Chapter 18 Zhongli

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Location: Northland Bank, Liyue Harbor

Time: 12:00 PM

Statues: Normal


After giving the adepti the news regarding Rex Lapis' assassination, Sky, Aether and Paimon were the first ones to get back to Liyue Harbor. Now, they were at Northland Bank, waiting for his two friends to arrive at the location they're at.

Sky: *sigh* It's been 40 minutes and they're still not here...

Paimon: Ugh, Paimon's so hungry right now...

Sky/Aether: *deadpan* You're always hungry, Paimon...

Paimon: Hey!

Childe: Relax, your friends might arrive... unexpectedly

Youri: *load gun behind Childe* Rule n°1 fatui: Don't jinx yourself when we're here. You might get hit by a lost bullet if you don't pay attention.

Childe: *chuckles* Don't fret, I won't bite like the others. I'm just here to help you guys in this situation, which I already did. Signora wasn't lying about him after all...

Youri: And I'm still waiting for the catch. Cause there's always a catch with you so called "diplomates".

Kayden: *burp*

Childe: *sigh* I understand if any of you don't trust the Fatui. Anyways, we should go to a restaurant known as Liuli Pavilion. There is an acquaintance of mine who will help you further in this situation.

Aether: Liuli Pavilion?

Paimon: *raises hand* Ooh! Ooh! Paimon knows this one! *clears throat* The flagship restaurant of the Li style is the Liuli Pavilion. The owner especially chose to open the restaurant at Feiyun Slope, so they could compete face-to-face with the Xinyue Kiosk, which is the flagship restaurant of the Yue style.

Sky: You really are very fond of food aren't ya "Emergency Food"?

Paimon: For the last time, Paimon's. Not. An. Emergency. Food!

Paimon said this as she was stomping her little leg in the air in frustration until she calmed down.

Youri: Bruh, we don't have time for this...

Kayden: So um, are we going to meet someone?

Sky: Yep, so we should get going. Don't want him/her to wait for too long since Fatui diplomats might be impatient, no offense Childe...

Childe: None taken. But, he isn't part of the Fatui actually, just an... associate of mine.

Youri: Doesn't sound better in my eyes. As long as he's only associated with you and not the Fatui I'll let it pass.

Kayden: *Yawn* man, is it me or do i feel sleepy right now.. -_-

Sky: It's only you, now come on, let's get going!

Youri: I'm not paid enough for this crap...

And so, the group began to walk out of Northland Bank to get towards the Liuli Pavilion to meet the Harbinger's associates for their assistance. While doing that, Childe began to converse to lighten the atmosphere.

Childe: There has been a mystery that the Liyue Qixing hid the vessel of the Geo Archon somewhere.

Sky: Why would they do that though?

Kayden: Probably some magical Revive ability to bring back Geo Archon.

Youri: Or maybe the Geo Archon went into hiding after that ceremony fiasco

Childe: It may depend... But where would they hide the vessel though...?

Youri: As long as Aether got his talking with the Archon and someone else doesn't start trouble, I'll be good on literally everything else.

Sky: I'm still wondering as to why you would give us those sigil of permissions.. Like seriously, those are very rare according to the adepti and you just gave it away. Well, you would, since this big situation came up.

Childe: ...I have my ways...

Youri: *lean to Sky* Understand; "probably stole it from somewhere and probably made copies of it"

Sky: *whisper* I was also thinking the same as yours. But don't worry, my "other self'' is collecting some juicy information right now...


The group had finally arrived at Liuli Pavilion as they went inside to find a formally dressed woman greeting the Fatui Harbinger by the entrance.

ID Name: Hongru

Hongru: Welcome back sir. You honor us with your patronage. Mr. Zhongli is awaiting your arrival in the room you booked.

Childe: Thank you.

Youri: I don't like where this is going.

Going towards the room that Childe booked for, they saw a man, with dark brown hair with a pint of yellow tips in a long and thin ponytail. He was sitting by the table as he almost drank his tea until he noticed his associate arriving here along with a bunch of travelers, which he knew about them.

ID Name: Zhongli

Childe: Allow me to introduce Mr. Zhongli, consultant to an organization known as Wangsheng... and a trusted associate of the Fatui.

Youri: Fatui associate eh? *slowly load deagle*

Sky: *stern look* Youri...

Aether: Wansheng?

Childe: Indeed. Wangsheng's line of work can be... sensitive at times. Let's just say... they understand when discretion is needed. And we, the Fatui, have always been glad to do business with friends who walk in the shadows.

Paimon: W-walk in the shadows?!?

Zhongli: It is an honor to meet you all. I've heard about you five from Mondstadt.

Paimon: Discretion... shadows... Ah! Is Wangsheng some kind of business involving... "dealing" with people?

Zhongli: Indeed, as you have guessed.

Paimon: Ahh!

Sky: Well that ain't good...

Youri: *shrug* Guess I know my next target once this Archon stuff is done.

Zhongli: The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor organizes burials. We ensure that those who pass on do so in peace.


Paimon: Eh?

Kayden Literally play his Phone with music called "Astronomia"

Kayden: :v

Youri: Really? That's it?

Sky: Well, at least it is not either human trafficking or selling babies to another person for money...

Zhongli: Hey now, I'm not that kind of man to do such a thing.

Childe: Haha, did you think he was some sort of a hired killer?

Youri: I was betting on corpse remover or something like that. *shrug* Guess I wasn't that far from the truth after all.

Childe: The Fatui calls many such people friends, but the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor does not dabble in such business... well, ostensibly.

Sky: Friends...? Dude, I've seen many of your kind not taking anything to heart. And what do you mean by "ostensibly"?

Childe: Well, they are still— Ah, I shouldn't say too much. In any case, I brought you to meet Mr. Zhongli because-

Zhongli: Because I can bring you to see Rex Lapis' vessel.

Sky: Well that's great- wait seriously?!?

Paimon: What?!?

Childe: Ha, don't be so surprised. Sure, the Geo Archon's body has been squirreled away by order of the Tianquan Ningguang... but first, let's hear what Mr. Zhongli has to say, shall we?

Zhongli: Rex Lapis may be the Prime of Adepti, but he is ultimately an adeptus. Many adepti have left us over the millennia, this is the inexorable trend. The times have changed, you must have felt it too when you were at Jueyun Karst.

Kayden: Last time when I visited that place felt uh.. I feel nothing but watching the scenery sometimes :v

Youri: Same.

Aether: Well that's true, now that I've noticed that the adepti are staying away from Liyue.

Zhongli: Archons go by many names. The God of Contracts, the God of Commerce, the Warrior God, Morax, Rex Lapis... is the idea that he also has the title of Adeptus so strange?

Sky: Since adepti are led by the Geo Archon, surely he's an adeptus too. So nothing strange actually.

Zhongli: *nods* As you have seen, the time of the adepti is ending, and the time of mankind is slowly dawning. In years past, Liyue's tradition was that a huge memorial service be held to mark the passing of every adeptus. But this time, the Qixing have made no attempt whatsoever to respect this tradition. It is sacrilege.

Aether: Well, they do have a deicide to deal with...

Paimon: Yeah, the killer hasn't even been caught yet.

Zhongli: Deicide or not, the concern of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is this: When the ritual to receive this god is so kingly, it is all the more egregious for his final send-off to go unattended to... Now then, travelers, Childe has told me a lot about you. Since you have had dealings with the Anemo Archon, could I ask you to help me prepare the Geo Archon's last rites?

Youri: Wait, what are we now? Gravedigger?

Sky: Now that's a lotta mouthful coming from a Fatui Harbinger.

Youri: Bruh.

Childe: Oh? In our line of work, that means you want to silence me... How interesting. Draw your sword. We shall-

Sky: Are you threatening me Master Harbinger?

Sky said this as he looked at the Fatui Harbinger with an innocent yet deathly gaze on his face. This caused the atmosphere to tense up, making the people inside the room feeling unsettled, especially Childe.


Youri wasn't at rest as he started to show his gun, loading it with very malicious intent. He wasn't looking at Childe directly, but the cold empty eyes of the albinos soldier summarized his thoughts in one look: Purge the heretic.

Paimon: Uhh, g-guys...?

Aether: Childe... What have you done...?

Zhongli: Strange... My tea's getting a lot colder...


Childe: G-g-guys! I was just kidding! You wouldn't actually kill someone making those jokes... would you...?

Youri: *Cold Glare* Would we?

Sky: You did a poor job doin' that joke buddy...

Aether: Okay, okay! Break it down! We still have a big situation ahead of us and we are not trusting each other! So can we please stop this?!?

Youri: *Spy voice* No.

Sky: *groan* Fine... But this is my last warning, otherwise... I'm not going to hold back anymore...

As Childe heard those last words from the metal knight... Something about it just gave him some feelings. A feeling that he wanted to actually battle him, but also a feeling that he didn't like, yet he couldn't take it off...


It seems that he already found an opponent that he could fight with in a duel. He's very different from the ones that he battled during his time in the other nations. But that's going to be a story for another day, since he's planning something...

Aether: At least Sky agrees... I think...

Aether then looked at Youri sternly.

Aether: So should you too, Youri...

Youri slowly turned his cold glare toward Aether, the dark aura still around.

Youri: I have a bullet with his name carved on it so I could put it in his skull. And if you wanna stop me... I also have a bullet with your name on it.

Kayden: *Still Frozen*

The blonde also glared back at the albino soldier.

Aether: Then do it, I dare you...

Youri: *load gun* Any last words you wanna give me or your sister if we found her? *point gun at Aether head*

Suddenly, a very loud slam on the table echoed throughout the room, causing the people inside to freeze, except for Kayden, since he's frozen, both literally and metaphorically. And as for the other one...

Zhongli: If this heated argument against trust keeps continuing, any of you will get nothing from this. We are still far away from solving this situation regarding the actual death of an archon. But if you don't agree with me...

He stood up and looked around his guests.

Zhongli: It's best that we split up. But don't worry, I'll still give you the details needed.

Youri: Hmpf, fine. But don't expect much from me. I'm not a gravedigger and neither are those other 3. Once we're done with the Archon, we leave.

Youri stood up and left the place. Leaving the rest to discuss the rest.

Sky: *sigh* Just as I expected... Even though I'd still agree with his statement, that doesn't mean we'll leave the situation behind.

Aether: I'm still worried about Youri though. What if he got caught in a mess between the Fatui?

Sky: Don't worry, that soldier always finds a way... Just leave him some time to think...

Aether: *sigh* Okay then...

Paimon: Hey umm, guys? You forgot that Kayden's still frozen from those arguments of yours.

Paimon pointed towards the frozen Kayden, who began to melt for a bit.

Sky: *sigh* A few moments and we already forgot the man here... Speaking of that, I somehow noticed that his dialogues are decreasing by the time being, though he is the main protagonist here...

Paimon: Uhh, what're ya talking about?

Sky: Nothing...


Kayden Broke Free from the ice.

Kayden: ARGH!! Finally I Broke out the ice.

Kayden looks around with confusion.

Kayden: .... What did I miss?

Sky: *sigh* You see...

(One explanation later)

Sky: ...and that's what happened.

Kayden: *Sigh* looks like Youri is like a problem magnet, he's really like to jump into some conclusion rather than improvising problems. Since Childe is no longer an enemy.

Kayden Zooms and whisper Sky

Kayden: *whisper* I'll keep him under surveillance for a while.

Sky: *whisper* Ok m8

Then Zooms back to his original position.

Childe: Anyways, the Tianquan, Ningguang, has forbidden anyone from accessing Rex Lapis' vessel... Which of course you would need to access if you are to achieve your goal of meeting all of The Seven.

Zhongli: Precisely. Only by participating in the Rite of Parting will you be able to see the form of Rex Lapis again.

Aether: *sigh* It seems that there is no other choice...

Zhongli: If we agree, come with me. We will speak of the details as we walk.

Childe: Alright, my bridge-building work here is done. Turned out well, didn't it?

Aether/Sky: -_-

Childe: You can go if you want to, don't worry about me. I might just have a few more drinks... and get acquainted with these things they call "chopsticks" in the meantime.

The Fatui Harbinger said as he tried using his chopsticks to grip the noodles... Keyword tried... Much to his failure.

Childe: My... chopsticks... truly are difficult to use...

Kayden accidentally breaks the chopsticks by gripping it too hard because he doesn't use chopsticks in his life.

Kayden: ಠ_ಠ Bruh..

Kayden Slowly brings out the spoon and fork.

Kayden: ಠ ͜    ಠ

Sky: We might as well eat first before we continue...

Sky professionally used his chopsticks and began blowing the noodles to cool it down before eating it.

Childe: ...I'll just go with the blue man's choice.

Childe hesitantly takes out his spoon and fork, which is actually plastic and kid-friendly designed with narwhals and whales.

Childe: Why would you do this to me Teucer...?

Sky: *whispers* Psst, Kayden. Look at the dude's utensils.

Kayden: why. *Sips Noodles*

As Kayden Look at Childe's Utensils.

Kayden: what the f.. Seriously man?


Kayden: That's very ironic for Age Difference -_-

Childe: My lil' brother did this to me okay?!?

Kayden: *sigh* you really are helpless..

Kayden Pass Another one of his utensils to Childe, Big Bright Blue.

Kayden: Here, you can have my extra's, no need to thank me because I have tons of those back in my home. Or you can give it to your lil brother as a gift. It will be embarrassing in front of Zhongli.

Giving the utensils to Childe, the Harbinger nodded in gratitude and began eating his buffet with it.


After a "nice" lunch, the travelers, along with Zhongli, waved their goodbyes at Childe as they began to walk.

Zhongli: After having experienced the land of the absentee archon, Travelers, how does it feel to know that our archon and adepti are here all around you in Liyue?

Remembering the events happened regarding the travelers and the adepti, Sky had this to say.

Sky: Rex Lapis may not be bad, but the adepti... No offense, but they needed therapy right now...

Aether: *sigh* Luckily we didn't get punished for it...

Kayden: They have like no hostility to me except the 3 of you, maybe it- you what, nvm about that.

Sky: Don't blame the two though, I just wanted to give them some feedback. Like that one adeptus who wanted to squash the town and its people.

Kayden: They can really do that because the archon is dead and they can't tell which one is the assassin or not, the result blind in rage.

Sky: Makes sense though, but that doesn't mean they should kill the innocents like that. It's just jumping to conclusions.

Kayden: Listen, they don't really care about human lives since they are adepti and not human. -_-

Sky: *sigh* I know...

Zhongli: The kid's right, adepti don't really care much about how they feel towards humans and their daily lives. They would still protect them only when something big would happen to the entirety of Liyue. But I suppose you have yet to experience the substance of Liyue's three thousand and seven hundred years of divinity.

Sky: I suppose...

Zhongli: Organizing the Rite of Parting should prove to be an enlightening part of your travels. Liyue is the most prosperous of the seven nations, defended by deities and ruled by the Qixing. As such, the diplomatic maneuverings of the Fatui have gained no purchase here.

Sky: That's good I guess...

Youri: Wrong,that's what they want you to think.

Youri was behind them, leaning against a wall as he was smoking a cigare. His expression still shows signs of grudge.

Kayden: Do you seriously smoke right now -_-

Sky: You're finally back. Where did you go off though?

Youri: First off: contrary to a cigarette, you don't inhale smoke from a cigare, which is way safer. Secondly: let's be clear here; the Fatui already made their web and moves. We just didn't notice the full picture yet.

Sky: Great...

Youri: Let me be clear on this point; I will help... but!!! Don't complain to me once you guys realize how much those guys have double crossed us. As far as I'm aware, we just need to discuss with the Archon then leave. The Fatui would be only an annoyance at best if we don't cross paths too much.

Listening to what the albino soldier said, Sky suddenly felt a tingling sense as his body began to glitch again but it seemed to calm down. Although that tingling sense meant that two people were following them. The first one seemed to be the one that they already knew. As for the second one...

Sky: *mutters* Looks like Childe is now making his move... But the other one... Why did he feel so familiar all of a sudden?

Kayden Stares at Sky's Muttering sounds he heard.


Aether: Sky?

Breaking out of his thoughts, the metal knight looked at his companions to see that they're now looking at him.

Youri: Bro, you've been muttering about a stalker being familiar to you or some shit. How many secrets are you hiding from us right now?

Sky: Should I tell them or not...? But, since they're the only ones I could trust... *sigh* I'll tell you guys more about it... But now's not the time right now...

Kayden: Yep, unless our main problem has been dealt with.

Youri: *Roll eyes* This gonna be a looooong wait then... *smoke cigar*

Paimon: ...Well then, Paimon's curious, what would Childe get out of us doing the Rite of Parting anyway?

Zhongli: I neither know nor do I wish to know. As far as I am concerned, the Fatui are merely financial sponsors. I only wish for Liyue's traditions to endure.

Youri: Isn't that obvious? The same things as Signora got in Mondstadt: the Archon Gnosis or whatever that is.

Kayden: ah.. La Signora.. I still have a grudge against her...

Youri: Welcome to the club... but I may have an even bigger grudge than your...

Kayden: Scale on me then.. -_-

Youri: I'm on "stole personal stuff capable of literally ruining the basic logic of a world alongside probable sexual harassment" scale...

Kayden: hmm... Not Close Enough -_-

Youri: ...

Zhongli: ...

Sky: Now that you think about it. Since this Archon is the God of Contracts, maybe they'll take that chess piece thingy through a contract. And from what I've heard of, he will make a contract, whether it'll be good or bad, in which there would be a possibility that the Fatui would take the Gnosis and get away with it.

Zhongli: ... It seems that the knight guessed it...

Youri: *Groan* Then they must have made an offer he couldn't refuse. And I'm not liking where this is going.

Kayden: I mean the Archon is dead... there is a possibility that they will steal the gnosis without getting caught.

Sky: Huh, you've got a good point there... At least they wouldn't find the corpse since the Tianquan hid it somewhere...

Zhongli: Anyways...

Zhongli then took out a huge pouch full of Mora and gave it to the travelers.

Zhongli: These are the advance funds that Childe has provided. If you use them up, you can go to him to apply for any subsequent funding.

Paimon: Wow...

Childe: But that's my mora..

Kayden grabs The Pouch of Mora and looks at Sky and Major.

Kayden: Our Mora!!

A Soviet Russia Flag Appeared behind his back with the USSR Anthem played in the background.

Paimon: Hmm... Ooo! Ooo! Why don't four use your du- Mmph!

Sky suddenly blocked the emergency food's mouth with his hand when she was about to mention the duplication method.

Sky: *whisper* Sorry Paimon, but you can't tell the man about our methods...

Paimon: Whmmph? (Why?)

Youri: Classified

Sky: *whisper* Now, don't mention that to everyone about our secret, is that clear?

Paimon nodded in agreement as the metal knight removed his hands from her mouth.

Zhongli: *raises eyebrow* What was that about?

Sky: Like my friend said: Classified

Kayden: What Classified?

Youri: *shows discreetly Kayden his toolgun and a Sigil of permission*

Kayden: oh..

Not wanting to interrogate the travelers about it, the consultant nodded his head in understanding.

Zhongli: Well then. The first step in our preparations shall be to obtain some prize: Noctilucous Jade, worthy of a deity.

Youri: Good luck with that. I'm gonna go exploring elsewhere. *leaves*

Sky: See ya later... *sigh* Now then, let's go


The group had made it to a stand, where a man is seen shouting out something about betting on Jades or something from those words, until he spotted them by the front.

ID Name: Shitou

Shitou: Welcome to the Jade Mystery, my good friends! Would you like to try your luck betting on jade? This could be your lucky day. It's cheap and it's fun, and who knows, you might just strike it rich!

Kayden: .... Alrighty Then!

Sky: Later Kayden. Right now, we're here for a rock called Noctilocoucous Jade or something like that...?

Zhongli: Noctilucous Jade, of radiant grade at the very least.

Shitou: Ahh, radiant grade Noctilucous Jade? I see, you're not a tourist. My apologies. I have some here for your perusal...

The owner of the Jade Mystery took out three Noctilucous Jades and showed it to the group.

Shitou: What do you think? The Jade Mystery is an old name in the jade business. Just look at that wonderful quality! Rex Lapis doesn't often bless us with such finery. Go on, pick whichever one you like!

Seeing that the jades are glowing radiantly, the group except Zhongli were in awe at the sight.

Sky: Ooo, shiny! What do you think Kayden?

Paimon: These three pieces really do look pretty, not like the ones you usually dig up... But how do we pick? Should we just grab one and go?

Sky: Paimon, that's not how it works... -_-

Aether: A man who makes his living off betting on stones can't be trusted so lightly.

Sky: Ahh, philosophy at its finest... Though it makes sense actually.

Aether: What's wrong with that?

Sky: Nah, I'm just very confused about it...

Aether: Oh...

Zhongli: Very good. It seems you have learned some tricks of the trade.

Paimon: What do you think, Mr. Zhongli? How should we pick from these pieces of Noctilucous Jade?

Zhongli: Oh? You want me to decide? That is fine as well. Hmm... If it were up to me, the answer would be simple.

Paimon: And that would be?

Zhongli: ...I'll take them all boss

Sky: ... *sudden realization* Wait a sec-

Shitou: Oh, you act with such panache, good sir! I always knew you were not a man of ordinary caliber!

Paimon: W-wait! Wait! Boss, that one didn't count! We need to discuss it again!

Paimon began to push the four from a distance. Dang, for a small fairy like her, she's got dem huge muscles there to push 4 people like that.

Afterwards they began to huddle and discuss the trade.

Paimon: Hey! If we only need one for the ritual, aren't we wasting three times the Mora if we buy them all!?

Sky: Actually, that's TWO times the Mora...

Zhongli: Oh, mora... Hmm...

Kayden: Do we have enough mora for this?

Sky: Judging by the mora we have on Childe's funds, I'd it's enough, although, it'll actually take most of the amount.

Paimon: See?!?

Zhongli: Well... It is as you say. I suppose I overlooked this particular aspect of the transaction.

Sky: ...dude...

Paimon: Huh? How do you not think about Mora when buying things!?

Kayden: They don't have the calculator..

Zhongli: If one must always consider Mora before acting, then in all things one is bound by Mora.

Paimon: Uhh... what?

Zhongli: All Mora is currency, but not all currency is Mora.

Kayden: I Don't get what he saying.. -_-

Sky: He means that not everything can be traded with Mora.

Kayden: even a spycicle?

Sky: Unfortunately, yes... It can depend though if someone would want it in exchange. *whispers* Although, it's best to recommend that you shouldn't trade otherworldly objects to people here Kayden.

Kayden: I mean it's made of ice, anyone can do that here.

Kayden tosses it high up in the air and lands into the ocean.

Sky: Which can freeze people into solid ice when backstabbed...

Kayden: Unless they discover by themselves, I Only see people carrying spears and stuff. There's no way people use an icicle as a weapon unless they have a vision.

Sky: Good point. I mean, people like Signora can do that since you and Youri saw that she possessed a Cryo vision.

Youri: *radio* Did someone just mention this Pedo?

Zhongli tensed up when they mentioned about the person who attacked the travelers at Mondstadt before, which didn't go unnoticed by the emergency food, making her worried.

Paimon: Mr. Zhongli, are you okay?

Zhongli: I'm fine...

*Explosions in the distance*

Youri: *Radio* If someone ask, I just destroyed another Hilicurp camp to release my anger about this b*tch.

Sky: *Radio* It sounded strange that you'd call her a "pedo" despite the fact that both of you are adults.

Youri: *Radio* Psycho, pedo, pervert... it's all the same to me. So shut up and deal with it would ya?

Sky: *Radio* Sure...

Zhongli: Now then, since we're getting off-topic here, let's go back to where we discussed. Evaluating the quality of Noctilucous Jade is indeed very tricky. As crude ore, there is little difference in texture, lustrousness, and internal pattern between good and bad jade. Only after the item made using Noctilucous Jade has taken shape, will you be able to see whether it is up to par or not. If you return to those crafty merchants to quibble, they will counter by saying that your crafting bench is to blame, or that your heat control was poor.

Paimon: Whoa! To think it's that easy to get cheated...

Zhongli: But there is a way to truly evaluate this jade, and a true insider would know it. As the saying goes: "A fool sees the pointer and misses the moon."

Paimon: What does that mean?

Zhongli: If you point at the moon with your finger, a wise man knows that you are pointing at the moon, while a fool will only see the finger. The patterns, the facade, these are all the "fingers." Noctilucous Jade is a mystical stone used to light up the darkness, and so its brightness is the most important thing, it is the "moon." Noctilucous Jade of excellent quality would have superior Pyro affinity. In other words, the bluer and brighter the luster of the ore under high temperature, the higher its quality.

After hearing that much information, with a little bit of philosophy regarding a single rock coming from the consultant. They had some mixed reactions. Aether and Paimon were in awe at it, for Sky...

Sky: ...damn, that's a lot to take in from a wise guy like yourself. My brain couldn't handle that much information.

Zhongli: *raises eyebrow* Was that an insult or a compliment?

Sky: Idk, it sounded like both

Zhongli: What?

Sky: What?

Zhongli: ...

Sky: ...forget what I said

And as for Kayden...

Kayden: *Drinking pepsi and falls off to the ground*

(Time skip)

The group are now back with the owner of the Mystery Jade after a long discussion. All they're going to do is stick to the plan, according to Zhongli and find out what Noctilucous Jade to pick from the three.

Paimon: We're back to buy some rocks, boss. But can you let us burn them first?

Shitou: B–burn them? You can't do that, my friends! If you were to do so, what would I have to sell?

Aether: Then, can we get some small samples?

Shitou: That... Well, fine. As you wish, then... How about this? I can take a small sample of all three. I'll take a bit of a loss, we'll count it as a friendly gesture.

Zhongli: Don't worry, I know the rules. As long as we can prove that it is good jade, you will not take a loss.

Shitou: Well then, wait for a moment please.

The owner then began to carve out each of the Noctilucous Jades into thin cuts and gave them to the travelers afterwards.

Shitou: Alright. Take these as samples. I've carved them off with a knife and tagged them to boot.

Sky: *deadpan* Dude, are you trying to scam us...?

Aether: They're too thin...

Kayden: Really? Can I smash it with my bare hands if its thin :D

Shitou: P-please don't! You know that these jades are my pride of handiwork! :(

Paimon: But wouldn't something this thin go poof if we held it to the fire?

Zhongli: It can't be helped. Trying to deprive a merchant of his profits would be like forcing a ravenous wolf to vomit up the food in its stomach. Nonetheless, under the right conditions, these thin slices will serve.

Paimon: What sort of conditions?

Zhongli: While we add the high temperatures using Pyro, we can use Hydro to reinforce it from within. This way, the samples will not disintegrate immediately.

Shitou: Oh? Oh, sir, to think you were this learned... Thank you for your understanding!

Zhongli: Strictly speaking, asking for samples when we have not yet agreed to purchase the goods is unfair. Trade in Liyue must be based upon fairness.

Paimon: Well, guess we just need to find a place to try this out...

Sky: Hmm... Say Kayden? I remembered that your friend Xiangling has a restaurant, right?

Kayden: She lives in liyue though.

Youri: *Radio* Be advised, there's a lot of movement around the city. And if you see a pirate queen lady, please tell her we never met.

Kayden: what?

Sky: *Radio* You mean the captain that you'd blown her ship?

Youri: *Radio* uhhh....

Beidou: *In the distance* HERE YOU ARE LITTLE BOY!!!!

Youri: *Radio* Oh shi- *static*

Youri Runs away and escaped.

Sky: ...welp, he's on his own now. Anyways, I think I saw this restaurant called "Wanmin Restaurant." Maybe we should go there and boil these jades.

Kayden: sure.

Sky: Surely, Xiangling misses you. Like seriously, I keep hearing her mentioning your name a lot of times when I was strolling around in the forest at Mondstadt.

Kayden: what? The Hell you talking about?

Sky: *whisper* And there's also this one time when I heard her screaming your name while moaning-


Paimon: Uhh, what...?

Zhongli: ...

Kayden: nonsense, All I hear in liyue is people chattering here right now. Its lively as mondstadt. ^_^

Sky: ...sure...

Zhongli: *clears throat* A-anyways, that would not do. It is a place where people come and go. They would be endangered if the elemental reaction were to get out of control... We cannot take such a risk.

Paimon: Hm, you're right... Hmm... Oh! Paimon remembers! We once saw this biiiiig pot down at the Dadaupa Gorge, in the camp of the hilichurls from the Meaty Tribe! It's really sturdy, and should be able to take elemental reactions!

Sky: If that's the case, then Mondstadt it is then!

Zhongli: Ahh, Mondstadt... I still remember the time, having Osmanthus wine with someone there... It still tastes the same as I remember...

Aether: Who's that someone though?

Zhongli: He's an old friend of mine... A drunkard bard...

Sky: Strange, it reminds me of someone...

Suddenly, a sound of a drunk bard saying "ehe" echoed throughout his mind, causing him to yelp in surprise.

Sky: Dafuq...?

He shook it off and looked towards Kayden, who was just drinking Pepsi as usual.

Kayden: what? You want pepsi?

Sky: Yep

← To be Continued

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