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blondes and brunettes

"WHICH ONE'S THE SHIP SHE TOLD US TO GET?" Thor chuckled, looking around. Loki raised a finger towards an electric yellow ship with red decretive paint near the back of the floor. "The Commodore."

The three walked towards it and Loki shook his head. "Although, I don't think it'll make much of a difference..."

Thor shook his head, and Amber peered up at Thor, confused. Thor turned her around, as the Loki standing beside them vanished into thin air. Thor shook his head, disappointed. "Oh, Loki..."

The real Loki stood next to a security panel, standing next to a set of buttons that would set off an alarm throughout the whole palace. Amber glared at Loki, advancing towards him. "You little skunk-lookin', son of a―" she was cut off by Thor grabbing her firm bicep and pulling her into his chest with a single pull.

"I know," Loki smirked, ignoring Amber's hotheaded moment. "I've betrayed you many times before. But this time, it's truly nothing personal." Thor chortled at his words, nodding along. "The rewards for both of your capturing will set me up nicely."

He pressed a button, and the security panel flashed red.

"Never one for sentiment, are you?" Thor commented, seeming too calm for Loki and Amber's liking. Loki shook it off and smirked again. "Easier to let it burn."

"I agree." Thor smiled widely, holding up the small box that Valkyrie once possessed. Loki's smirked dropped and he looked down, not noticing it on the front of this gear. Peaking behind his shoulder, he found a small disk clasped above his shoulder blade.

Before Loki could pull it off, Thor activated the device, making Loki go stiff and fall to the ground. Amber gasped again, covering her mouth with her hands in shock. "Holy shit!"

His body writhed around, almost giving off as if he was having a seizure. The two approached the god of mischief and Thor bent down, smiling triumphantly. "Dear, brother, you're become predicable. I trust you, you betray me. Round and round in circles we go."

Loki clenched his teeth in pain, watching in silence as Amber laid above his head, twirling his black locks between her fingers. "Your hair is pretty though."

"See, Loki, life is about growth. It's about change. But you seem to just wanna stay the same. I guess that what I'm trying to say is that you'll always be the god of mischief. But you could be more."

He glanced down at the box before throwing it blindly over his shoulder. "I'll just put this over here for you. Anyways, we've got places to be. Good luck, I guess!"

Thor patted Amber's thigh before holding out his hand. This prompted her to grab his hand, standing up. "Let's go."

Amber smiled sweetly down at Loki, as Loki stared back up at her, still jerking around in pain. "Bye!"

⌁ ⌁ ⌁

"ALL RIGHT, WE CAN FIGURE THIS OUT. It's just another space ship." Thor said, mainly telling himself rather than Amber who was seating in the other pilot chair. Amber blinked down at all the foreign, complex controls.

"Uh, Thor? I've never flown a space ship. I've only ever dissected and repaired people."

Thor looked over at her, smiling at her sweetly. "It's okay. We've got this."

Amber took his words to heart, smiling back, feeling a newfound wave of confidence. Thor looked down, sliding his finger up a white panel to rev the ship into top speed. The ship exited the garage, flying over Saakar at lightning speed.

The two twisted and turned, weaving between tall and odd-shaped buildings. Amber glanced behind her, seeing some guard ships trail behind them in the back widow. "Thor, we've got company!"

Another ship pulled up behind it, shooting it down quickly. The ship soared next to theirs, revealing Valkyrie in the pilot's seat. She connected her ships comms to Thor's. "Open the doors."

Thor nodded towards a button, and Amber pressed it. The doors below the ship opened, and moments later Bruce flew into the ship, crashing into the ceiling before slamming back onto the ships's sleek floor. Bruce almost fell out, before pulling himself to his feet. "Shouldn't we be shooting back or something?!"

Thor nodded. "Yes, we should."

Amber pulled out of her seat, ushering Bruce to the front of the ship, and away from harm. Bruce thanked her in a shaky tone before Amber returned to her pilot seat. Thor's brows creased. "Where are the guns on this ship?!"

"There aren't any!" Valkyrie yelled back above the noise. "It's a leisure vessel! Grandmaster uses it for his good times; orgies and stuff!"

Amber's face suddenly paled as Bruce nearly gagged. "Did she just say the Grandmaster uses it for orgies?"

Thor grimaced, looking around and suddenly noticing parts of the ship lined with fur. "Yeah. Don't touch anything."

Outside the ship, Valkyrie's ship is hit and started to smoke. Valkyrie opened the hatch, climbing out of it. The enemy ship continues to fire at it before it suddenly bursted into flames; Thor, Bruce, and Amber all yelling in protest.

Upon the flames, a small figure flew at them, growing bigger in size until they all realized Valkyrie jumping onto the windshield.

More enemy ships surrounded them, and Thor nodded his head. "Get inside!"

"In a minute!" Valkyrie called back, her voice muffled.

Valkyrie ran the length of the ship, jumping onto to one after another ship, taking them down within seconds. Thor blinked. "I should probably go help."

"No!" Amber growled, already standing up. "I became a goddess for some god damn reason, and now I wanna see what I can actually do." Turning her head, she glared unintentionally at a scared-looking scientist.

"Banner!" She yelled, startling him even more. "Take the wheel!"

"I don't even know who to fly one of these things!" Bruce protested, taking her place. Amber glanced at Thor before smirking playfully. "Use one of your PhD's!"

Bruce turned, stared after her. His voice quickly rose into a yell, "None of them are for flying alien spaceships!"

Thor glared from over his shoulder. "Amber! Don't you dare! I swear, if you jump, I'll―"

"You'll what?" Amber teased, standing at the edge of the hatch opening.

Thor's glare grew angrier. "Amber―don't!"

Amber smiled sweetly at him, waving before letting her weight pull her out of the hatch. She glided down, landing of the roof of an enemy ship with a clunk. Grabbing hold of a random handle, she stood, easily ripping it off and throwing it a bulky engine.

The ship erupted into flames and Amber cheered herself on. "Aw, shit, that was awesome!"

She turned, leaping onto another pursuer ship.

As Bruce led everyone towards the escape point, Amber and Valkyrie both took on in a dogfight; talking down ships one by one in unison.

They both land on another Saakarian ship. While Amber ripped open the hatch, Valkyrie threw the pilot overboard. Amber looked down, watching as Valkyrie pushed the throttle forwards, speeding up towards the Devil's Anus.

Valkyrie leaked a smile at Amber, feeling happy that she was helping her.

"Woman power!" Amber cheered, holding a fist for her to bump. Reluctantly, Valkyrie gazed at her before doing so.

When the two were close enough, they jumped together, perfectly, landing in the cockpit.

Amber smiled again, holding up her hand. Valkyrie smirked back, high-fiving it.

As Valkyrie ambled towards the front of the ship, Amber was quickly pulled into a hug by Thor. She blinked, taken back by his sudden move. After a moment, Thor pulled away, holding her at arms length. "What were you thinking?! You could've been killed!"

"Man! You should've seen it! We were totally badass! I was ripping apart ships, and Valkyrie was kickin' ass!" Amber boasted, and Thor fought to hold back a proud smile. He furrowed his brows.

"We'll talk about this later." He said, ending the conversation and made his way back to the pilot's seat. Amber looked after him. "Huh?"

"Guys!" Bruce called. "We're coming up on the Devil's Anus!"

⌁ ⌁ ⌁

wtf even is that title?

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