Season 3 Episode 2 The Chalk Prince and the Dragon Part 2 Festering Desire

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what the fuck.....?

[Time: ???]
[Location: Mondstadt, Dragonspine]
[Status: Normal]

The Next Day

After Talking with Sucrose in the adventurer camp, that Albedo was still in the camp, it didn't take long to get all the way here on foot.

Paimon: Albedo!

Aether: Hey, its us again.

Albedo: hmm? Why are you here? Are you Lost?

Paimon: No we're not!

Aether: Sucrose says that you conceal some unspeakable secrets.

Kayden: That's what they say... :v

Albedo: A secret? 🤔

Paimon: Hey! What are you doing!? Our mission calls for a delicate approach!

Kayden: Well... there is no way we can fool this guy.

Paimon: Uh... Sure, but still....

Albedo: Actually, you've arrived at just the right moment. I have business with you too, in fact.

Kayden: What is it?

Albedo: here, catch!

Kayden: Woah!

Kayden immediately catch a sword from Albedo.

Paimon: Huh? What's this?

Albedo: as you can see, it is a sword.

Kayden: Where the hell did you get this thing? there is no way an alchemist can craft a sword.

Albedo: Its true that I did not make this sword. However, I did add some alchemical touches to it.

Kayden: uh... what do you mean by that?

Albedo: My research indicates that this sword has some.. unique properties. Only you and the traveler can use it.

Kayden: Not a fan of sword but, alright.

Kayden Pass it to Aether.

Albedo: I need to gather data from it quite urgently - so, could I bother you to use it on battle?

Paimon: Waaait a second. How can there be a sword that only 2 person can use?

Kayden: Yeah, you didn't specify it before i catch that sword..

Albedo: Very astute of you. This sword has indeed had a curse laid upon it. An ordinary person would be unable to wield it at all. However, only two of you is exception.

Kayden: Wai- wut?

Albedo: or perhaps I should say that you two are immune to the curse. As such, who could I find to help me, if not you two? We gain little from saying more. Go find some monsters nearby - after all, somethings are best discovered through practice.

We Left Albedo's camp to find some foes to fight with this weapon. Albedo was way far behind on us.

Kayden: He said it was a curse but he didn't tell what are the real effects of the curse. well i already have a curse.. but  I already have a blessing from Barbatos. Why Should I be worried about?

Paimon: Yeah! we might even know something bad will happened.

Kayden: *sigh* only one way to find out i guess. 

(Time Skip) 

We learned about this swords identity from a blacksmith that disappeared, it was during the time about Durin battle against Dvalin and Anemo Archon Barbatos. after few days of weapon experiment, we went back to the camp with Albedo as this sword was glowing purple energy as it grow stronger in battle.

Albedo: It is as I Thought - This sword grows stronger as you use it in battle.

Paimon: I thought that only applied to people.

Albedo: and that's precisely what makes it special. Ah yes, I should mention a more important matter first. I've investigated the area nearby, and I've discovered some unusual signs.

Kayden: Its not gonna be one of those treasure hoarders, isn't it?

Albedo: I believe that these strange traces require investigation. Whether it be thieves or something else, we shall investigate, and we shall find out.

10 minutes later turns out its just more treasure hoarders, the fight was easy until Fatui Skirmishers intervene as well. 

As Aether Finish off the rest of the Fatui, Kayden will handle the last one.

The Last Guy

How do you rate this 2022 HUD?

P.S - You should roll for me to get a special 10 Star Character.

Albedo: The Fatui? and they chose to attack us within the Treasure Hoarder's camp... Did they follow us here?

Paimon: But why would they do that? Kayden, did you rile them up while we weren't looking?

Kayden: No, I was too focus on these guys.

Albedo: did you?

Kayden: 💢That makes me want to swipe your smug face, huh. there is no way im with those guys. is it because the outfit i wear? cause this is damn cold here..

Paimon: Um, maybe it's something we call did, then..

Albedo: I think the Fatui are looking for this sword.

Kayden: heh, even they got the hands on this sword didn't even realized it was cursed for the whole time makes their life even worse than death.

Albedo: not quite.. but that doesn't change the fact that they caught sight both of you using it on the mountain. if their eyes are any good, they'll definitely have seen how this sword stands out from the rest.

Paimon: They really want everything, don't they?

Albedo: Not Quite, no.

Aether: I remember hearing more about their activities recently too...

Albedo: The Fatui are collecting things related to the archons. This, I believe, is known to you.

Paimon: huh. Now that you mention it, we did hear Master Diluc say that.

Albedo: Durin is the sworn enemy of the Anemo Archon, and had power comparable to his. To say that it could rival the archons, or was related to them.. Neither is an overstatement.

Aether: No wonder they've set their sights on this sword.

Paimon: So that's how it is...

Albedo: I made a new discovery while sketching nearby. There's an area up ahead that's quite remarkable. It's ley lines flow differently from any other. Nearby monsters have been attracted to it and have fallen under its influence. As a result, their consitiutions have come to for surpass others of the same kind.

Paimon: That seems convenient. Well, we're here to help this sword grow, aren't we? Might as well go try out on those monsters.

Albedo: Precisely my intention. Oh, and do remember to observe how various enemies affect this sword differently while you're at it, please.

Kayden: I'll sit out on this one, im sure you pretty don't need my help for a moment. I'll intervene if things go hazy.

Aether: Ok..

(Time Skip) 

As Each test kept going, it grew stronger and stronger each time we kept using the sword. it even has absorb more purple energy. We return to the camp but Albedo was not here anymore.

Paimon: Huh? It seems that he's not here. Is he out investigating something? Or maybe he went to make some mysterious drawings?

Kayden: Highly possible.

Sucrose: Ah, Its you!

We Turn around and it was Sucrose, He wasn't expecting to be that coming.


Paimon: Oh, if it isn't Sucrose! What are you doing here?

Sucrose: I'm in the final stage of my research. I have 5 hours and 26 minutes of leisure time today. So I came here looking for you to inquire about previously discussed matters.

Kayden: Holy christ. maybe you don't need a clock anymore for this as an award.

Sucrose: No, no, It's nothing worth your praise. You're too kind...

Kayden: That wasn't even a compliment -_-

Sucrose: Anyway. C-Can I ask you a question, Traveler? I made a request regarding investigating Mr. Albedo's secret. Have you made any progress?

Paimon: Correct me if i'm wrong. But it's been over a week since we talked about it.

Aether: I Thought you'd forgotten about it.

Kayden: Oh wait.. that will be me.. as an ADHD Person that is.

Sucrose: W-WHAT?! O-Over a Week? I Clearly... Ah! I've been so absorbed in my research. That matter of ours had completely slipped my mind..

Paimon: How can your sense of time be so strong and so weak at the same time...?

Sucrose: S-So! Do you know what it is?

Kayden: We do!

Paimon: Telling her shouldn't really matter.  

Kayden: Yep, all she can do is to look and no touching.

Sucrose: Wait. What are you talking about?

Kayden Picked up Festering Desire and place it on the ground as it floats itself.

Sucrose: What's this?

Kayden: This is the truth, of Albedo's Secret.

Paimon: It's a super powerful sword. Don't touch it with your bare hands!

Sucrose: Uh... This is... Ah! Th-This is.. I've never seen...

Paimon: Hehe, look all you want! Not sure why, but even Paimon feels a strange sense of achievement.

(After telling Sucrose the story about the sword..)

Sucrose: Astounding! It's the first time I've heard of such a mysterious weapon. I can faintly feel the power coursing through the sword... It's like a living creature.

Paimon: Is it such a distinct feeling?

Sucrose: This may be due to my alchemist training. I Don't dare to say anything for sure, but the "flow" of power is very noticeable. Although this description isn't the most precise.... N-Normally, I wouldn't define things like that. Please, Believe me! I don't usually use such ambiguous terms!

Paimon: Okay, Okay, we got it.

Sucrose: Traveler, could you use this sword in battle? I'd like to learn more about it, but I'm unable to use it myself. I can only ask for your assistance.

Aether: Let's keep a low profile. We can't let Albedo know.

Paimon: Lets look around for the right spot!

(Timeskip for grinding, even they kill slimes on front of me T_T)

Location: Dragonspine, Entombed City Outskirt

We Found this adventurer up here that he was freezing.

ID Name: Reckless Pallad ← Nobody like this guy

Pallad: U-ugh.. Argh...

Sucrose: M-Mr.Pallad!? You still haven't gone back?

Paimon: Isn't that the hotheaded adventurer from Mondstadt? Did he come here with Cyrus to explore the Snowy Mountain, too?

Pallad: I'm F-f-f-freezing, ACHOO!

Kayden Dodge Pallad's sneeze from where his direction at.

Kayden: Covid please don't..

Sucrose: Have you been here since I rescued you from the snow pit!?

Pallad: I Wanted to leave, B-but I got lost. I'm sorry... U-Ugh... It's so c-cold that I c-can't move..

Sucrose: Mr. Pallad, a trip to this mountain requires solid preparation. You Shouldn't have treated it so lightly.

Aether: We'll take him back down.

Sucrose: I'd appreciate the assistance. I'm afraid that, in his current state, he won't be able to walk on his own..

Paimon: Even if we can't, we won't just leave him here, right?

Sucrose: You're right.... My Apologies, Travelers. I'm sure he feels bad about his situation.

???: He's the least of your concerns right now. You should be worried about yourself!

Fatui Appears on front of us.

ID Name: Vadim

Paimon: Ah! The Fatui strikes again!

Vadim: You must've already figured out why we're here. We won't let you go unless you give us that sword.

Kayden: I don't think so... *Pumps Combat Shotgun*

Paimon: Let's knock them down!

Sucrose: Mr. Pallad, I'll take you to a safe place! Quickly!

Sucrose pull him out of the battlefield.

Vadim: So naive! We won't let any witness escaped! This sword will make a fine gift for her excellency, Harbinger Signora!

Kayden shoot out a sticky bomb, knocking 1 Cryo cicin mage off with an explosion, combo with Quickscope heavy cannon and rocket launcher. instantly finish her off by a critical hit, second wave incoming, Aether unleash the Anemo burst tornado, 3 Fatui skirmisher got pulled in and Kayden Finish them an instant with a BFG-9000.

Kayden: Pow! Haha!

After The battle, Albedo found us here.

Albedo: I heard the ruckus and came over to check. So it was you who made all this noise. What happened? Did you get into a fight?

Sucrose: M-Mr. Albedo... I didn't mean to...

Kayden: uh oh... busted...?

Albedo: Aren't you supposed to be organizing documents? Why did you come here all of a sudden? And you got into a fight with such a dangerous opponent - in this terrain...

Kayden: Please don't blame on her, she didn't got into a fight on purpose, she's a bystander.

Sucrose: Kayden...

Paimon: even we feel guilty, Kayden stands up for her.. now nice~

Kayden: Look, she came here because she wants to know your secret after she was done with the documents.

Albedo: really? 

Kayden: And... *sigh* yeah.. we told her about it.

Albedo: Both of You told her everything?

Paimon: We just told her about the sword's properties and origin. We didn't let her touch it! We know better then that.

Albedo: *sigh* Never mind. We couldn't have kept her in the dark for too long anyway. Sucrose is naturally drawn to obscure knowledge and mystery. She is great alchemist material, indeed.

Sucrose: Ah.... Uh... I promise I won't be causing trouble anymore. I swear on the quadruple-size Sweet Flower seeds I just propagated!

Albedo: It's not trouble that worries me, I'm only concerned with your safety. You must be more careful next time. *sigh* anyway, what's going on with that adventurer crouching over there?

Sucrose: I Took it upon myself to protect Mr. Pallad during the battle. He should be alright.

Kayden just stares at him.

Pallad: I'm freezing...

Paimon: He must've caught a cold during the fight.

Sucrose: Ahhhh, I didn't consider that possibility... It's my oversight, my apologies! Mr. Albedo, I'll check on him!

Albedo: sure.

Sucrose ran to check on Mr. Pallad.

Paimon: Sucrose may seem a bit rigid, but she's a good kid with a heart of gold.

Aether: I wouldn't call her a kid if I were your size.

Paimon: Can't disagree..

Albedo: That girl... Let her out of your sight, and she winds up in the strangest places..

Aether: Isn't that just what young people do in general?

Albedo: true.

Kayden: Are you mad at her?

Albedo: Don't worry, I'm not angry.

Aether place festive desire on the ground.

Paimon: huh? There seems to be a shiny thingy on the sword.

Albedo: Huh? Another change...

Kayden: Yeah.. it change the moment we cross encounter with Fatui.

Paimon: There were some ferocious characters among those Fatui soldiers. We've never seen them before.

Albedo: So It's the energy it's never encountered before. It caused the sword to greatly grow in strength.

While we were busy inspecting the sword, Mr.Pallad push sucrose away and ran towards the sword, even he pushed Kayden away.

Kayden: Woa- What the fuck?

Aether protect the sword from Pallad and it fell off the ground, the energy of festive desire drains as if headed towards the empty wooden trunk, with the power of festive desire energy, it grew a Cryo Regisvine.

Kayden: You have got to be Kidding me-

Welcome everyone! To the ice flower boss fight, you may notice it won't be easy compare to a normal one, it has absorb the power of "crack" on the cursed sword after bringing it to life and now he might able to kick my ass if i weren't careful on his new attack patterns. Even his weak spot got cranked up and it took 20 shots just to bring it down. I would have shit myself in real life if he had a Mcdonald cap.

This Isn't My MCFucking Order-!

The Important Lesson during the fight is, Use Shields.

Use More Shields

Be Sundowner

This Fight against Highly Cracked Mother fucking Ice Flower Boss difficulty became Dark Souls, that you can't dodge or avoid his inevitable AoE Super attack, cause if you don't have a shield or near to a Minecraft torch, you might get frostbite by Jack Frost in your bed night sleep in the snow. Thankfully it wasn't a very long fight, I Would never order some chilly cold MC Donalds Chickens-

Oh No! Its about to unleash the call of narnia!

The icy shockwaves deals Damage AoE is inevitable to dodge, even my partner is having time withstanding it.

Energy Shield - 20
Health - 200

Kayden: Its Time to use my secret weapon, Mora

Kayden Flips a coin of mora while charging his DOOM 2016 Pistol, it reach high up in the air and directly shot at the coin to Ricochet on his weakspot to bring it down and kill it.

Purchased 💲

Kayden: Never fails.


We visit Albedo's camp again. Don't worry, we will meet him again of the Chapter ??? - "Among us"

Spoiler Alert Though :v

Paimon: We're back! It's us again!

Albedo: Travelers, Paimon, Welcome back.

Paimon: Paimon's already used to meeting Albedo like that.

Aether: I've done what you wanted as promised.

Albedo: Thank you so much. I know I could count on both of you.

Aether: Count on me to help you?

Kayden: Same as me?

Albedo: Naturally, you were both crucial to my research.

Paimon: Ehehe, Glad to hear that~

Albedo: I'll never forget your kindess.

Aether shows the previous sword again wanted him to give it back.

Paimon: Should be powerful enough, right?

Kayden: Laughs in minecraft enhancement table

Albedo: More or less... but tell me... How do you feel?

Aether: Same old.

Albedo: Good. There's no side effects, no corruption or poison.

Its true it is, thanks to him for his unknown purification power just like clearing dvalin's corrupted tears.

Albedo: Looks like.. I've been corrected all along.

Paimon: This guy, pretending to be a prophet!

Albedo: How do you like the sword?

Aether: Its a nice weapon.

Albedo: is that so? Regardless, it's reached the desired state.

Albedo grab the sword.

Paimon: Why are you holding the sword? Albedo, what're you trying to do? Don't mess around!

Albedo: I want to extract the purified life force from within it.

Paimon: Can this force exist outside of the sword?

Kayden: is it possible to learn this power?

Albedo: What's impossible for some.. might be just within my reach. All done.

Albedo finish extracting the sword, appears to be a ball of light and put it inside the mysterious bottle.

Albedo: This sword might not be a divine weapon... But it'll make a fine memento. I hope it can be of some help during your travels.

Albedo gave the sword to Aether.

Aether: Really?

Albedo: I needed it for the sake of my research. I've already obtained the results of the experiment. This sword belongs to you, a person who knows how to use it. Thank you for your assistance with completing this research. Well then, goodbye.

We wave at Albedo and we left his camp, it was very memoriable.....

← To be Continued


Is Kayden and Venti are perfect duo in combat skills?

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