Chapter 2: Introductions

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After what happened in the dark halls where the Wolf Warrior known as Roy Hala defeated the Goblin champion along with the hundreds smaller goblins, the hero from another world was with the small party members at a temple where their friend the Goblin Slayer is recuperating from the fight she had with the champion while the party members sit down and ask the warrior about what his world is like and they will tell him about theirs.

Lizard: Sir Wolf Warrior, we just want to thank you for your heroic acts against the goblins that we had trouble dealing with, we really appreciated of what you have done for us.

Girl Priest: Yea I have never seen such power that warrior such as yourself can do to hundreds of goblins including a champion really amazing.

Wolf Warrior: I do what I can to protect though's from darkness even slaying ugly bastards like those goblins and I must say their way different from the goblins my friend Leanbow faced in his world.

Elf: Really what were the goblins like in his world?

Wolf Warrior: Well they were human sized and not green color like these ones here but I didn't say they were dangerous, and they all wore black armor and carry swords that can easily cut a human in half with one slash.

Elf: Remind me to never encounter goblins like those guys they seem more dangerous and ugly then these guys.

Wolf Warrior: Not to worry because they are extinct thanks to Leanbow and the mystic rangers after the defeat of Master Octomus.

Dwarf Shaman: Mystic Rangers?, Hmm I never heard of beings like them before Wolf, what are they like.

Girl Priest: They sound heroic just like this Leanbow you told us about.

Wolf Warrior: They quite are little miss, and for your question dwarf, the mystic rangers are derived from begins as the ancient titans, creatures with great elemental powers, symbolized by mythological creatures various mythologies on the rangers visors like for example, the phoenix, the spirite, the garuda, the minotaur, and the mermaid.

Girl Priest: Wow these mystic rangers sound absolutely incredible to have such powers from ancient beings.

Lizard: Very impressive, I would like to meet these rangers you spoke about they seem very powerful beings.

Wolf Warrior: Well actually after the final battle against Master Octomus the rangers used up all of their mystic powers to save the earth and bring peace and freedom to all.

Elf: Well thats a shame I wouldn't mind them join us on adventures to rid the world of these demons.

Girl Priest: Yea I too would like to see what the amazing places in world are like, do you schools for magic, how many wizards do you have, do you go on many adventures with these rangers, how big are the villages and castles.

Wolf Warrior: That something I need to tell you as well, you see my world is nothing like yours and magic doesn't really exist.

Lizard: You mean to tell us that your world doesn't have magic then how did you get this power and the armor.

Wolf Warrior: Like I said before Leanbow is from another world where magic exist in his world while in mine it doesn't.

Elf: Oh it is two different worlds, one with magic and one without is that right.

Wolf Warrior: Yes and there is more.

Dwarf: What do you mean Wolf?

Wolf Warrior: You see in my world, it is just humans and elves, dwarves, wizards, warriors, demons, goblins, dragons, and any other mythical things do not exist in my world we only see them in fairy tales and books nothing more.

Once Wolf Warrior saids this everyone looks at him with complete shock knowing that their kind doesn't exist in his world and magic doesn't either but they were impressed that demons and goblins don't exist in his world.

Girl Priest: But if that is true then what about the villages and castles are there any of them in your world as well.

Wolf Warrior: We used to live in them but that was centuries ago during the medieval times and the castles that are still standing were turned into museums for people who can learn from their ancestors and know what it was like in their time, as for the villages they no longer exist either; we live in big cities that are highly more invasive as well as vehicles that run on electric so it is just the race of men.

Elf: Just out of curiosity how invasive are we talking about?

Wolf Warrior: We developed ships that can fly in space and air crafts to fly in different parts of the world that are ten times as faster than riding on a dragons back.(Wolf saids while everyones jaw hit the ground knowing that his world was highly more invasive than theirs)

Elf: Wow that is highly invasive tech your people have, but anyway can you tell us more about these rangers before we tell you about our world.

Wolf Warrior: Sure since I don't want to bored you guys with my long history about my world.

Dwarf: Yea let's save that for another time, so Wolf what can the mystic rangers do with their powers from this titans you spoke about.

Wolf Warrior: Well you see not only the mystic rangers can use the powers of their titans but they can also turn into their titan forms to face their enemies when their master grants them the power of growth in which their powers increases.

Elf: Woah...Woah time out you mean to tell us that their enemies can make their servants grow into gigantic size and their powers increase while the rangers can turn into their mystic titan forms?!!

Wolf Warrior: Yea would you like to see what they look like in their titan forms.

Lizard: I would love to see these rangers in their titan forms!!

Girl Priest: I do as well

Elf and Dwarf: Same here!!

Wolf Warrior: Very well then, here they are the mystic rangers in their titan forms.(Wolf saids and showing the party members of what the mystic rangers titan forms look like and what they can tell while looking is that these forms look absolutely incredible)

Lizard: these the titan forms of the legendary mystic rangers!!

Elf: Wow the big green one look awesome!!, I guess that one is the Minotaur, the red one is the Phoenix, the yellow one is the Garuda, the blue one is the Mermaid, and the small pink one is the Spirite am I correct Wolf Warrior.

Wolf Warrior: Yes you are correct my elf friend, and you wanna know what happens when they combine their powers together.

Girl Priest: What do they do sir Wolf Warrior?

Wolf Warrior: With all their powers combine they all merge together to form the super titan form called a Zord allow me to show you.(Wolf saids and shows them the titan form)

Lizard: My thats all of them merge together to form into this magnificent being called a Zord.

Dwarf: My this is very interesting, and check out how it poses with such a heroic stance.

Elf: I can not believe something like this exist in another world?!! I wouldn't mind trying that out for myself.

Wolf Warrior: That is nothing you should see me in my titan form when I merge myself with Catastros.(Wolf saids while everyone eyes pop out like dinner plates knowing that the warrior in front of them can do it as well)


Wolf Warrior: Sure do but I will show you it if we are facing a giant monster or something because I want it to be a surprise for all of you.

Girl Priest: But how can you do it with your horse unless Catastros ease not an ordinarily horse.

Wolf Warrior: No Catastros is a spirit as well as armor to my titan form and with call ourselves Wolf Zord.

Elf: Kind of short for a name don't you think?

Wolf Warrior: Still working on it on the name

Wolf Warrior: By the way I never got your names would you care to tell me so I know what to call you guys.

Girl Priest: Oh of course I am known as the Girl Priest

Elf: I am High Elf archer

Dwarf: I am the Dwarf Shaman

Lizard: I am known as the Lizard Priest

Elf: And the girl who is being healed is the Goblin Slayer

Wolf Warrior: You guys only go by your titles and not your real names really?

Elf: We like to keep our real names a secret so that our enemies could not hurt the ones we care about like friends, love ones, and families.

Wolf Warrior: have a point there it is just like the mystic rangers knowing if their enemies found about their real life they could hurt the people closes to them. But I understand I will just call you guys by your titles.

Elf: Thanks for understanding but do you have a real name Wolf Warrior?

Wolf Warrior: Yes and since it just the five of us here, my name real name is Ryan Carlos and I am twenty three years old.(Wolf saids while everyone looks at him with shock knowing that he is couple years older than goblin slayer)

Girl Priest: Ryan Carlos, that sounds like a nice name for yourself.

Wolf Warrior: Thanks most appreciated.

Elf: Yea it is a nice name for someone such as yourself.

Lizard: I agree Ryan Carlos sounds like a worthy name for a warrior such as yourself.

Wolf Warrior: Thank you but I think is best to call me by title since I am new to this world and it would be best if my real name remains a secret as well.

Dwarf: Why of course, we will be more than happy to keep your real name a secret.

Elf: Absolutely(Elf saids with a smile which Wolf Warrior nods)

Girl Priest: Yea since you saved our lives we be more than happy to keep this our little secret.

Wolf Warrior: Thank you are all so kind people, now can you tell me more about this world if you don't mind me asking.

Lizard: Why of course sir Wolf Warrior we be more than happy to tell you about our world.

And so it began that everyone was telling Wolf Warrior about their world where magic also exist in this world and that they are facing a powerful demon world who wants to unleash his armies upon the world until he was defeated by group of heroic female warriors in which Wolf found impressive and that their world was filled with many people such as lizards, humans, demi-humans, dwarves, elves, wizards, sorcery's, demons, goblins, having two moons instead of one, their adventures with goblin slayer about killing goblins that invade villages and use females to reproduce their kind which made Wolf Warrrior angry that he would not yet that happened to innocent people, they also told him about the guild which is where all adventures from around the world go to sign up to become an adventure and they told them about their ranks of when they kill bigger or smaller creatures to improve their skills as a warrior or a wizard.

Wolf Warrior: It seems that your world is full of surprises and yet darkness till lurks in the shadows and would do anything to return.

Lizard: Yes it has been that way for many generations and we are still trying our best to keep darkness from taking over our world.

Wolf Warrior: Well since I am here in this world why don't I lend you my help since this world is full of chaos and violence and it could use someone to help with the cause.

Girl Priest: But don't you have to find some way to get back home, we don't want to put your life on the line for our problems.

Wolf Warrior: Like I said before I random portal brought me here and I don't know how to return home so it is better than to help those in need then just letting them suffer, so I will stay and help fight your battles like any warrior would do and I made this promise to Leanbow when he gave me his title as Wolf Warrior.(Everyone was impressed by Wolfs attitude and excepted his offer to help)

Dwarf: I like this boys attitude! he would do anything to protect those around him.

Elf: I think he might a great addition to our party, what do you two think.

Lizard: He is honorable man with a noble heart with the strength of true warrior, I say we make him a member of our party.

Girl Priest: I agree as well having someone from another world while as a warrior would be a great help to us.

Elf: So Wolf Warrior how would like to join our party and come with us on adventures.

Wolf Warrior: It would be my honor to join you all, as long as we are protecting those from darkness than I am in.

Lizard: Than it is decided welcome to the our party sir Wolf Warrior!

Wolf Warrior: Thanks, and let us look out for each other to make sure none of us falls agreed.

Everyone: Agreed!!

While everyone was getting excited for a new member to join the group a certain armored female approaches them and she is fully recovered from the fight and walks towards them to ask what is going on.

Goblin Slayer: What is going on here?

Girl Priest: GOBLIN SLAYER!! you are alright!

Lizard: You gave us quite the scare miss goblin slayer.

Elf: Yea we thought you weren't gonna wake up at all.

Goblin Slayer: I see

Dwarf: Well, your timing couldn't be more perfect beard cutter because we have a new member joining our party and he is willing to help us with our goblin problem as well as go on adventures with us.

Goblin Slayer: Who?

Elf: The same armored guy that saved our lives while he carried you all the way here in his arms.

Girl Priest: And he is from another world which makes him a great member to join.

Goblin Slayer: Could they be talking about Wolf Warrior......(Goblin Slayer said in thought while a red armored man appeared in front of the party and walk towards her and couldn't believe it was really him in person)

Wolf Warrior: Hello again miss Slayer, I see you have made a full recovery and yes I am your new member to your party and would do anything to help you deal with your goblin situation as well as protect those from darkness.

Goblin Slayer: Warrior we really appreciate the help(Goblin Slayer while trying to find the right words to talk to the person who saved her)

Wolf Warrior: The pleasure is all mine M'lady, and I will do what I can to help you and your friends here and they already told me about this world.

Goblin Slayer: I see.....

Elf: Yea now that we have interactions out of the way, why don't we all head back to the guild so we can get Wolf Warrior registered as an adventurer.

Wolf Warrior: I agree since I am new to this world, I would like to see this guild for myself and what kind of people do here.

Goblin Slayer: Very well lets get going...

Once everyone has left the temple and got ready to leave along with Wolf Warrior and his horse Catastros they begin to hop on the wagon to head back to the guild until Goblin Slayer said something to Wolf Warrior and wanted to tell him something.

Goblin Layer: Um......Wolf Warrior.....

Wolf Warrior: Hmmm...yes miss Slayer do you need something?(Wolf asked while he is on his horse)

Goblin Slayer: Would it be alright if I ride with you on our way back to the guild.

Elf: Is it just me or is Orcbolg acting strange?

Lizard: Now that you mention it she has been acting strange when she first saw sir Wolf Warrior.

Dwarf: Probably best we don't intrude on her personal life.

Girl Priest: Wait a minute is she starting to develop emotions?(Girl said in thought)

Wolf Warrior: Not at all miss Slayer, Catastros just like people riding on his back ain't that right my friend.

Catastros nods and nuzzles his face to Goblin Slayer in which the armored girl giggles which brought her party shocks faces that goblin slayer giggled.

Goblin Slayer: Hehehehe, thanks Catastros......

Elf and Girl Priest: Did she just giggle?!!!(Both said in thought)

While Goblin Slayer was trying to get on the horse, Wolf Warrior hopped off and lifted her up in which she blushed under her helmet.

Wolf Warrior: Allow me M'lady(Wolf saids picking up slayer and putting her on the horse)

Goblin Slayer:

Wolf Warrior: Your quite welcome now let us carry on!

Everyone: Right!!

Goblin Slayer: this...feeling...inside me....and why is my heart beating like crazy....when I am near Wolf Warrior?(Goblin Slayer said in thought while blushing under her helmet)

Chapter 3 coming soon!

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