Chapter 80 Defense is The Best Offense

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Playing Payday First Time be like


Time: 8:00 PM
Location: Combine HQ, Command Center
Status: Normal

Combine HQ Base

BLU Was sitting on the Command Center with 6 Combine Ordinals around him.

BLU: Lets Begin Our Phase 2, Comrade Wheatley.

Wheatley: What's a Meaning of "Comrade?"

BLU: I- *sigh* You don't know about Russia?

Wheatley: Yes.

BLU Facepalm with another sigh.

BLU: You know what, I'll put a some Info About Russia on Earth Later after this.

BLU Hold The Announcement Button.

BLU: This is an Emergency, Any Non-Combatant Personnel Please Stay In on your home for safety purposes, Any Soldiers outside the base, Retreat Now, 1 Million enemy Xerchons will be coming this way ETA 10 Minutes. Prepare All Defenses and Synth Troops at all cost. And Oh uh, Students Please come to the Commander Center Immediately.

As he Finished Talking to the Announcement Button, He Brings out his Pepsi.

BLU: Lets Teach These Sons of Bitches What War Means.

*Insert Anime Intro*

Durdur King: RED-san, Do we need our assistance?

RED: No.. But If any goes wrong.. You will be incharge to defend inside our base while we defend outside. But I suggest you never go out since our enemies are whopping 1 Million enemies.

Durdur King: Yeah, I Heard from the Voice of the Black Tower..

RED: mhm, then I shall take my leave then...

RED Flies Up Straight to the Combine HQ, Then He comes out on the Balcony with his Personal mech with 2 Combine Ordinals. Watching around The BLU's Base. 

Xerchon Soldiers enemies Marching towards The Giant Skyscraper Tower..

Xerchon Soldier: So um.. Our Mission is to investigate a Giant thing over there at the cold mountains?

Xerchon Soldier: Yeah, Haven't you heard? Our Recon Team was sent to take out the Durdur Soldiers? They didn't came back, not a single one of them even Our Dragon Riders.

Xerchon Soldiers: really? Sounds really bad.. 

Xerchon Soldiers: With Our Great Numbers, Nothing is gonna stop us! We Must believe That we can win.

Xerchon Soldiers: Glory to the Xerchon!!

Now Here's The Real Fun Begins.

100 Tesla Towers Popping out on the Ground Zapping Each Individual Xerchon Soldiers within the range.

Xerchon Soldiers: Enemy Attack!!

Xerchon Soldiers: Since When Those Small Towers Pop out of nowhere?!

Xerchon Soldiers: This Must be The work of enemy Durdur Soldiers!

They Brought out catalpults and Take Down few Tesla Towers, giving a Path for Xerchon to charge straight through the Black Tower.

Xerchon Soldiers: Charge!!

They brought The Chavalry Team to get inside the Unknown Territory, when They enter they saw a insignia which they never recognize before. They Reach The Forest Zone, no one was around, all Xerchon they can hear is their horse galloping. Until something pop on front of them out of nowhere.


A Random Explosion Hit one of their Chavalry Troops as they still continue charging towards the Black Tower.

Xerchon Soldier: What Was That?!

Xerchon Mage: Stop You Fools!!

The Mage order the Soldiers to stop charging. They heard a Very small beeping noise.

Xerchon Soldier: what was that noise?

1 Chavalry soldier move slowly and he heard a loud Tick noise and it appeared jumped towards on front of him.

Xerchon Mage: Its a Trap!


1 Soldier Got Blown up, The rest where force to cover their face and ears, The Explosion made the horse panic uncontrollable. 

Multiple Small little silver balls coming towards the Xerchon soldiers.

Xerchon Soldiers: Shit!

The Rollermines Zapping all their horses and soldiers at the same time, Screaming in pain due to powerful shock on hit. Worse than Electric Eels cause they can roll on land.

Xerchon Mage: Bastard Things! Earth Wall!

he made an earth wall and push the rest of the rollermines and opened a hole on the ground. All Rest of the rollermines are trapped.

As The Torture goes on, Half of our trap didn't much kill half of Xerchons but They fear that everytime the enter our territory, more traps will trigger. They never encounter a single enemy troops.

All Xerchon forces place a camp near the forest. They even brought our Combine Flag in their camp for investigation.

Xerchon Soldier: Damn It!! *Toss Ale* We Haven't got pass inside the Forest.. *hic*

Xerchon Soldier: Don't worry, We'll try next time tomorrow.. its nightime..

Xerchon Soldier: *hic* right..

He sit next to the camp, 1 normal soldier and a spear person sit next to him.

Xerchon Spear Soldier: I Wonder what lies inside the forest and that tower over there..

Xerchon Soldier: *hic* I Don't care..

Xerchon Soldier: I thought 7 country only exist in this world.

Xerchon Spear Soldier: Don't tell me that Black Tower is a Country? I can't even see how exactly tall it is..

An Invisible City Scanner watching them from above, they gave up from entering our forest because they don't know how many special traps inside the forest.

BLU is now wearing a Comrade Hat, its very ironic In Russia because The Combine HQ was place in cold places like living in Siberia.

BLU: Role Of Defense is over, now we go Offense!

RED was Receive The order from BLU, The Command was to activate his Sword as an attack command.


The Wait is Over, Now We attack!!!!

Flying Gunships was Released, 5 Tripods start walking with their Horns, commanding All Striders at once, 3 Striders for Each Tripods. 10 Combine Helicopters Flies with the Combine Gunships, Soldiers Start to move inside the Dropships. APC's On Move Out with Other Tesla Tanks. Attack Dogs were released around Our base to defend from infiltrators. The Combine HQ Sound The Alarm.

Xerchon Soldier: What was that noise?

Xerchon Soldier: HEY LOOK!! THE BLACK TOWER!!

Xerchon Soldiers went out the camp and saw The Citadel start showing some light display. Until Their Heads Suddenly Blown out of Nowhere, Blood splatted onto other soldiers in state of shock. The First Enemy that came out of the Forest is The Tripod.

Xerchon Soldier: ENEMY ATTACK!!

Xerchon Soldier: WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!

An Incoming Plasma Laser Blast 4 Camps at once.

Xerchon Soldier: We Need Mage! Mage! Somebody!

Xerchon Soldier: Fire The Catapults!!

Multiple Giant Rocks Hit only 1 Strider down and survived a impact, the rest of giant rock didn't harm the tripod. Until it unleash a deadly ray of beams Turning soldiers into dust, leaving their Armor behind.

5 Xerchon Mage appeared behind the Xerchon soldier.

Xerchon Soldier: Your Finally here!

Xerchon Mage: Stand back, Summon Golem!

25 orichalcum Golems appeared within the Magic Circle, The Height is almost the size of a Tripod.

Xerchon Mage: Now, finish Them!!


Multiple Plasma Beams coming from the sky, 10 Gunships were blasted by a Belly cannons and the small turrets blast the rest of Xerchon mages.

Xerchon Soldier: Enemy Soldiers Ahead!! Fire The Arrows!!

All Xerchon Bow users lit up their arrows on fire and prepare to release.

Xerchon Soldier: Loose!!

They Release The fire arrows, coming down straight to the Combine Infantry Troops. They Remain unharmed from impact because each every Combine Soldier Individual has Their own basic energy shield. 

Xerchon Soldier: Shit! They have Magic Shiel-

He was shot multiple hits by this Unit.

This Hunter has 4 Legs and cannot shoot flechette launchers, in exchange allow a unit to Ride.


1 Soldier Panting from running straight to the Main Camp.

Xerchon Soldier: Commander!

Xerchon Commander: Yeah I Know, I can hear it from miles away.

Xerchon Soldier: Are Reinforcements here?

Xerchon Commander: Don't worry.. They are already here.

Xerchon Soldier: Really?!

Until a Small Blade Stab him.

Xerchon Soldier: what the hell...

The Commander slowly turning into a Girl with Glass Effects, The Blood was in the pointy Hush.

Akia: Nice work, Neo and Manzo.

Akia was Dragging The Corpse of a Real Xerchon Commander.

Neo: "Thanks for the Voice Mimic, Manzo"

Manzo popped out of the Table with a smile.

Manzo: Good Thing I Grab The Paper, The Reinforcements didn't come as long as I had things. now lets bring it to Sensei.

Neo Grab The Lamp and Toss it around the Main Camp and Retreated into the Sniper IFV

Neo, Manzo and Akia Are Part of Assassination Team.

The War Still Goes on..

← To Be Continued

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