Chapter 38 The Wave Catastrophe

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Time: 8:23 AM
Location: Weapon Shop
Status: Normal

Kayden: hey Naofumi, You think you're gonna need new armor?

Naofumi: yeah.. When The Wave hits, i'll get hit to death like a stick.

Kayden: hmm... how about the previous shop with that bald man there, he sells good stuff.

Naofumi checked his own bag to see how many silvers we have.

Silvers - 206

Naofumi: I think this will be enough for that.

Kayden: okay.

3 Minutes Later after shopping

Kayden: Jeez look at you. You look like. Uh.. freakin bandit lord.. Pfff

Naofumi: This isn't funny..

Kayden: I Can't believe that guy made in order stuff gave you that. No choice huh? Well, get used to it.

Naofumi: *sigh*

Time Before The Wave Hits - 00:03:28

So, We are fully prepared for the wave.

Kayden: Got Some grenades here, you think you can grab it?

Naofumi: I still can't, even though I tried grabbing other weapons. I only have this shield.

Kayden: Well, the shield is not a useless weapon on combat battle, I know someone who can do that. So Ill ask this one question for you. Captain America, What Kind of Weapon he has? One weapon.

Time Before The Wave Hits - 00:01:03

Naofumi: um.. Sword?

Kayden:....., Bruh. wrong!

Naofumi: Then What is it?!


I Pull out a Toolgun and spawn directly on the ground

Captain America Shield, Made out of Vibranium, Strongest metal on Earth. I toss it and Naofumi grab it, quite heavy for him and it can only handle this shield only.

Naofumi: Crap! Its Heavy!

Kayden: heh *snort*. Don't forget about this too.

I gave him an Equipment for The Captain America Shield that Return on magnet

Naofumi: What are you? You just toss it with one hand easily..

Kayden: Gamer. What else can i say?


Naofumi saw the time on about 5 seconds to be teleported.

Naofumi: Lets go!

Just Kayden and Naofumi got teleported out of nowhere.

Kayden: Where are we?

Naofumi: Look at the sky!

We Look at the sky, Some Kind of weird color tornado portal or some crap going up there, not just one but many of it.

Kayden: That is where they come from?!

We Can see monsters dropping down like soldiers without parachutes. We look down on the cliff, the Three Heroes made their way on different paths to deal with monsters.

Kayden: Naofumi! Look!, The Lute Village!

Few Monsters are also dropping down on Lute Village.

Naofumi: Lets go! To the Lute Village!

Suddenly, a giant golden aircraft appeared midair

Kayden: Its a Bird! Its a Plane!

Gil's POV

Gil: you two ready for the jump?

Raphtalia and Yua nods

They all jump from Vimana at the same time. Yua conjured a giant ice phoenix and glides onto the ground. Raphtalia reinforces her body with mana and lands on the ground, the land around her cracks a bit when she laned

While in mid air, Gil pulled out two golden swords

Gil: Za....Warudo

[Play Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics]

20 second countdown has begun

{Sweet Dreams are made of this}

Gil lands on the ground and slices 5 monsters in half

{Who am I to disagree?}

He toys around with the swords a bit and then kills another 10 monsters

{I've traveled around the world and the seven seas. Everybody's lookin' for something}

A few GoBs opened around him and launched numerous weapons, they all stopped in front of the monsters right before piercing them

{Some of them want to use you}

He ran into the spear hero and kicks him in the balls

{Some of them wants to get used by you}

He then goes to Myne and gave her a few b*tch slaps

{Some of them wants to abuse you}

Gil did a 360 degree spin and beheads a monster

20 seconds over...

Time has started to move once again

[now turn the music off]



With Kayden POV....

What Kayden Hears Music while fighting against monsters

"The Only Thing They Fear is You"

Kayden Pulls out an Sci-Fi Rocket Launcher with a Load of 5 Rockets that Shoots Plasma Explosions.

I Aim Those Giant Monsters while Naofumi Deal The Small Ones to lessen there numbers.

Kayden: Naofumi, Help Those Villagers to Evacuate, once done, we can regroup here to gain few tons of XP.

Naofumi: okay!

Naofumi Toss an America Shield Behind me because there's a small monster going to ambush behind Kayden.

Kayden: Nice Aim!

Naofumi Gasp, he was standing on a large skeletal armored monster with a large Spiky Club.

Kayden: Gold Experience!!

I Grab The Captain America Shield and Turn into a Seagull flying towards The Skeletal Armored Monster and Turns back into a Shield, End up Decapitate at High Speed, it slows the momentum after it got hit and Naofumi grabs it, return it into his other palm equipped with magnet.

Villager: Its The Shield Hero!, He's Here to Help us!

Naofumi: Listen Everyone, Follow me!, Ill Guide you to the evacuation zone.

All Villagers Nodded and started to Follow Naofumi.

Kayden: I Wonder Exp will earn from far away on the same party.

Kayden Switch to a DOOM eternal Shotgun with a Hook.

Kayden: C'mere Sally!

I Aim and Shoot the Meat Hook to save a Man from the Lizardman and Blow his Brains Off.

The Man Took an escape and went with Naofumi. My Blue Coat was covered in blood.

Kayden: egh, I Hope I Don't Smell blood here.

I Reload 2 Bullets for This Double Barreled Shotgun and disappeared on my hand.

After 2 Minutes of fighting, Naofumi Succeeded evacuated all villagers and regroups with me. I wave at him so it can tell that I'm Okay.

Kayden: oi! Naofumi!

When Naofumi was with me, We High Five Each other. A Random fireball came from the sky.

"Stop Heavy Metal Music"

Kayden: oi oi oi, Seriously?!

Then It Explode and turn into raining fire arrows. Naofumi Protect with his shield while i was defending with Gold Experience. We Heard Laughter from a distance in a few seconds.

Knight Leader: We Burned Them all to death at once. Hmm? The Shield Hero?

Kayden: Tch! Melromarc's Knights..

Naofumi: They Didn't care about the people here from Lute Village.

I Jump towards the Knight with Gold Experience, One Knight Block my Single Punch and I back away.

Knight: Draw The Swords!

All Knights Point Swords at us.

Knight Leader: Are you with the Shield hero?

Kayden: That's right. Naofumi's my Partner. You still wanna do this again huh?

Knight Leader: You Think you can fight The Royal Knights, you damned Commoner.

Suddenly, a spear came out of nowhere and stabs into the knight

Knight leader:AHHHHHHH

He then looks towards where the spear came from

???: Little worms on the ground, who gave you permission to look up?

More weapons rain from the sky, killing Few of the knights

???: you are not worthy to stare upon me. Worms should act like worms, facing the ground....

The mysterious person reveals himself

Gil: As they die

Kayden: its Gil! >:3

I Wave at Gil

Then Gil landed in front of them

Kayden: ey Gil. How's Za Warudo? Still the same ability or gain few powers.

Gil: I've gained a few more powers, I can speed up and slow down time

Kayden: Sounds like Mixture of Mandom and Made in Heaven.. Look, I Got Gold Experience.

Gil: I swear...if you have requiem...

The Requiem Arrow randomly Drops behind my back on the ground.

Kayden: oops.

Gold Experience Quickly grab it and hid in my pocket.

Kayden: Nothing to see here p_p d_d

I Look at Gil's Face.

Kayden: Tell me you already seen it, do ya?

Gil:...gimme that

Kayden: Nein!

I Hide it on The Weapon Menu Slot. What Gil See's Like it Disappeared on his Hand.


Kayden: Fine. i was just kidding you :v

A Toolgun appeared on Kayden's Hand.

Kayden: Hold on..

In Few Seconds he found a Requiem arrow on the weapon slot and spawn it on my Hand. When I was about to give him a Requiem Arrow.

Kayden: *Jojo Black Eyes* Hold on for a second, I know you said those words from me back on Orario.. You Said That " I want to Obtain powers myself, not Through Others" yes? ಠ_ಠ

A mental light bulb suddenly switches on in Gil's mind

Gil: Wait a minute, I possess a treasury that contains valuables from all over the world. Surely a requiem arrow is one of them!

Kayden Gave him a long stare and slowly aimed at the newly spawned requiem arrow and deleted it.

Kayden: Then Get your own Requiem Arrow :v. I seriously mean it -_-

Gil: my bad, my, have a bag of gold coins

He threw Kayden a large bag of coins made of pure gold

Kayden Release Gold Experience to Catch the Bag of Gold and slowly floats back.

Kayden: Well thanks! looks like Me and Naofumi won't have a problem with the money budget from now.

(Time Skip)

Night Time, Me and Naofumi got invited to the celebration after the Wave. even though we are both Party poopers from the start. Kayden was only here for Food.

Kayden: Hey Naofumi, have you tried this mocha cake?

Naofumi: no thanks.

Kayden: Well Looks like i have to gobble it up myself then.

He ate the Cup sized Cake

Motoyasu came by in front of Naofumi and tossed his glove to him.

Motoyasu: Duel Me.

Naofumi: I Refuse..

Motoyasu: Even That Blue Kid got Involved with this from the start? What is Wrong with you?!

He Steps aside and defends Naofumi.

Kayden: If you want to fight him, You have to go through with me on the Duel.

I glow Yellow Aura with Stand Energy of Gold Experience.

Kayden: None Shall Stand Before us. So, I'll Duel with you, Motoyasu..

← To be Continued

Since I Came from this world, I Wonder What neptune is doing in my world without me..

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