Chapter 19 Smell That Never Dies

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Location: Dadaupa Gorge, Mondstadt

Time: 5:49 AM

Status: Tired


After a day of brutally long walk from Liyue to Mondstadt, the group (excluding Youri) have finally made it to the location where they would test the samples of those Noctilucous Jades: Dadaupa Gorge.

Youri [Radio]: Good news: I finally lost the pirate lady. Bad news: It appears I'm back in Mondstadt. So... whatever you have to do here... just don't wait for me ok?

Sky: *radio* yeah yeah... *yawn* I've got no time to talk right now... I'm tired... *another yawn*

Paimon: You can do that later, we're almost there!

Kayden: I'm literally bored walking, the only thing that makes me not bored is to see any kinds of slime in any distance.

Sky: Lucky you guys. My legs are now very sore from that very... VERY long walk! And we didn't even have resting spots!

Paimon: Whatever makes you feel better. I ain't tired from it ya know, so you guys should too!

Aether had an incredulous look on the emergency food. Kayden was Chill exploring mondstadt. For Sky, his left eye was twitching in anger, but it stopped when he began to fall down, now asleep.

Kayden: *sigh*

Kayden forces open Sky's Mouth and drops a few liters of Pepsi Max, forcing him to wake up and regain half of his energy.

Sky: *TF2 Spy voice* I feel très bon!

Kayden:*Medic Voice* Move! Shnel!

With the metal knight back in action thanks to Kayden's good ol' Pepsi, the group began to walk.


A few minutes later they are now finally at the area where the huge cooking pot is located. But the problem is that there are a few hilichurls blocking their way, doing their own stuff.

Kayden: *Loads Combat Shotgun*

But Kayden sees his down front screen says "Low Ammo"

Kayden: agh.. Tits! I Forgot to get some ammo to Major

Suddenly, one of the hilichurls got shot down, soon followed by another. The whole camp started to be on alert, looking for the invisible threat that continued to pick them one by one. After a mere minute of shooting, only a few hililchurls managed to stay alive by taking cover as they finally noticed where the shots came from.

Zhongli: Well... Looks like the threat has suddenly been dealt with... I wonder who did that...

Sky: Seems that Youri's now here

Kayden: He has a freakin sniper-pistol.

As on cue, a familiar Albinos came out of the shadows, swapping his sniper-pistol for his short silenced XM8 as the last few hilichurls finally attacked him before being gunned down too. Once the job was done, Youri started inspecting the area for possible loot until he noticed that he wasn't alone.

Kayden: Deploy Dispencer Here!

Youri: *See the group* Dafuq are you guys doing here!? Weren't you supposed to prepare some funeral or some shit!? *Deploys dispenser* And here's your bloody dispenser bro! Serves you right for not checking your ammo baka!

Sky: Well duh, we are preparing for a funeral. And I'm confused as hell as to why boiling rocks here in Dadaupa Gorge is considered preparation...

Youri: *Processing Window noises* Okayyyyyyyyyyyyy? Just do whatever you want. Imma just looking for good loot...

As the albino soldier began looting the camp and the dead hilichurls, the metal knight began to look back at his friends.

Sky: Now that we're here, we should boil these jades. After that, we're going back to Liyue Harbor, my way. I don't want another hour of pain and suffering called walking.

Youri: At least you guys didn't have any bad encounters! So I would shut up about it if I was ya!

Sky: At least you're lucky that you get to fight something!

Youri: Huh....

*Small flashback*


Youri was unlucky enough to meet squads after squads of Fatui on his trip after barely managing to lose Beidou on the way. Now it is probably the 10th skirmish since he went back to Mondstadt territory.

Youri: Goddamn it people! *balance grenades at a group of Cincin mages*

Random Cincin mages: *various erotic "kya" noises*

Males fatui: ...wut?

Youri: Dafuq? -_-'

*End of flashback*

Aether: ...really?

Sky: Hey, walking around is boring when you've got nothing to do!

Youri: *Hit Sky on the head* Scenery is supposed to be admired when you travel. Especially when walking. You would have realized it if you would stop always looking at the ground.

Sky rubbed his head from the soldier's strong hit as he looked at him in frustration.

Sky: Ugh... Sure dad...

Youri: *Sight* What I'm gonna do with a child like you...

Sky: Give me a jar of cookies and I'll behave.

Youri: *Load taser* How about you behave and I won't tase your sorry butt son.

Sky: No, I mean seriously, give me a jar of cookies since I needed those for something. And I know that you're going to say that I should do it myself since I got a toolgun. So in my response: "I left it back at Liyue Harbor and forgot to bring it with me..."

Youri: ...

Youri's red eye started to glow menacingly:

Youri: You forgot... your toolgun... in a goddamn city... full of f*cking enemies agents... *Grab Sky by the collar and shake him* YOU FORGOT THE SECOND MOST IMPORTANT TOOL OF A GMODER IN AN AREA IN BRIGHT DAYLIGHT FOR THE ENEMY TO SEE AND YOU JUST BRUSHED IT OFF!?! WHAT. THE FUCK BRO!?! THIS. IS. NOT. SOMETHING. YOU SHOULD TAKE LIGHTLY!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND PRIVATE!?!

Sky: ...

Youri: *facepalm and groan* I hope for you that no one touches your stuff, otherwise you and us would be in big trouble. Capiche!?

Sky: Don't worry... They won't actually find it...

What Youri doesn't know is that the metal knight was planning something big against the Fatui. And leaving the toolgun in Liyue Harbor (on purpose) is part of that plan...

But he'll explain it to them later once the time is right. Just gotta make sure everything is all according to plan.

Kayden: At Least my pocket is infinite dimensional powered by Space stone before i left e.e

Youri: *Hit Sky on the head (again)* I hope for you that it is the case and have a plan for because otherwise... *menacing aura* The Fatui would be the least of your problems, young man.

Sky: *waves off and smirk* I wanted the Fatui to be the least of my problems anyway...

Youri: *Stares in french*

Kayden: In my perspective, they are like insects to me..

Youri: *Sight then start to leave* I give up. Whatever you guys do... If you guys need anything military related, you know who to call. Just don't forget to remove the dispenser once you're done with it!

Sky: Thanks soldier...

Kayden stands next to the dispenser and randomly shoots Combat Shotgun Full Auto mode, everywhere in this area

Kayden: I Miss My Infinite Ammo!

Kayden: Hey major! Can I Carry it in my back?


Youri: Nope! ^^

Youri took a detonator and activated it. Destroying the dispenser.

Youri: *TF2 spy troll noises*

Kayden: Youri Major is a Bloodeh Spay!

Youri quickly left the area, the trololo song playing in the background

Paimon: We're done!

The GMod Duo looked towards Zhongli, Aether and Paimon, approaching them with three Noctilucous Jade samples in their hands, which they tried to cover their eyes as it shines very brightly. And by very brightly, they mean that it is very painful for their eyes. Luckily, Kayden and Sky immediately equipped some MLG sunglasses to prevent it.


Sky: Damn, these things are very shiny!

Kayden: It's Like I'm Cooking a Neon Fried Chicken.

Kayden Put back the Combat Shotgun to Weapon Slot.

Paimon: Mmm, Neon Fried Chicken... What's that though? And what's with those strange glasses anyway?

Zhongli: Now that we're done with the boiling process, we should find out which jade is the brightest. Let's head back to Liyue Harbor, give those jades back to Shitou, and buy the right jade.

Sky: Great... Since I left my toolgun, I might as well do what Youri recommended.

Kayden: ... Don't tell me.. You can't put it on weapon slots..

Sky: It's not that. It's just that I left it back on that one pocket dimension after I used it for... "decorations"

Aether/Paimon/Zhongli: Pocket Dimension?

Sky: Uhh...

Kayden: You've Been to 106's Dimension?!

Sky: Hehe... You got that right...

Kayden: -_- That Dimension is "Definite" Hell, at least the old man didn't get you..

Kayden Quickly switches every single weapon on his hands then switches to empty hands.

Sky: Actually... SCP-106 just gave me permission to decorate his pocket dimension... Very strange to say the least. He should've killed me by now...

Youri: *Radio* SCP-106 only attacks mens from 16-17 to around 30 years old. You got away simply because you're still a kid. And before you ask. Since we're on the same frequency, I can hear everything you say because someone doesn't seem to remember to turn off their radio properly.

Sky: *Radio* *chuckles nervously* Well that's something...

Turning off his radio, Sky looked back towards his group and replied to them that they need to get back to Liyue Harbor as soon as possible for the preparations on the Rite of Parting. As they began to go through the hellscape that is "Going to Liyue Harbor on foot," he might as well look at the scenery to pass up the time.

Paimon's gonna admit though, it's very boring when you don't do anything while going on a trip to a very far place. Unless when you get into a battle or have a chat with someone... At least you can free yourself from boredom while you're at it. So she decided to strike up a conversation to lighten the atmosphere.

Paimon: So... About the "SCP-106 Pocket Dimension" that you two we're talking about...

Those sentences coming from the emergency food had caused Zhongli and Aether to look at the GMod Duo in curiosity again.

Sky: What about it?

Paimon: And Kayden said that dimension is a "Definite Hell" right?

Sky: Yep.

Paimon: *shaking in fear" U-umm, w-what does it look like when y-you're inside it...?

Sky: Hmm... Sorry I can't describe it. Ask Kayden

Looking for some answers, Paimon glanced at Kayden, who was spinning a revolver while drinking Pepsi.

Kayden: me?

Paimon: Yep! So what does the pocket dimension look like?

Kayden: Trust me. For an innocent place like this, things should never be asked about what it looks like -_- trust me, it's bad for your brain memory.

Paimon: Aww, but Paimon wants to know... :(

Aether: Just leave it be Paimon. Maybe that place can be bad for you to see since it may cause a big trauma to someone, especially kids like you.

Zhongli: He's right, we can't let your innocence fade away. Remember, curiosity kills the cat, when that cat finds something that can be rather disturbing, unpleasant, or both for it to see.

Paimon: Well, maybe next time then...


As the group reached back to Liyue Harbor and onto The Jade Mystery, they gave the jade samples back to Shitou and bought the shiniest one on crate for the Rite of Parting, which are the top-quality Noctilucous Jades.

Shitou: Pardon me for asking, but I'm curious. Whatever do you need this much top-quality Noctilucous Jade for?

Zhongli: Hmm. I suppose it would not hurt to tell you. We need them to make implements for the Rite of Parting.

Shitou: Parting...!? Oh dear... I'd heard the rumors but hadn't given much thought to them. This... this means that Rex Lapis really is... It's hard to believe. Even though the Jade Mystery has been in decline, we have always been under his protection.

Sighing dejectedly, the owner of The Jade Mystery looked towards the ocean, in thought about Rex Lapis' death.

Shitou: Alas, alas, all things must pass... Well, if this is to be used to say farewell to Rex Lapis... Then I shall sell this to you, at half the price.

Sky: Dude really?

Paimon: Are you sure? You didn't wanna even give us an inch before...

Shitou: If not for our Lord's protection, this city wouldn't exist as it does now. No proprietor could earn money off such a thing.

Sky: I understand sir.

Paimon: Aww... I'm sure Rex Lapis will feel your sentiment, boss.

Zhongli: In the safe hands of the Liyue Qixing and good, honest merchants such as yourself, I, for one, believe that Liyue will continue to prosper as it always has done.

Aether: So let's not get ourselves down just yet.

Sky: He's right, we can do that once the Rite of Parting begins.

Shitou: Alright... Thank you, my friends... Heh, what's with me, getting all sentimental like this? I'll practically be giving away all my fortune at this rate.

Zhongli: Now that we've made our choice, let's take this Noctilucous Jade back.

Paimon: Hey, wait a minute! He said it was half price, not that we could leave without paying!

Zhongli: Oh, right, I'm sorry. I must have forgotten to do that too. Let me see...

Taking out his coin pouch from his pocket, the consultant rummaged around it...

Only to find that there's no Mora inside...

Zhongli: ...As I thought, I didn't bring any.

Paimon: ...any what?

Zhongli: ...Mora. My apologies, another oversight on my part.

Paimon: ...

Aether: ...

Sky: ...

Kayden: ... don't tell me.. You don't have a mora to begin with, you know what, being rich among the rich people without money, if i were me it would be embarrassing -_-

Kayden sighs and gives a Pouch of Mora to Zhongli.

Kayden: Here, it's not like I need them very much, I don't want to be a target across Teyvat by some treasure hoarders or some hoodlums.

Paimon: But what about the sum that Childe gave us? It would be a waste of your money if you just use that for the preparations.

Kayden: I got extra's

Kayden Shows More Pouch of Mora, Turns out these are Duped to begin with.

Kayden: I'll keep it between around 15k Mora by the way :v

Shitou: 15k Mora sounds a lot though!

Kayden: What do you want me to say? 100k? A Million? -_-

When Kayden mentioned those huge amounts of Mora, the owner had its mouth agape. Even though these jades that he sells can be expensive, surely enough, this kind of amount can sell half of the stocks.

But since this is for the preparation of the Rite of Parting, he shouldn't accept that much mora. This is the death of Rex Lapis that they're discussing here.

Shitou: N-never mind about that. I'll just give the jades to you for-


Shitou: Okay, okay! O_O *sigh* I was just about to give you half the discount... Ah well, thank you for your generosity my dear kind customers!

Zhongli: Well, it's settled, then. Let's take this jade to Yujing Terrace. That's where we plan to hold the Rite...

Sky: You may be the one setting these preparations, but you still haven't brought a single quarter in ya! *sighs and mutters* Looks like I'm gonna have to rob Childe's bank account for this.

Paimon: ...wait what?

Zhongli: I'll do my best in bringing Mora. You have my thanks.

Sky: Well what are we waiting for? Let's move our butts out! I still have important things to do afterwards.

Paimon: Right!


After setting down the crate of shiny Noctilucous Jades in an offering table at Yujing Terrace for the Rite of Parting, our heroes are now walking back to the Northland Bank.

Zhongli: We can leave the jade there. I Already called for a jewelsmith to shape them into the implements that we will need. Ah, yes. I have yet to go and see Childe. So as for the jewelsmith's remuneration..

Sky: Don't worry mah man, it's settled...

Pulling out a walkie talkie unnoticed, the metal knight began to call to his set of clones, who were still on progress listening to the Fatui's plans.

Sky: *Radio* Our main objective will shortly wait first. Operation: Northland Bank Heist will now begin. I repeat, it will now begin.

Sky #2: *Radio* Roger that.

Sky #3: *Radio* Affirmative

Sky #4: *Radio* Will we get something from this?

Sky: *Radio* Well duh, of course!

Sky #4: *Radio* Aw yeah!

Turning off the walkie talkie afterwards, Sky turned towards his friends, who were now discussing the Rite of Parting.

Paimon: Guess we can't do anything else. Also, at Yujing Terrace is where the Rite of Parting will take place, right?

Zhongli: Yes. I have already rented the location, and have begun making preparations for the rite.

Aether: But isn't it also the place where the scene of the crime occured?

Zhongli: Don't fret, the Liyue Qixing have agreed to this arrangement.

Youri: Do they now? *casually approach the group* Borrowing the place so shortly after the crime, they sure must know something we don't to re-open this place so soon.

Paimon: Hmm... Now that you think about it, it does seem kinda suspicious arranging the crime location for the Rite of Parting just like that. The Millelith might have caught us when we went there... Although with that said, since we got back from Jueyun Karst, none of those pesky Millelith soldiers have come chasing after us. Wonder what that's about...

Sky: Now that makes it even more suspicious if ya ask me... *Looks at Kayden and Youri* What do you guys think?

Youri: The way I see it? It was like the local authorities had a contingency for such an event to occur. As if they knew this could probably happen. And I don't think I need to elaborate further knowing who we're dealing with.

Kayden: Seems sus. What else do you think?

Youri: Many things I won't say here right now for obvious reasons.

Sky: Like they're watching our every step...

Youri: This is a commercial city boys, walls have ears here. More than anywhere else, so watch your tongue if ya don't want to help our enemies anymore than we already did.

Suddenly Sky had pulled a zipper in his mouth before he saluted in response.

Kayden: bruh, you can mute yourself e.e

Paimon: Also, about the, uh... Rex Lapis' vessel...

Zhongli: Traditionally, we call it the Exuvia.

Paimon: Ah, right. That's what it was called! You seem to know everything, Mr. Zhongli. Um, so, was this Exuvia hidden away by the Qixing? I mean, we haven't even figured out who the murderer is...

Zhongli: One must think that they already have someone in mind. Or perhaps they already know. Surely they must have found all the evidence that there is to find here.

Sky: *muffled* I'd say that they'll blame the Fatui for this first since ya know, they're being mostly hated by the nations for their heresy just to achieve their goals. Maybe there's a chance that they're on the right since the organization would mostly like to plan something heinous behind the scenes...

Paimon: Maybe, maybe not. But you could be right about that, now that you've mentioned it.

Sky: *muffled* And don't forget, I've seen other corrupt people siding with the Fatui via contract.

Aether: Wait a minute, how do you know about this?

Youri: Magic.

Aether: *sigh* ...anyways, it does feel very odd, don't get me wrong.

Sky: *whispers to Youri* But wait, if the vessel is dead, then what about the Gnosis?

Youri: *whisper* Either put in a safe place or the human incarnation still got it. My guess.

Zhongli: These things are for the authorities in Yujing Terrace to consider. Trying to help would probably only add to their troubles. Before the Rite is conducted, the Exuvia will be kept temporarily in the Golden House.

Sky: Let me guess, that's where all those Mora were minted throughout the whole world.

Zhongli: Correct.

Sky: But, why put the corpse in a money factory?

Youri: *hit Sky on the head* Because it also makes for the best safe in the whole country idiot!

Sky: Ugh, I'm still not sure about it though. Like seriously, what if Childe heard this? There's a chance that he'll raid inside and steal the Gnosis unnoticed. And you know what those Fatui are capable of. *whispers to Youri* Especially when they're holding an otherworldly item.

Youri: *hit Sky on the head (again)* You bet he already heard that. What did I just say about talking here!?

Sky: Aw my beautiful head... Ok ok! I'll keep my mouth shut...

Zhongli: Since the Rite of Parting has the approval of the Qixing, it is a semi-official event. As such, there is already some limited information available.

Aether: The Qixing providing the location, and Childe funding us...

Zhongli: Perhaps each has their motives... but this is the capital of commerce. A little exploitation once in a while is not unacceptable. In Liyue, where the God of Contracts reigns, only contracts may not be betrayed. I for one have no issue with little maneuvers outside their remit.

Sky: What happens if you break the contract?

Zhongli: In terms of contract betrayals, one who does it shall be faced with a punishment. As the saying goes: "Those who break the contract, shall suffer the wrath of the rock."

Youri: In other words; "You can mess with the rules but never the principles."

Zhongli: You can actually put it that way. The way you said it, sounded like it came from your own experience. You wouldn't mind telling me how it feels like being in war, judging from both your attitude and attire, soldier?

Youri: A wise man once said; "Every soldier would tell you: War is a long boring time punctuated by moments of pure terror." Put less bore and more terror and you got my experience in a nutshell. But hey! Who am I to talk? "During the war the soldier cannot say what he thinks. After the war, no one cared about what he said." right?

Zhongli: *chuckles* Certainly. War feels boring indeed. *sighs and looks at the distance* Even though wars have passed and ended, there would still be another one. In truth, "There's no war that can end all wars"... A friend once told me that... I still remember the Archon War... If only Guizhong never died...

Youri: Amen to that and whoever told you this.

Kayden: feels crazy though, actually feels like every archon has god modes on..

Zhongli: *sigh* Thanks, even though I didn't get what you said from the first part, but still... Well then, we should go and prepare the perfumes used in the Rite.

Sky: Welp, better need Childe support if we need to buy some perfumes.

Paimon: You sure like to mock him aren't ya?

Sky: Oops sorry, better give him a sorry letter of how sorry I am and compliment him of how "cool" and "hawt" he is to provoke inside a restaurant, of course I would do this!

Youri:... You know what? I'm coming with ya this time.

Sky: At least someone knows how I feel... Actually, this is the first time someone understands how I feel...

Youri: Idk man I'm not a psychic!

Kayden: My Perfume is better than that, I call it "Old Spice"

Sky: "The smell, that never dies~"

Zhongli: Actually, perfumes used to honor the gods must be freshly decocted. The quality of the Silk Flowers we require is also special.

Sky: So we're gonna make one? Damnit... I'd still include Kayden's perfume choice too. Speaking of which, you have the Old Spice Kayden?

Kayden: I Feel like The Old Spice isn't for the Archons..

Sky: Come on Kayden! This is Old Spice, the smell that never dies~! Add the fact that Archons are old in age, so yeah! Old Spice needs to be included!

Kayden: Fine, anyway it's free though, no need for Mora.

Kayden pulls out 3 Old Spice from his pocket and shows it to Zhongli.

Kayden: here.

Zhongli: Hmm, thanks for the offer, young man. Might as well give it a try. Old Spice... I wonder what it would smell like. With that out of the way, I'll tell you guys more about the Special Silk Flowers.

Paimon: It's time for Zhongli's lectures on high society again...

Sky: Feels like I'm listening to a wise hermit...

Youri: Yup! Not my problem anymore! Have fun boys, don't forget to tell me when you found something fun! *leave*

Aether: *sigh* Does he always leave like that?

Kayden: yep..

Paimon: Kinda felt like that one time someone had to run away from their problems...

Sky: ...bruh

???: Excuse me gentlemen?

Zhongli: What is it good sir?

As the group turned around towards the voice, it wasn't a good sir but a good lady. A familiar lady to a certain albino.

ID Name: Beidou

Sky: ...bruh

Beidou: I'm pretty sure any of you may know a short white haired cutie with a dark suit and a beret roaming around the city, do you?

Zhongli: Ah yes, Mrs Beidou. Captain of the Crux Crew. Also known as the "Uncrowned lord of the sea". What do we owe the pleasure?

Sky: *whispers to Kayden and Aether* Dude, that's the one who got her ship destroyed by Youri... What're we goin' to do?!?

Kayden: *whisper* not my fault.

Sky: *whispers* If she realized we were his buddies, we'll be paying debt!

Kayden: *whisper* Debt wasn't a big deal to me.

Beidou: Well Mr Zhongli, this cute rapscallion was responsible for damaging my ship as well as part of this plaza, according to the Tianquan who is also looking for him. And I heard... *look at the otherworlder* that he was seen with those "associates" of yours... Surely you must know something about it.

Sky: We ain't his associate, pretty badass lookin' pirate lady! We're just buddies looking out for each others' backs. *sigh* You know what? I'll help out in fixing up the mess at the plaza and your ship, in exchange for leaving the soldier alone. Would that sound a fair trade?

Kayden: This is a real bruh moment. *Casually Drinks Pepsi*

Beidou was silent for a moment, looking at the futuristic knight and it's proposition before she suddenly started to laugh, amused by this fellow.

Beidou: You sure have some guts kiddo but this won't do for two simple reasons. The first being that reparations are either done already or in the way as per the Tianquan order. And secondly *lean toward Sky* we have our eyes on you all from the beginning.

Kayden: *Casually becomes Invisible*

Sky: *tilts head in confusion* wait, if you have an eye on us this whole time, why didn't you already capture us in the first place?

Beidou: *Lay back to normal, smirking* I won't say more. The Liyue Qixing will contact you all very soon. Well now, since you don't seem to know where this cute little troublemaker is, I'll just wait for the rest to fold until I come back and get that cute albino. See you later. *leaves*

Sky: Umm, lady?

Beidou: *stops and turn to him* Yes cutie?

When Beidou said Cutie literally made Kayden Activate his Anti-Thot Mode instinct.


Sky: It's... Umm... It's finally nice meeting ya in person. I've been inspired by your stories from the seas, and those shanties of yours and the crew look awesome... So, yeah, hehe...

Beidou: *Smile* Hmph. Nice to meet you too. And if you have time... please don't forget to bring me this cute albino friend of your. I have yet to "punish" him for the troubles and damages he cost me. *smirk*

Sky: *smirk* Heh, will do ma'am. But there's promises I can't keep...

Kayden: that's a real karma for jinxing, I'll say :v

Sky: Tell me about it...

Kayden: All the pain I Experience when he's around with me.

← To be Continued


Sky: Welcome to the bread bank! We Sell Bread! We Sell Loafs! We Got Bread on Deck! Bread On The Floor! Toasted Roasted!

Then a Random Hand Points at Sky.

Kayden: Stfu!

Sky: ?!

Kayden: Listen, I Just Need a Baguette and a brioche.

Sky: we don't have either of those. You can get the Gluten-free white bread... the potato bread...

Kayden: wtf is gluten? Take that Sh*t Out!

Sky: It's Gluten Free!

Kayden: I Don't care if it's free!

Sky: Swear on your F*** YEEZYS, if you wanna fight, We're gonna fight.

Sky Lift Kayden's Leg.

Kayden: Trying to be on world Star.

Kayden and Sky on Fighting Stance. But there's a recorder facing on sky and kayden.

Sky: What? You goin' record it?

Kayden: ye. I got my dollar Store camera. ON.

Youri Major appeared in front of us.

Youri: What's the f**** Situ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Tion?!

Kayden: wtf do you want?

Youri: I'm The Mf Manager!

Kayden: At ThE bReAd sToRe?

Youri Pop out his head on a pile of bread.

Youri: BREAD! 🍞

Kayden points at Sky.

Kayden: Tell him to take out that Mf gluten out of the bread!

Youri: I'mma need you to shut that bullsh*t Up, chief. We can't take sh*t out of bread.

Kayden: Why Put it in the first place.. I Know y'all smoking that pack!

Sky: We got crackers! No Gluten! :3

Kayden: F*** Crackers.

Youri: IT'S GLUTEN FREE! You want the Gluten, or no? 💢

Kayden: HELL NO! You Better take the gluten out that damn sh*t!

Sky: Look! We Got Whole wheat gluten-free! :3 Texas-Toast Gluten free! TORTILLA.

Kayden: F*** ALL THAT. What B*tch-ass country are y'all from where they got this bullsh*t at?

Youri: Florida. 👀

Kayden: I Knew it.

Sky: Look, you can either take this YEAST. Or I'm calling the police.

Kayden: I'm going WEAST.

Youri: Nah, Don't call the police! I Got a Warrant!

Kayden: Honestly F*** Y'all. 

Youri: Wtf are you saying?

Kayden: All I'm saying is f*** y'all's bread. f*** the Gluten.. And F*** them crackers.


Kayden: I'll take those! :)

Sky: Okay!

Sky brought out the crackers.

Sky: That's gotta be five...

Kayden took the crackers already and left.

Kayden: Nah, F*** that. I Ain't Paying.

The original video:

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