Chapter 81 Prison Break

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Time: 10:41 AM
Location: Citadel HQ
Status: Normal

RED was chilling in the top of the Citadel while BLU was on the reconnaissance team to expand some territory around the Combine Area. There's a Paper Says next to the Monitor attached with a weld.

Do Not Play Caramelldansen In the Citadel While Im In Reconnaissance Mission, you Know How Loud This is, right?



The Sound of The Blast of Caramelldansen as an Example


RED: *smug* No Promises..


An Alarm Sign appeared on Nova Prospekt Area Before RED Started Caramelldansen.

RED: Someone Breach The Prison room?

Combine Soldiers Passing by on the Window, Tons of Them that they are being requested for backup, Amelia popped out behind RED's Mech.

Amelia: what's going on?

RED Quickly Check The Combine Monitor.

RED: Just Some technical Issues..

Wheatley: Apparently Nova Prospekt was breached by intruders.

RED: Y-Yeah, How Did They Breached anyway. did they bypass our security or one of our troops is a sus?

Combine Monitor Glows for 3 seconds with a beep noise.

Wheatley: as in long term of suspicious, There is no soldiers identification were misused for past few weeks without a single incidents, I can assure you someone manage to get inside using some kind of teleportation device.

Amelia: If They can use teleportation, theres a highest rank mages among Xerchon Royalty, his name is Malfas. I can be sure he's trying to save Ataga and Nijo-


RED Zooms right at the Combine Console Command.

Combine Ordinal stand next to RED. 

Combine Ordinal: Find The Nova Prospekt Lockdown, that will lock everything and trap them.

RED: Right uh.. Which Button is the Nova Prospekt Lockdown? 

RED: *Sigh* if BLU was here, he's like he knows everything about everything here.

Combine Ordinal: Why did my boss hired you..

Meanwhile in BLU's POV

Battle Ambience

HL2 Battle Ambience and Tripod Horn Reduce to 45% Volume except the Medieval Battle Ambience for Good Reading experience

Gunshots, Tripod Communication Horn for Striders, Combine Gunship noises and etc, happening here is going wild right now. on ground level, Frex was standing complete armed with his trusty AR2, BLU Was descending using the wind glider and he wore a Military Outfit and a Hat.

*New Sci-Fi Military Outfit in Progress*

- P.S

If You have Gmod and spawn an actual Tripod from War of the Worlds, I Recommend it not to use it since it has a problem that kills fps once they spew red clouds.

Frex: hey boss! Are those new outfit? you look mighty handsome today.

BLU: Thanks Frex, I Feel Handsome.. today.. oh my, Im Getting a Major Hard on! That must be the enemy is near. there's no time to waste, Lets Get those guns loaded up!

Frex: oh yeah, about that.. I ran out so called Ammunitions. how do we get more of ammunitions? do we steal some fallen arrows around here?

The Background was too noisy, alot of things keeps happening. Maxith wave at us while we haven't heard his voice. he doesn't know how to use a radio like a dumbass.

Maxith: Hey Guys! I Just heard! I'm Gonna Be a Dad-

Maxith Got Headshot by an arrow, The Guy who killed him with an arrow got blown away by a Strider with Warp Cannon, Complete Vaporize on kill and Strider continue walking aggressively killing all soldiers with primary blaster. Maxith forgot to activate Basic energy shield.

BLU: What are you talking about? you can't use arrows as an ammunition for the AR2? Its Design to shoot dark energy plasma and it has a second function.. so, whats your location now?

5 Minutes Later

BLU Facepalm with a sigh.

BLU: We are so F***d, you know you've got some nasty swamp ass today, with enough draft like this its only a matter of time till they gonna smell it.

Frex: Look. I uh.. I Drove out here on patrol and I haven't take a wicked piss.

BLU: I Knew It! You Lost her didn't ya?

Frex: Well I wasn't gonna piss in a APC, I Just Temporarily forgot were I Left it.

BLU: I hate you so much, its unreal! you made me lose my heart on.. *Low Voice* You gonna pay for that.

Frex: Look. Its Stressful out there man, My Family is dead and somebody can shoot me in a d*ck! *low voice* then when im taking a piss and then get shot in a d*ck..

BLU Burp and brought out a Cigarrette and smoke. well his lungs won't be damaged and the odor of the smoke wont became smelly when he exhale.

Frex: oh, i forgot something! here.

Frex Show's a Disc on his pocket.

Frex: I Found this called "Titanic" in the APC Today. 

Frex Inspect close as he look this disc.

Frex: its only part 1 though..

BLU: oh right, a Completely Romantic first half without the action pack acting as fine, you think i'm a big sissy and a poor leader. you know sometimes you make me wanna cry..


5 Hours Earlier

Atagi and Nijo Remain in Prison without cuffs, locked up by a Combine Force Field with 2 plates on the floor, 2 Glasses of water, and 1 Door for Comfort room. The Ground is clean so its fine for them. This was the hour when Nova Prospekt was not breached by intruders until a very quick light flashes on front of Nijo and Atagi. 2 Trapped Heroes of Xerchon covered their eyes in 2 seconds, Reveals a Red Robe, tall and almost masculine with Long Orange Hair.

Nijo: you are.

Atagi: Your a Royal Mage from Xerchon, have you come to rescue us?

Malfas: Yes, The Orders are not from My Lord, But From My Prince. before we ask about the details, we must first get you out of this alien place. I Use the life sphere detector given by the prince to track you down anywhere in the world.

Nijo: Alright. but i can't fight without my weapon!

Maflas: Shh.. Keep Quiet.. we can't let them know that I am here.

Nijo and Atagi lower their voice. 

Malfas: tell me, how can i open this?

Nijo: i Don't know how this field works.

Atagi: I've seen one of them press their buttons next to the wall.

Malfas: really?

Malfas inspect the buttons but there's 2 of them. one glows red and other glows yellow. then he press the red button, it glows green after pressing it and the force field disable, able to free Nijo and Atagi.

Malfas: Good, I Got it.. this place is giving me some of creeps, its so.. so..

Nijo: Weird.

Malfas: y-yeah, you get the point.


One Metropolice standing on top of the second floor and its about to pull out a plasma pistol.

Maflas: Crap! Ice Javeline! I must Kill it before it call reinforcements!

Malfas points at The Metropolice and shoots quick icicle and hit towards its head. It made a Flatline noise after killing a Metropolice.

Nova Prospekt Announcer - Alert: Non-Standard exogen activity detected. Execute containment procedure and report.

Maflas: what? It Alerted the enemy by killing one of them?!

Nijo: We Gotta go!

Nijo, Atagi and Malfas are on the run. Malfas Summon an Ice Sword and gave to Nijo. 3 Metropolice came up on front and points at 3 suspects.

Combine Nova Prospekt Police: There he is! Continue Prosecuting!

Malfas: Light Wall!

Maflas Quickly summon a wall made of light, Plasma Energy blows a hole on the light wall but not penetrable.

Malfas: what?!

Nijo: Don't Block their attacks! Use Earth!

Malfas: i'm not used to earth magic but ill try earth wall.

Malfas Created a earth wall, blocking the Metropolice's Line of Fire. 3 Suspects made a Detour to find the exit, but this area is too big to know where the exit is. They Made through the hallway, 2 Soldiers Spotted them

Nova Prospekt Soldier: I Have Contact Suspect Marked Target one! Three four just one five.

1 Soldier with an SMG and Other is an AR2, The SMG Soldier Crouch with insane accuracy shot of the grenade launcher, right at the ceiling, Few big Rubbles blocking their path and The AR2 Soldier Shoot at the wall with the Combine ALT, it bounce calculating were the energy ball was going to hit 3 suspects. 3 suspect duck to avoid getting hit by the Combine Energy Ball, the Impact of the Energy ball made a big path for them and took a chance to run as the Combine soldiers shooting at them.

Nijo: Freezing Gale!

Nijo Toss an Ice Sword on 2 Soldiers and freeze them on 1.5 seconds within 3 meters.

3 of them passby on the Combine Radio.

Combine Radio: Hardpoint Shadow report blackout status.

The Nova Prospekt Metropolice replied to the Radio as they contact the suspect are escaping.

Combine Radio: Hardpoint 139 is one way, Hunter Six detach, sweep and confirm.

3 Suspects Spotted a door and hid inside, recovering their breaths.

Malfas: I need to find a place to use teleportation but it takes time.

Nijo: *pant 3x*how many?

Malfas: 1 Minute..

Atagi: 1 Minute is not enough to survive, there will be enemies are all around at anytime soon.

Nijo: how about this place?

Malfas: no.. i can hear their many footsteps next to us.

Malfas, Nijo and Atagi Hid inside the table. then the door opened itself.

3 Combine Soldiers and 1 Suppressor patrolling the area by slowly walking, aiming every places to find and shoot them on sight.

*Glass Break*

3 Soldiers and Suppressor turn around and saw the broken Glass of Water. someone tripped it over on to the table

Their Yellow eyes turn Red and Spotted an Invisible Suspect.

Nova Prospekt Soldier: Contact Confirm Prosecuting!

They Quickly Point and Shoot at Them with smg bullets, these 3 quickly Runs so fast in panic.

Malfas: they can still see us even with invisibility magic?

Nijo: They have Thermal Vision, they can see heat signature.

As they keep running, The Combine Suppressor Rev up the gun and start shooting, Atagi, Malfas and Nijo barely made it through the next door, nijo's leg was bleeding with a small bullet hole from Suppressor's bullets.

Nijo: Argh! it got my leg..

Malfas and Atagi carried him and still continue running, they gasp and dodge a Charging Combine Hunter and it hits on the wall, stunned for 4 seconds.

Malfas: I Malfas feared my name after winning 4 Wars as a Great War Mage, with my excellent magic and a great strategist, Serve from the lord and prince with my life and duty. and yet i started to fear by these mere weird soldiers with unknown deadly magic with high advance technology were never seen before in this world. who are they? what was their purpose?

3 Suspects Saw a Large Tech Door with a Combine Insignia, Few Pillars are around here, This place was full on high alert.

???: Stop right there.

Malfas, Atagi and Nijo gasp as they heard a girl's Voice.

She slowly walk out of the pillar, right into the Combine lamps, she wears a maid outfit with armor.

Noelle: I'm sorry, I Advise you 3 to surrender..

Noelle Slowly brought out the Favonius Great Sword and Stab it on the ground, placing both hands on the sword handle.

Noelle: Only if you dont want to get killed.

← to be Continued


for MVM Players

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