mom." He said through his tears.

"Me to hon. Me to." His Mother said holding him even tighter.

Catching Edwards mother up on things took some time but evidently she caught onto things and, just like Edward would do, put in her two cents.

"Honestly, any man who puts the lives of children in danger deserves nothing less then the harshest of punishments. Oh what I wouldn't give to have five minutes with that weasel." Edwards Mother spoke in such a hostile tone that all the girls present took a step back.

"Your mother is quite terrifying Ed." Kay mentioned. Edward just shrugged hearing this before.

"She was part of a Biker Club way back when. Trust me a Tyrannosaurus Rex is a puppy dog compared to my mother." Edward said.

"And don't none of you kids forget about it." She snarled scaring them even more before giggling at the sight. After that moment passed on Edwards mother took a gander towards Maho. She saw that she this young girl was very hands on with her son and had somewhat of an idea, so she decided to introduce herself properly. "In a serious tone, I am Emily Hill. Edwards mother and super mom extraordinaire. Nice to meet you girls. Rivers, Davis, Johnathon, glad to see you again." She said.

"You to Ms. Hill." The three boys said simultaneously.

"A pleasure to meet you Ma'am. My names Darjeeling." Darjeeling introduced herself.

"Charmed." Emily said.

"Hi, my names Kay." Kay said.

"well met." Emily said.

"I am the Great Katyusha, it is your pleasure." Katyusha said.

"Quite the proud one aren't you? A pleasure it is." Emily said.

"Greetings, my names Miho, its an honor to meet you Ms. Hill." Miho said.

"The honor is mine." Emily said. Maho stood as straight as could be and cleared her throat hoping for a good first impression.

"Hello Ma'am. My name is Maho Nishizumi. Pleased to meet you." Maho said.

"From your stance you seem to want to impress me. Something I should know about?" Emily said giving off a near death glare. Maho took a step back startled and nervous.

"Mom! Enough, Maho's a really good person ok. She and I are dating, whether you like it or not." Edward said. Maho gave a soft loving gaze to him when he said that.

"So you'd go against your mother then!?" Emily said aggressively. Edward raised an eyebrow unsure if he should actually answer that question. His mother however, smiled softly and confronted Maho. "It seems that Edward holds you in such a high place Ms. Maho. Watch over him for me will you." She asked.

"Of course. Who else will keep him out of trouble?" Maho asked sarcastically. Edward just groaned at that.

"Ed! We got a problem!" yet another voice was heard approaching the group. Seeing Austin run up to them in such a state was confusing and worrying.

"Whats going on Austin?" Edward asked.

"That guy Morrison. He just said that the States want to dismantle Sensha Do and let America have a monopoly on it. Colonel Abernathy was right, he's trying to tear down the Japanese sport so he can use it as an excuse to gain foreign interests and gain a stupid amount of money off foreign exchange student applications. Oh, Hi Ms. Hill." Austin said. Emily waved at Austin while the rest of the high schoolers grew nervous. Abernathy did say that this was a possibility and they needed to counter it.

"What are we going to do? We cant let Morrison and the Board of Education dismantle Sensha Do." Johnathon said.

"But with what happened the amount of pressure on the Japanese Sensha Do Federation being very high its unlikely they could refuse." Darjeeling said.

"What about this thing with other countries? No other country besides Japan and America have this vast interest in tanks. Sure Germany's got that sport involving flying planes and all but things everywhere else are different. only a handful of people would come to America to play the sport." Rivers said.

"Hans, Peter, and Nikoli are from other countries but they moved to America in middle school. They had time to develop in interest, but I don't think that's the real reason behind this." Davis said.

"Its not." Edward spoke up. "Morrison has a different agenda, and we need to find a way to counter it." Edward said.

"Like what?" Maho asked. Edward looked at the ground for a while not completely sure on what to do. Until he did. A flash of inspiration, taking things into ones own hands. Not like some silly protest, but something regarding the decision as a whole.

"The Battle of Athens Tennessee." Edward said. Everyone looked at him in confusion.

"What? What does that have to do with this Ed?" Austin asked being the only one who new of the event he talked about.

"It means we need to take this into our own hands. Get dirty and make a decision that could make or break us." Edward said.

"I'm not following?" Hans said.

"You don't have to, so shut up and go call Commander Ned Mikkelsen from North Maine High Schools Tankery team. Rivers, go call up all the other Tankery Commanders in the states around Montana, Davis you around Virginia. Johnathon, whoever you can along the east coast. Austin has the meeting ended yet?" Edward asked.

"Yeah, not long ago. They renew tomorrow." He said.

"Alright go get everyone else and meet up at the barracks. We only have one night to do this." Edward said.

"To do what Ed?" Davis asked clearly agitated. Edward gave a look to everyone.

"To get ride of Morrison's plan." That was all he said. It made zero sense, but the boys went to do what they were told anyway. Then Edward turned to his mother. "Mom, can you get all the parents together and help us? I can tell you the plan later, but this needs to be done now." Edward said. Emily gave a thumbs up already aware of what Edward might have in mind.

"I just hope you know what your doing son. You love Tankery." She said walking away.

"Yeah, but I love my friends more." He said. This plan had to work, otherwise Morrison would destroy the American value of Tankery and destroy an old cultural love of Japan.

As Edward said, his plan took all night to set up. Calling the fellow Commanders of the rest of the states were difficult as nighttime had settled down on most of the country when Edward started his plan, but they successfully got word of what was happening to everyone. What Edward wanted to do let mass disagreement out. of course it did, what else could they do. However that would not hinder Edward in the slightest.

Maho, Miho and the girls joined in on this to. they called all their friends and all other Commanders of Sensha Do teams in Japan and referred to them the situation. Do to the vast amount of pressure on the JSF it was more then likely they would agree to what Morrison had petitioned. If anything the girls would still be able to play the sport, just under American supervision and a scornful payment needed.

The Japanese girls were more willing to follow along with Edwards plan, albeit not knowing the guy they did trust their friends on the island. All night, for seven hours did the high school students pursue the cooperation and understanding of all their fellow players. Cooperation was needed for the whole plan to be affective and understanding for why Edward wanted it to happen. But what was to be understood? That the American high schools were trying to help save Foreign schools? No, not every American team would help in that case. But what they might agree on was stopping the Board of Education from gaining more power over school activities.

Hefty fines were already in place in America for forming up clubs or setting up events without approval from the Board. However most of the time it was due to the fact that the Board wanted a cut of whatever proceeds the event or club would accumulate over the course of their run. so much so that student bodies began hosting charities or unofficial activities that other schools or people could come and see or partake in.

However loop holes could only take you so far. There were no loop holes for this situation save for one. If Morrison would formally corrupt the cultural love that is both Sensha Do and Tankery just so he could 'balance' profits, then the only way to give him what he wanted, which was more money, was to give him all the funds that would go into funding Tankery. Meaning that Edward planned for every High School in America that practiced Tankery to dismantle their program, and sell off all their tanks and tank accessories to museums, salvage yards, private collectors, etcetera. This would mean the private funds of the schools would be secure and all the money the Board would spend on the schools programs each year could be held onto or moved for other programs or departments that needed just funding. This was his plan.

Morrison had finished, once again, giving off his demands to the Japanese officials. Ami Chono, Shiho Nishizumi and Shichiro Kodama all bore solemn faces in light of this outcome. Both Shiho and Ami loved Sensha Do and Shichiro had been interested in running the beloved sport since his childhood. Now with the prospect of loosing it in such a way was heartbreaking.

Colonel Abernathy and DAS John Rogers were seated besides their fellow American with different looks. Abernathy looked on with distain while Mr. Rogers more desolate. Major Toyotomi also sat saddened by the outcome. Of course he never played, but his attachment to the sport came through Ami's husband Captain Kiyoshi Chono who was under his command during the war in Iraq. Kiyoshi spoke of her often and reveled in her love for the sport.

Alice Shimada refused to show her face this day, especially in front of Mr. Morrison in light of his 'generous' deal. Now that Mr. Morrison was done with his second time giving his demand Shichiro stood and sighed with intent on giving into Mr. Morrison's demands. As he was about to speak the doors to the meeting room opened revealing all the boy commanders and girl commanders with what seemed to be large stacks of papers in their hands.

"What are you children doing here? After yesterday's fiasco you don't have any presence in this room." Morrison said to which he was met with a rebuttal.

"Technically yet we are allowed Mr. Morrison. Especially since we have certain documents pertaining to your grab of a monopoly regarding both American Tankery and Japanese Sensha Do." Edward said confusing the adult audience.

"Ed, you cant win this one, just give it up." Abernathy spoke hoping to incline the young man.

"I'm sorry Colonel Abernathy, but we can't. Not this time, nor anytime in the future. Mr. Morrison, we both object and will state that you have no claim to two things. One being the heavy implications of control being asserted to you and second the theorized insurmountable toll you plan to implement onto the Japanese or any foreign student body who shows an interest of playing Tankery in America." Edward said. Morrison simple shook his head and grinned.

"Boy, your hard headed nature is valuable, but ultimately futile. This is the repercussions for the horrendous treatment given to you and your friends on this island. This is simple a formality." Morrison said.

"Not true Mr. Morrison, as with the fiasco yesterday we found the ones responsible and have agreed on their collective punishments. The reparations the Federation would have to make is simply a public apology about Akari's actions and dispel any and all of their people who adamantly share in her beliefs." Edward said.

"A young and brazen statement. With the events on the island we are expected to throw hardships at the Japanese for their arrogant uninterest in human safety. We at the Board of Education are focused on both the education of the American student body country wide, as well as the safety and security of that student body. So in that case the Board of Education will formally take sole ownership of all Extracurricular activities regarding the sport of Tankery." Morrison stated. Edward glared but kept his cool. He still had his trump card.

"And how will you do that when no schools own any Tankery teams at all?" Edward asked. Again the adults in the room were confused by the sentence.

"What are you getting at young man?" Shichiro asked. Edward now smiled and signaled to his friends. They each moved towards the table and set down their stacks of papers.

"These are the signed statements of all Tankery and Sensha Do teams in both America and Japan stating that we all hereby agree to dismantle our Tankery and Sensha Do teams, will sell off all our assets regarding both tanks, and tank accessories to proper collectors. With that in mind all money made from the sells would be stored in the schools treasury and as an added bonus, the money that the Board would spend on the Tankery program as a whole will now be available to be used at the pleasure of Board now that they won't have to spend it on Tankery." Edward proclaimed.

The Adults were stunned. Shiho, Ami, and Shichiro immediately grabbed several of the papers and went to review them. Major Toyotomi sat baffled at this new revelation but kept his words to himself at the moment. Mr. Rogers had a similar expression to Major Toyotomi, and Abernathy had the most excitable grin he ever had on his face. What produced Ed to come up with such a plan? And Mr. Morrison was understandably furious.

"What!? You kids have to authority to decide such a thing without the proper outreach of the schools and board itself!" Morrison yelled.

"It seems they do." Shichiro said. Morrison looked back at the man in confusion. "It says here that every single superintendent and school principal has signed off on this. Each school will be doing exactly as this young man said." Shichiro finished.

The room erupted into a chorus of laughs and cheers. Shiho immediately rushed to embrace her daughters, Ami and Major Toyotomi moved to give their regards to the young adults for their stand on the situation. Of course Abernathy stood supportive of this move one hundred percent, while Mr. Rogers simply sat smiling at the outcome.

While it was still abundantly clear to everyone that both sports were getting shut down, it was better to know it was happening on the terms of the players rather than the behind-the-scenes benefactors.

"This changes nothing. The Board can just build new teams throughout the county. You haven't won anything." Morrison said aggressively.

"And how can you do that when no school will take you up on that offer Mr. Morrison? After all, forcing such a thing upon a school or even students isn't very focused on the safety and security of the student body is it?" Edward spoke with the biggest and evilest grin he had ever had.

Morrison grunted and snarled at Edward. He was right. The board couldn't force any school to form a team and have the students play it. Even if their was a team made, should the team not take part in any tournaments or related festivities then the team would be dismantled by the Board for being a waste of money and support. Morrison knew it to be true, he lost this debate.

Kennedy Morrison grunted again and left the room. as soon as the door closed did the remaining occupants cheer again. Whole hearted congratulations for the swift and decisive conclusion to an other wise frantic problem were given. In all honesty, the Japanese adults were find with new outcome. Especially since the girls had a part in coming up with this. Sensha Do was a culturally loved sport, but one must remember the core values. To strengthen the independence and maturity in the young women they seek to guide. This outcome shows just how much Sensha Do has affected these young girls and even with its dismantlement it is a welcome trade off.

Though as the cheering died down a familiar urge came down inside Maho. She felt it and seemed confused by it, why was it happening? It came up. Maho threw her hand over her mouth and rushed to the nearest trash can and began heaving vomit at a peculiar rate. The occupants of the room stopped their actions, both physical and oral as they watched Maho regurgitate.

Once Maho was done she breathed heavily, a small tear escaped her eye at this. Feeling a hand on her shoulder Maho turned to see Edward looking at her, eyes full of worry and confusion. The two's eyes met, and it was all they needed.

"Maho! Are you alright?" Shiho came next to her daughter in absolute worry. What brought on this sudden episode?

"Mom, I think I need to go back to the hospital." Maho said. Worry continued to plaster itself on Shiho's face, but she nodded.

"Please allow me to help. I'll call up a professional and you can get her checked up on." Mr. Rogers offered. Shiho accepted his offer as Edward lifted Maho into his arms intent to both carry her burdens and protect her from them as the four left to the hospital.

Not far away were many people frantically worried about the events going on inside the meeting hall. Most hadn't had heard any news yet, but word tended to spread fast on this island, and any news that would come, would be almost on time.

Austin and Nonna had grown tired of waiting and decided to take a walk around town to relieve the anxiousness in their minds. Talking about other things would never the less return the thoughts of Edwards plan to their minds.

So Austin walked next to Nonna with his right hand holding her left, along with his left hand holding onto the ankle of Katyusha, who was sitting on his shoulders instead of Nonna's. His grasp on her ankle was enough to hold her steady as to stop her from falling down. Of course Austin was aware of her state at all times to react fast enough to catch her should she fall.

"I can't get the thoughts of Eds plan not working out of my head. Its gnawing away at my brain." Austin said.

"I feel the same, but Ed has always lead us to victory. He's smart and conniving. While not admirable straits for a leader they are ones that have their merit." Nonna said. Austin nodded in agreement.

"Yeah but Napoleon, Hannibal of Carthage, even Oda Nobunaga failed at one point in their lives. Not even the greatest strategical minds can outwit defeat forever." Austin said.

"But they can reveal in the victories they have won until then!" Katyusha announced. Both Austin and Nonna chuckled at that, however she wasn't wrong.

"I love your sense of logic Katyusha." Austin said.

"Besides, whats there to worry about. Whether or not Eds plan fails or succeeds it wont keep everyone apart. We'll still find a way to stay connected." Katyusha said lowering her face in front of Austin's. Austin once again chuckled.

"Fair enough." He said.

"Do you still plan on joining the army after school?" Nonna asked seemingly out of nowhere. Austin turned his head to face her and saw her eyes were touched with worry.

"I do. But I've been thinking on which part I will join. Of course I still want to drive a tank, but now I have other things to worry about that might affect my decision." Austin said.

"Oh? What things might that be Austin?" Katyusha asked.

"Nonna obviously." Austin simply stated. The dark-haired girl next to him sighed away with a blush at his words. "Not to mention that the Ooarai first years have taken akin to calling on me when they need something. I'm still not going to let me singing that stupid song down." Nonna laughed at the memory.

"I still want to hear you sing that to me. So you cant forget that either." Nonna said. Austin smiled at her and nodded tugging her closer to him so he could hold her tightly.

Before anything else could be had the three noticed two familiar faces approaching them. more curious was that they were at high speed.

"Austin, Nonna, Katyusha!" Chubbs yelled out.

"Chubbs, Saori whats going on?" Austin asked.

"It's Maho, she's she threw up and is in the hospital again." Saori said. The three went wide eyed. Immediately did the five rush towards the hospital intent on learning what new pain has happened to their friend.

It took several hours, nearly three in fact, for any news to come from any nurse. What ever happened had caused everyone to get anxious. Word came from Miho, who was originally inside the room with her sister, that Maho was taken for x-rays, and other internal evaluations. Again was the hospital lobby filled with the anticipation of a whole army of high schoolers. Even the American boys still in hospital rooms themselves wanted to get an understanding of Maho's situation. Regardless of what anyone would say about this island venture, one thing was for certain. Maho had gained the full respect and care of the American high schoolers.

Nearing the fifth hour of waiting was presented with, not just Edward, and Maho entering the lobby, but one of the head medical officials that arrived with the large fleet was with them. Dr. Smith, Edward, and Maho made his way to the, quite large, group of high schoolers who stood near impatient.

"Maho is perfectly fine. Her reactions were perfectly normal for her condition and we have gone through an extensive survey of her body we believe that there is good news." Dr. Smith said.

"Well what is it?" Erika asked anxiously.

"I'll let you two say it." Dr. Smith said moving away for Edward and Maho to speak. The two had expressions of happiness. Maho seemed like she wouldn't let go of Edward and no force on earth could make that happen. Edward actually looked like he was crying. What happened?

"Maho what happened? Are you ok?" Erika asked. Maho and Edward looked at each other and smiled again before facing all their friends.

"We found out are baby is alive and well. We didn't lose it." Maho said proudly. It was silent for a moment but then cheers and cries of joy sparked all throughout the lobby. Everyone gathered around the two giving them hugs and congratulatory comments. In fact everyone was ecstatic at this revelation.

"You know what? We ended this war game, stopped a greedy man from taking over Tankery, and found out Maho and Edward are still going to be parents. I say its time we have a celebration. We've earned it." Davis announced. A huge surge of agreements went on. It was about time the high school students had one final night to be together. It was unanimous. Within the week the high schoolers would have a great party to celebrate their achievements.

While everyone was leaving the hospital Samuel stayed behind quite happy for his two friends but angry at himself for making the incorrect assumption. It hit him hard that he was mistaken and caused Maho and Edward so much pain. Tears were threatening to come from his eyes had he not felt a hand on his shoulder.

Dr. Smith looked at the young man and smiled. "Don't beat yourself up kid. Mistakes happen in our line of work, don't let it get you down." He said.

"But my mistake caused so much pain." Samuel said.

"True it hurt the two of them when you made your prognosis but remember your trained as a field medic not a doctor like me. It takes time and patience. I know you can be a great doctor in time, so don't give up and learn from your mistakes like always." Dr. Smith said. A wave of relief washed over Samuel as he let out a breath. He nodded to himself and then at Dr. Smith.

"Thanks Dr. Smith. I'll do just that." Samuel said as he moved to catch up with his friends.

Dr. Smith let out a breath of his own and watched the large contingent of children walking away. He smiled, turned around and went back to work. No rest for the weary.

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