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jealous much?

THOR STOOD BY THE WINDOW, STARING DOWN AT THE ABANDONED QUINJET WITH FURROWED BROWS. Upon hearing the slight clatter of metal, he turned to watch Hulk walk towards a door, with a large metal hammer rest on his broad shoulder. "Hulk train."

Thor nodded, placing his hands on his hips in annoyance. "That's great. Have fun."

His eyes shifted towards Amber, who was sitting on the large red couch, twiddling her thumbs in boredom. She met eyes with him before sighing and leaning her head back on the cushions. Thor crossed his arms and sighing in disappointment. His ocean-blue eyes stared out the window once more longingly.

"Hey, big guy." The two gods looked towards the door, spotting Valkyrie standing at the door, smiling at Hulk.

"Hey little girl."

"What have you been up to?" she asked, turning to walk away with him.

"Winning." Hulk replied, making Thor scoff. He looked at Amber once more, deciding to join her on the couch.

"Are you all right?"

"I don't know." Amber replied, her head still resting back and her eyes closed. She now rested her hands on her stomach. "I mean, it's not everyday you are greeted by Norse gods, turn into one, and basically end up fighting for your life against a monster slash scientist you've been looking up to your whole life." Amber opened her eyes, lifting her head to look at him. "But, other than that, I'm peachy."

Thor pursed his lips as a pang of guilt rose in his stomach. "I know you weren't asked to help me and Loki on this journey, but, I know my father put you in this position for a reason."

Amber cocked an eyebrow. "Are you sure? I mean, why would your dad have any use for me? I was in Kathmandu not even yesterday! And now, I'm a god, God know's where. We aren't even on Earth, let alone!" she chuckled dryly, making Thor wince at himself. "I don't even know if I'll make it back."

She lifted her legs and pressed her knees to her chest before wrapping her arms around her legs to keep them close. Hesitantly, Thor reached an arm around Amber and pulled her in. Amber allowed this, resting her head on his armoured shoulder. "I'm scared, Thor." she whispered, her eyes staring at nothing.

Thor rested his head on top of hers, nodding in agreement. "You may think that being a god is a burden, but you have to look at the benefits of it..."

Amber lifted her head, shooting him a weary look. Thor continued, "We live in palaces of gold...we, uh, get shiny armour, and we have super strength!"

He retracted his arm from her, only to curl his arms to flex his bulging biceps for her. Amber chuckled and blushed, returning her head on his shoulder when Thor wrapped his arm around her again. She sighed in slight defeat. "I know this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, but I just hope that Stephen is okay, since I suddenly just disappeared on him..."

Amber's eyes lifted from the ground, thinking back on the day.

Amber's eyes wandered around the Sanctum, as Stephen eyed her cautiously. "You okay?"

Amber snapped out of her small trance, nodding at Stephen. "Huh? Oh. Yeah. Yeah. I'm okay. It's just that... he was odd."

"Who, Loki?" Stephen asked, turning towards her. Amber shook her head, hinting a smirk.


Stephen nodded, gesturing towards the grand staircase. "Shall we?"

She nodded back, as both turned and climbed the stairs. "We shall."

When the two reached the top, they moved towards the circular window, peering down at the busy New York street. Stephen's deadpan face never faltered, as per usual. Amber peered over at Stephen, silently wondering how his real mood was.

Stephen was good at hiding his emotions. A little too good, for Amber's liking. She wondered this since recently, him and Christine had broken it off since Stephen had such a demanding and unpredictable schedule in the sorcerer world.

She had asked him multiple times if he was okay, and needed anything. He only shook his head and have curt answers, making Amber frown each time.

When Stephen finally noticed her staring at him, he turned his head. "What?"

Amber looked away, before fulling turning and walking away. "Nothing."

Stephen watched her figure walk away. Turning back to the window, he watched in silence before Amber's shrill scream rang through the building, it being cut off abruptly secondly later. Stephen spun on his heel, with wide eyes. "Amber!"

He ran across the room into another room, finding it empty. He yelled for her again. "Amber!"

Stephen raced down the flight of stairs, searching every room for her, only to find her gone. Racing out on to the street of New York, he looked around for any sign of her. He yelled out again for her, ignoring people's weird looks. "AMBER!"

Thor's eyes narrowed in annoyance. "Are you and this, Stephen...together?"

Amber shook her head, shaking Thor's shoulder as well. "No. He was with a girl named Christine for a while before he recently broke it off with her, since he was always gone."

Thor looked towards the window, fighting off a smirk. "I see."

Amber smirked, looking at him. "Why?"

He looked down at her shrugging the question off. Amber moved away from him, giving him a look. "Why are you so curious on my relationship status, huh?"

Thor smirked back, staying silent. Suddenly, his face dropped, seeming to realize something. "I need to contact Heimdall."

"Who?" Amber asked, watching as Thor stood from the seat, closing his eyes. Amber slowly stood up, watching as Thor's eyes remained closed in concentration. She flinched back in surprise when his eyes opened, now being a gold-orange.

⌁ ⌁ ⌁

okay, so i've a few comments saying 'UPDATE' so here it is.
besides that, i want to apologize for the shorter chapter. :(


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