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4th Anniversary of Lunawolf41, guys.

I want to thank you all so, so much for all of the support you've given me over the years. You guys have been here through multiple phases of mine (some half-decent, some... ew), some more than others but that's okay.

Four whole years of being by eachothers' sides, huh?


I've kind of... grown up on here. I started school after being educated at home for many years, and next year? I'll be in college,man, it's gone so fast.

Yet again, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You guys have been the lights in my life, whenever I've needed to talk one of you have always been there, and hopefully I've been the same.

I love you all.



'Vik, Vik, tell us about the dragon!'

'Yeah, tell us about Lock- Lock-'

'Aright guys, settle down and I'll tell you the story of... Lockyati.'


A week after returning to the village, Kenny began to fall silent once more. It was subtle, at first, but then his foster parents picked up on it.
'Kenny, dear, are you okay?'
'I'm... I'm fine.'
He wasn't.

Whenever he could convince Harry to give him a jumping potion (Which was a lot, like seriously - He literally had them ready for whenever he came in), Kenny would cheat to get to the top of the Parkour Course and just sit at the top of it. He wouldn't really do anything, but often found himself staring longingly towards the North.


Mitch tried to stay as far away from his house as possible. If he wasn't there, they couldn't hurt him.
A win-lose situation really, and that suited him just fine.
It had been five months since they'd left the hybrids. He would often practice his archery, though having to use a new bow that felt far different from his own.
Eventually Mitch would have to go back home. He would try to be as quiet as possible, but...
It didn't really work.


'D'you think the boys are still mad at us for taking them back?'
'Well... Vik seems to be alright, from what we've seen. Mitch is developing a habit in which he goes right to the village outskirts to practice his archery, and Kenny's parents have said that he's starting to go quiet again.' Josh reported from his files, looking around the group before he continued. 'We need to get them in here to talk.'
'About what? We can just let them go on another mining trip, they were fine after the last one.'

"Ahah, yes, totally a mining trip." 'What my point is, is that the boys miss their friends.'
'They didn't make friends with the hybrids - They were kept against their own free will!'
'Like I said earlier, no proof. Don't you remember how they protected each other during that stalemate of the battle?' Ethan pointed out whilst glaring across the table to his silver-locked counterpart. Simon just groaned in response, running a hand through his hair and leaning forwards 'They could have been forced.'

A part-awkward, part-hostile silence fell upon the modern chambers. Tobi leant back in his chair while subconsciously flicking through a book on anatomy, Harry crossed his arms on the table as a pillow, and Josh raised an eyebrow and went back to picking at the chair. This kind of thing happened a lot now - Simon and JJ against the other four/five/whoever else was present.
'...What if we talk with them ourselves? Like some kind of peace treaty.' The youngest of the group finally spoke after a few minutes, lookin up from his arms to observe the team's reactions. All but Simon and JJ (unsurprisingly) seemed to agree, and since they were a democracy...
'We'll send a team to negotiate a time. One thing's for certain, though ; Mitch, Kenny and Vik are coming along.'


'Lockyati was... Well, he was different from other dragons. There was just something about him that made him stick out from the others.'
Probably the fact that he was actually a hybrid, but the kids didn't need to know that. They didn't seem to notice anyway, already entranced by the story.
That's what Vik found himself doing. Every few days, a group of children would just run up to him and ask for another story from where he'd gone. It made him smile, really, what with the innocence of them all.
'That's when Perry almost fell off of the ledge-' He'd altered their names slightly, as to try and protect the hybrids. '-so Lockyati went and helped him out. Of course, they thought he was gonna attack him, but the dragon just helped him down.'
'So the dragon wasn't evil?'
'It was complicated. He didn't want to be evil, but Harley managed to cast a spell that changed him back.'
'That's when Roland dropped him, right?' A young boy - Vik had learnt that his name was Tyler - piped up, and the coffee-skinned teenager laughed before nodding. 'Yeah, he was super salty about it afterwards.'

Before he could continue his tale, a tall figure walked over from the aide and motioned for Vik to come over 'Just a sec guys, I've just got to talk to someone.'
The children all groaned and sighed but nodded, talking between themselves as he stood and walked over to the Council member 'Hey Josh, what do you need?'
'You, Mitch and Kenny are going back to the Glitched Lands.'

Vik almost choked.
'We basically bullied Simon and JJ into allowing us to form some kind of peace treaty. Since the Sidemen are a democracy, and it was four against two, we get to go.'
The bearded man grinned at his friend's enthusiasm, ruffling the shorter's hair before he continued. 'As far as I'm aware, it's going to be the nine of us talking to your friends. Quite possibly the blond one's Mum as well, depending on the situation.'
'That's probably a good idea. When are we leaving?' He appeared to have calmed down, but the mini internal version of himself was running around and screeching. He could finally show his friends that the hybrids weren't bad.
They could finally get along.

'Aiming for sometime next week, depending on what they say.'
'We can head up now -I'll get Kenny and Mitch, we can get there by nightfall if we take the horses.' The coffee-skinned male suggested, practically shaking while Josh shrugged.

'I mean, if you want, but all three of you are gonna have to leave at the same time so Harry and Tobi can brief you on rules and stuff. It wasn't our idea, but Simon wanted to lay some ground rules - It was the only way he'd let you go.'


Josh nodded, blowing some hair out of his face and looking off to the side. 'Mitch and Kenny should be on their way now, I sent Ethan to get-'

'Hello friends, I am here!' They heard the Canadian basically screech, accompanied by the heavy sound of someone being pushed over into the dirt path. Vik rolled his eyes at the childish behaviour but waved at his friends anyway, with Mitch pushing himself up and flicking Kenny's nose before jogging over. 'Hey dudes, what's up?'

'Ethan, you didn't tell them?'

'Nah bro, I wanted to see them suffer.' The redhead grinned, gently shoving the spaced-out blond known as Kenny so that he was standing with the rest of the group as he blinked back into reality. 'H-Huh?'

'Right, so here's the thing-'


When he woke up, Rob didn't know where he was.

He remembered falling asleep in his room, in his bed, at home... So why was he in some weird cell now?

'Hello? Is anyone- Where am I?' The brunet called out, tail curling around his waist as he stood and walked to the front of the room. Was it the front? Was it a side? He couldn't tell.

Ah, the young Latsky is finally awake. An omnipresent voice sounded from the corner of the damp room, and as Rob turned to see who had spoken he caught sight of two bright orbs. They appeared to just be there, and didn't seem to move, until a figure slowly pieced itself together from thin air.

'Who-Who are you?' The wolf hybrid had the feeling that he already knew, but couldn't believe it. Surely it was just a dream...

This is no dream, Robert. A nightmare, perhaps, but certainly not a dream. You will still feel pain, as you are still in the plane of reality, but you won't be able to escape.


You heard me perfectly well. I wasn't able to hold the slime child for as long as I'd hoped, but with this new location... The now-solid man smirked, taking a step forwards as Robert backed away fearfully.

You're not going to be leaving here for a long, long time.



*dun dun dun*

Watchu gon' do

*dun dun dun*

Watchu gon'do.

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Welcome, [Reader], to this book. Enjoy!

Updates every Tuesday and Friday.

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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