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forgive and forget

THOR GASPED, STUMBLING BACK. Amber shot up from the couch, quick to steady him. She watched as the amber in his eyes faded to his normal blue. "What happened?!"

Panting loudly, Thor looked down at her. "I know how we can get off of this planet. But, in order to do that, we need to stop Hela. If we don't, she'll consume all Nine Realms and the cosmos."

Amber blinked. "I'm sorry...realms? As in other worlds?"

Thor nodded as an answer, making Amber stumble this time. Thor wrapped his arms around her waist, easily supporting her weight. "Aw, man...there is still much to learn. Wong and the Ancient One were right."

"Wong? Who is Wong?"

"Wong was another sorcerer I worked with, alongside Mordo and Stephen." Amber replied, sitting back down on the couch while Thor stayed standing. Thor frowned.

"You are always talking about Strange. I don't get it," Amber's eyebrows raised as him. "If you two weren't together, why all this talk about him? Hmm?"

Amber raised her hands. "Okay, woah. Calm down. All I'm saying is that I worked with them before you came along and took me away. Plus, you asked!"

Thor rolled his eyes, turning away. "Oh, yeah. Sure you only worked with him. That totally means you didn't kiss or even sleep together either, huh?"

When Amber stayed quiet, not denying it like Thor wanted her to, he grew more angry, with his ears flushing red. "Seriously?!"

Amber stood from the couch abruptly, also growing angry. "What do you mean seriously?! First off, it was my relationship. Second, I'm not gonna deny something that's true. And thirdly, why in the hell does this concern you the least bit? Huh?! Answer me that, oh mighty god of thunder." Amber mocked, crossing her arms stubbornly across her armoured chest.

Thor opened his mouth to say something, only for him to shut it and turn away towards the restroom.

Amber scoffed loudly, waiting till he was out of the room for her to flop onto Hulk's large bed and scream into a pillow.

⌁ ⌁ ⌁

THOR WINCED PAINFULLY, HIS FINGERS PULLING AT THE DISK IN HIS NECK. When the pain of it was unbearable, he let go with a gasp. His arms fell at his sides as he gazed out the window, seeing that it was already nightfall. Thor's eyes wandered the room, locking with Amber's sleeping figure, who laid beside Hulk. Thor pursed his lips, looking away. The two were still mad at one another, and Thor was too prideful to bare an apology.

"Thor sad." Hulk said with his low voice, sitting at the edge of his bed with his beaded necklaces clicking together. Thor rolled his eyes, sitting on the few steps leading up to Hulk's bed.

"Shut up."

Hulk stood up, walking over to shove Thor roughly, knocking him over. "Thor sad!"

Thor grunted, sitting back up. "I'm not sad, you idiot!" he stood up, looking up at his green friend. "I'm pissed off!"

"Oh." Hulk mumbled, watching as Thor stormed across the room to kick a metal cylinder at the wall. "I'm angry! I lost my father! I lost my hammer!" his eyes drifted over to Amber before he shook it, eyes narrowing angrily. "I like Amber and I'm mad at her...I don't even know why!"

Thor looked at Hulk turned away, punching his large pillows. "You're not even listening!" he bellowed, kicking a metal helmet at Hulk.

Hulk picked up a decorative bowl, throwing it back at Thor. "Stop kick stuff!"

The metal bowl clashed with the ground before bouncing away. Thor's face was red as he clenched his fists tightly. "You're...being a really bad friend!"

"You bad friend!" Hulk yelled back.

"You know what we call you? We call you the stupid Avenger!" Thor hissed, specks of saliva shooting from his mouth.

Hulk spun around, gripping a large metal double-bladed axe and hurling it at Thor, nearly decapitating him. "You're tiny Avenger!"

The axe sank into the wall with one of the blades inches from Thor's head. Thor turned back to Hulk. "What are you, crazy?!"

"Yes!" Hulk shouted, lifting a spiked mace over his head.

Thor lifted a finger, jabbing it at him. "You know what? Earth does hate you!"

Hulk dropped the mace to the ground before throwing the handle away angrily. Hulk looked at Thor for a moment before walking towards his bed, throwing his fists around. He sat on the edge of his bed, staying silent. Thor closed his eyes and let a sigh pass his lips, knowing he went too far.

Hesitantly approaching the bed, Thor stood beside Hulk, right at the edge of Amber's feet. Hulk shook his head, refusing to even look in Thor's direction. "I'm sorry I said those things."

Thor fiddled with the soft blanket, not even looking back at Hulk. "You're not the stupid Avenger; nobody called you the stupid Avenger."

Hulk glanced at him. "It's okay."

Thor crossed his arms, glancing back up at him with a small smirk. "You just can't go around throwing shields at people. You could've killed me."

"I know, it's just I get so angry all the time." Hulk shook his fists. "Hulk always angry!"

"I know. We're the same, you and I." Thor nodded, looking over his shoulder at Amber once more. "Just a couple of hot-headed fools."

"Yeah, same. Hulk like fire, Thor like water." Thor tilted his head at Hulk's comparison.

"Well...we're both kinda like fire..."

"But Hulk like real fire..." Hulk almost whispered. "Hulk like raging fire. Thor like smouldering fire."

Thor tried to fight back a smile before letting out a chuckle. He turned to him, turning serious again. "Hulk, I need you to do something for me..."

⌁ ⌁ ⌁

THE NEXT DAY, BRIGHT AND EARLY, VALKYRIE STROLLED IN THROUGH THE DOOR. She kicked the staff of one of the guards before laughing at him, watching as they walked away.

"Angry girl!" Hulk called, standing near his bed with a large hammer. Valkyrie chuckled, running up to him and diving under Hulk's swing. She easily kicked his side, confused when he fell to the ground.

She raised an eyebrow. "What's going on...?"

She gazed up, seeing Thor and Amber walk around the shelf. Thor awkwardly tried to prop his elbow on the shelf, before Amber quickly slapped it down. Thor smiled weirdly, holding his hands in front of him.

Valkyrie stepped down, walking away. "You're so thick headed that you can't tell when someone's hiding across the universe and wants to be left alone."

"We need to talk." Thor said, walking to the middle of the room. Valkyrie tossed him a look over her shoulder, with her teal cape swaying around.

"No. You want to talk to me."

Thor turned to Hulk, pointing at a retreating Brunnhilde. "I need her to stay."

Hulk rushed over to his bed, ripping off the front piece before throwing it across the room. The bone crashing into the side of the doorway before blocking half of the opening. "Stay! Please?"

Thor turned back to her. "Please."

Hulk picked up a large ball, throwing it hard at Amber, who was barely able to catch it while Thor and Valkyrie talked. Amber threw it back nicely, before Hulk caught it with ease and hurled it back even harder.

Valkyrie walked over to the shelf, picking up a glass bottle with a golden-brown liquid in it. "All right. I'll listen to you, until this is empty."

Valkyrie raised the full bottle to her lips, beginning to chug it.

"Asgard is in danger, and we need your help to..." Thor trailed off, watching as the liquid disappeared within seconds.

Valkyrie lowered the bottle with a small gasp, wiping her lips. "Finished. Bye."

⌁ ⌁ ⌁

hey guys! i wanted to update earlier to tell you that my black panther book is out since tomorrow is the official release date! yay! go check it out! :)

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