Chapter 17 Adepti

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Time: 11:02 AM
Location: Liyue
Status: Normal

Kayden: Hilichurl Camp inbound!

Tons of Normal Hilichurl, 2 mitachurl with shield and 1 Axe, 2 Dendro Samachurl and one Stonehide Lawachurl.

Kayden: That's a Huge One Over there.

Youri: Leave it to me. We don't have time for this kind of bullshit.

Youri took his targeting binoculars and called an artillery barrage on the camp, effectively destroying it. The Stonehide Lawachuri roars and activates Geo Armor. Receiving less damage from Artillery attacks

Sky: *sigh* We've spent 3 HOURS climbing this mountain man... We could've just used our powers to get up there quick...!

Kayden Double dash towards Stonehide lawachurl and do single Bloodpunch, It's a Tough one cookie to damage it. Stonehide Lawachurl looks down at Kayden.

Kayden: Uh oh.

It Grabbed Kayden and started Pounding him on the ground.

Kayden: This Thing is Beating my Ass!

Youri: Ok....

Youri shot a rocket at the Stonehide Lawachurl. Making it dizzy and releasing Kayden.

Youri: Oy, Sky! Need some help here!

Kayden: Can someone shoot this Goddamn Thing!

Frustrated that he'll have to fight an enemy after a very long walk in the mountains, Sky takes out his Netherite Pickaxe, enchanted with Efficiency III and a Flint & Steel.



Sky immediately dashed towards the Stone Lawachurl and repeatedly smashed it with his Netherite Pickaxe as hard as he could, causing the Lawachurl's Geo Shield to break down and stun it also. This gives him a chance to finish it off, so he trapped the Stone Lawachurl with blocks of TNTs while it was stunned and ignited one after.

Sky: Fire in the hole!

After a few seconds, the TNTs exploded, covering the area around them in black & white pixelated smoke. The smoke dissipated until it revealed a blocky crater, with the Stonehide Lawachurl broken into blocky pieces.

Youri: Well... that was something. Now I have the urge to play Minecraft all over again.

Sky: Tell me about it...

Youri went to Kayden and started to help him heal faster while also collecting the pixelated remains of the Stonehide. Kayden was still a bit dizzy.

Paimon: Whoa... Paimon didn't even expect that a crater would be that blocky... Even the smoke!

Aether: It's strange, though I've seen stranger things. Just what was that bomb that Sky placed anyway?

Youri: Don't think too much about it, friends. You wouldn't get it either way.

Aether and Paimon looked at each other confused, then they just shrugged it off and forgot about it.

Sky: Can we go now? e_e

Youri: *shrug* Ask Kayden, not me. My job here is done anyway.

Sky: *To Kayden* Can we go now? e_e

Kayden: Just go already.. My Shield is already down e.e

Youri: *Deploy dispenser* I'm staying here with him. We'll join later.

Sky: Alright then, stay safe fellas. Come on you two, we've got an adepti to find.

Sky, Aether and Paimon went ahead to get on top of the mountain, where the adepti dwells in, leaving the Blue boi and the Albino soldier.

Youri: *checking the monitor* We're almost done. Although you really need to be less reckless in your combat style.

Kayden: .... Eh-He. :P

Youri: *Sigh* Between your reckless attitude in combat, Sky glitching through reality itself and my misfortune. It would be long before we find some sort of peace through this total nonsense. *light cigare* At least we have each other, that's somewhat reassuring...

Kayden: Its my usual hobby somehow since haven't much got used to Highest Difficulty

Youri: *headpat Kayden* You'll get used to it bro. You'll get used to it.

Kayden: I wonder if things will get better as soon as Sky meet the Adepti.

Youri: As long as there is no misunderstanding that would lead us in the same situation as Liyue Harbor, there is indeed a good chance. Well, assuming those guys are willing to listen in the first place anyway.


The three have finally reached the top of the mountain at Jueyun Karst. Looking around, the first thing they saw was a cave, which is blocked by a sigil with chinese symbols in it.

Sky: This must be it... But where's the adepti?

Aether: I don't know, Childe never said anything about when and where it will arrive.

Sky: Ugh, if this is just a plan to fool us, I swear to god, I'll kill hi-

???: And who you might be? Those that dare enter Jueyun Karst?

Paimon: Ah!

They looked behind and saw that the voice came from a deer... A strange one to be precise.

Sky: Hey uhh... Funny looking deer thingy...

???: You dare mock me mortal?

Sky: Hey, I don't even know what your name is so shut up...

???: Hmph, a bold one to talk back to a godly being. What is it that you seek here at Jueyun Karst?

Aether and Sky took out their Sigil of Permission and showed it to the adepti.

Aether: We were sent here

???: A Sigil of Permission... Many seasons have passed since one was last in the presence of such an item.

Sky: Wow, so this thing's rare? Noice 'But wait, how the fuck did that Fatui Harbinger got it? Something fishy is going on here...'

Moon Carver: He before you is the mighty and illuminated adeptus, Moon Carver. Now speak, travelers. What business do you have here?

Paimon: Actually...

Suddenly, two millelith soldiers, who recently got on top of the mountain, spotted the "assassins" who killed Rex Lapis. One of them had a different color, meaning that it must be from the high position of the Millelith.

Millelith Sergeant: It's the assassin! They dared to flee here to Jueyun Karst!

Millelith Soldier: Sir, we've already stepped too far into Jueyun Karst ourselves...

Millelith Sergeant: We... Argh, there's no choice. Apprehending the assassin is top priority, we must press on!

Kayden: They Really have come this far for this.. -_-

The Millelith Soldier blew a whistle, causing more of them to come up from the mountain top. They began pointing their weapons at the travelers.

Sky: ...SON OF A BI-

Millelith Sergeant: There's no escape assassins! Surrender now or we'll use force!

Moon Carver: ...disturbing our borders. See them gone. One will not have interruption.

Sky: *sigh* This day keeps getting worse and worse...

Aether: Tell me about it...

Millelith Sergeant: So what will it be then assassins?

Aether took out his sword, while Sky brought out his laser nunchaku. Then they engaged in a battle stance.

Sky: Fight me cowards.

Millelith Sergeant: Oh you're asking for it... *points at the travelers* SOLDIERS, ATTACK!!!

The soldiers began to charge towards the travelers with their weapons ready,causing the duo to also charge at them.

Aether performed a barrage of slashes at the soldiers while deflecting their attacks with his sword. As for Sky, by the time the soldiers striked their weapons at him, it suddenly sliced in half thanks to his laser nunchaku, caughting them off-guard.

Millelith Guard: T-that's Impossible! How did you

Sky: Welcome to the future...

Sky grabbed his Netherite Sword, enchanted with Fire Aspect II and Knockback III.


He smacked his Netherite Sword at each of the soldiers like a Minecraft Player, throwing them off the mountains and screaming until they were out of sight.

Sky: Epic gamer moment right there fellas.

The Millelith Sergeant noticed that their numbers began to decrease. The soldier was about to tell the sergeant to fall back and retreat when suddenly...

Kayden: Charge now Doctor!

Kayden is Armed with a chaingun mobile sentry mode, waiting for Youri's 100 Percent Ubercharge

Youri: Roger! Roger!

Youri activated his Ubercharge, making him and Kayden invincible. Not allowing anyone to hit them.

Kayden: I am going to enjoy killing everyone one of you sorry sack of scum!

Youri: Wait what!?

Kayden: Sleeping Dart Bullets!

Sky: Phew, and I thought you're actually going to kill them...

Kayden rains down with dart bullets hitting every vital spot making them go to sleep for 10 minutes.

Sky: *dusts of his suit* Welp, looks like our job fighting those Milleliths is done! But... How long will the sleeping effect last?

Kayden: 10 minutes

Youri: Which leaves us just enough time to do whatever we're supposed to do here.

The adepti, now known as Moon Carver, looked at the two newcomers.

Moon Carver: You must be the travelers' companions, correct?

Youri: Yes, do not pay attention to us as we have no intention to stay here long enough to disturb your activities. For those two are the only ones who are authorized to come.

Moon Carver: Since you don't have the Sigil of Permission like your companions... *To Sky, Aether and Paimon* Well then, state your purpose.

Paimon: Well...

Paimon told the adepti about what happened recently at Liyue Harbor. From Rex Lapis' asssassination at the Rite of Descension, the Millelith and the Liyue Qixing blaming the citizens and tourists, especially the otherworldly travelers who got near the incident, until escaping the Harbor to seek the adepti.

Moon Carver: Preposterous... PREPOSTEROUS!!!

His last part of the statement echoed throughout the mountains, causing birds to fly off the trees.

Sky: Seems that he's not happy about it...

Moon Carver: The Liyue Qixing... utterly disappointing.

Youri: *Raise eyebrow* Did he just start to talk like Diluc?

Sky: *shrugs* I dunno man... Though, it does seem like he did...

Moon Carver: How could someone possibly assassinate Rex Lapis during the Rite of Descension... And then place suspicion upon the attendees!?

Youri: Potential imposters duh!

Sky: I don't know... Maybe they're just doing that since they wanted to find the assassin...

Youri: Thanks captain obvious!

Moon Carver: ... Travelers, of the unjust accusations placed upon you, one has become aware. The mind knows its answer. Though one must consult with one's fellows, lest the mind be misguided.


Youri: *hit Sky on the head* Start respecting your elders already Dum Dum. Just because you don't understand doesn't allow you to make such jokes.

Sky: I still don't know such very wise words okay?!?

Moon Carver: *sigh* One does not understand such words coming from an adepti... But one respects why... Now go. Take your Sigil of Permission, carry with you a message.

Aether: Who should we look for?

Moon Carver: Mountain Shaper and Cloud Retainer can be found here. Only fate will decide if you shall find them, only fate. There exists a Conqueror of Demons, a Guardian Yaksha. Go to Wangshu Inn. There you shall seek him.

Kayden: Doomslayer? P_P

Sky: Mountain Dew, Cloud Boi and Doomslayer. Got it! Alright then, let's go fellas!

Youri: ...

The travelers began to leave at the mountains to find three of the adeptis. Good thing that one of them was at Wangshu Inn, but as for the other two...

They might need to pray for RNJesus to instantly encounter them somewhere at Jueyun Karst.

Kayden: Wow. this is.. I can feel the wind around here.

Youri: Perhaps a sign or blessing from your dear Anemo Archon don't you think?

Kayden: Yes it is. watch this.

Kayden Praise the wind.

Kayden: Winds! Take me!

Kayden opened the glider automatically and was carried by the wind.

Sky: Where are you going?

Kayden: I was wondering how fast that could take me to Wangshu Inn! Meet me over there, Moon Carver said to meet the conqueror of the demons, so we go there first! See ya later!

Kayden left and went straight to wangshuu Inn while being carried by the winds

Youri: *facepalm* I don't think that's how it will work... The spirit says that we need to talk to the other two to solve our issues, that Conqueror one is actually the only one who doesn't reside in the area!

Sky: I'd say that those adeptis are dwelling at those two mountains over there.

Sky pointed at the two large mountains from a distance.

Youri: The way I understand it... we could speed up everything by having a duo to talk to Moon Carver friends while another duo go to that Conqueror fellow.

Sky: But there are five of us. I'd say we should let Kayden do the talking to the Vigilant Yaksha, while the four of us split up as duos to go find each adepti.

Youri: You mean: You and Kayden? That's the adepti we're talking about. The pass would still be needed in our case.

Sky: Hmm... Why can't we just duplicate these Sigil of Permissions?

Youri: Because no one asked. Duh!

Sky: So that means we can duplicate it right?

Youri: *get Toolgun* Let's do this.

Aether: Umm, what're you guys going to do?

Sky: A method called: D U P L I C A T I O N

Paimon: Wait, you guys can duplicate items?!?

Youri: Correction: We duplicate things perfectly.

Sky: But first... Aether, give me your Sigil of Permission.

Aether gave the Sigil of Permission to the metal knight and handed it over to Youri, who took his own custom toolgun: Neon Noir.

Setting it on "duplication", he fired a beam at the Sigil of Permission, with no apparent effects before shooting at the ground twice, making two new copies of the Sigil of Permission to appear.

Paimon: Wooow... That's so cool!

Youri: Isn't it? Now that it's done... *take the copies* Imma gonna join that blue haired baka and give him his own Sigil of permission before he gets into trouble.

Sky: Then it's settled, we'll meet by the Northland Bank after we're done with this, got it?

Youri: *spawn his Thunderbolt* Yeah Yeah whatever. Do what you have to do and we'll be good. * starts the engines* I'll see you in hell!

Youri took off and went to the Wangshuu Inn to follow Kayden.

Sky: Now then, which mountain should we go first?

Aether: We might as well go for the nearest one.

Paimon: We should do it as quickly as possible or else the Millelith might catch up on us.

Sky: Right...

And so the three travelers ventured onto the nearest mountain in search of the two adepti.



Location: Wangshuu Inn

Kayden was relaxing on the chair on his own, thinking about where Xiao was. Until he heard a familiar engine noise in the distance.

Kayden: Oh boy... here he comes e.e

Youri made another brutal landing before getting out of the Thunderbolt and removing it.

Youri: *Radio* I'm here Kay! Did you miss me?

Kayden: Sorry no. :v

Youri throws an enderpearl next to Kayden. Teleporting the albinos soldier beside him.

Youri: Aww... but I got you a brand new Sigil of Permission. :(

Kayden: Fine, whatever but I'm taking it.

Youri: *Goes see the view* The others stayed in the mountains to speak with the other two spirits so it's only the two of us on this one.

Kayden: Why not split three instead of 2 of us. I mean why did you come here?

Youri: In case you forgot, neither of us had a Sigil of permission until now. Which means that both of us were technically intruders in the eyes of the locals. Which obviously wasn't a good thing. Therefore, getting here was my best bet and now that I gave you a Sigil of Permission, we will have less trouble contacting an adepti.

Kayden: Ok...

Kayden grab the duped Sigil of Permission

Kayden: I feel like these is bunch of fakes e.e

Youri: *Show his Toolgun* Perhaps.

Kayden: I mean the original before being duped.

Youri: Well, excuuuuuuuuuuse us for trying to be helpful and efficient! *Pout in french*

Kayden: Bruh.

Youri: *le sigh* Just... Just get on with it...


Location: Mt. Hulao, Jueyun Karst, Liyue

Time: 10:30 AM


The travelers have reached the top of the first mountain, where they saw a pond, a bunch of strange orange rocks lying everywhere, and a small cave, which the entrance was blocked with the same seal as the one they saw on the mountain where Moon Carver dwells.

Sky: Just as I predicted... If there are caves with those seals, that means there's an adepti living in it.

Then they noticed a man in front of the pond, kneeling and begging for mercy about something, which they couldn't hear from a far distance. Worried about the man, the travelers approached him.

ID Name: Li Ding

Li Ding: Have mercy, O mighty adeptus! I beg you... Show mercy upon me and my brother... Spare our lives!

Sky: Are you okay man?

Aether: What's wrong?

Li Ding: Who are you? What's going on?

Paimon: We asked you first!

Li Ding: ...Oh! You enjoy safe passage in Jueyun Karst... It can only mean one thing! *gasp* You must be the adepti messengers! Who was sent here to rescue me and my brother!

Sky: ...bruh

Paimon: What is he talking about?

Sky: I dunno...

Li Ding: ...Oh, have mercy, mighty messengers of the illuminated adepti! I beg you to save us... My brother and I, we only came here because our family is poor, and we heard stories of treasures hidden in the amber of Mt. Hulao.

Sky: You mean those strange orange rocks?

Li Ding: Yes, it was stupid of us... but all we wanted to do was find enough treasure to sell and support our family... We followed the path up to this mountain, but suddenly, the amber... it swallowed up my brother, Li Dang!

Sky: Li Ding... Li Dang... You must be twins right?

Li Ding: *nods* I ran away, and made it this far before it dawned on me: We were trespassers in the abode of the adepti, and this was our punishment... I had no idea how to rescue my brother, so I just started praying for the adepti to have mercy, right here on the spot. And now, at long last, three messengers come to my aid...

Sky: Umm... Brotha, I think you have a misunderstanding... We're not adepti messengers as you speak.

Paimon: He's right, we just wanna find the adepti, like everyone else!

Li Ding: No no no, you must be messengers... You have to be! I have no idea which amber trapped him... Please, you have to rescue him! I beg you, show me some adepti mercy!

The travelers looked at each other and discussed it.

Aether: Maybe we should help him. By the look on his face, he really is desperate to bring his brother back.

Paimon: *sigh* Even though it might waste our time, we should always help a person in need.

Sky: Mmhmm, I say we should play along that we're the adepti messengers so it can go smoothly.

Aether: Right...

Then they looked back at the man, who was waiting for an answer.

Aether: Of your transgressions, your predicament, and your repentance, one has become aware.

Sky: So one has decided that we'll aid you in seeking your trapped brother, but you two must never attempt such foolish actions and trespass the abode of the adepti ever again.

Li Ding: Thanks be to the adeptus of Mt. Hulao, and to their messengers! Never will we be so foolish again...

Paimon: Whoa, check you two out! When you speak like that, you actually make a pretty convincing adepti messenger.

Sky: Very unexpecting to say the least...

So the travelers began checking on each amber and breaking it to see if they might find Li Dang's brother. Unfortunately, some of the amber only contains either critters, animals, enemies, or a treasure chest. As they keep breaking the ambers that they look out for, that's where they break an amber, which contains the person that they're looking for.

Li Dang: *coughing* Wh–What happened? ...Y-you rescued me? Thank you... Oh! And have you seen my brother? His name is Li Ding, we were climbing the mountain together. I just hope he didn't get trapped in amber too...

Aether: Actually, he's the one who sent us looking for you.

Li Dang: Phew... so he's safe then...? Thank you! I will head up to find my brother now. I hope I don't run into any more amber on the way...


Going back to the mountain top and reuniting the brothers, they began praying in gratitude for the travelers in helping them with their predicament.

Li Ding: Thank you for rescuing my brother, O mighty messengers of the illuminated adepti.

Sky: Now then, do you guys by any chance see an adeptus here?

Li Ding: What? No... I mean, like everyone else, we've heard that there's an adeptus living in Mt. Hulao. But regular folks like us would never have the chance to meet them. No way.

Sky: Really? Well, that's something...

Li Ding: Unlike you guys... You're adepti messengers, so it's a whole different story. Anyway, we have trespassed in the realm of the adeptus for long enough. We should get going. Thank you, mighty adepti messengers...

Li Dang: Yes, thank you, messengers...

Saying their thanks and goodbyes, the Li Brothers run down the mountain.

Paimon: ...Boy, it'd be super helpful if we actually were adepti messengers. 'Cause it seems like this adeptus has got a real temper problem...

Sky: Well, as the saying goes: "You reap what you sow"

Paimon: Mmhmm... But it's not like we've done anything wrong, so... hopefully we'll be okay... hehe...

???: Who dares trespass on my mountain? Who is it that frees the thief from his incarceration? Foolish mortals, come forth and receive your punishment at once!

Sky: Welp, we reap what we sow...

They looked towards the cave and saw a black crane on top of it, flying down at the pond and looking at the travelers.

Sky: Hey there fellow adeptus. You must be... Mountain Dew right?

Paimon: Mountain Shaper!

Sky: Oops, hehe...

Mountain Shaper: Lying before you is the Mountain Shaper...! You intrude upon the sanctity of Mt. Hulao, you destroy the amber of my mountain, and you free a thief whose freedom is not yours to give. The thieves' ignorance was an affront to the adepti... but your actions are an abomination of the highest order!

Paimon: Wait! We can explain...

Sky: We would like to apologize for our mistake if we didn't know that we committed damage to property... You should've just come in before we helped that man and break those precious ambers of yours, and discuss this properly for pete's sake!

Mountain Shaper: One dares to judge an adeptus? One must know that further consequences will be made to make such damaging actions! And do I remind you that as an adeptus, one must not provide anything mortal related.

Sky: I'm just giving you constructive criticism! What's wrong with that?!?

Paimon: Sky, calm down! You can't just barge in and say those words to an adepti like that, he might punish us!

Sky: ...ugh, fine...

Mountain Shaper: ...hmph. 'One has never seen such a mortal talking back and criticizing an adepti like this... It made one remember a certain Yuheng of the Qixing...'

Aether: Anyways, look at this.

Aether and Sky showed their Sigil of Permission to the adeptus.

Mountain Shaper: ...A Sigil of Permission? One was unaware that such things still exist in the mortal realm. In the beginning, Rex Lapis cast them for the mortals with his own hand. Few were made then, and thousands of years on, fewer still remain... Now speak. One shall listen to the matter which brings you here, then one shall verify the truth thereof. You would be wise to speak the truth, for Liyue is not so far from here that one would be easily deceived.

Aether began explaining the Rex Lapis assassination until he made it to the conclusion.

Mountain Shaper: Rex Lapis... Assassinated? At the Rite of Descension!?

Sky: Pretty much sums it up

Mountain Shaper: What mortal in Liyue– nay, in all the world, would conspire to commit such foul treason? Or perhaps the more pertinent question is, what power in this world could aspire to achieve it?

Sky: That... Is what we don't know...

Mountain Shaper: Rex Lapis charged the adepti with the protection of Liyue, and we have always honored this duty. As the people have prospered, so have we gradually withdrawn into the mountains. Indeed, this was a gesture of good will towards humanity. But now... Alas! Rex Lapis, gone... Travelers, of the matter you have relayed, one has become aware. One now knows why Moon Carver has sent for us. Once one has dealt with certain matters here that require my attention, one shall convene with the other adepti.

Aether: About the amber situation, how did the thief get trapped there anyway?

Paimon: Paimon can! Adepti always has magical powers in storybooks, it seems it's true in real life too. You know, like how grass is actually adepti hair, and rivers are actually adepti saliva... There must be something similar going on with the amber.

Sky: If so... Then that means rain are adepti tears right?

Aether: Don't tell me that the ambers are.. Crystallized adepti!

Sky: Dude that's gross

Mountain Shaper: ...Your nonsense knows no bounds. This amber is produced by a flower that one has planted here, called the . The majority of the plant is hidden underground. When stepped on, it produces amber to trap the invader. After taking up residence here, one planted many karst crawlers to ensure that the tranquility of the mountain would remain undisturbed. Over the years, they have helped to prevent many disturbances, but in the process they have also trapped many curious things...

Paimon: Oh, so the amber is... alive?

Mountain Shaper: Correct. Thus, one may not leave this place in its current state, for fear of the risk to innocent lives in one's absence. One will depart as soon as one has attended to this matter. One trusts that the manner of your departure will be swifter in nature.

Mountain Shaper removed the seals to the cave and went back inside. Then the seal reappeared again.

Sky: One down, one to go! Come on, I'll teleport us there to the other mountain.


Location: Mt. Aocang, Jueyun Karst, Liyue

Time: 10:30 AM


After using Sky's method of teleportation, the trio is now at the peak of Mt. Aocang, which consists of a lake, with a stone table lying in the middle. They also found three cooking pots scattered around.

Curious about the stone table, they approached it and took some inspections.

Paimon: Hey, who put this table here? They've even set it ready for dinner, there's a wine jug and everything...

Sky: Fancy for an adepti to set up a table for such an occasion.

Paimon: Ooh, they even have the guests' names carved into the seats!

Paimon began pointing at a first chair

Paimon: "Here sits Retainer..."

Then another one...

Paimon: "Here sits Guizhong..."

And another one...

Paimon: "Here sits Rex..." Hmm... Maybe "Rex" is short for "Rex Lapis"?

Aether: Possibly

Then she pointed at the last seat.

Paimon: But Paimon has no idea about "Guizhong." As for "Retainer," hmm... That's it! When Moon Carver was going through the names of his adepti buddies, he said there was one called "Cloud Retainer." So, this must be where Cloud Retainer and the other adepti have their dinner parties! Hehe, how about we cook up some extra-special dishes for the adepti? We're sure to get Cloud Retainer's attention that way! But... What do adepti even eat, anyway?

Aether: You've got any ideas Paimon?

Paimon; Hm, Paimon has no idea... Hmm, people must make offerings here all the time. Guess all we can do is look around the area for any leftovers, maybe that'll give us some ideas. Oh, Oh! Do you think maybe it's at all possible that the adepti might like to try some... Sticky Honey Roast? What do you think Sky?

When they turned around only to find that Sky wasn't here with them.

Paimon: Uhh, where did Sky go?

Aether: I don't know. He was just here a moment ago...

Sky: Hey

Aether/Paimon: Ah!

Yelping at the metal knight's sudden voice, they quickly turned back and saw him holding a tray of food.

Paimon: Sky, don't scare us like that!

Sky: Hehe sorry...

Aether: Where have you been up to?

Sky: Well... I thought that offering meals to this adepti might notice our presence, so I made these thanks to the recipes that I found from those cooking pots.

Paimon: Aww, and I thought this meal was for us...

Aether: *sigh* Typical Paimon

Paimon: Hey!

Sky: Meals later man, but right now, we need to place these from the stone table and see.

Nodding at the metal knight's response, they began taking out the plates of food from the tray and placed it on the table. After they were done with it, a sound of a door echoed through the mountain's peak, which came from a narrow cave in front of them.

Sky: Hey it worked! Come on fellas, let'sa go!

Approaching the narrow cave, they saw an opened stone door, which Sky quickly went inside it, followed by a worried Aether and Paimon.


After going inside the domain, what they saw surprised them. The domain consists of small floating isles, which make some mechanical noises, along with some mechanisms attached to the isles.

Paimon: Whoa, look at all those mechanisms!

Sky: *whistles* And I thought old technologies are way more simple than this...

Cloud Retainer: One senses the presence of a Sigil of Permission... One knows not why you have come, though the sincerity of your offering is clear... Hence, you shall be granted an opportunity. Find your way through mine abode, and you shall receive an audience with the adeptus whom you seek-

Sky: Yo!

Cloud Retainer: Huh?!?

Seeing that the mortal trespassers are now in front of her, Cloud Retainer was in disbelief as to how they managed to go through her puzzles in an instant.

Cloud Retainer: That's impossible! How did you...?

Sky: A magician never reveals his secret...

Cloud Retainer:

Sky: Anyways, Cloud Retard right?

Cloud Retainer: ...


Sky: ...what?

Aether: Wow dude, just... wow...

Paimon: You idiot...

Youri: *Radio* Sky, why do I get the feeling you just said shit?

Sky: *Radio* It's just your imagination...

Cloud Retainer: *sighs in frustration* The one before you is the adeptus, Cloud Retainer. Now, speak of the matter which brings you here.

Sky: You built this place?

Cloud Retainer: You surmise correctly. In fact, even Guizhong and Rex Lapis themselves found one's technological accomplishments to be worthy of commendation.

Sky: Gotta hand to ya, I'm impressed that technology and magic can lead to such creative mechanisms like these.

Cloud Retainer: *sigh* Even though one does found you idiotic, one would still give gratitude to your words of appreciation.

Sky: Hey, I'm not that idiotic!

Paimon: I've gotta say, this place is huge! And there are so many mechanisms... Do you really have this whole place to yourself? What's it even for? Did you build it as your private mechanism workshop or something? It's just like the stories say. The adepti leave the human world, find somewhere to go be a hermit, and then they research and invent all these amazing things...

Cloud Retainer: One is simply not partial to the tedium of social interaction, and wishes to find some peace and quiet. Find it one did... Shortly after which, you arrived bearing your Sigil of Permission...

Sky: 'Wow, so these adepti are just a bunch of wise introverts...'

Cloud Retainer: But enough! State the matter which brings you here, at once! You have disturbed the tranquility of this place for long enough.

Sky: Yeah, yeah. So what happened was...

Sky began telling the Cloud Retainer about the events that happened at Liyue Harbor up to their mission to seek the adepti to let them know about it.

Cloud Retainer: Rex Lapis... Assassinated?!? How can this be?!? Such a heinous crime... Who would dare? The notion is so preposterous as to be unbelievable... one shall have to verify the truth of the matter independently...

Flapping her wings in wrath and her voice echoing through the domain, she calmed down afterwards, although her rage is seen in her eyes.

Cloud Retainer: ...Perhaps one shall squash Liyue first, then convene with the other adepti–

Aether: ...excuse me, what did you say?!?

Paimon: Wait, what!? Did you just say "squash Liyue Harbor"? Are you seriously gonna wipe out the whole city?


Cloud Retainer: Only a response of sufficient magnitude can negate the possibility of further incidents.

Sky: Dude, that's way too far! You're just making the problem bigger. This ain't Judgement Day for Liyue!

Aether: He's right. Adepti are supposed to protect the city.

Cloud Retainer: It is as you say. We have protected Liyue Harbor under the leadership of Rex Lapis for 37 centuries. But in the face of this coup by nefarious actors... exceptional measures must be taken.

Sky: That ain't exceptional measures, that's plain genocide!

Cloud Retainer: One should not judge how us, adepti work.

Sky: Ugh! This is fucking ridiculous!

Paimon: Yikes! Quick, you guys gotta think of something! She wants to squash Liyue flat, and it doesn't seem like she's bluffing!

Aether: *sigh* You accepted our offering, that makes this a contract.

Paimon: Exactly what Paimon was gonna say! We made all that delicious food, and gave every last bit of it to you! We were hoping you might help Liyue out... not wipe Liyue out! ...Or at least let's... y'know, discuss it first? Can't hurt for you to get a second opinion.

Sky: They're right, you can't just jump into conclusions. Try thinking about it further.

Cloud Retainer: "Contract..." A cruel irony that you should appeal to the notion after the merciless murder of the God of Contracts himself. The people of Liyue seem quite content to dispense with their contracts. They are quite adept at taking that which is composed of black and white, and turning it gray... Nevertheless... Since you come here in the name of contracts, far be it from one to abandon one's own contractual obligations. Least of all when you come bearing a Sigil of Permission... *sigh* Rex Lapis infused these sigils with adeptal power when he first cast them. That power once aided humans in battle. Most of the sigil's power has long since worn off... It is but a keepsake now. This keepsake cannot be taken as proof of your trustworthiness. One must investigate the claims that you make independently. This, no doubt, is Moon Carver's very reason for summoning us. Your audience with the adeptus before you is now concluded. Leave at once, and disturb me no further.

Cloud Retainer created an exit portal for the mortals to leave from her abode and not disturb her tranquility.

Sky: ...I don't even know every single bit of what she said, but ok... But that doesn't mean I won't stand by our suggestion, so if you won't let us coordinate with your work then goodbye... and screw you

As the travelers began leaving by the portal, the adepti felt slightly offended by the metal knight's choice of words. Though, she'll admit, her way of solving the problem wouldn't help further.

Cloud Retainer: *sigh* One does find the strange mortal interesting. Though, one found it really offensive for the adepti...


Sky: These adepti wouldn't change their mind...

Paimon: Yet, I found it stupidly brave how you deal with them.

Sky: Hey, it's just my way of life.

Aether: Thank god that we weren't punished by them.

Paimon: *sigh* Yep... Anyways, now that we're done with those adepti, we should go back to Northland Bank in Liyue Harbor and wait for our friends to arrive.

Sky: Speaking of friends, I wonder how they're doing with the adeptus right now...


Location: Wangshuu Inn, Liyue

Time: 11:05 AM


Kayden: How the hell can we find Xiao here? My Intelligent HUD Isn't helping since there's a lot of people here.

Sky [Radio]: Yo fellas, have you found the adepti yet?

Kayden pressed his ear to respond to the radio.

Kayden [Radio]: No sign of the adepti either, I have no idea what it looks like, could either a beast form like that magical deer moon carver.

A jet engine sound was heard, then an explosion and shortly after, Youri landed next to Kayden with a parachute.

Youri: How about you simply ask the personnel around for him duh! *Give Kayden his Sigil of permission*

Sky [Radio]: He's right Kayden. Anyways, I need to go now.

Kayden [Radio]: Alright, good luck.

Sky [Radio]: You too

Sky's radio turned off with a buzz

Youri: By the way, should we worry about the previous version of us right now? You know, the one from page 12 to 13?

Kayden: Probably. Let's just find the person who knows Xiao.

Youri: How about this dude leaning on the railing over there? *point at the boy*

Kayden and Youri walk slowly and talk to the person whos leaning on the rail.

Xiao: To the blind, everything may not be as it appears...

Youri: But blind you cannot see anything at all, are you talking about other senses or something?

Feeling the presence of two mortals, the Vigilant Yaksha turned around to see a black albino soldier and a blue boi.

Xiao: Those are just philosophical ideals, not some sort of logic...

Youri: Yet, there is logic behind that....

Suddenly, Xiao noticed the mortals holding a Sigil of Permission in their hands.

Youri: Your... "colleague", Moon carver sent us to bring you some.... very important news... news that requires your immediate attention.

Xiao: The fact that you two hold the Sigil of Permission... Hmph, very well then. Though this only prevents me from hurting you myself. Doesn't stop you from getting hurt in other ways.

Youri: Try me

Xiao: Hmph, you've got the guts to face back against an adepti such as oneself who stands before you...

Youri: We have a job to do and the spirits back here require your presence here. Are you really gonna run from your responsibilities?

Hearing what the albino soldier said, the Vigilant Yaksha pondered in thought about it. What got him interested is the fact that they knew his fellow adepti dwelling at the mountains of Jueyun Karst... If that's the case for them, then he'll listen to what those mortals would say.

Xiao: Adeptis know their responsibilities. And as an adepti myself, I don't run away from one. Now, tell me what happened in Liyue Harbor.

Youri: Well... *look around them* Here's the big, urgent news...

Youri then explained the current situation in Liyue from the fiasco at the ceremony to talking to Moon Carver and the other adeptis.

Xiao: Rex Lapis... How could this be? I... I can't imagine it. Though times have changed, I've never imagined a Liyue without him. The ruling Qixing... Just what role have they played in this?

Youri: Good question, although I was betting on the Fatui, like always.

Kayden: But what we see is a falling dragon, no injuries, no stab marks, nothing. without him, this place was already crawling with fatui's around liyue.

Xiao: Hmph, those aggressive diplomats... I always knew their hunger for power, and their abusive ways of using diplomacy towards other nations... But their relationship with Liyue Qixing isn't really that great...

Youri: Since when do they have a good relationship with someone?

Xiao: *glare at Youri*

Youri: Okay, I'll shut up...

Xiao: *sigh* I will seek Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, and Cloud Retainer. It is time they too made their decisions. Like I said before, adepti do not turn on their responsibilities. I have my reasons to not want to be tainted by the mortal realm, but... responsibilities are responsibilities. Our god is the God of Contracts after all.


(Time Skip)

Kayden and Youri Left Wangshuu Inn

Kayden: So I guess that's it, huh. Last one left.

Youri: Yeah, probably... At least for now I guess.

Kayden: *Bright Blue Eye Glow* ONTO THE LAST ONE!! I think Xiao said Cloud retainer which I never heard of.

Youri: Huh? But didn't Sky say he would talk to them already?

Kayden: I Just forgot them already :P

Youri: ... Now I want to go to war...

← To be Continu-

Location: Liyue Harbor

Kayden: YOURI!

Kayden was Holding a Book, with a USSR Symbol.

Youri: AH SHIT!

Kayden: WHAT THE F*** IS THIS?!👈

Youri: It is just my litterature reading.

Kayden: Literature Reading.. THE COVER IS RED LIKE COMMIE BLOOD!

Youri: You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover bro...😐


Youri: It could be a book about farming!!! 💢


Sky comes into our room, hearing our argument.

Sky: Aye what's going on?


Sky: ....a f**kin' what?

Kayden: A Communist.

Youri: Bro, I can explain...

Sky: You know, between Kaeya's strange persona, Venti's alcohol addiction, and Lisa's book fetish, Youri Major being a communist... That ain't so bad


Sky: But Kayden! We're red, we're on the red team.

Kayden: A what?

Sky: Your Right Eye, It's red...

Kayden Sudden Realization That he has a Red on his Right eye.


Kayden Freeman is now a Communist


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