(Sixteen - It's nothing.)

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Turns out, all they had to do to get the rain back to normal and to stop Mitch from... "Glitching around", was to knock him out.
Convenient as it was, they'd had to catch him first.
That was not fun, but they had him back now.

'It's nothing to worry about, apparently this would happen to his Mom after using her abilities for too long.' Vik explained calmly, almost too calmly for someone with a bandage around his head talking about one of his closest friends.
Then again, he had Lachlan right next to him, so... Hm.
'The thing is, this has happened before, but he's never done something like that before.' The bacca pointed out dully, glancing at his friend every now and then. Apparently Harvey had out a spell on him, that would keep him sleeping for the next five hours incase the overdrive kicked in again, but it was quite unnerving.
'He's safe for now, and that's probably the best thing we could ask for.'

Oh, Robert~
He was in the dank cell again. It was a few hours before his friends had rescued him; The single memory of attacking Preston going over and over infront of him.
This time, though, it was different. The lava mob fought back, a sword of molten rock in his hands as "he" parried with a sword he remembered seeing in Lachlan's dad's Weapon Stash.
'I hate you!' He was screaming, over and over. Why wouldn't it stop? Why did Preston say such things - He could never hate Rob, right?
'I hate you!'
He doesn't just hate you, Robert, but he despises you. He blames you for becoming partially obsidianised, even for a short period of time, if you hadn't suggested telling his mother then he wouldn't have had to go through with such suffering. A spectral Herobrine was grinning evilly, his expression like a cat who had gotten exactly what it wanted. You cause him such pain, Robert, and such agony. Why do you plague him with your presence? Surely you want him to be happy, right?

He couldn't respond, but the answer was clear. The god's smirk widened - Robert was falling for his trap. He's happy now, I suppose, but he's tired of having to care for you. You're older, you're his role model-
Every point caused both a figurative and literal burning sensation to spread across the wolf hybrid's chest, but he still couldn't call out. By this time he was sure that it was a dream, but as if reading his thoughts, the ghost-like maniac passed through the repeating fight and grasped his neck.

Can a dream do this, Robert?

Jolting awake at the terrified call, Preston's head snapped towards his friend who was thrashing around in the bed "Oh jeez..."
'C'mon Rob, you've got to wake up now,' He spoke softly, placing a hand on the Canadian's forehead and moving some hair away. 'It's all a dream buddy, it's alright.'
Miraculously, he began to calm down, nuzzling the younger brunet's hand in his sleep as Preston smiled 'There you go Rob, it's over now.'
'Hm... Preston?'
'I'm here buddy, I'm here.' He smiled, before it fell at the frightened expression on his face. 'Rob?'

'Preston, I-' Rob winced, putting a hand up to his throat while glancing fearfully at the fire hybrid in the room. Noting the behaviour as odd, Preston moved forwards-
And Rob flinched away.
'Okay, okay, I won't touch you... I'll go get Marina instead, at least you know she wouldn't hurt you.' It came out in a more spiteful way than he'd intended, and he pretended not to see the frightened stare his older companion was giving him as he walked through the door.
'Mrs. Power?'
'Something's wrong with Rob. I think he had another nightmare, but this time... He flinched away from me when I tried to touch him. That's never happened before.' The blonde tilted her head, brushing some stray hairs aside.

'Weird. D'you want me to talk with him, see what's up? He might have just seen something in the nightmare.' She suggested lightly, leaning over and ruffling his hair fondly before pausing. 'Preston, you're absolutely boiling.'
'Am I?'
'Yes. You should go home, get some rest.'
He was feeling pretty tired, but he had stayed awake for a good reason. He'd needed to watch over Rob...
Who didn't seem to want him anymore.
The Texan took a sharp breath before he nodded, thanking his friend's mother for all her help, to which she just laughed and waved him away; It's nothing, she'd laughed, you kids are like family, now go home and rest.


Preston did not go home and rest. Instead, he found himself following the winding path into the very depths of the forest, where his mother used to collect herbs.
He still hadn't talked to her since he got back. It wasn't like he didn't want to, but it would probably be very awkward to see-
Speak of the devil.

'Hi, Mom...' He muttered glumly, not looming up as he heard her approach. She seemed to stop a few feet away, almost unsure.
'What's - Hey, are you okay?'
'I don't know Mom, I honestly don't know. I tried to help Rob and I-' He stopped, rubbing his eyes with his sleeves and looking up slowly. She was just like he remembered.
'Do you, maybe, want to talk about it?' Kira Arsement took a step forwards, holding her hand out nervously to invite him over. 'It's okay if you don't.'
'Mom, can I have a hug?'

Wow, he sounded like a seven year old child, but he didn't care. Kira tensed for a second, until a warm smile broke out into her face and she nodded 'Of course sweetie, come here.'
He started bawling like a small child. It wasn't voluntary, but his Mom's arms were just so soft, and warm and- Ah jeez, waterworks.
'I-I just wanted, wanted to help but he- I wasn't- It's all m-my fault!'
'Shh, shh, it's okay, just breathe sweetie.' The brunette spoke softly, rubbing his back as our protagonist clung to her tightly.
'He's been so- He's scared of me, Mom.'
'That's not true, you're the exact opposite of scary. Why would he be afraid of you?'

'We went... Rob got kidnapped by He- by Herobrine. We almost d-didn't get there in, there in time and I think he's been able, able to get to Rob through his dreams? Maybe? I don't know!'
'It's okay, take deep breaths, alright? Just relax... You're tired, and this can't be helping you.' The woman soothed, reaching up and wiping the tears from her son's face as she pulled away. 'You can tell me everything later, okay? You need to sleep first.'


Soooooooooo mama arsement is back.

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