Chapter 5

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Nozomi pov

All 7 of us walked out of the hospital in silence.

(a/n let's play a game! for the next convo i won't write the name. N u have to guess who it is! Comment ur ans Sounds fun? Lets go!)

"I hope Maki-chan gets well soon."

"I'm sure Nicochi would take good care of her."

"This is so depressing, maybe we should grab a snack."

"She's right. We need to take our minds of this."

"I agree-nya!"

"Alright then, where do you suggest we go?"

"Erm....what about the new crepe shop?"

"Yah!" We all agreed.

(a/n did u have fun? okay i know im like the lamest person on earth hahaha)

With that our mood lightened and we talked and laughed like we use to.

When we got to the shop we found our seats, took our order and each came back with a crepe in our hand.

"So, what are you guys going to do for the rest of the night?" Eli asked

"Hmmm......I don't know. Its a Friday so....I guess I'll watch some videos!!!!" Honoka said enthusiastically.

"What about your homework?" Umi.

"But its a Friday!" She sighed.

"That's no excuse. You should finish your homework as soon as possible so that you can revise your work." Umi scolded.

"Umi-chan. Its okay. It's a Friday nigth we should relax."

"Kotori-chan is right-nya!"

"What about you come over to my house, Umi?" Kotori suggested with a smile.

This made Umi blush and look away "Alright then."

"Going to Kotori's house? Can I come?" Honoka asked.

"Well, Honoka-chan, ermm...." Kotori tried.

Umi cut in and helped her "Don't you have to take care of the place tonight while your parents are out?"

"Oh..yeah. Oh well."

Honoka went back to her crepe. Umi and Kotori exchange looks and smiled.

Hmm...what's this. Umi is going to Kotori's house and they declined Honoka? Wonder what they are up to. ;)

"What about you Eli-chan?" Hanayo asked.

The blonde's face heated up to a slight shade of pink. "Um......"

"She is coming over to my house." I said.

"Nozomi-chan?" Hanayo questioned.

"What are you going to do-nya?"

"Just hang out." I replied.

I could she Eli's face getting redder.

"What about you Rin?" I directed the attention elsewhere.

"I'm going to have a sleepover at Kayo-chin's place!" Rin exclaimed and hugged Hanayo.

"Rin-chan. You'll get your crepe on me." Hanayo said.

"Gomen gomen." Rin said and got off.

When we all finished your crepe we bid our farewell and went our separate ways.

a/n okay so the next few chaps will be lemons of the other pairings. It's not necessary as they do not link to the story. Just a bit of fan service ;) so skip them if you wish and go to NicoXMaki's chap cause that's where we go back to the main story.

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