Chapter 1: Travel to a New World

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During the final battle against Master Octomus the mystic rangers along with the white ranger and wolf warrior used their powers to destroy the enemy once and for all by sacrificing their powers to save the earth from Octomus destruction.

That was until the wolf warrior discovered that he must transfer his powers to a new holder so that person can become the new wolf warrior if darkness ever shown its face again. In which the wolf warrior known as Leanbow has transferred his powers to a new holder by the name of Ryan Carlos. Ryan was a warrior who had the powers of the strongest fighters around the world and he used his gifts to save people until he met Leanbow the original Wolf Warrior who asked Roy to take up his sword and become the new wolf warrior since he can no longer hold the responsibility since he has to look after his wife and son now, to which Ryan has accepted and become the new wolf warrior, where he spent the last two years mastering the powers along with the sword and shield that made him even more great just like Leanbow. But soon everything will changed when he meets someone who will not bring him greatness but also love.

In the forest, Ryan was practicing his sword techniques and shield maneuvers if he ever encounters danger while wearing his Wolf Warrior armor.

Wolf Warrior: Alright let's do this one last time. Blazing Storm Slash Heeeyaaaaa!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After one last time, Wolf Warrior has finally got the Blazing Storm Slash just right after practicing it for at least three months after mastering the shield and Zord form.

Wolf Warrior: That should about do it, Catastros come!(Wolf Warrior said to his horse)

Wolf Warrior: Good boy, man after everything Leanbow has been through I thought becoming the new wolf warrior was easy but it turn out to be very hard.(Wolf Warrior said to his horse friend who nods in agreement)

Wolf Warrior: But I am proud that I can carry on his legacy since his family is more important and if only my family was here to see me now they would be very proud of what I am doing.

As Wolf Warrior was talking to his companion Catastros, the horse felt startled for some reason like he is sensing something that is going to happened.

Wolf Warrior: What is it my friend? what is wrong?

BOOM! Suddenly a strange portal appeared in front of Wolf Warrior and his horse and started to drag both of them in while trying to fight back but nothing seems to be working.

Wolf Warrior: Hang on tight my friend!! this could be a rough ride!!(Wolf Warrior said to his horse while being sucked into the portal)

Unknown Location:

Both Wolf Warrior and Catastros appeared somewhere dark but they have no idea where though.

Wolf Warrior: Where are we my friend? This doesn't look like the forest but why is it so dark down here?(Wolf Warrior saids to his friend who looks around his surroundings it was a dark place while he looks down to see it was solid stone under their feet which means their in some sort of structure or underground area)

Wolf Warrior: Well where ever we are Catastros, were alive and well and.......(Wolf Warrior stops talking until he hears something that is coming down the halls of the dark place)

AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!(Screams from a girl)

Wolf Warrior: Looks like someone is in trouble let's go and find out what it is my friend.(Wolf Warrior said to his horse who got on him and rode to where the scream came from)

Wolf Warrior: Let's go Catastors!

While riding to where the scream came from Wolf Warrior told his friend to slow down and found an open door and see what is going on in there.

Wolf Warrior: Stay here my friend, I will see what is going on in there and if is dangerous then what ever it is I will destroy it.(Wolf Warrior saids to his horse who nods in agreement)

When Wolf Warrior looked inside the room to where the screaming came from what he saw was something that was a group of people that look like two humans, a dwarf, an elf and a lizard man facing ugly and dangerous creatures which look like their in need of help.

Wolf Warrior: Goblins? how the heck are goblins here? wait a minute could that portal brought me and my friend to another world because Leanbow himself came from a different world so it has to be.

While Wolf Warrior was talking to himself, he sees the big goblin grabbing the small blonde and it looks like it was about to kill her not unless he has anything about it.

Girl: me go......please..........please........(Girl said while shaking in fear while being held by the giant goblin)

Elf: LET HER GO YOU UGLY BASTARD!!(Elf yelled while be surrounded by goblins)

Dwarf: Beard Cutter do something anything!

Armor Girl: I can't move my body.........everything hurts......

Lizard: There are too many of them what do we do!

Girl: Goblin Slayer!! anyone help!!(Girl began to panic even more)

Giant Goblin: GRRRRRRHHHHHHH!!!!(The giant goblin is about to finish off the girl)



When a voice came into hearing everyone including the goblins saw who was chanting those worlds and when they look towards the door they saw an armor man wearing red and carrying a flaming sword which brought the group shocks including the armor girl who never seen this person before or wearing that kind of armor.

Wolf Warrior: Take this you ugly asshole!! In The Of Honor Blazing Storm Slash HEEEYAAAAA!!!(Wolf Warrior said as he hits the giant goblin with the slash and it killed it instantly and then he caught the girl in his arms in which the girl looked upon the armor warrior with confusion as well as her friends)

Wolf Warrior: Are you alright M'lady, you are not hurt are you.

Girl: No I am fine but who are you and where did you come from?

Wolf Warrior: I am Wolf Warrior defender of truth, and it looks like you guys need some help defeating these goblins.

Girl: Yea.....

Wolf Warrior: Alright you wait outside with my friend Catastros while I'll help your friends ok.(Wolf Warrior saids to the girl who nods in what he said)

Girl: Who is Catastros?

Wolf Warrior: My horse and he is very protective, now go wait him while I'll take care of these bastards.

Girl: Ok good luck Wolf Warrior.

While the girl goes outside, she sees a black horse waiting outside and goes near it and Catastros walks towards and nuzzles his face to hers showing he will protect her which she giggles.

Girl: Hehehehe, you must be Catastros nice to meet you.

While back in the room the goblins get organized to attack the stranger that killed their leader in front of them until Wolf Warrior ignites his flaming sword again and walks towards them.

Wolf Warrior: Alright you ugly bastards it is time to finish you all off!!

Elf: Wait is he gonna take all of them by himself is he insane?!!

Dwarf: Well he did took down a goblin champion all by himself so maybe there won't be a problem to take the small ones down.

Lizard: I agree but I never seen such power or such magnificent armor such as that.

Elf: Yea who is the heck is this guy?

Dwarf: I believe he said his name was Wolf Warrior.

Goblin Slayer: Wolf Warrior? he an adventurer as well....I never seen him in the guild before.(Goblin Slayer thought while looking at the red armored warrior in front of her)

While the others were looking at Wolf Warrior, the goblins begin to charge at the him with all their might.

Wolf Warrior: So thats how you want it fine by me! SUPER BLAZING STORM SLASH!!(Wolf Warrior as he unleashed his powerful technique on the goblins in which all of them turned into dust)

Wolf Warrior: And that is check mate!(Wolf Warrior saids as he destroyed all the goblins leaving everyones jaw dropping to the floor while the Goblin Slayer looks upon the warrior with amazement)

Elf: How the hell did he?!!(Elf saids shock of what she just richness)

Dwarf: My that was quite the performance there, this fellow has some skills very impressive.

Lizard: Yes I have never seen such skills in any warrior such as this, he has potential.

Goblin Slayer: Wolf Warrior...(The armored female saids while still hurt from the goblins did to her)

While everyone was looking at Wolf Warrior in shock and amazement, he decided to walk towards them to see if they were alright.

Wolf Warriors: Hello there, are any of you injured or hurt?

Lizard: Us three are ok Sir Wolf Warrior but I am afraid that miss Goblin Slayer is the one who is injured and needs help at once.(Lizard said to Wolf Warrior in which Wolf Warrior looks towards the armor girl)

Wolf Warrior: Are you need of help miss Slayer, because it looks like you got banged up pretty hard.(Wolf Warriors saids to Goblin Slayer while putting his hand on her helmet in which Goblin Slayer started she passes out due to her injuries)

Wolf Warrior: Looks like she passed out from her injuries, let's get out of this place and find somewhere to treat her injuries.

Dwarf: Right but what did you do with our other companion after you save her?

Elf: Yea where is she?

Wolf Warrior: Oh she is with my companion Catastros.

Lizard: Who is this Catastros sir Wolf Warrior?

Wolf Warrior: Catastros come!(Wolf Warrior saids to his friend who appears in front of the door with the girl next to him)

Dwarf: My what an amazing horse you got there Wolf, he looks incredible.

Girl: I said the same thing when I first saw him and he is very sweet.

Elf: By the way stranger how did you find us in the first place and how did you get here?(The elf asked Wolf Warrior)

Wolf Warrior: Well when I was in the forest with Catastros training a strange looking portal appeared in front of us and pulled us in and the next thing we know that we were in a dark place until we heard a scream coming down the halls so we went to see what it was until I saw it was you guys being over run by goblins and a big one so I had to step in and help.

Lizard: A portal brought you here....hmmm that is very interesting.

Dwarf: I am more interested in that fancy armor you got there and that sword and shield.

Girl: Yea I never seen something like this before, are you adventure as well.

Wolf Warrior: No I am not an adventurer, I am a guardian of honor and truth just like the Wolf Warrior that came before me.

Elf: There were two of you?!

Wolf Warrior: Once, his name was Leanbow and he was the original Wolf Warrior until he realize that he had to transfer his powers in order to be with his family again so he gave his title and armor as well as weapons to me and I became the new Wolf Warrior.

Girl: Wow this Leanbow person sounds like a good person and how long have you been Wolf Warrior for anyway.

Wolf Warrior: I received the armor after Leanbow defeated his most power enemy Master Octomus who tried to take over the world and for the past three years I have been training day and night to become the new Wolf Warrior and protect those if darkness every returned.

Elf: So what you're saying is you and your horse there from another world and have no way to return home and faced your friend faced a powerful guy named Master Octomus from destroying the world. Now that sounds interesting as well and we never met anyone from other worlds before until now.

Wolf Warriors: Thank you miss she elf, but I think it is best we get miss Goblin Slayer some help before things get serious.

Elf: Oh right sorry I lost tracked.....

Wolf Warrior: Alright lead the way out while I'll carry Goblin Slayer and you little miss can ride with Catastros since he is very fond of your company.

Girl: Oh ok, would it be alright with you Catastros?(Girl said to the horse who nods at her)

Girl: Thank you!(Girl saids as she gets on the horse)

Lizard: Alright lets get out this dark hole and while we get to the temple for miss Goblin Slayer to heal you can tell us about your world Sir WolF Warrior.

Wolf Warrior: I think I can agree to that and you can tell me about this world as well.

Elf: Sounds agreeable after you help us out.

Wolf Warrior: Then let's get going

While everyone was leaving the darkness of the room, Goblin Slayer while in Wolf Warriors arms whispers to herself and thinking about the warrior that saved her.

Goblin Slayer: Wolf......Warrior...who are you?(Goblin Slayer before pacing out again)

Chapter 2 coming soon!

Ryan Carlos-95nicholasnm

Wolf Warrior-Power Rangers Mystic Force

Goblin Slayer-Anime

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