(Seventeen - Willow Tree.)

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Have a very flawed chapter from a very flawed human being -L


'There's the barrier.'

'You ready?'

'...Yes.' Turning to his feathered friend, Kenny tilted his head and frowned slightly. Choco had been so excited about going through the barrier this morning, but now they were actually here-

'Hey, if you don't want to go then that's fine. I can go by myself, no problem.'
The golden bird hybrid shook his head, staring dead ahead and fingering the hem of his cloak anxiously. 'I'm fine, I'm fine, just a - Travel sick.'

'Choco, mate, what's wrong?'

'Nothing! Nothing, like I said, travel sickness,' "Ten outta ten lying there Choco, your parents would be proud - Ahah, funny," 'Let's just go. The sooner we get to your village, the sooner we can explain what's been going on.'
'Right, right. How are you with horses?'
'Uh... Let's just deal with getting through the barrier first, yeah?'

Kenny rolled his eyes at the hybrid but nodded anyway, walking through with an air of confidence and letting out a sharp whistle. Hopefully, his horse was still close enough to hear it 'Kenny?'
'I-I'm scared.'

He turned at an almost inhuman speed, locking on to the trembling form of his younger companion as wide blue eyes met his own "Ah, crap, I forgot again."
The blond stepped back through, noting the sound of thundering hooves as he reached over and caught a hold of one of Choco's wing-like hands before smiling reassuringly. 'It's okay, I'm gonna be right here. I won't let go of you.'
'Promise?' "Who has hurt this precious child." 'Cross my heart, I promise. Just take a few steps forward.'
'Aw jeez... Okay, I'm ready.' The chocobo announced, walking forwards confidently but keeping a grip on Kenny's hand incase he chickened out.
Hah, bird puns.

A strange sensation spilled over his body as they moved through the barrier, but apart from that, nothing happened. No spontaneous combustion, no sudden loss of feathers, he just stayed as he always was.
'Well that was, uh, anti-climatic.' He smiled awkwardly, with his blond friend laughing softly and patting his back before letting go of his hand.
'I told you it would be fine, didn't I? Come on, I want you to meet Avery.' The mare knickered excitedly as her rider waved her over, nudging his raised hand for any treats and snorting when she found none. 'Pfft, sorry girl. Avery, this is Choco, Choco; Avery.'

The horse seemed to glare at her rider's friend, who in turn decided that the best thing to do would be to hide behind Kenny. He smirked at this and side-stepped, keeping one hand on Avery's muzzle while the other was lightly brushing against Choco's arm. 'Don't show fear, they can sense it.'

'You what?!'

'Uh-huh. What, are you afraid of horses or something?'
'I... haven't had the best experiences with them, let's just say that.'

'If you don't want to go, you can just-'
'Dude, just shut up, and let's get to your village.'


They were halfway there before Choco began to lose his feathers. An insignificant amount at first, but when the larger flight feathers - even though he couldn't fly - started falling away Kenny called for a break.

'I don't want you passing out or anything, alright? Especially not on horseback, you could get injured.' He'd said, so they were now resting under the shade of an old willow tree.

Choco sighed loudly, twirling one of the larger feathers around as he stared at the bright blue sky above. It was almost a different shade to the skies of the Glitched Lands, more bright and- Well, it was more blue.

'You alright?'

'Yeah, I'm fine thanks... How about you? You've been quiet for a while.' His friend just shrugged, ruffling his hair and sitting cross-legged next to the laying hybrid - Half-hybrid? - who yawned and leant back against the massive trunk of the tree. 'I'm pretty good, just trying to figure out what to say. Like, they let us go this time, but we were supposed to send them a message saying something. They'll understand, right?'
'I don't know, I haven't met these people before, but they've got to. I'll end up hitting someone otherwise.'

'Dang Choco, keep the violence on a low.' He drew out the last word, with his friend laughing tiredly until he yawned again. 'Tired?'
'I wasn't earlier, but being outside the barrier is seriously draining.'

'Huh. We can stay here for a bit longer if you want, you can take a nap or something.'
Choco snorted good-naturedly, glancing at the blond and giving a slight smile. 'I'm not five years old, mate.'

'Oi! I take naps all the time, thanks very much; You just don't see it. In all seriousness though, you'll want to be awake when we get there.'
'I will-'
'Being half-asleep doesn't count, especially if you're completely out of it if one of them asks you a question.' Kenny pointed out, lightly flicking his companion's forehead while casting a look at Avery. The mare was grazing a few metres away, so hopefully wouldn't make any hostile moves when Choco fell asleep 'Go on, I'll wake you up in like half an hour.'

'Are you sure?'
''course I am. The grass is pretty soft, and my legs are - apparently - really good pillows.'

'...They are pretty comfy, not gonna lie.'
'Oi, rude.'


"Goin' on the beach, do do do do, goin on the beach, do do dodo-"

'Lachlan, what the ever loving fudge mate.'
'Going to the beach, aren't we?'

Vik paused to pull a face. 'Well yeah, but-'

'Goin' on the beach, do do dodo.'
Brandon tilted his head slightly, before remembering that the shorter male could read minds and smirking.
He'd actually grown accustomed to having the humans around. They were fun, nothing like he thought they were, though he was still convinced that the others were bad.
Though, Stampy and Ty had helped him...

'Aye yo Pete, can you actually swim?'
'I've never risked it. Water is a slime's weakness, even if you are a wonderful gentleman such as myself.' The slime shrugged. 'Maybe if I was outside the barrier, but... nah. Never learnt.'

'...Maybe we could all go past one day? I mean, the villagers can't really hurt us anymore, and we can get you and Preston to swim.' Lachlan suggested, ruffling his hair as Vik tilted his head.

'That could be fun.'

'Uh, I-I don't know,' Brandon began, before pausing. He'd been past the barrier now, and if it could make his friends happy- not to mention, he could finally get to go in the ocean.

'Yeah, I do know. We should do it sometime this month.'

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