1: Trust your instincts

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Cassie sat listening to her sister explain what happened at the club, even though she technically wasn't supposed to be at a club, Cassie would let it go for now. Her mother pulled out her stele, or the supposed' family heirloom, and ran it across her arm, second later some type of rune appeared.

"You and Cassie are eighteen now, you both need to know the truth." Jocelyn grabbed both girls hands, on the outside Cassie looked fine, but instead her thoughts were spiraling. Everything she knew was a lie.

"Protections? What does that even mean? Mom, you... Mom, You're scaring the hell out of me." Clary was clearly panicked, in attempt to comfort her Cassie stood up and grabbed her sisters hand; reviving a sharp squeeze in response.

"I know, and that's why I put of telling you two until the last possible minute." Jocelyn was cut off by Dot coming in and telling her to look out the window.

"Magnus, called to warn us, they found you." Dots sentence made Cassies heart beat faster, now was obviously not the time for questions; they were in trouble. Jocelyn hurried to the window, looking down and spotting two men getting out of a red car.

"Dot. It's time." Her mother said, she suddenly felt like she couldn't breathe; not only was she in danger, so were the girls who still have no idea who they truly are.

Jocelyn began rushing around, telling the girls they can't be near her; Cassie went to the window, just barely spotting the runes decorating the guys skin. She had seen those before, In visions. That's impossible... right?

Clary asked questions but Cassie hurried around, Grabbing her stele because she felt like she may need it with whatever is about to happen; so much for a 'family Heirloom'

"Both of you need to trust your instincts. You two are more powerful than you know." Jocelyn said to both of them, that only made the girls more worried but Cassie knew one thing. No matter what happens, she needs to protect Clary.

Before Clary could continue her next question Jocelyn ordered Dot to open something. The woman held out her hand, a blue glow coming from it as the doors slid open and revealed a portal?

"Everything I've done," their mother pulled them to the portal, Cassie eyeing it suspiciously "every mistake I've made is because I love the two of you more than words."

"Mom, what are you doing?" Clary's voice was shaking, Cassie wanted to comfort her but she had no control over the situation and it's outcome.

"Luke will explain everything. He'll hide the two of you."

"Hide us?" Cassie was the one that spoke, Why did they need to be hidden?

"From the circle. Apart from each other, he is the only one you can trust. Trust no one else." Cassie wanted nothing more than to remove Clary from this situation.

"Where is Luke now?"

"At the police station!"

"Remember, I love you both." the wind had picked up, both girls calling for their mom and in a second they were gone.

Cassie and Clary looked around at the empty hallways, They were at the police station? Magic is real? Those visions She had were real? The voices are real? The two got up when Captain Vergas walked up the stairs, Cassie had three goals. Find Luke. Get some answers. Protect Clary.

Cassie never really talked, she was much more of an observer, at least for now. "Is something wrong? The two of you having guy troubles?" She asked the girls, to which Clary responded with 'something like that.' And Cassie responded with 'Gross.'

"Come on, Clare. We need to wait for Luke." Cassie said, grabbing Clary's hand and both of them making their way to the cafeteria. At least, until She walked away.

Both girls, hurried down the stairs, making sure to be extra quit while looking for Luke.

"Fairchild?" Clary whispered to Cassie, who shrugged; She assumed that's what 'Fray' was short for. The two girls listened intently to the conversation "the circle has her now, it's just a matter of time before we catch her daughters too."

Cassie sent Clary a look, one that said to stay quiet and if anything happens to stay behind her. Tuning back into the conversation they both heard something that made their hearts hurt, betrayal easily painting the walls of their heart "I don't care about the three of them, they mean nothing to me."

"Kill all three of them if you like." Cassie swallowed, it was heartbreaking to hear the man who practically raised you alongside your mother say you mean nothing to him. Hearing Clary's soft gasp at his words, Cassie squeezed her hand.

"My people want the cup. Why do you think I've been hanging around here all these years. Now, when I find the cup, I'm gonna keep it. And you can tell Valentine, and the circle that." Luke said standing up, the other two fallowing after.

"No one mentioned Valentine." The unnamed woman spoke.

"You didn't have to."

"Listen to me." The guy said pointing at Luke.

Luke slapped his hand away and pointed at him "No, you listen to me. Get out of my office." The guy scoffed, Cassie and Clary ducking back down behind the wall. Clary hiding her face in Cassie's shoulder to muffle her breathing.

Cassie wrapped her arm around Clary's shoulder, pulling her into her chest like that would protect her from the Hailstorm on its way. Clary and Cassie looked at each other and seemed to come to the same realization "Mom..." They stood, running out of the NYPD building and into the pouring rain.

Running down the streets the girls didn't care for the rain, the concern for their mother being the only thing that was on their minds. "Mom!" Clary called Cassie following not to far behind.

"Mom!" The twins stopped after noticing a blood spot on the ground. Anger mixed in with Cassies worry, had someone hurt their mother?

Cassie ran into the house, Clary following after still calling for their mom, Cassie ran down the hallways, the house was a war zone. Lamps were knocked over, Glass was shattered along the floors, the couch was ripped apart.

Cassie let out a shaky sigh after not seeing her mother anywhere in the house, a cry pulled Cassie from her little mission. Clary.

She ran back to the living room to see her sister on the floor sobbing, So Cassie does what she does best; try to comfort her. Clary grabbing an axe off of a shelf; who took their mother? The twins walked through the house, Clary carrying the axe at her side.

Clary had make up pouring down her face as they looked through the house, They turned to see Dot and something in Cassies stomach churned. 'Trust your instincts.' Her mothers voice echoed.

Dot began asking about a cup, Cassies instincts were screaming to get Clary out of there because that wasn't Dot. "You know more than you think you do, Cassie and Clary Fray." Suddenly Dots face split open, revealing rows are sharp teeth. Demon. It was the only Logically Unlogical explanation.

Clary stabbed the Stele into 'Dots' stomach, Cassie pulling Clary away from her as 'Dot' fell onto the floor, her nails grew into sharp claws and Dot growled at the girls.

The demon managed to separate the girls, Cornering Clary after having lost sight of Cassie, The demon got into Clarys face 'TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS!' Her mothers voice had mixed with the others as Cassie acted before thinking.

Sliding and standing infront of Clary, Cassie felt the air shift before a bright light took over the room, it was coming from her? The demon fell back with a terrible screech, it's flesh burning away as the glow incapsulated it.

Cassies head was turned to the side with her eyes clamped shut. The demon exploded into Flames, and Cassie peeled her eyes open as the glow faded. Her eyes were a gold like color, taking in everything too fast; A boy was there? Next thing she knows her vision goes black, Clary calling for her as her body falls to the floor.

PADDIE NOTES: First chapter!🥳

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