(One - Where did he come from, Where did he go?)

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'We need to try and do something, that nobody will get seriously hurt while doing.'

'Snowball fight?'


'Snowball fight past the barrier?'

'Choco and Jerome.'

'Snowball fight where half of the group is on one side, half of the group is one the other? Lachlan, Rob and I versus you, Jerome and Choco.' The lava-creeper mutant suggested, looking away from the window where the heavy snow was falling as Brandon shrugged.

'I mean, if you'll be alright getting through.'

'I'll just get Rob to carry me all the way there... Speaking of Rob, where is he? I haven't seen him since yesterday.'

It was Lachlan's turn to shrug, the tired Australian running a hand through his hair before stuffing them back in his pockets. 'He probably over slept, he's done this before. Want me to fly over and check on him?'

'Oi wait, I think this is him now.' Brandon jumped up from his chair and speed-walked to the door before the Canadian could even knock. Noting that he was taller behind the glass, the slime narrowed his eyes but unlocked it anyway.

'Oh, hey Mr. Latsky. What do you need?'

The elder werewolf hesitated at the door, tugging at the bottom of his jacket as he met the slime's eyes. 'Brandon, you haven't seen my son anywhere recently have you?'

'...Isn't he at home?'

'I heard him go to bed last night, but when I went to wake him up this morning there was no sign of him apart from a note.'


It has taken them longer to prepare than they expected. After packing necessities for around a week or two, spare clothes and extra weapons, they then had to get the horses ready.

Of course, then the snow had reached their village, and by then it was too dark to travel safely, so they had to wait until sunrise before they could head off.

'Make sure you stay a safe distance from the hybrids until we get there, alright? Do not hesitate to attack them if they threaten you, if you get stuck blah blah blah, ropes blah blah, rabbit feet blah blah.'

"Simon, buddy, you're literally repeating exactly what you said last night." Vik internally groaned, leaning back on the sofa as he felt Mitch deflate while the talk went on. Now,the silver-haired male was telling them what to do if they got cornered by something stronger than them, and he could basically read the Canadian's thoughts without the use of his powers;

This is so - He better not be going on about my buddy Jerome, my good ol' buddy pal friend brother homeslice Jerome.

The Brit snorted at his imagination, shaking the thought away as he tried to look slightly interested in what Simon was saying. He just ended up zoning out again, glancing over at Kenny to see that the blond was practically falling-

Oh would you look at that, he just fell asleep.

'Simon, I think you've told us this enough times that it's engraved in our brains. We'll be fine, alright?' He interrupted, pushing up off of the couch and subtly nudging Kenny so that he would wake up whilekeeping eye contact. 'I get that you'reworried, but technically we've got more experience there than you do. Also, they wouldn't hurt one of their own.'
'But- You're not-'
'Psycic, Time controller, completely normal but still best friends with a lot of them.' He spoke in a monotone, pointing to each person respectively as his older friend dragged a hand down his face.
'Vik. you were hallucinating-'
'Nah, I'm out. Boys, we're leaving in ten minutes, say your goodbyes and meet me at the stables.' He snapped before storming out of the meeting room. Mitchell just snorted, muttering that there was no need and pulling their blond friend out by the back of his jacket as the lanky adult stared after them.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."


"He literally saw Mitch use his powers. Sure I can't prove mine unless they're close enough and I'm past the barrier, but he blatantly saw it!"
"Maybe Kenny does have powers, but they're so subtle that we didn't recognise them?"
'Vik, bro, we need you back in reality for like five minutes. We're at the barrier.'

Snapping out of his angered thoughts, the coffee-skinned teenager blinked a few times to get the snow out of his eyes and pulled his speeding mare to a halt. The chestnut horse nickered in displeasure at this but agreed to slow her pace, seemingly the only one of the three willing to get near the barrier.
'Hunter, woah, calm dOWN-!' The palomino stallion reared, with Mitch sliding off of his back before trotting a few metres away and whinnying while prancing around skittishly. Kenny giggled quietly as he saw this, dismounting from his own ebony mare before the same could happen to him 'Looks like we're on, we're on foot from here.'

'You alright there, Kenny? You're stuttering.'
'Oh yeah, it's just-just the cold.' He lied quickly, unpacking his bag as his horse - Named "Avery" for reasons he wouldn't disclose - and patting her neck fondly before walking towards the barrier. 'We should probably get-'

'KENNY!' A familiar voice yelled, and a wide smile made it's way onto his face as he saw a feathered figure running towards him. It was as if the chocobo hybrid had been waiting for him.

'Hey Choco, how've you-' He wasn't given time to finish his sentence as Choco basically tackled him to the ground, hugging the blond tightly while Mitch and Vik rolled their eyes jokingly 'Come on you guys, break it up.'

'Nah, I'm good here, go on without me.'
'Kenny, we're here for a reason.'
'Doesn't need all th-all three of us.'

Eventually Choco pulled his older friend up, a bright happiness in his eyes as he looked at the three. 'What're you guys here for, anyway?'
'The people from our village want to make some kind of peace treaty. Basically, they're gonna make some official promise not to attack you guys.'



My my, you haven't even lasted 48 hours yet. The age-old god mused as his prisoner finally fell limp. The rods, previously charged with agonizing amounts of electricity, retracted from the twitching male as he looked up.
'G-Go to the Nether.' Robert spat weakly, before his chains disintegrated and he fell to the ground. Herobrine just smirked, an evil chuckle spilling from his lips as he crouched by the hybrid's side.
But alas, young Robert, we're already here. He gestured to the squalid area which stank of blood and decay, ignoring the glares shot at his side as he stood. Where else did you think I would reside? I created this domain, after all.
'You're sick.'
You do realize that it's the four-hundredth and twenty-second time somebody's said that to me. Words mean nothing, Robert, which is what you'll soon understand.
Prepare the rods, level five.


Aw, Kenoco bonding. How sweet.

Anybody notice anything wrong with one of the characters? Apart from Rob, 'cause there's definitely something wrong with him.

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!


Edit; Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllooooooooooooooo everybody!

Yeah, this is just a quick note of information that might clear up a plot hole for y'all

Time in the Nether runs twice as fast as in the Overworld.

This might explain some things from now on until some later chapters ;)

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