Season 3 Episode 1 The Chalk Prince and the Dragon Part 1

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Ngl This is way worse than 30 L4D2 Tanks

[Time: ???]
[Location: Mondstadt]
[Status: Normal]

Kayden woke up on his bed, Kayden prepare for his next adventure in Teyvat with Aether.

Kayden went outside of Angel's share, He saw Aether at the receptionist, Katheryne. He stand next to Aether with a smile.

Kayden: Sup, Mate!

Paimon: Oh hey, its Kayden!

Aether: How's your sleep?

Kayden: It went well, especially i remember yesterday.

Paimon: About the falling star?

Kayden: Yep, we all know its all a lie thanks to Scaramouche.

Paimon: Speaking about him, he's one of the Fatui Harbingers, right?

Aether: In my perspective, you are the most annoying person in Teyvat.

Kayden: Oh, That. uh.. its because his name, that's why. 😐

(Flashback in Mondstadt)

Me, Fishl, Mona and my buddies discussing about the meteorite. Someone on the distance said-

???: Hi!

We've met the same guy again in Liyue during the meteorite incident when we are looking for a person name fritz. 

In Kayden's perspective. he already know his name and decided to do something about him and teleports behind him.

Kayden: I see a little silhouetto of a man..

Each Kaydens appearing everytime he sings about him.

Kayden 1: Scaramouche!  

Kayden 2: Scaramouche!

Kayden: 3,4: will you do the fandango!!

Kayden 5,6,7: Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me!

Kayden 8: Galileo!!

Kayden 9: Galileo..

Kayden 8: Galileo!!

Kayden: 9: Galileo..

Kayden 8,9: Galileo Figaro-

Scaramouche: THATS ENOUGH!!!

Mona Pull Kayden back with the group and teleport before Scaramouche attack.

(End of Flashback)

Kayden: I Swear I will do this if i see him again. *chuckle* cry some more..

Paimon: Let's just hope we never encounter that guy again..


2 hours later, We are in Dragonspine, completely escort Timaeus: Scholar of Alchemy into Albedo's Camp inside the cave, on first encounter of drawing hilichurls while under watch from the goth-nun Rosaria. However I have a feeling that nun is not a follower of Barbatos, My Favorite Anemo God. 

After The test of Aether fighting the slimes with his elemental skill despite without a Vision, he figure it out he's from another world. while he doesn't know about me because i kept my low profile on it. Afterall, after this Journey and get back home, I will able to learn those magic in Teyvat and learn all 6 elements or.. 8?

[<--Current Quest: Observe the installations in the camp 1/3-->]

Aether begun exploring Albedo's camp while Kayden holding 2 Potions, 1 is Red and other is Blue in a reflection both of his eyes.

Kayden: ...

Aether and Paimon face at Kayden on a squat position holding a drink.

Kayden: О привет, Эфир.

Paimon: Kayden? What happened to your language?

Kayden: Ой, извини

Kayden replace his Vokda to Pepsi, replacing his Russian to English.

Kayden: Voice Check- Ok.. I drink Vokda by accident cause its similar to Russia, thats all. Afterall I am from another world.

Paimon: Right... Here comes Albedo, Let's go see him.

We went outside camp and Talk to Albedo waiting at us from outside.

Albedo: I'm back. Did you see anything interesting?

Aether: Couldn't make heads or tails of anything.

Albedo: Hmm, agreed. I'd love to find a moment to put them all in order. Still, experiments come first.. Well, on with the research. there may be significant difference between different worlds. Take Teyvat, for example. Here, those with Visions can Manipulate the elements. But worlds may well exist where only one person is able to do so, or even everyone. so, leaving elements to one side... Do you possess any... unique abilities, Aether? Ones that don't exist in this world? I Think answering this question calls for the same methodology as last time. In other words, time for the next experiment.

Kayden: Are you going to force him to drink that thing last time, again?

Albedo: No no! You shan't be required to exert quite so much effort this time around. Now, see this pillar here.

We face at the Pillar with a short Pillarmen theme music came on Kayden's Head.

Sorry I Watch too much Max0r videos right now and became a weakest subscriber.

Albedo: Use your willpower to try and break it.

Aether: Paimon, You give it a shot.

Paimon: You think Paimon knows how to do that stuff? But, Kayden can do it.

Albedo: Really?

Paimon: Yeah! He's also from Another world.

Albedo: Oh? That will make 2 test subjects.

Kayden: *sigh* am I a lab rat now?

Kayden stares at Paimon.

Kayden: 😠Ahem..

Paimon: oh, sor-

Kayden: our world between me and Aether are not the same but.. are you sure about this? breaking a pillar might accidentally collapse our camp, especially your precious research within it.

Albedo: I see.. Your right, your pretty sharp as well, and very intelligent.

Kayden: yeah.. hehe.. I maybe physically strong but i cannot use magic like Aether does. but we make good team through out of our previous travels.

Albedo: There might be something else you haven't tried.

Kayden: Tried what?

Albedo: Survive the Coldest Water underneath the ice, Survive by jumping off the mountain to the surface or hold an Electro Slime without even fazing.

Kayden: Haha, everything you said was insane -_-

Albedo: hmm.. Anyway, why don't you cook us up a Sunshine Sprat? I've just finished, preparing the recipe.

Paimon: Cooking? Paimon was looking forward to more mad scientist stuff!

Albedo: Not only is this recipe a staple for me, it's also worth experimenting with and highly nutritious!

Paimon: Hmph, Paimon bets you're just hungry! It does sound yummy though... Okay, Paimon approves!

Kayden: Now i though about it.

Kayden face at albedo with a good smile.

Kayden: Why won't you give me the recipe, I'll do the cooking stuff rather than sitting and do nothing.

Albedo: Okay, I'll leave you to it then, looking forward to the results. If there's anything left over, maybe Timaeus can finish the last morsels.

Paimon: Uhh... Paimon doesn't think we'll have that problem.


I Serve his food to Albedo while the rest are going to eat it as well.

Albedo: Mm! An average outcome experimentally, but you've really brought out the flavor, You seem well-versed in the science of gastronomy. As far as the proliferation hypothesis is concerned, we've come up short. Seems like food presents the same headaches in your world as it does ours. Unless... Could it be that the natural laws of this world are limiting your unique abilities?

Kayden: Ngl, He's right... ← Playing on Nightmare Difficulty

Paimon: We just didn't know how to channel elemental power into the food. It's a little more complicated than adding herbs and spices y'know!

Kayden Secretly hides his Pepsi.

Albedo: Not to worry, at least we put some food to good use, no need to feel disheartened. and here's your portion, enjoy!

Albedo gave portion to Aether.

Albedo: I can box it up if you like.

Paimon: Woohoo, thanks! Glad you were paying attention.

Aether: Not often that Paimon gets this much attention.

Albedo: I can tell that you're a good friends, Paimon was keeping an eye on you and your safety during the whole experiment. Not that Paimon would have been able to do much if things had gone wrong, but anyway.

Paimon: Hey! You were being nice a second ago! But you have tasty recipes, so Paimon forgives you. and you're right, we are good friends. You have a good friends too, right? Good students?

Kayden: all this for a food, huh. Typical Paimon as always.

Albedo: ....Uh, Yes! I'm fortunate too, I suppose. Anyway, moving on to the next experiment.

Kayden: Hope it wouldn't get anything worse than this..

End of Part 1

On Nightime in Albedo's Camp, Paimon woke up and finds herself that Kayden wasn't around until she saw him he was near the edge of the cliff surrounded by Vokda.

Paimon: Kayden?!

Paimon rushed in to wake Kayden up but it was too late though.

Kayden: wai- wuh AAAAHHH!!!

Energy Shield - 28

Luckily Kayden wasn't hurt.

← To be Continued


This Is Kate

Fun Fact: She's a Beta MC Before Official was released

What's makes more sus about her is her robotic arm model design almost came from Honkai

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