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two death wishes

AS THE SHIP SOARED THROUGH THE ANUS, VALKYRIE AND AMBER TOOK THE CONTROLS. "Here we go!" Valkyrie smirked. The ship thrusted into full speed, and Valkyrie expertly guided the ship around flying debris with the assistance of Amber.

As they headed towards a vibrant purple light, the ship began to pick up even more speed, sending everyone into pain. Thor gripped the backrest of Amber's chair while Bruce stood beside the wall.

Bruce flinched every time the ship smacked against something and Thor closed his eyes, trying to fight the pain of going light-speed.

After what seemed like forever, the purple light flashed into white before the ship was spat out of the wormhole.

Inside the ship, the hull flashed red and the ship seemed dead. Valkyrie and Amber were passed out in their chairs, heads resting peacefully against the backs.

Thor was passed out beside Amber's chair, with one arm trapped underneath his body. Bruce was collapsed in his own chair, head hung at a painful angle. Bruce was the first to wake up, groaning lightly as the ship soared silently through space.

One after another, each of the Revengers awoke just in time for the ship to near Asgard.

Amber's eyes widened as she straightened in her seat, taken away by the rich and royal colours that flashed from outside the Realms limits. "It's beautiful." she whispered, nearly forgetting to pilot.

"Never thought I'd be back here." Valkyrie commented, mostly to herself.

Bruce unclipped himself from his seat, moving in between the female pilots and standing beside the Asgardian god. "I thought it'd be nicer. Not that it's not nice, it's-it's on fire."

The computer in between Valkyrie and Amber flashed in alarm before a hologram of a mountain appeared. Valkyrie leaned forward. "Here, up in the mountains; heat signatures." the hologram zoomed in, revealing tiny bodies within the peak of the mountain. "People clustered together. She's coming for them."

"Okay," Thor nodded, moving away from Amber's chair and leaving her with a brush of cool air. "drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away."

"And get yourself killed?" Valkyrie asked as Amber looked at him with bewilderment.

"No way!"

"The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with her, you three need to help get everyone off Asgard."

"What?! No! No what am I letting you―"

"―Amber, this is not up for discussion right now." Thor nearly glared at Amber. Bruce shook his head, looking up at the god. "How the hell are we supposed to do that?"

"I have a man on the ground." Thor confirmed.

⌁ ⌁ ⌁

AS THOR HAULED OUT A MACHINE GUN UNDER THE HULL'S FLOOR, AMBER APPROACHED VALKYRIE. She held out a bundle of white, blue and gold clothing towards her. "This is for you. Thor found it in the armoury and I thought I'd bring it along."

Valkyrie took it from her, faintly smiling. Amber nodded, wiping her clammy palms against her pants. "By the way, I tried it on...might I say you would fill it out way better."

The Asgardian warrior nodded, clutching it tighter. "Thank you."

Thor moved past the two, hopping down onto the floor of the palace. Amber quickly bent down, snatching Thor's short cape. "Hey!"

Thor turned sharply, stopping inches below Amber's face. Amber slowly unclenched her fist, resting her hand on his armoured shoulder. "Don't...die. Please."

Thor casually smiled, leaning up and pecking her lips. "I won't."

As the ship started lifting off the ground, Amber stared at Thor with starstruck eyes. Thor winked at her, which she could barely see. "Good luck!"

The three make their way towards the Rainbow Bridge, and Amber hesitates for a moment before standing tall. "Bring me back!"

Valkyrie looks from her pilot chair. "What?!"

Amber's nostrils flare as she stomps towards the two, which makes a shiver run down both their spins. Amber clamps a hand on the back of Valkyrie's chair before leaning in close. "Bring. Me. Back...Now."

⌁ ⌁ ⌁

THOR AND HELA ENGAGE IN BATTLE, AND HELA BLOCKS OFF ANOTHER ONE OF THOR'S ATTACKS. Hela grabbed hold of Thor's spear, twisting it in a way where Thor bent over painfully. "To be honest, I expected more."

Grabbing the hilt of it, she twisted it sharply, throwing it out of his hands. Thor spun in the air, landing on the palace's broken ground in a painful smack.

Thor gasped as he's quickly pinned against the wall with Hela's hand tightly around his throat. She leaned in close with her antlers aimed at him. "Here's the difference between us; I'm Odin's first born. The rightful heir, the saviour of Asgard."

She lifts him off the ground, and her sharp black nails dug into his throat. "And you're nothing!"

Hela threw Thor down to the ground, ambling towards him as he jumped to his feet in rage. Extracting a small sword from her wrist, she swung at Thor. Thor blocked the hit, striking the bend of her arm with his elbow. Hela thrusted her weapon at him, managing to cut through his armour above his abdomen.

Hela turned around, taking a short moment. Thor fell to the floor, gasping short breaths. "So simple. Even a blind man could see it."

Just as Thor looked up towards his sister, Hela swung her sharp weapon at him, raking it over his face. Thor screamed as one of his eyes were ripped out.

Hela cringed. "Now you remind me of dad."

She reached forward, grabbing him by the collar and dragged him towards the balcony. Thor groaned in weakness, being thrown of the balcony's ledge. She grabbed a fistful of his hair, forcing him to look up and over the Rainbow Bridge.

Hela leaned forward beside his ear. "You see? No one's going anywhere. I'll get the sword, even if that means I kill every single one of them to do it."

They watched as Asgard fought off Hela's army, before suddenly getting aide from Loki, Korg, and Miek. Loki fanned his arms out, and Thor could faintly hear his words as the ship lowered beside the Bridge.

"Your saviour is here!"

Thor chuckled as him, before getting a knife in his face by a perturbed Hela. She turned Thor around harshly, holding his arms back by more knives. Gripping his throat again, she smirked down at him.

"A valiant effort, but you never stood a chance. You see? I'm not a queen, or a monster." she leaned down, "I'm the goddess of death."

"So am I!" another voice screamed out. Hela turned around, confused, only to be smacked in the face a golden gauntlet that was decorated with six shiny stones.

Hela stumbled off his brother, and Amber threw away her choice of weapon. Thor weak lifted his head to look at Amber, and Amber's face went pale. "Thor! Oh my god, your eye―"

She was cut off by Hela piercing her torso with a knife. The small distraction gave Thor enough time to suddenly spark to life with electricity.

⌁ ⌁ ⌁

ON THE BRIDGE, LOKI LOOKED UP TOWARDS THE PALACE AS THE SKIES WENT DARK. Electricity swarmed the clouds, almost seeming to carry Thor and Amber as they descended gracefully. Thor held Amber in his arms, landing on the Bridge. His power struck them all away.

When Thor put down Amber, she smirked confidently. "Time to see what kind of goddess I really am."

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