The Island: Austin

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The Island: Austin

A/N: So I wanted to mention that besides the millionaire chapter, all others in this extra story can be considered canon to the main story unless I specifically state its not. Anyway enjoy.

The sun had started to become covered by the large mass of rain clouds that flew above. A cold breeze flew through the air, yet the cold breeze wasn't what sent a cold feeling down the neck of the young man. Leaning against a tree, his ankle twisted and hurtful to walk on, with the eerie feeling of the massive Brown Bear closing in, saw his partner running back to him after he had told her to leave him. He had to think fast, for he only said it a few moments ago, because he would not let her die with him.

"Run!" Austin yelled picking up a rock and throwing it at Nonna. She lifted her arms as the rock hit her and her eyes held disbelief. He picked up a second rock and threw it at her, though she ducked underneath it. He picked up a third rock and yelled again for her to run and finally she did so. Austin watched her go as he let the rock fall out of his hand and onto the ground. Once she was out of his sight Austin steeled himself and looked around the ground. He saw a large branch from the tree he was leaning on and bent down to pick it up. It wasn't to difficult but his ankle was killing him. After which Austin picked up a larger rock then before and hacked away at the smaller twigs and branches on the large branch in his hand. He cleared it of most obstacles to his hand and gave a deep sigh.

Austin's thoughts went back to Nonna. How could they not, he was going to fight a Grizzly Bear again for her and this time he knew there would be no help coming. This is where he would die, and he knew it. But, was he ok with that?

'Of course I'm not ok with dying.' Austin thought to himself. 'I have my parents back home, my friends on my team, And my Nonna too!'

Austin's eyes widened at his thoughts, more specifically that last one. Nonna. He wanted her to be safe yes, but why would he assume that Nonna was his? He remembered her talking to him earlier about the others on the Island and how they all had formed relationships with each other. Sure not everyone was but a good portion of his friends, new and old, have found a love on this god forsaken island. He also remembered when Nonna asked him if he had anyone he thought of that way on the island. He had nodded but did he believe that. Well he did now.

'I don't want to die.' He thought to himself as his face showed utter terror forming. 'I don't want to die, I want to live. What was I thinking? I want to live, I want to have a family, I want to, I want to.' Nonna appeared in his mind again. Her dark brown hair, her beautiful light blue eyes and her kind and mature attitude. He could only picture himself with her embraced in his arms as they just held each other. At this thought Austin's terror-stricken face hardened. The terror in his eyes still evident alongside seer determination.

'That's right. I cant die yet. I need to tell Nonna how I feel about her. That's right! I'm going to beat that Bear into running away, I'm going to find Nonna envelope her into a massive hug and spew out all my love for her!. I'm going to live and tell Nonna I love her!!' Austin hopped off the tree and turned around to face the massive Brown Bear that burst from the bushes. Austin brandished his branch and held it at the ready.

"Come on you over grown carpet, come at me! I've fought you once before and I'll do it again! I'm going to fight you and I'm going to live, because nothing will keep me from telling her that I love her!!" Austin yelled as the Bear took steps towards him. He shoved the smaller part of the branch at the bear poking it on its head, and then again on its neck. The bear roared loudly, possibly loud enough for Nonna to still hear it, and it swiped at Austin who brought the branch up to absorb the blow. As the bear contacted the branch the piece of wood snapped in half making Austin stumble a moment before regaining his balance, his ankle flaring up in pain making him groan at the feeling. The Bear, now seeing Austin almost defenseless, sniffed, and circled around him, looking at him.

"Come on you big flee bag, you remember me. I punched you in the face twice, you cant let your ego handle that. The misses will leave you, take the cubs and the cave. The other wild life will laugh at you for getting punched by a human, the squirrels will mock you and pummel you with acorns. Come on already. Hit me!" Austin yelled causing the Bear to do just that. The Bear lunged forward as Austin leaned back avoiding the blow but loosing his balance and falling on his back.

The Bear took its opportunity and latched its jaw over Austin's un injured ankle and much to Austin's shock and relief, didn't bite down but began to pull him away. Austin started thrashing away trying to loosen the bears grasp on his ankle. After being pulled some feet away Austin grabbed onto the smaller part of the branch he had, aimed it with the bear, and lunged forward sticking the bear right in its eye. The bear roared in pain, releasing Austin's ankle before quickly grasping it again in its mouth.

Austin now felt as if he was near mental exhaustion. It hadn't been that long since he and Nonna first saw the bear in that berry bush but what ever strain was going on gnawed at his brain. Yet even still he pushed the branch into the bears eye socket even more.

Then came a loud roar of what Austin made out as an engine. His head finally gave to tiredness, fell to the floor and looked behind him seeing a tank.

'An M26 Pershing? No one in the high school teams had one of those right?' Austin thought to himself. He felt the bear drop his leg and run away, back the way it came.

"Austin!" he heard his name and soon felt him head being lifted off the ground before being placed on a familiar soft surface. He looked up, saw Nonna and felt her hands running through his hair and checking his face. Austin couldn't believe he was looking at her.

'You came back for me? Why, I sent you away to save you.' Austin thought. He saw Nonna had tears coming through her eyes and he silently smiled at her. 'You don't seem to listen to orders very well do you? That makes me love you even more."

Austin closed his eyes and just leant into Nonna's touch. He would never let this woman go, not in his lifetime.

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