Who wants to be a Millionaire

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Who wants to be a Millionaire

Que the intro music for the hit American show Who Wants to be a Millionaire being sung very off key in Davis's voice. Then we cut to Johnathon standing on podium for the game in a game show room, where the spectator seats are filled with cardboard cutouts of random people such as Shawn Connery, Justin Timberlake, Rob Snyder, Dr. Phil, and some fat guy that has bob on a nametag. However also in the stands are Edward Hill and Rivers Pines overlooking the podium with Davis standing on the opposite podium.

"Welcome everyone I am your host Johnathon Crease, and this is, Merry Weather versus McGregor." He said as Rivers looks confused while Edward reminds him.

"Wrong game." Edward said.

"This is Who's Line is it anyways." Johnathon says to which Edward responds.

"Wrong Game!" He said.

"This is Oprah!" He said as Edward rolled his eyes before Johnathon spoke again. "This is the Bill Cosby show."

"You're a terrible host." Edward says to Johnathon who looks insulted.

"Ugh, want to keep talking do you." Johnathon said threateningly before Edward threw a snowball and hit him in the face causing Rivers and Davis to laugh.

"You have been fired!" Rivers shouts out getting another laugh from the guys.

The scene changes to Davis being the host of the show now with Rivers and Johnathon in the audience.

"Welcome everyone to who wants to be a millionaire, I am your host Davis Brown. Lets bring out our contestant, Edward Hill come on down." Davis gives off his entrance as Edward comes out of the guest room rather slowly. "In slow motion? Really?"

"Is he really in slow motion?" Rivers asked before laughing as Edward made his way into the room purposefully going slow.

"Epic Music!" Edward says as he plays epic music from his phone while going around the room. "What up crowd, what up!"

"Sit the hell down!" Davis complained while Edward didn't listen.

"Oh but these are my fans, look this guy wants to give me a hug." Edward pointed to one of the cardboard figures whose design looks like his arms are spread out. Finally Edward makes it to the podium with Davis finally glad they can continue.

"Alright, welcome, welcome tell us a bit about yourself." Davis said.

"Well my names Edward-." Edward began.

"Alright first question!" Davis announced cutting Edward off, most likely in retaliation for him taking so long to take his seat. "Finish this popular phrase. I see your blank is as big as mine."

"Oh crap." Edward said. At the seriousness of the question Edward knew this wouldn't be an easy game to win.

"Is it A. Schwartz B. Heavenly Quarts."

"Here it comes!" Shouted a recording of a voice from one of the cardboard figures in the background. Davis paused and looked around as Edward laughed.

"Shut the hell up!" Davis said aggressively.

"What, did someone say something?" Edward said still laughing.

"I didn't hear anything" Johnathon said as Davis took out a large snowball and threw it at the cardboard figure knocking it out of its seat, causing the others to laugh.

"Wait your turn!" Davis shouted. "As I was saying. C. Vanilla Malts. Or D. Pancake."

"Oh man, this is a tough one." Edward said with some worry in his voice.

"Do not forget you have three life lines." Davis reminded him.

"Oh that's right, yeah, I'm going to phone a friend." Edward said.

"Alright what friend would you like to call?" Davis asked him.

"He has friends?" Rivers asked to Johnathon who shrugged.

"I would like to phone Rivers Pines." Edward said.

"What?" Rivers said confused.

"Alright, Rivers Pines we will now get him on the phone." Davis said handing a cardboard cell phone to Edward.

"Is he going to pick up? I swear he said he'd be home at this time." Edward complained until he heard Rivers answer.

"Hello?" Rivers asked.

"Hello!?" Edward said.

"Um, I'm in the shower right now, who's this?" Rivers asked.

"What? Its Edward." Edward replied.

"Ed! I'm nude! What are you calling me for?" Rivers asked.

"I told you I was going to be on this game show, you were supposed to be ready at this time." Edward complained.

"Alright, here I got my computer out ask me anything." Rivers said.

"Ok go to google and complete this sentence." Edward said

"Ten seconds." Davis said.

"Hello, Ed? Hello." Rivers said as if he couldn't hear him.

"Hold on, the reception is really bad I have T mobile, hold on." Edward tried to explain.

"And time is up I am so sorry." Davis said.

"Oh wow, are you kidding me? You know what, I'm just going to take a guess, because I don't want to lose anymore of my life lines. So I'm going to go with A. for Schwartz." Edward said.

"Is that your final answer?" Davis asked to which Edward nodded. "That is correct!" Davis announced.

"Yes! High five, high five." Edward cheered as he went over to Johnathon and Rivers to high five Johnathon and slap Rivers in the face.

"Question two. How many Tanks does Uncle Sam High School have in its team. Is it 1. Twenty." He said confusing his friends.

"Did you say, is it one, twenty?" Edward asked. causing Johnathon and rivers to laugh.

"I just started working here, I'm so sorry. Is it A. Twenty. Is it B. thirty-two. C. eighteen. Or D. twenty-two point five." Davis finished. Edward thought for a moment before asking a repeat.

"Hold on can you say those again?" Edward asked as he brought out his phone.

"Is it A. Twenty, B. thirty-two, C. eighteen, or D. Twenty-two point five?" Davis asked as Edward pointed his phone to a big screen in the room with a picture of the entire Uncle Sam Tankery team with all their tanks. This caused Johnathon and Rivers to laugh again at the sight.

"He pulls up a picture of the team. I'm done." Johnathon said in between laughs.

"Two, three, four. There's no time limit on this right?" Edward asked Davis.

"Please take your time." Was the response.

"Nine, Ten, that's ten." Edward continued counting as Rivers and Johnathon kept laughing.

"Wow, this is so cheating." Johnathon laughed.

"This is actually a lot harder then it looks guys. Ten, I, hold on I lost count. Hold on I got this, I got this." Edward said as he zoomed in on the picture counting to himself. "Twenty-nine, Thirty, Thirty-one. Oh, ok I'm ready, refresh my memory what were the answers?"

"A. Twenty, B. Thirty-two, C. Eighteen, D. twenty-two point five." Davis said. Edward looked at him with a blank stare, looked at the picture, back at Davis and then the picture again.

"Hold on." Edward said as he went back to the picture causing the two to laugh as always. "One, two, three. Twenty-nine, Thirty, thirty-one. There's Thirty-one! Did you even do your homework when you made this damn question?" Edward said as Davis took a look at the picture.

"We counted this three times and got Thirty-two." Davis said as he counted. "There's Thirty-one, we screwed up Rivers!"

"No way!" Rivers said as he and Johnathon came down to see the picture.

"The one on the left is a tow truck!" Edward pointed to the vehicle on the far left of the picture. "You dumbasses!"

"Oh no, he's right. He's right." Rivers shouted. Johnathon and Rivers started laughing as they returned to their seats while Davis and Edward went back to the podium.

"The correct answer. Is Thirty-one. There was a slight miscalculation in the numbers." Davis said.

"That's right." Edward said.

"Moving on to the next question. Two away form the million." Davis said. "What do you call, an Arkoudaphobiac? Is it A-." Davis was going to say but then Edward interrupted him.

"Austin Mayes." Edward said in the most monotone voice ever, once again causing Rivers and Johnathon to laugh.

"That is correct." Davis said. It Is now time to determine weather you will walk out of here a millionaire, or in a body bag." Davis said confusing Edward.

"What?" Edward asked.

"Last question, is for life or death." Davis said.

"Did you not read the fine print?" Johnathon asked not expecting an answer.

"What game is Edward currently playing? Is it A. Tankery. B. Who wants to be a millionaire. C. Sensha Do. Or D. the Game where no matter what you answer, your wrong?" Davis asked. Edward thought long and hard about this.

"Ugh, D. no matter what-." Before Edward could Finish he felt a snowball hit him in the side of the head knocking him out of his seat and onto the floor causing Johnathon to laugh. "Damn."

"So close. So close." Davis said. Before anything else could happen the door to the room opened up and stood some familiar faces.

"Edward. What are you doing?" Maho asked looking at him questioningly.

"We're playing Who Wants to be a Millionaire." Edward said from his position on the ground. Maho looked at her sister and Naomi who arrived with her.

"What's that stuff on your head and why are you on the floor?" Maho asked.

"I lost so Rivers threw a snowball at me." Edward said. Davis nodded in support of his friend. Maho looked over at Rivers and Johnathon and in fact Rivers had another snowball in his hand ready to throw if needed.

"Men." Naomi whispered under her breath. The girls looked at all the cardboard figures and gestured to them.

"What are these?" Maho asked.

"We needed an audience." Davis said.

"Where did you get them?" Miho asked.

"Mark." The four boys answered. The answer confused the girls, but Naomi made a clear comment.

"I would be confused but that actually sounds right." The two sisters nodded at that.

"Ok, well play time is over, its time to do more productive stuff." Maho said.

"What could be more productive then trying to win an imaginary million dollars?" Edward asked.

"Maybe finishing that crib you said you'd build. Or did you forget your going to be a Dad soon." Maho said. The three boys oohed at Edward being put under fire.

"Fair enough. I'll finish it today." Edward said. Maho nodded.

"As for you two." Maho pointed to the two in the audience. "I think your significant others need you for something. And Davis, you can help Edward since I know he will procrastinate on this."

All the boys sighed but went along anyway. A shame. They still had more questions for their game.

"Wait, let me get Bob." Rivers said going up to the fat Cardboard figure with the Bob nametag, picking it up, and bringing it with him.

"Why do you need that?" Naomi asked.

"I don't, but Mark said to bring this one back as soon as we were done. I don't know why." Rivers said. Naomi just shrugged as the group left the room to continue with life.

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