Chapter 7 Retrieve the Holy Lyre

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i don't like pro gibus :)

d - 


Time: 3:02 AM
Location: Mondstadt, Angel's Share
Status: Normal

Kayden, Venti and Aether get inside the Angel's Share. The Plan Failed to get the Holy Lyre because of an Unknown female individual with the mask stole it before Kayden does.

Kayden: Phew, that was uh.. close i guess.

Kayden Saw Only 2 People inside here.

ID Name: Charles
ID Name: Diluc

Venti: Hi, we'd Like a seat at your ahhhh.. Least conspicuous table.

Diluc: Umm... The Second floor has fewer customers, You'd be less conspicuous up there.. But Aren't you a bard? Why not sit front and center?

Venti: hahaha, let's save the paid performance for next time. We'll be heading up now, see you in a bit!

We Followed Venti from upstairs, we listen downstairs since we heard some knights talking to a red hair guy name Diluc.

We headed back downstairs and Venti already had a glass of liquor.

Venti: Today I Think I'll have a glass of...

Diluc: You can put down that bottle you stole from behind the counter.

Venti put down the Bottle on the counter.

Venti: ....Something cold.

Diluc: Right. I Want answers.

Venti: Lemme finish my drink first? I'll pay you - well, with a performance.

Diluc: It's not about money. You seem too young to be drinking.

Venti: No need to worry. When I Started drinking, you were still -

Aether: and he is..

Venti: He is master diluc, the boss of.. Ah, the owner of this tavern.. He's very famous. By the way, his dandelion wine is one of my favorites. Though most of the time I can only afford a bottle or two..

Kayden: man, saying that makes me want to try..

Diluc: I Just heard about thieves from the guards. For the record, I Like your guts for trying to steal the holy lyre der himmel. Even if you are feeling.. But we don't often get to see people like you.

Kayden: well. I Did try to steal the holy lyre ti'll someone just popped out of nowhere and stole the holy lyre from my eyes and disappeared. That damn b*tch..

Venti: This is the hotshots of the Knights of Favonius, Aether and Kayden. Why would someone so aspiring steal Mondstadt's sacred treasure?

Diluc: hotshots? Oh, so it's the 3 of you.

Kayden: yep..

Diluc: So two of you and the bard are close friends?

Kayden: I mean we only met him.

Diluc: Well.. Despite only being a passing traveler, you still offered your help to mondstadt in its time of need. A Shame you joined the knights.

Kayden: Me Neither since Jean gave us a title of Honorary knight during our quest of the temples, but I feel bad for them for not accepting it in an instant.

Diluc: The Knights of Favonius... Inefficient right from beginning to end. And Towards the Fatui? Weak And conversative. Forget it. I Don't feel like talking about it.

Venti: Seems you don't really like the Knights of Favonius.

Diluc: Just difference in approach is all. I have my own hopes for this city. Now, answers. Why did you steal the holy lyre?

Venti: You sure you want to know? It could be implicate you in the affairs of the Knights of Favonius.

Diluc: That's Fine. I Somehow always end up implicated in their affairs.

Venti: if I tell you the story with a performance, will you believe me?

Diluc: it Depends. I'll make my own Judgment.

Venti: Then I'll get paid?

Diluc: your reward will range from anywhere between 5 more and the holy lyre. It all depends on your story.

Venti: Very well, Let me put it on a show..

We All Listen to Venti's music and story at the same time. Kayden is literally eating popcorn already, shared with Paimon and Aether.

Kayden: this is beautiful music.

2 Minutes Later

Diluc: what did I just witness... This is confidential information. Why did you let me know?

Venti: why? Hmm... perhaps the winds are changing. What say you, Master Diluc?

Diluc: Interesting. Give me some time. I'll organize some contacts. Outlander, as one of the Knights it seems you're not a suspect. Blonde is the only description on the wanted poster. You should be safe. As for the bard however, it'd be better if you stayed in the tavern.

Venti: Haha. No problem! I Like Taverns.

Diluc: ... Okay. Let's meet here tonight after the tavern closes.

Kayden: I think I'll stay here for tonight with him.. i'm sleepy as hell now.. *yawn*

Paimon: okay! 

The Next Day

Time: 10:23 AM
Location: Mondstadt, Angel's Share
Status: Asleep

Kayden and Venti Sleeping on a Separate Bed. When Kayden woke up, everytime he do is highly act self defense without having a single time taking a break without sleeping with a girl next to him, however this time is different, he felt at ease as he woke up in the morning very normal.

Kayden: That's Odd, Am i Still Dreaming? because this is my first time i felt ease when i woke up on the morning.. is it because when that bard is around with me? Strange.. I don't even know what to do today.. I Guess I'll go back to farm some Anemoculus.. Duping them with a Toolgun is a Sin to me..

6 Minutes Later

Kayden went back to farm some anemoculus, the Environment is very easy for him no matter how high up or down the cliff, the Wind Glider and Double Jump really made his life easy.

Kayden Rocket Jump very high and catch the Anemoculus on top of the Tree, as he slowly descend, he double jump and lands on the ground without fall damage. 

Kayden: yes.. I NEED MORE!!!

Kayden Turns around and saw Amber again.

Amber: Hello! Nice to see you again.

Kayden: oh.. its you.. what do you want from me again? Is it the Hilichurl camp? Eye of the Storm Thing?

Amber: Actually it wasn't crucial.. I Wanted to give you something..

Amber Show her lunchbox food to Kayden

Amber: here! Its a Gift, take it *Blush while Smiling*

Kayden: oh.. Yeah Yeah Thanks..

Then Amber smiles with a wave on her hands and she left off.

Kayden: I wonder why she gave me this though...

Kayden: oh. sh*t.. I better collect anemoculus as i can..

So Kayden Make Haste as he can to collect all Anemoculus while listening to this music.


Location: Mondstadt

Aether doing his own solo 4 commission quest 

Paimon: Paimon wonders how Kayden what he was doing all the time?

Aether: He Might be enjoying around mondstadt collecting Anemoculus, I wonder why he need those so much..

Paimon: all for this for the Anemoculus? Strange∼

(Time Skip)

Time: 12:01 AM
Location: Angel's Share

We Return to the Angel's Share to Meet Diluc again after the store closed. 

Venti: you're here.

Kayden: heyoo.

but Jean was here too.

Jean: Wait, You're... Aether and Kayden?

Aether: why is the Grand Acting Master is here?

Diluc: well, first of all, I contacted more than one person. Secondly, She came here as "Jean" herself, not as the Acting Grand Master. A Jean you would never see, even as an Honorary Knight.

Jean: What a Surprise. I Heard about the Holy Lyre, But I never Suspected it was the both of you.

Kayden: blame on me instead cause they wanted me to get the Holy Lyre.

Jean: Really? I Respect your Honesty. *Look at Diluc* So, the sound of the Holy Lyre can purify Stormterror and return it to normal.. is that True?

Venti: That's Right! Kayden and Aether is putting themselves on the frontline to try and resolve this Stormterror Issue. Now That's The Hotshot of the Knights of Favonius I'm Talking About.

Paimon: Feels Like we're breaking the law though...

Diluc: I Understand this kind of absurd explanation is hard to believe. But, we can ask the bard to play the song again to try and persuade- 

Jean: I believe you.

Diluc: to Persuade our stubborn command- wait what?

Kayden: Jeez My Condolences..

Jean: I can't think of any reason for Dvalin's Betrayal, given it was once one of the four winds. However, if it was poisoned in the battle over Mondstadt all those years ago.. and the corrupted by the abyss mage after it woke up - We can't really blame it. But as Acting Grand Master I Obviously cannot make such a statement publicly. Diplomatic pressure from the Fatui makes it hard for us to seek a peaceful resolution to the Stormterror Issue. People would think I've lost grip on the gravity of the situation. That's why I can only do this in private.

Kayden: Screw Gravity!

Diluc: hmm.. That's one of the reasons I don't like the Knights of Favonius. What Surprises me is that you believe an outlanders so easily...

Jean: My cautious and meticulous Superior, even you trust him. Don't you, sir?

Diluc: I already told you not to call me sir.. Never mind. We don't often get to work together after all.

Jean: ...

Diluc: ...

Paimon: wow! Um.. This is really awkward..

Kayden: bruh..

Jean: I have a rough idea of where the Holy Lyre Der Himmel is.

Venti: Nice Recovery! She's really talented at changing the subject..

Jean: The Conflict between Mondstadt and Snezhnaya Stems from the conflict between the seven nations and their respective gods. The Cryo God Fatui seem to be after the Anemo God's Power.


Kayden already Marked The Cryo Archon as The Main enemy of all Freedom

Kayden: are they wanted to kill Dvalin, huh.

Jean: Agreed. if the Knights of Favonius publicly prevented an attempt on Dvalin's Head, then.. The only other way to affect the Anemo God's Power is to take the Holy Lyre.

Diluc: The Number of Fatui that have come to Mondstadt is far from limited. I've Already managed to... coerce a few reports out of them.

Jean: Diluc has determined that the Holy lyre is not being held in the Goth grand hotel. I Imagine they don't want to leave something stolen in a place where it could be easily found.

Paimon: Paimon gets it. If it too much of a scene gets made then it becomes a big diplomatic issue.

Diluc: hmmph.. such is the diplomacy between seven nations. Outlanders, ready to go?

Kayden: hell yeah!

Aether: Lets go then!

Quest - Enter The Fatui Hideout

Venti: Jean just said a Fatui are trying to take Dvalin's Power for the cryo god. I Fear this might fall short of their true intentions. I Think they intend to use Barbatos Connections to the wind to draw him out. Just Like Lisa traced the source of the storm to the temples.

Diluc: The God of Anemo? Hasn't been seen for a more than a thousand years. What makes you think that's their intention?

Venti: ah.. uh..

Kayden: Venti is always sus since i first met him :v

Diluc: ... Forget it. I Don't like having to Pry. Kayden, Aether. Here, Take this.

Diluc Gave us the Fatui Mask.

Paimon: What is it?

Diluc: A Disguise, to protect your identity. Put it on before you run into the Fatui. Unfortunately, they are still one of the mondstadt's allies. At least that's the facade we're maintaining... Our Actions are going to get them stirred up. better to not implicate yourself on a personal level.

Kayden: but I'm good at disguising, I don't need that.

Kayden was surrounded by smoke and reveals himself as a Fatui Diplomat.

Kayden: see?

Paimon: kayden has an ability to do that, pretty cool right?

Diluc: I'm not impressed..

(Time Skip)

Location: Fatui Hideout

We Encounter a Single Guard on the entrance, scared and armed with a simple sword.

Fatui Guard: No. NO! Don't eat Me! Ah.. You're... You're a human?

Kayden: Eat you? What the hell are you talking about -_-

Fatui Guard: The Entire Floor's defenses.. Have been broken. I Thought it was the Abyss Order attacking..

Kayden: We have come for your life.

Fatui Guard: Wait please! Aren't you suppose to be on our same side?

Kayden Remove a Disguise on front of him.

Kayden: I never really was on your side.. 

Fatui Guard: Impossible..

Kayden: Cmon now.. All we want is the Holy Lyre. Now, where is it? 

Fatui guard: We hid the Holy Lyre in the depths of these ruins. The place it's being kept is locked up tight. If you after the key, keep going further into the ruins, but D-Don't come after me! I don't know which one of the guards has it, But I'm sure you can find the guards and find out yourselves.

Paimon: This guy is about to wet himself.

Fatui Guard: Y-You just worry about yourselves! One of the Harbingers is already in mondstadt. Signora. When She gets her hands on you she's going to string you up and torture you. When that time comes, don't you dare say a word about me.

The Fatui Guard Escaped the dungeon on his own.

Kayden: wuss..

Paimon: did he say Signora? What a strange name..

Diluc: No 8 of the Eleven Harbingers. Goes by the name Signora.

Kayden Press The Button to open the entrance of the dungeon.

Diluc: The fact the Fatui can run amok across the seven nations like they do is entirely because of the Eleven Harbingers. We need to act quickly before she gets wind of what's going on.

Kayden: I Guess my only choice is to split up and find each guard who has the key.. don't worry about me though, I'm already used to these kinds of situations.

Kayden waves and leaves.

Diluc: Don't push your luck outlander..

5 Minutes Later

Kayden Encounter another Fatui Guard.

Greedy Guard: wha- who are you? aren't you suppose to defend our hideout.

Kayden: Sorry Gentlemen but its a no.

Kayden Undisguise on front of him

Greedy Guard: wha- Your a Spy?!

Kayden: i guess you can say that. Your going to tell me where the Key to the Holy Lyre is.

Greedy Guard: how about thousand Mora and I'll give you the Key.

Kayden: okay..

Kayden Brought out a Giant Bag of Mora and Slap him on his Face.

Greedy Guard: ow! uh.. are those real mora?

Kayden: as a matter in fact, yes. now give me the key.

Greedy Guard: Like Hell I Would, I never had a Key in the first place.

Kayden: Then its come to a price to pay..

Kayden Brought out an unusual device on his hand and its a shape of a ball.

Greedy Guard: what is this your holding?

Kayden: A Bomb, since you not telling where the Lyre is nor a key, I guess I'll blow you up right here and now. ^_^

Greedy Guard: Your serious about holding a bomb on your hands are you? your going to die like that. Don't you have something to Live? Do you understand what kind of situation your in?! Please Have Mercy! and Stop with that Smile!

Kayden: ^_^ Does my smile look like a face of mercy to you?

Greedy Guard: no... NO! DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!! A-


Energy Shield - 280


(Time Skip)

Kayden enters the Unknown room and there's a Lyre, as he Enters The Wooden gate lock around the Lyre and the exit.

Kayden: oh for Ffffff.....

???: Where did you rats scurry out from...

Kayden: Who's there..

An Fatui Agent Appeared.

Fatui Agent: Signora is not going to tolerate this kind of interference in our affairs. So I'll be the one to take care of you - save her the trouble of having to deal with you herself.


← To be Continued


Don't think Anything Weird

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