Chapter 39 Duel Against Spear Hero and An Unusual Pet

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*Insert Fighting Gold*

Time: 8:23 PM
Location: Melromarc City, Duel Zone
Status: Normal

Im at Armory walking on the hall, Looking in different directions, all i found is lame Weapons.

Kayden: Those Weapons are LLLAAAAAMMMEEE!!! *sigh*

Naofumi: Don't Do anything Rash.

Kayden: Im Fine, Its not Like I Used a Freakin Minigun out of nowhere and end the battle quickly, I just want to put a fist on his face and wake him up for good.

I just walk out without any weapons, But I Know Kung Fu Stuffs.

I Walked Outside, found alot of people watching Kayden against Motoyasu.

Referee: The Duel Between The Spear Hero and The Shield Hero Companion Will now Begin! This Duel will end when one of the combatants is pinned or admits defeat. This duel will take place in the presence of King Melromarc and the Pope and it is thus legitimate and official.

Myne was cheering for Motoyasu.

Kayden's thoughts: can somebody shut her up? I hate her hearing that voice.

Now I'm Standing Between The Spear hero.

Motoyasu: I Think its the best to stop the duel, but are you sure you can fight me without any weapon?

Kayden: I Defend Naofumi in my Place. Because, I, Kayden, Have a Dream.

Kayden Take a Battle Stance.

Kayden: And now, your blocking my path. And Im going to topple it Off. *Left Red Eye Glow*

With Gil's POV....

Gil, Raphtalia, and Yual walks into the audience and seated amongst the nobles

Yua: Gil, what's happening?

Gil: The shield hero is falsely accused of child abuse, and now the spear hero is challenging him to a duel for it. That kid over there is defending the Shield

Yua: That's terrible! Why are we just sitting here?! We should-

Gil: No,Yua. Assisting the shield hero will tarnish our reputation amongst the people, you of all people should understand that.

Yua: But...

He takes a sip of wine from his golden cup

Gil: This is the way of the world, Yua. Victors always gets to decide what's right and what's wrong

Back to Kayden POV....

Motoyasu: I'll take easy on you Kid, but I Still want you to sa-

Kayden Quickly Zooms Behind Motoyasu at High Speed and Punch His Face with only Gold Experience, Left Arm is only visible.

Kayden: MUDA!!


I Send Him away and Knock him on Few Distance Meters. Motoyasu Easily Let his Guard Down because I look like a Kid.

Kayden: Kid? Im 20 Years Old, Baka!

Motoyasu Groans and Stands Up.

Motoyasu: now you've done it.

Motoyasu Stands up and cause a crater.

Motoyasu: what?! I Just try to stand up, I can feel the power rising. *gasp*

He sees a Slow Motion Gold Experience was trying to Punch his face again.

Motoyasu: what was that? Is that the thing that punched my face. But.

Motoyasu got cocky with a Speed and Power movement and dodge a slow motion attack of Gold Experience.

Motoyasu: This Kid is a Real Idiot who gave me a this power by punching my face, thats a real Karma for you!!

Motoyasu Got behind me and Tries to Knock me out of the back of Kayden's Head.

Motoyasu: Your Finished!

As it tries to knock me out by whacking a Spear, It Phase Through out of my body.

Motoyasu: What?! *gasp*

He Saw Himself out there that he was going to get punched again.

Motoyasu: Is That me?!, Impossible!, wait. That ground wasn't broken at all? Crap! I have to get back to my body!


Another Punch landed on his face and lose his Teeth.

Kayden: MUDA!!

Motoyasu: AAAAAGGGHHH!!!!

Motoyasu Gets Knocked away again. He Cough and Stands up barely.

Motoyasu: Still.. I Don't Want to Lose this fight! Lighting Spear!!

Motoyasu Use his Spear and Shoots out Lightning towards Kayden, Kayden Zooms out and Runs Fast At High Speed and Gold Experience Rush attack, Motoyasu Barely Blocks a few incoming attacks at close range.

Motoyasu: He's Fast! What was that Summon Magic?!


Motoyasu Lose his Block and gets Uppercut by Gold Experience, I jump and High Kick on his Stomach in midair. He Groans and tries to stand up.

Kayden: Still want to fight? You can't win at this rate with that slowpoke speed.
I Pull out Pepsi and drink, waiting for Motoyasu's response. Myne Tries to shoot wind magic to cheat to defeat Kayden.

Gil: Za Warudo

Gil stops time and walks towards Myne

Gil: Just as expected, she tried to cheat afterall

He looks at her smug face and sneers

Gil: I will arm

He twists her arm, breaking it

Gil: A sword right here....

He stabs a sword into her stomach

Gil: A spear right here....

He pierces a spear through both her legs

Gil: and....

Gil punches her in the face

Gil: done

He returns to his seat and resumes time

Myne: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

The king frowns and looks around, trying to find the culprit that harmed his daughter

Aultcray: what are you all doing standing there?! Call the healers!

Kayden: what just happened to her p_p, anyway im still at 25% satisfied.

Gil: *chuckles*

However the Atmosphere doesn't change the fact that the winner is The Shield Hero Companion, They Still hate the Shield afterall.

Kayden: *sigh*, I hate this place, I'm leaving. The Eyesore of these people are annoying.

Motoyasu was already knocked out.

The Next Day..

Kayden and Naofumi are walking down the Street just to buy food on that restaurant, Spotted Few Filolials carrying Wagons..

Kayden: Hey Naofumi, you think we can find ourselves a new place not just by walking with legs?

Naofumi: Right..

Kayden's Thought: Well, it will be even more stupid that i can able to run fast without losing my breath thanks to my Infinite Stamina e.e

Then, they saw a pillar of dark energy shooting up to the sky from a nearby forest

Kayden: *sigh* another weird supernatural phenomenon happening here. Wanna check it out?

Naofumi: Only for Short time..

Kayden: Why?

Naofumi: That Dark energy magic still makes me scared.

Kayden: really? Ill be fully prepared if i had too..

So Kayden and Naofumi headed straight to the Forest from that Pillar of Dark energy.

Raphtalia: HAAAHH!!

She ignites excalibur morgan and slashes towards Gil. He slaps the sword away with his mana-coated hands

Gil: Thats it! Now put more mana into it

Raphtalia did what she was told

Raphtalia: Excalibur....

Gil: Ohhhh sh*t

He takes out excalibur

Gil: Ex...

Raphtalia: MORGAN!'


The two energy waves clash, causing a huge explosion

Kayden: oh it gi- WHAT THE F-

Naofumi was lately behind while I Got First, Then The Explosion Knock Kayden Away 40 meters.

Naofumi: KAYDEN!!

Kayden: well that's Just Great.. *Crashed Through Tree By Tree *

210 - Energy Shield

Kayden: Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body...

Gil: *cough* *cough* well that ended well

Raphtalia: I-Im sorry! I couldn't control the mana output!

Gil: Its fine, that was your first time releasing a noble phantasm afterall. I remember blowing up an entire island when I first tried to unleashed Enuma Elish

Naofumi Peaked and saw Gil and Rapthalia.

Naofumi: You. Haruto? It was you for the whole Time. I remember Kayden Called you that

Gil: Yes, that was my name in my previous life. Now my name is Gilgamesh

Naofumi: Was Kayden alright after he got caught by your explosion?

Gil: HAH! As if that miniscule explosion can do anything to him. Wait, he was here?

Naofumi: yes. We saw some Dark energy coming out from the forest and we checked it out and Kayden Got First, I don't know how far Kayden got knocked away by that explosion.

Gil: Oooo that's gotta hurt

A Light On that Sky appeared and Landed on front of Gil. It was Kayden Using a Jetpack.

Kayden: I'm Still Fine! As Long as my Energy Shield Still up.

You can hear Kayden's energy Shield Buzzing up and start to regenerate.

Gil: Im impressed, you managed to survive a simultaneous release of noble phantasms

Kayden: If it's a Plasma Explosion, I Would Lose Twice a Limb. what were you doing out here?

Gil: Oh you know, the usual. Training my daughter and killing thots

Kayden: you have my respect, wait a second, Wasn't she small a few days ago? And now she's tall p_p.

Gil: Demi-humans mature faster than humans, that should not be a surprise.

Kayden: eh?, When I was 20, I Only Grown My Puffy hair. Yet my skin doesn't age.

Gil pats Kayden's back and sighed

Gil: just face it, you are a natural born shota

Kayden: its fine.. Size Matters, even fought giant monsters easily outmaneuver it with my insane speed.

Gil:*smug* Just grow your hair out a bit and you will be a trap

Kayden: Okay You made it sound like growing my hair is bad. I hate you p_p

Gil: *chuckles* I was merely joking.

He just remembered something

Gil: Hey, ever thought of getting yourself a filolial?

Kayden: Not yet.

Naofumi: We Don't even know how we get one.

Kayden: we still have tons of gold but, is there some kind of Pet shop thing to buy Filolials?

Gil: *gets vietnam flashbacks* I know just the place

He summons the Vimana

Gil: Get on, this is a one-time thing.

I Hop On.

Kayden: Cmon Partner.

Naofumi: I Can't..

Kayden: Tell me your not sure about riding this. Its Pretty fine here.

Naofumi: I Refuse

Kayden: ಠ_ಠ

I Quickly Grab Him with Gold Experience. Naofumi is a Bit Scared of what Vinama Speed does.

Kayden: You Don't have to worry about it. Its like Riding a Spaceship on a Hyperdrive.

Naofumi: What?!

Gil: *Mimic Radio Voice and Put Sunglasses on* Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking, welcome to the vimana space tour. Please strap in and prepare for a bumpy ride

Kayden Strap himself by Shooting a Toolgun on himself, Welding and shooting on Vinama's Seat.

Kayden: Get used to it, so good luck!

Naofumi: Oh no..

Gil flies Vimana at 10 times the speed of sound, leaving behind an extremely loud sonic boom



Raphtalia is just chilling on Gil's lap

5 minutes later...

Kayden: What a Fun Ride, right Naofumi?

Naofumi: *throws up in a bush*

Kayden: p_p, RIP his Lunch..

Raphtalia: It was not that bad...right?

Kayden: yep.. Not For First Timers..

Gil: *sighs* come on, you want a filoial right?

Kayden: yep. Hold Naofumi for a second okay? Ill go get it..

He's Still Vomiting to the Bushes. Kayden Headed to some Pet Shop Thing to get a Filolial.

Gil: ugh...

1 Minute Later, I Went back outside and showed everyone that I got a Filolial egg.

Kayden: I Got this Egg..

Gil: He's still vomiting

Kayden: Oh.. I Guess this is the difference between motion sickness and Hyperdrive aftereffect sickness.

Naofumi finally stops vomiting and stands up

Naofumi: I am never riding that piece of shit again

Gil: what did you just say about my treasure?!

Kayden: Hold It Hold It! Naofumi.. You can't be rude like that.. It was your first time riding Gil's Vinama. You just have to get used to it.

Naofumi: But..

Kayden: here

I gave him a Pepsi to chill him.

Kayden: I Guess we have to find out if he's gonna get used to it or not..

Gil: I'm going to do barrel rolls next time

Kayden: wait a second, if we ride on Vinama again while holding this egg, is there a chance it might die due to high speed?

Gil: I can make the ship fly as slow as a chopper if you want

Kayden Check's GPS.

Kayden: Were at 20 Miles away from Melromarc. So yeah. Chill time. Do i need to pay for Vinama's Ride?

Gil: No need, I already have unlimited money in my treasury.

Kayden: eh.. Okay... *Low Voice* Glad i didn't dupe money yen on Japan, i Don't want to destroy the Economy..

5 minutes later...

Gil set the Vimana on autopilot

He pulled out a grill and some beef from the GoB and started a barbecue

Raphtalia is drooling all over the place

Kayden: Gil, Here!

I gave Gil Some Bacons to Cook.

Kayden: Cook the Bacons p-p

Gil: Why not

He cooked most of the bacon and wrapped the rest around the beef. Gil made sure one of the steak is cooked to medium rare and sprinkled some black peppers

Gil: Raphtalia, say ahhh

Raphtalia: Ahhhh *nom*

She eats the steak in pure bliss

Kayden: Naofumi, Pass The Sauce

Naofumi Pass The Sauce on me and I put the Sauce on Bacons

When I was going to eat it, I Sneezed drop one Bacon on the ground.


Gold Experience quickly appeared and Grab it and I Ate it.

Kayden: 👌, Still tastes good.

Raphtalia: Papa! Give me another!

Gil: Open wide!

Raptalia: Ahhh~ *nom* dad's food is the best~

He watched his daughter eat with a blissful expression on his face

Kayden Finished Few Bacons and Drink Pepsi for Pure Joyness of Taste.

Naofumi: I Guess, This Vinama is not that bad, I take it back.

Kayden: oh!, He's finally getting used to it! Right Gil?

Gil: Yeah, I guess..


A few dyas later...

Time: 6:01 AM

Naofumi was asleep on our Dorm.

Kayden: Naofumi, wake up! Look!

Kayden Poke Naofumi with Gold Experience.

Naofumi: ugh, what is it? Huh?

The Egg was shaking and start to hatched, revealed a very small Filolial.

Kayden: Its very Cute!

The Small Filolial Flies on top of Naofumi

Kayden: Great, It Imprinted you as a father. Haha!

Naofumi: This is not Funny. I Don't wanna get bird poop on my hair.

We Spend Together Day By Day, Feeding him on the same restaurant and I Liked it by Petting this small Filolial. it grew bigger day by day.

Kayden: Jesus Christ! Its only few days and its big enough?

Filolial: gah..

Kayden: I Don't Speak Birds. but Kinda like you ^_^

Naofumi: My Growth Skill Boost probably helped. Right Filo?

Filo: gah..

Kayden: Filo? You just short the name of Filolial to Filo. Would you try name something else?

Naofumi: She seems to like it, though.

Something causing noise in Lute Village.

Villager: Hey Look! Why are the knights here.

We Take a Peek and its one of the Melromarcs

Kayden: I See that Bitch!

Myne was explaining on front of the villagers with her scroll.

Myne: in light of his exploits during the last Wave, The spear hero, motoyasu-sama has been appointed ruling lord of this region. To help the rebuild efforts, we've decided to levy a toll. Fifty silvers to enter the village, and fifty to exit.

Villager: Thats absurd!

Villager: we won't even have anything to eat tomorrow!

Myne: You wish to defy your lord's orders?

Naofumi: Well Duh!

She saw us on the Lute Village Entrance

Myne: Shield Hero? You were still here? This is Motoyasu-sama's Domain now. You have no right to question him. In fact, get out this instant criminal scum!

Kayden: Calling us a Criminal scum you say?! *Red Eye Glow*

Gold Experience Quickly Pops out, 5 Women on Robbed appeared wearing some kind of masquerade to cover their identity and gave Myne a Message scroll.

Myne: What's this... GRR!!, Shield Hero! Fight us for the right to rule this village.

Naofumi: huh?

1 Minute Later

Naofumi: i Refuse!

Village Elder: But if we lose this, the village will fall into the spear hero's hands! As the Current lord, even I cannot Accept further taxation at this time!

Naofumi: But why does that mean i have to take part in a dragon race? It sounds like a pain.

Village Elder: They've asked for you. And besides, we don't have the right to challenge a Hero.

Naofumi: that letter probably said something Myne didn't like.

Kayden: Then Ill take him on again on a race! Filo really Does look mad at that dragon.

(Time Skip)

Starting Preparation of the Race.

Motoyasu: So lame, and its a bird, not a dragon. How are you gonna race my dragon with this?


Kayden: There He Goes again!, Its a Homerun!

On Distance Scream

Myne: Motoyasu-Sama!

3 Minutes Later

Village Elder: The Course will be Three laps around the outskirts of this village. Whoever reaches this gate first will be declared the winner.

Alot of Lute Villagers cheering at us

Village Elder: Start!

On Start, We Easily got first, Im Going to Turn This game Into a Mario Kart

Kayden: eat my dust!

On The Race, someone created A Hole with Earth magic. I aim at the Hole to spawn a Steel Large Cube on it, we didn't fall into the hole. As we run towards myne, I gave her a Small piece of paper note.

"Nice Trick for a Bitch"

Filo Kept Running fast and made a second Lap, Increase the Villagers Cheer, The Second we pass through the forest place, I've always seen those knights doing dirty tricks on us. And they do something again with magic.

Kayden: okay.. What kind of magic are they gonna do with us again.. Huh?

Motoyasu was catching up.

Kayden: oh wow.. Haste magic.. Here Filo, Drink it.

I gave her a short pepsi drink for speed energy boost to outrun him again.

Kayden: bye have a great time!

Motoyasu: Damn it!

Made on Last Lap and now, one more and we win. Until a Perfect Timing Hole magic trapped us.

Kayden: Crap!, Filo!

Filo: gah.....

Kayden: Gold Experience!!

I Healed her Legs and She Stands up, I Boost her up with Gold Experience and back on feet.

Kayden: Quick!, Drink this!

Another Short Drink for Filo because Motoyasu already ran passed us. Filo Speed Increased on about 156 km/h. On Last Second, I wave at motoyasu and win the game.

At Night, we were camping outside of Melromarc, Filo was happy about the reward was a Cart.

Kayden Hugged Filo and Fell asleep.

Kayden: Good night, Partner..

Naofumi: yeah.. Goodnight..

Naofumi Sits on a Carriage and Sigh.

Naofumi: Im very sleepy..

In Morning.

Naofumi: Kayden!, Wake up!

Kayden: *yawn* what?

Naofumi was shocked.

Kayden: Naofumi? Whats wrong? Where's Filo?

The Moment Kayden realized that he was Hugging a Naked Loli with an angel wings.

Filo: Good Morning! Oni-chan!

Kayden: *Mike Wazowski Perfectly Cutscream*

← To be Continue


Meanwhile, I was in my Different Place, Watching TF2 Videos, When My 2 Police Guards Mysteriously Disappeared out of nowhere



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