Chapter 8 Dvalin

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2 Days Later

Time: 9:02 AM
Location: Mondstadt
Status: Normal

We all returned to Angel's Share and finally retrieve the holy lyre.

Venti: Welcome back! 

Aether Give Venti a Holy Lyre to him.

Venti: Ah, this is the holy lyre! You managed to retrieve it! the pattern of flowing wind carved on the rosewood... and this strings still feel cool to the touch too. Oh, the memories.

Kayden: is it me or he knows way too much...

Jean: What do you think, Venti? Can you Summon Dvalin?

Venti: Although this lyre is the real thing, I doubt that it's going to work. As you can see, The lyre has been Through a thousand years in history. It's Anemo Power has run dry. In this Condition, you couldn't play music fit for even Diluc's Tavern with it.

Diluc: Bards fight to get on the stage of my tavern. Don't make assumptions!

Paimon: Is that really important right now, Master Diluc?!

Paimon Looks at venti

Paimon: And you - did you just borrow the Holy Lyre to play music for drunkards to hear?

Venti: eh-he

Paimon: What do you mean Eh-He?!

Venti: anyway. We won't be able to call Dvalin with it. The Lyre itself is fine, but the strings.. You're up Outlanders!

Kayden: I have no Idea how to fix it.

Venti: Relax! It's not broken. It's Just that the intensity of its Anemo Power has greatly diminished. Do you still have Dvalin's Teardrop Crystal with you?

Kayden: Well yeah..

Kayden Showed 1 purified tear.

Kayden: Before I put the crystal here on the holy lyre, I'm just gonna asked this Holy Lyre requires more than one, yes?

Venti: Precisely, Mr. Freeman, the power is far from replenished. It'd be great if we could get more tears.

Kayden: I Knew it.. Guess what, I have more than one.

Paimon: huh?!

Kayden: if you excuse me and give me a few seconds when i go outside, ok?

Diluc: ....

Kayden went outside of the angel's share, brought out purified tears and dupe it with a toolgun, amount of 5. Then he went back to the Angel's Share and show it to Venti.

Venti: Woah! 

Paimon: Wait a Minute, Not Only you've been collecting Anemoculus, you collect tears as well?

Kayden: yep.. I lied, I Just dupe the tears but that's the fastest way though..

Venti: Well.. Kayden Freeman, Put the rest of the tears in the Holy Lyre, Will you do the honors?

Kayden: Gladly. ^_^

Kayden Put all The Tears on the Holy Lyre, The Holy Lyre glows and turn into a pure form itself.

Aether: wow..

Jean: This Youthful Glow...

Paimon: Praising yourself, really?

Jean: I was talking about the holy lyre.

Venti: Thanks to the outlanders having purified the crystal, the Holy Lyre won't continue to lose power.

Kayden: any ideas from where a place to call Dvalin?

Paimon: oh! Paimon just got an idea. if your think a place called High Ground. I- uh.. I don't know what its called but..

Aether: Starsnatch Cliff?

Paimon: Yeah! That one!

Kayden: Atleast you heard the line about Amber's words, huh?

Venti: I'll take that recommendation, Then lets move out to Starsnatch Cliff.

Kayden: Aye!

(Time Skip)

Location: Mondstadt, Starsnatch Cliff

We arrived here at the top of the starsnatch cliff, this is the perfect place to call Dvalin here.

Diluc: everyone is finally here.

Paimon: What a View.

Venti: Lovely for fated Reunion.

Kayden Was Almost at the edge enjoying the view of himself for a second.

Kayden: this is cool.. My soul.. Feels Alive!!

Diluc: Please be careful, Kayden.. I can't stand watch you fall off the cliff by accident.

Kayden: Fine..

Kayden stand back away from the cliff and stand next to aether.

Venti: Well, we must prepared for a fight.

Jean: regardless of the outcome, things finally seem to be taking a turn for the better. Mondstadt has really been going through so much recently...

Diluc: huh. In the end, the solution to our problem was as simple as a travelers and a song. I Suppose the knights of favonius may have played a part in it too.

Venti: oh we get it master diluc.. Everyone, please step aside! I, Venti, The best wandering bard of the mortal world, shall begin my performance with the holy lyre!

Kayden sits on the ground and aether as well, he grabbed paimon as a plushie toy.

Kayden: Hope Nothing goes wrong.

Venti Plays the Holy Lyre, The wind rise above the air and Dvalin appears before us.

Dvalin: You have come... what has been done cannot be undone..

Venti: If so, then why do I see sadness in your eyes? Sadness that speaks of your yearning for this song..

Dvalin: gr..

Jean: They are.. Communicating.. huh?

1 Icicle strikes down the Holy Lyre on Venti's Hand. Cryo Abyss Mage Appeared behind Dvalin.

Kayden: Sh*t!

Paimon: no! Tone-Deaf Bard!

Kayden Rush on the frontlines and brought out sasha, activate energy shield to protect venti.

Cryo Abyss Mage: Do not be fooled by him Dear dragon. He Left you to rot alone..

Venti: No! Listen to me!

Cryo Abyss Mage: Now he attempts to deceive you once more..

Dvalin: Barbatos?!

Cryo Abyss Mage: Let your wrath fester! Mondstadt has already turned it's back on you!

Dvalin: You.. You've been planning this for all along?! To have me slain by them?!

Venti: No! It's not like that! Listen to me!

Kayden: Everyone! Behind me!

Diluc, Jean, Aether and Venti takes cover behind Kayden.

Cryo Abyss Mage: The Time has come for the dragon to serve its true master.. While you bewail your pathetic selves, and watch the world tremble with fear!

Dvalin flies off with the Cryo Abyss mage.

Venti: Dvalin..

Kayden disable energy shield mode on the chaingun and hurried to grab the holy lyre on the ground.

Kayden: I Got It!

But The Holy Lyre is broken that has been struck down by an Cryo Abyss Mage.

Kayden: wtf...

Jean: Barba- I mean Venti, please, be careful..

Venti: hehe.. You've known my true identity for some time now, haven't you Jean? Though, I thank you for continuing to use the name Venti.

Diluc: How's the Holy Lyre? Can it still be played? Or does it need to be repaired?

Venti: oh.. Unfortunately, I think it's beyond repair.

Aether: we can't let this abyss mage get away with this.

Kayden: *Pump Combat Shotgun* Lets Kill This Son of a b***

Diluc: You're right. If we don't fight the evil at its source, then we can't save Dvalin at all.

Jean: In which case I Shall call upon Outrider Amber to track it down..

Diluc: no need..

Jean: Why is that?

Diluc: I eradicated one not long ago, in one of the four wind temples.

Paimon: what?! When?

Diluc: If you want to track those monsters down, then I'll seek answers from my contacts. I've got other means for getting the job done.

Paimon: oh.. Diluc.. Though he dislikes the Knights of Favonius, he protects Mondstadt in his own way.

Venti: oh? Why does our little paimon sound so doting all of a sudden?

Diluc: hmph.. Wait for my word. I'll be sure to let the Abyss Order know of their blatant disregard of mondstadt. Will not go unpunished.

Then we start to move out back to Dawn Winery, before Venti follows them.

Kayden: *Jojo Black eyes* wait..

Kayden Grabbed Venti's Arm Menacingly.

Kayden: Venti-san, No. Barbatos-sama..

Venti: Wha-?!

Venti: Your Creeping me out... When I first Met him, what in teyvat exactly what he want from me?

Kayden: lets have serious talk after Dealing with Stormterror Issue, ok?

← to be Continued

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