Home: Maho

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Home: Maho

The bell for class end rang throughout the school and with that came the cluttering sounds of students packing their school supplies and preparing to leave for the day. Maho finished her own packing and stood from her desk. She left the classroom and slowly walked down the halls not particularly wanting to go anywhere.

Kuromorimine hadn't changed much physically in the time she had been gone, but the societal aspect of the school had changed drastically. Specifically towards the Sensha Do players with Maho getting facing the brunt of the snark and harsh remarks. It wasn't to surprising, Kuromorimine had held the record of championship victories at nine in a row. Yet it was Miho who ruined that and then beat them herself at Ooarai, now Maho seemed to have failed by not just losing to the Americans but getting Sensha Do taken down. It wasn't fair in the slightest to target her, yet here she was being targeted.

As Maho passed by her schoolmates, all of which were moving throughout the halls, she saw that some of them gave her rude glances. Some of them even whispered rude remarks and spoke under their breaths. Maho could do not but close her eyes and dilate her hearing to focus on getting away from all the chatter and noise.

Maho opted to head to the third floor of the school building where she was certain that no one would if only few people would be. Since Maho and that of the Sensha Do team returned they had to repeat the year they had missed while on the Island. It wasn't bad, but they did miss some friends that weren't there anymore.

Maho sighed in relief as she saw only a handful of people on the third floor. She walked halfway through the hall and found herself staring out of the windows and glancing towards the sea. Leaning on the window seal and opening the window Maho felt a fresh breeze that tickled her skin and wisped through her hair. The peace was plentiful.

Then the ringing of her phone ruined her peace. At first glance she was irate but seeing the caller id her face softened into a smile. She answered the call pressing the video call method and in no surprise, she saw the face of very familiar person.

"Hey Maho, glad you picked up. How are things going?" Hans asked through the phone.

"Hans, its good to hear from you. Things are going well, I'm glad you asked." Maho said with honest remarks.

"That's good to hear. The rest of us guys over here are worried that you've been having it rough, what with the baby and all. Oh by the way, congratulations on having a son." Hans said. Maho's smile widened and her eyes gleamed.

"Thanks Hans, he's definitely been a handful, but we've been managing. Did Edward tell you what we named him?" Maho asked. Hans nodded in confirmation.

"Jacob right?" Hans said.

"Yes. He's adorable. Looks just like Edward to." Maho said. Yes after returning to Japan and starting school Maho's belly had indeed began to expand. It was shocking to those at the school, but Maho had supporters in not just in her family, but her team as well as her friends in America. However even with the support there was the ridicule, which was the reason for some of the snark and rude attitudes Maho had been facing. What with Jacob being born little over a month ago Maho had thought of staying home and finishing school over computer, but she resolved herself to actually finish in person.

"How has Edward been by the way? We miss him over here." Hans said. Once Maho was scheduled to give birth her parents immediately called Edward and rushed him over the pacific in record time. He was present when Jacob was born and had stayed with Maho since then, however his time was almost up as he needed to return to America and finish his own schooling.

"He's been doing fine. He's saddened that he has to leave. He won't stop playing with Jacob and just genuinely having a good time." Maho explained.

"Honestly if it were up to us we would have him stay with you. Hell even Eds mother said she'd prefer him to stay with you, but I know he said that he needed to finish high school first." Hans said. Maho's smile never dropped from her face at Hans kind words.

"Thanks Hans. I know you all want whats best for Edward and I, but I'll be fine when he leaves. I've got my family and even the girls from the other schools, not to mention Erika and the other girls as well." Hans immediately picked up a bit at the mention of her seconds name.

"How is Erika doing? I haven't had any luck getting in touch with her." Hans said a little sheepishly, to which Maho smiled even more.

"She's doing good. Her parents took her phone away believe it or not, but she wants to see you to. don't tell her I said that to you ok." Maho said.

"Hey is that Maho!" Maho heard new voices on Hans side of the phone and then witnessed Hans being pushed away, dropping his phone in the process. The other end of the phone then showed Austin and Marks smiling faces as they saw her. "Maho! How're things going? How's the baby? Do You Need Help!?" Austin sent a barrage of questions right out of the gate.

"Shut up Austin you'll wake the neighbors." Hans said sternly off screen.

"Wait, how late is it for you right now?" Maho asked.

"Oh its like one in the morning here in Texas." Mark said as if it was nothing.

"That early? Shouldn't you guys be going to sleep. I know its Friday afternoon here in Japan, but you guys still have a day of school don't you?" Maho asked again.

"Yeah but we're going to skip it. we're the ones picking Ed up tomorrow. Plus Hans parents live down the street from the school and are the ones who are willing to let us ditch class." Austin said.

Maho sighed at the prospect of ditching school, but of course these Americans have done much more bizarre things than that. She still hasn't forgiven them for facing Akari alone in the last battle.

"What about Will? Is he with you?" Maho asked surprised that Austin and Mark would do anything that excluded their third childhood friend.

"Hi Maho." Williams voice was heard off screen.

"Yeah he's doing homework." Austin said.

"I'm doing YOUR homework!" William yelled as he jumped onto Austin leaving Mark the sole face on the screen. Maho laughed at the rambunctious lot. She couldn't wait to see them all again.

"Guys, seriously you'll wake the neighbors up." Hans said as he got in on the tumbling.

"Any way. It's about time I got home, I'm still at school." Maho said.

"Alright Maho, see you later, and tell Ed that we'll be there to pick him up today." Mark said.

"Will do Mark. Goodbye." Mark gave her a smile and a wave before the call ended. Maho sighed again, her energy and mood rejuvenized.

Maho left the school building and walked towards the exit. With Sensha Do now over Maho had no club or sport activities so she always opted to go home and spend much wanted time with the two men in her life. As Maho reached the front of the school a small crowed of girls had made their way to what seemed like a commotion. When Maho got there she saw that the group of girls where looking at a stubbled faced man leaning on a car. He was simply standing there, in front of a familiar car, ignoring the girls that were staring at him or trying to get his attention. However his demeanor changed when he saw her standing not far away and his smile, as always, melted her heart.

"Maho. I've come to pick you up." Edward said waving. The group of girls all looked behind them and saw the woman of the hour. Maho grew a little shy at the sudden attention but walked passed the crowed and walked up to Edward. When she stopped in front of him Edward surprised her by leaning down and planting a kiss onto her. The crowd of girls stood shocked, but then dispersed. Most of them with neutral looks, but some of them cast a quick glare at Maho before leaving. Maho herself blushed red as she pushed Edward off her.

"Edward! This is why I didn't want you to get me from school." Maho tried to berate him, however he just smiled and laughed.

"I know, but I'm leaving tomorrow, and I want to spend as much time with you as I can. It will be the last time for a while." Edward said. Maho looked at the ground. She was very happy Edward said that, yet she knew that he had to leave, even though they will see each other again it was hard to face facts. "Come on then. Lets go home." Edward said grasping Maho's hand.

The drive home was uneventful as the two still held hands on the way back. Edward had, of course, brought Jacob along who was all to happy to be in his mother's arms again. His coos were a loving sign of how their relationship would work and they would be together always. Yet their time was precious, and the two young parents wanted to enjoy it as much as they could. Home, was Maho's apartment on the school ship. It was where they were staying when she was chose not to go to her family home. Edward liked it, he thought the small apartment was perfect for them and he oh so didn't want to leave it. Yet the ship was docking in Ooarai tomorrow and Edward would disembark and head to Ibaraki Airport and fly back to America.

Dinner was served by way of Edward trying to make American Hamburger, to little avail. Yet Maho enjoyed it and Jacob was all to content with staying in his mothers arms. Afterwards came bathing, witch Jacob didn't need as Edward washed him before picking Maho up. After the two showered, separately of course, they relaxed by reading a small picture book to Jacob. Of course the little one had no idea what was being said but he enjoyed his fathers voice. It made him feel safe and comfortable, something he has never wanted to lose.

Not a few hours later did Jacob fall asleep. This in turn caused Maho to tire herself, and immediately hopped into bed watching as Edward continued to hold Jacob, slowly rocking him, and singing an all-time favorite American lullaby.

Maho smiled at the scene. Edward was so gentle, yet firm. The way he held onto their child made her think back to that day in Hoja City. The day they gave themselves to each other was and will be one of Maho's greatest memories. Not for the pleasure they brought each other, but for the safety and sanctuary that Maho felt being in Edwards arms.

"You are really good at that." Maho said. Edward smiled and looked at her dark brown eyes.

"I had some practice this last month. Only I wish that I could have had more time." Edward said with a small sob in his throat.

"Lay him down and come here. I have some thing I need to tell you." Maho said. Edward complied laying Jacob inside the crib he built and tucked the kid in. After that Edward walked over, shut off the light, and laid himself into bed next to the love of his life. "Edward you and I both want to stay like this, but you know that you have to go back home. I don't want you to, and you don't want to, but you have to. Once you finish school, you, me, and Jacob will live a happy life together. just the three of us." Maho said. Edward smiled and wrapped his arms around Maho again.

"I hate school more then ever now. I don't want to go." Edward complained.

"Its only for six months. Once that's done, you can come back to us. We'll wait for you. You know that there's no one else that I'd ever let separate us." Maho said. Her words calmed his nerves and he let out a breathe. Edward nodded and just stared into her eyes, as she stared back into his. Their gaze holding their loving feelings that would be heart wrenching to separate.

After a minute of continuous staring Edward leaned in and kissed her again. Maho expected this and returned it with just as much effort. The two ex-Commanders lay there in each other's arms, covered by a blanket, lips locked not in combat but loving sensation. The need for air split the two apart, but Edward did not rest. He moved his head down and softly nipped at Maho's neck causing her to slightly squeal with a blush.

Edward continued to nip and kiss at her neck ever softly moving his head all over her neck area. He moved to her collar bones, down to her shoulders and back up to her neck before kissing her cheeks and then her lips again. Maho half expected him to continue his way across her but he didn't and instead kept to loving her above her shoulders.

"Edward, we still need to sleep. Your plane leaves tomorrow." Maho tried to reason.

"It doesn't leave until noon. I'll have plenty of time, and I wont be able to touch you for half a year. Your not getting away from me tonight." Edward spoke into her ear making her jump at the tingling sensation.

Once again Edward kissed her and Maho could do nothing but give in and rest herself into his arms embracing all the love he was giving her. He was true in his words. They would not see each other for half a year, so Edward planned to show her half a years' worth of love before he left.

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